E-CORD Developer Guid

As for other CORD profiles, E-CORD can also be deployed in environments other than physical PODs. This creates a more convenient environment for developers, using less resources and providing a faster development life-cycle.

Two environments are available, depending on your needs:

  • Local Developer Machine: a development environment running directly on your laptop
  • CORD-in-a-Box

Mock/local Machine Development Environment

To understand what a local development environment is, what it can help you with, and how to build it, look at this page.

When it’s time to specify the PODCONFIG file, use

  • ecord-mock.yml for local sites, instead of the default value (rcord-mock.yml)
  • ecord-global-single.yml to mock global nodes, instead of the default value (rcord-mock.yml)

CORD-in-a-Box (CiaB) development

To understand what CiaB is and what it can help you with, look here.

To build E-CORD CiaB, follow the steps here.

When it’s time to specify the PODCONFIG file, use

  • ecord-virtual.yml for local sites, instead of the default value (rcord-virtual.yml)
  • ecord-global-single.yml to deploy global nodes, instead of the default value (rcord-virtual.yml)

NOTE When inspecting CiaB you will also need, on the global node to use

export VAGRANT_CWD=~/cord/build/scenarios/single

instead of

export VAGRANT_CWD=~/cord/build/scenarios/cord

More detailed instructions on how to develop and deploy using CiaB can be found in the troubleshooting guide.

Run an E-CORD test subscriber

When using local PODs, you can emulate E-CORD test subscribers, doing the following.

  • ssh into the the head node
  • cd /opt/cord/build/platform-install
  • ansible-playbook -i inventory/head-localhost --extra-vars "@/opt/cord_profile/genconfig/config.yml" ecord-test-subscriber-playbook.yml