VOLTHA depends on having a kafka message bus deployed with a name of cord-kafka, so deploy that with helm before deploying the voltha chart.

First Time Installation

Download the helm charts incubator repository:

helm repo add incubator

Update dependencies within the voltha chart:

helm dep up voltha

There is an etcd-operator known bug that prevents deploying Voltha correctly the first time. We suggest the following workaround:

First, install Voltha without an etcd custom resource definition:

helm install -n voltha --set etcd-operator.customResources.createEtcdClusterCRD=false voltha

Then upgrade Voltha, which defaults to using the etcd custom resource definition:

helm upgrade --set etcd-operator.customResources.createEtcdClusterCRD=true voltha ./voltha

After this first installation, you can use the standard install/uninstall procedure described below.

Standard Uninstall

helm delete --purge voltha

Standard Install

helm install -n voltha voltha

Nodeports Exposed

  • Voltha CLI
    • Inner port: 5022
    • Nodeport: 30110
  • Voltha REST APIs
    • Inner port: 8882
    • Nodeport: 30125

Accessing the VOLTHA CLI

Assuming you have not changed the default ports in the chart, you can use this command to access the VOLTHA CLI:

ssh voltha@<pod-ip> -p 30110

The default VOLTHA password is admin.

Building and using development images

In some cases you want to build custom images to try out development code. The suggested way to do that is:

cd ~/cord/incubator/voltha
REPOSITORY=voltha/ TAG=dev VOLTHA_BUILD=docker make build
cd ~/cord/automation-tools/developer
bash dev

This set of commands will build the VOLTHA containers and push them to a local docker registry using a TAG called dev

NOTE: Read more about the tag_and_push script here

Once the images are pushed to a docker registry on the POD, you can use a values file like the following one:

# voltha-values.yaml
envoyForEtcdImage: 'voltha/voltha-envoy:dev'
netconfImage: 'voltha/voltha-netconf:dev'
ofagentImage: 'voltha/voltha-ofagent:dev'
vcliImage: 'voltha/voltha-cli:dev'
vcoreImage: 'voltha/voltha-voltha:dev'

and you can install VOLTHA using:

helm install -n voltha voltha -f voltha-values.yaml