Configure CDN

This page shows how to fine-tune CDN. The default COMAC CDN in this release is working well. However, if want more features or customize the default COMAC CDN, please refer to this page.

CDN-Remote configuration

In the CDN-Remote Helm chart, there are two types of Docker images: (i) Ant Media image and (ii) video archive image.

Update Ant Media images

The Ant Media image has Ant Media community version 1.7.0. If want to use the latest Ant Media or commercial Ant Media, feel free to make a new container. Then, replace the official Ant Media image with the new container. In order to replace the image, make a YAML file such as cdn_var.yaml. Then, describe a new image path like below:

    antMedia: <PUT_NEW_IMAGE_HERE>

After that, deploy CDN-Remote with the following command:

  • In the multi-cluster environment:
helm install cord/cdn-remote \
  --kube-context central \
  --namespace omec \
  --name cdn-remote \
  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml
  • In the single-cluster environment:
helm install cord/cdn-remote \
  --namespace omec \
  --name cdn-remote \
  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml

Change video clips

Currently not allowed. If must change video clips, then make a new image based on the official video archive image to have new video clips. However, there are following constraints:

  • The video clips must be located in /opt/cdn/movies
  • The video clips must be named as {360, 480, 720}.mp4 like the official image.
  • The video clips should be encoded with H.264.

For the flexible CDN, new patch sets will be merged to allow CDN-Remote to use different video clips.

CDN-Local configuration

CDN-Local has a single container, NGINX container. NGINX has enumerable configuration values. Among them, CDN-Local allow users possible to modify some configuration values, which is defined in /path/to/helm-charts/cdn-services/cdn-local/values.yaml file like below:

  workerProcesses: 1
  workerConnections: 1024
  defaultType: application/octet-stream
  sendfile: "on"
  keepaliveTimeout: 65
    serverName: localhost
      root: html
      index: index.html index.htm
      code: 500 502 503 504
      page: /50x.html
      root: html
  chunkSize: 4000
    live: "on"
    movieLocation: /opt/cdn/movies

If above values should be modified, please make YAML file, e.g., cdn_var.yaml, and override those variables like below block:

# cdn_var.yaml file
      workerProcesses: 1
      workerConnections: 1024
      defaultType: application/octet-stream
      sendfile: "on"
      keepaliveTimeout: 65
        serverName: localhost
          root: html
          index: index.html index.htm
          code: 500 502 503 504
          page: /50x.html
          root: html
      chunkSize: 4000
        live: "on"
        movieLocation: /opt/cdn/movies

When cdn_var.yaml is ready, please deploy CDN-Local with the file:

  • In the multi-cluster environment:
helm install cord/cdn-local \
  --kube-context edge \
  --namespace omec \
  --name cdn-local \
  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml
  • In the single-cluster environment:
helm install cord/cdn-local \
  --namespace omec \
  --name cdn-local \
  --values /path/to/cdn_var.yaml

Of course, possible to add more NGINX configuration values directly on path/to/helm-charts/cdn-services/cdn-local/templates/configmap-nginx.yaml file. In the file, there is a data.nginx.conf section, which generates the file including NGINX configuration values.

See here to know overall NGINX configuration values.

Disable SR-IOV

The COMAC CDN is running only with SR-IOV CNI. However, will make the COMAC CDN be operating with various CNI.

Getting help

Please tell on CORD Slack channel if you see any problem.