Kafka Helm chart

The kafka helm chart is not maintained by CORD, but it is available online at: https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/incubator/kafka

To install kafka using the cord-kafka name, create a YAML values file to configure Kafka (for developers, this is in helm-charts/example/kafka-single.yaml):

# Deploy a single replica of Kafka during development

# configuration ref: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#configuration
  "offsets.topic.replication.factor": 1
  "log.retention.hours": 4
  "log.message.timestamp.type": "LogAppendTime"

replicas: 1

  enabled: false

  replicaCount: 1
    enabled: false

Then run the following commands to start Kafka:

helm repo add incubator http://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-charts-incubator
helm install -f kafka-single.yaml --version 0.8.8 -n cord-kafka incubator/kafka

NOTE: Historically there were two kafka busses deployed (another one named voltha-kafka) but these have been consolidated.

Optional tool: viewing events with kafkacat

Optionally, you can deploy a kafkacat container to to listen for Kafka events and debug:

{% include "../partials/helm/add-cord-repo.md" %}

Then, you can proceed with the kafkacat installation:

helm install -n kafkacat cord/kafkacat

Once the container is up and running you can exec into the pod and run kafkacat to perform various diagnostic commands.

kubectl exec -it kafkacat-##########-##### bash

For a complete reference, please refer to the kafkacat guide

A few examples:

  • List available topics:
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -L
  • Listen for events on a particular topic:
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -C -t <kafka-topic>
  • Some example topics to listen on:
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -C -t xos.log.core
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -C -t xos.gui_events
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -C -t voltha.events
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -C -t onu.events
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -C -t authentication.events
kafkacat -b cord-kafka -C -t dhcp.events