Contribute to the documentation

This tutorial assumes you already have cloned the code, NodeJs and the Gitbook Toolchain are installed.

From a terminal window navigate to the documentation root:

cd ~/cord/docs

To serve a development copy run:

make serve

This command will print a bunch of debugging information, but once completed you should see:

Starting server ...
Serving book on http://localhost:4040

Just open that URL in your browser and you'll be able to see the documentation.

Prepare to make changes

The documentation is stored in a git repository together with the rest of the code, so the process to submit a patch is the same as described here.

Let's get started by creating a new branch to keep our changes:

repo start feature/my-amazing-doc-changes

You're now ready to start making changes!

Making changes to an existing page

To make changes to an existing page, just locate the correct .md file.

An easy way to do this is to navigate to the page you want to look at and look at the URL. A URL like http://localhost:4040/developer/getting_the_code.html will translate to a file located in ~/cord/docs/developer/

Note that the files are written in markdown, if you are not familiar with it please take a look at this cheatsheet.

Most IDEs and Editors have plugins to format markdown that will give you a good preview, but remember that you have a development server running, so you can always go back in the browser and see how your changes look like.

So just go ahead and make the changes you want!

Adding a new page

If you want to add a new page create a new .md file in the appropriate location. We are trying to group together files by topic, so just try to find the most meaningful folder for your new guide. That will make it easier for others to consume and improve it.

For this example we are going to create a new page in developer/ and we will insert some dummy content:

touch ~/cord/docs/developer/
echo "# Test Page" > ~/cord/docs/developer/

The last operation we need to do is to add the page to the navigation. To do that open ~/cord/docs/ and insert the new link, such as:


* [Development Guide](developer/
    * [Getting the Source Code](developer/
    * [Modeling Services](developer/
    * [Developer Workflows](developer/
        * [Service Migrations](xos/dev/
    * [Building Docker Images](developer/
    * [GUI Development](xos-gui/developer/
        * [Quickstart](xos-gui/developer/
        * [GUI Extensions](xos-gui/developer/
        * [GUI Internals](xos-gui/architecture/
            * [Module Strucure](xos-gui/architecture/
            * [Data Sources](xos-gui/architecture/
        * [Tests](xos-gui/developer/
    * [Unit Tests](xos/dev/
    * [Versions and Releases](developer/
    * [Test Page](developer/


Submitting your changes for review

Regardless wether you created a new page or improved a new one the process to submit a patch is the same.

Start by verifying that your changes are passing the validation. This happens automatically on Jenkins, but it's always better to check before uploading a path, so execute:

make lint

Then check what has changed in the source tree by running git status, here is a typical output:

On branch feature/contribute_to_the_docs
Your branch is up-to-date with 'opencord/master'.

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)


Untracked files:
  (use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)


Note that there a bunch of files not included in git. Those files can't be added to the .gitignore as otherwise gitbook will ignore them too, so please be careful in including only the file you changed/created:

git add
git add developer/

Then commit and upload the changes:

git commit -m "documentation changes"
repo upload . -t