Releasing CORD Software with Gerrit and Jenkins

The purpose of this document is to explain how individual software projects that are a part of the CORD family are tested and released using Gerrit and Jenkins.

It should help answer the following questions:

  • How are projects versioned?
  • Why did my patchset fail a job in Jenkins?
  • How are binary artifacts created and published?

Gerrit has the concept of projects which map onto individual git repos. project and *repo *may be used interchangeably in this document.

Versioning Projects

The versioning model embraced by most projects is fully automated to optimize for development velocity, and has these characteristics:

  1. Semantic Versioning ("SemVer") is used as a versioning scheme.

  2. There is a file in the git repo of a project that sets the version. Changing this file changes the version of the project.

    In this vast majority of projects this file is named VERSION, and contains only the version string.

    There is also support for reading the version out of package.json, used with node.js projects.

    Other means of specifying the version could be supported, as long as they are derived from files committed in the repo.

  3. The SemVer version in the file can be either a:

    • "Released Version", which strictly matches the major.minor.patch scheme (examples: 0.1.4, 1.0.0, 2.3.4)

    • "Non-Released Version", which additionally has a suffix that indicates they are somewhere in the development cycle (1.4.0-dev0, 2.1.1-rc3, etc.).

    Whether Released Version has additional connotations ("stable", "ready for deployment") is up to the individual projects.

  4. It's required that only a single commit on a repo may contain a unique Released Version. This avoids a whole host of problems and confusion around versioning as it relates to source code management - nonsensical and hard to answer questions like "Which version of 1.0.0 is this?" are eliminated.

    This also means that there is no way to fix a broken release* using the same vanity version number*, as that breaks the one commit per version invariant. In cases like this, abandon vanity and create a new minor or patch version of the code.

    This requirement isn't enforced on Non-Released Versions - most of the time during development a Non-Released Version should be used and may apply across multiple patchsets.

    The version-check Jenkins jobs enforce this requirement, and prevent submission of patchsets that contain an already-Released Version.

    A common development pattern is to immediately create and commit another patchset that increments the version to a Non-Released Version after committing a Released Version.

    Rebasing of patchsets on top of Released Versions will need to change the version file to avoid being rejected in Jenkins. Additionally, automatic merge or rebase has to be disabled on the project repo so that the jobs that ensure a changed version file are run on each patchset. Reverting a patchsets has similar requirements - reversions must go to a Non-Released Version to avoid the pre- and post- revert patches from having the same Released Version.

  5. On submission of a patchset, a version-tag job runs in Jenkins, and if it contains a Released Version number, a git tag with that same version is created on the project repo. Git tags are not created for Non-Released Versions.

There should be no manual tagging or moving of tags that use SemVer versions. Various non-SemVer vanity tagging of jobs may have been applied in the past, but future use is discouraged.

Pre-Submit Testing Jobs

Before a patchset can be submitted on a project, various jobs are run to validate the correctness and quality of the patchset. These result in a Verified +1 or -1 to be added to the Gerrit patchset.

License validation job: *_licensed

This job does a naive license validation test, checking for certain words related to the software license in each file in the repo.

This job is implemented using the script. It contains a list of file extensions that can't be checked for licenses - if your patchset uses a new file extension that is both incompatible with a license header (binary file type, or doesn't allow comments), the extension may need to be added to this script.

The default license used on code on is the Apache 2 license contributions are expected to use that license.

Tag Collision job: *_tag-collision

This job validates that no two patchsets use the same Released Version.

If your patchset fails this job, you likely need to change the contents of the VERSION file that specifies the code version to add a -dev0 or other suffix.

Helm Lint job: *_helm-lint

Validates helm charts with helm lint --strict, and that the version of the chart has changed if the charts were modified.

Note that historically charts started from the helm create template don't past the strict lint.

Unit Test jobs: *_unit-test*

These run the unit tests included with the project. Usually these are defined in a Makefile, and by default the make test target is run.

It's expected that unit tests will output Jenkins-consumable XML test reports when this target is run. These are:

  • Test results in JUnit XML format into a filename matching *results.xml
  • Coverage results in Cobertura XML format, into a filename matching *coverage.xml

There may be multiple of these files generated during a test, and Jenkins will search all subdirectories of the workspace for any matching files.

Post-Submit Jobs

These jobs are run after code is submitted, and will tag/build/publish various artifacts.

Version tag job: version-tag*

This job creates git tags from the version file. The tag is frequently used by other jobs, so it's a prerequisite to many of them.

Helm Repo job: publish-helm-repo*

This job finds all helm charts in a repo (chart == presence of the Charts.yaml file), and adds them to another git repo, which is published on the public site.

It supports pulling helm charts from multiple projects and combining them into the single charts repo.

Publish Python modules to PyPI job: pypi-publish_*

This job creates a python module and uploads it to the Python Package Index (PyPI).

It does this using the standard python sdist process. The target PyPI project must have the onfauto user assigned Owner permissions for the publishing step to work.

Other targets such as building binary wheels aren't currently supported, but could be in the future.

Publish Docker container images to public DockerHub job: docker-publish_*

This job builds docker container images and publishes them to Docker Hub. Building images via a Jenkins job instead of via an automated build on DockerHub has a more consistent turnaround time - automated builds may take anywhere from 10 minutes to 12 hours to start building.

To use this job, a project needs to have a Makefile in the root of the git repo, which has two targets:

  • docker-build - builds the Docker images
  • docker-push - push the Docker images to a registry

It also depends on the following environmental variables being set, with these default values:

  • DOCKER\_REGISTRY - Docker Registry DNS address/IP with port and trailing slash

    Default value is blank, example value:

  • DOCKER_REPOSITORY - Docker Repository name, with trailing slash

    Default value to blank or the project name w/slash such as: opencord/, xosproject/, voltha/, etc.

  • DOCKER_TAG - The tag (portion after the :) to apply to the image

    Default value is read from the contents of the VERSION file

An example that complies with these requirements these can be found in the alpine-grpc-base Makefile.

The docker-build and docker-push may be invoked multiple times during the job, setting the DOCKER_TAG variable with both the branch name and with any git tags on the commit (must run after the version-tag job).

For the images to be pushed to DockerHub, the repository must already be created on DockerHub, and the automation group must be given Read & Write permission on the repo.

Currently the build process only creates amd64 images, but in the future multiarch images may be built as well.

Making new Jenkins jobs

There may be tests written for a specific project. If you need another job, ask about similar jobs on the mailing lists, or in the CORD Slack QA channel.

Jobs are defined with [Jenkins Job Builder] and stored in the ci-management project. Pleasesee the there for documentation on how to create jobs.

Most tests are implemented using shell scripts or as Jenkinsfiles (groovy).