SEBA Quick Start

This section provides instructions to quickly bring up SEBA.

Note: This Quick start assumes that prerequisite hardware and software (up to Kubernetes and Helm) have already been installed.

Install components as a whole

The commands below will bring up the SEBA 2.0-alpha release

# Add the CORD repository and update indexes
helm repo add cord
helm repo update

# Install the CORD platform
helm install -n cord-platform --version 7.0.0 cord/cord-platform

# Wait until 3 etcd CRDs are present in Kubernetes
kubectl get crd | grep -i etcd | wc -l

# Install the SEBA profile
helm install -n seba --version 2.0.0-alpha1 cord/seba

# Install the AT&T workflow
helm install -n att-workflow --version 1.2.4 cord/att-workflow

Alternatively, install as separate components

The commands below will bring up SEBA using the latest released versions of the Helm charts. The resulting system should work but it may not correspond to an official SEBA release.

# Add the official Kubernetes incubator repostiory (for Kafka) and update the indexes
helm repo add incubator
helm repo update

# Add the CORD repository and update the indexes
helm repo add cord
helm repo update

# Install the CORD platform components
helm install -n onos cord/onos
helm install -n xos-core cord/xos-core
helm install --version 0.13.3 \
             --set configurationOverrides."offsets.topic.replication.factor"=1 \
             --set configurationOverrides."log.retention.hours"=4 \
             --set configurationOverrides."log.message.timestamp.type"="LogAppendTime" \
             --set replicas=1 \
             --set persistence.enabled=false \
             --set zookeeper.replicaCount=1 \
             --set zookeeper.persistence.enabled=false \
             -n cord-kafka incubator/kafka

# Optionally, install the logging and monitoring infrastructure components
helm install -n nem-monitoring cord/nem-monitoring
helm install --set elasticsearch.cluster.env.MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES="1" \
             --set elasticsearch.client.replicas=1 \
             --set elasticsearch.master.replicas=2 \
             --set elasticsearch.master.persistence.enabled=false \
             --set \
             --set \
             -n logging cord/logging

# Install etcd-operator and wait until 3 etcd CRDs are present in Kubernetes
helm install -n etcd-operator stable/etcd-operator --version 0.8.3
kubectl get crd | grep -i etcd | wc -l

# Install the rest of the SEBA profile components
helm install -n voltha --version 1.0.6 cord/voltha     # Install VOLTHA 1.7.0
helm install -n seba-service cord/seba-services
helm install -n base-kubernetes cord/base-kubernetes

# Install the AT&T workflow
helm install -n att-workflow cord/att-workflow

Verify your installation and next steps

Once the installation completes, monitor your setup using kubectl get pods. Wait until all pods are in Running state and “tosca-loader” pods are in Completed state.

Note: The tosca-loader pods may periodically transition into error state. This is expected. They will retry and eventually get to the desired state. Note: Depending on the profile you're installing, you may need to check also different namespaces (for example, check the voltha namespace if you're installing SEBA with kubectl get pods -n voltha)

Your POD is now installed and ready for use. To learn how to operate your POD continue to the SEBA configuration section.