The GUI is useful for development and demos. At the moment it is not designed to support the scale of data one might expect in a production deployment.

How to Acces the GUI

Once you have CORD up and running, you can find the port on which the GUI is available by running:

kubectl get service xos-gui

NAME      TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
xos-gui   NodePort   <none>        4000:30001/TCP   2h

By default, the GUI can be accessed on port 30001

To connect to the GUI you can just open a browser at <cluster-ip>:<gui-port, where cluster-ip is the ip of any node in your kubernetes cluster.

The username and password for the GUI are defined in the xos-core helm chart.

Opening the GUI in minikube

The above works the same way when running on minikube, but this helper is also available:

minikube service xos-gui

This command opens the GUI in your default browser.

Using the GUI

The GUI lets you explore the data model and gives immediate feedback on the state of the system through real time notifications.

Some basic features:

  1. Navigation: Each item represent a service, click on it to see a list of models in that service
  2. Search Box: Full text search in the data model. Can't find something? Here's a good place to start from
  3. Service Status: Reports the status of each service and it's current version.