Adding initial trouble shooting E-CORD guide

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index 0000000..1fa42c2
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+++ b/docs/
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+# Troubleshooting
+Having troubles deploying or running E-CORD? You have come to the right place.
+## Reset the nodes
+Through these steps we will bring all your pods back to a clean state.  
+You will need the reset scripts under:
+### Global node
+Let's start with the global node.
+#### Reset Step
+* SSH into the global node
+* execute these commands
+    ```
+    cd CORD_ROOT/orchestration/profiles/ecord/examples/
+    chmod +x 
+    ```
+    an example of the last command is:
+    ```
+    ./ ~/global-onos-fabric.json
+    ```
+#### Check Step
+Once the reset step is finished we can check if the state is what we expect.
+##### XOS
+* Login into the XOS UI at:
+    ```
+    http://<YOUR_GLOBAL_NODE_IP>/xos
+    ```
+* Click on the *vNaaS* tab on the left
+* Click on *Ethernet Virtual Lines* and make sure nothing is there
+* Click on *Bandwidth Profiles* and make sure there is at least one bandwidth profile
+* Click on *User Network Interfaces* and make sure there that your UNIs are present
+##### ONOS
+* Log into ONOS_CORD: `ssh -p 8102 onos@onos-cord`
+* In the ONOS CLI (onos>) verify that apps are loaded: `apps -a -s`  
+  The list of applications enabled should include:
+    ```
+    org.opencord.ce.api
+    ```
+### Local Node(s)
+Let's continue with all your local pods.
+#### Reset Step
+* SSH into the local head node
+* exectue these commands
+    ```
+    cd CORD_ROOT/orchestration/profiles/ecord/examples/
+    chmod +x 
+    ```
+    an example of the last one is:
+    ```
+    ./ ~/local-1-onos-fabric.json ~/local-1-onos-cord.json
+    ```
+#### Check Step
+Once the reset step is finished we can check if the state is what we expect.
+##### ONOS Fabric
+Let's start with the ONOS_CORD.
+* Log into ONOS_Fabric: `ssh -p 8101 onos@onos-fabric`
+* In the ONOS CLI (onos>) verify that apps are loaded: `apps -a -s`  
+  The list of applications enabled should include:
+    ```
+    org.onosproject.segmentrouting
+    org.opencord.ce.api
+    org.opencord.ce.local.bigswitch
+    org.opencord.ce.local.fabric
+    ```
+* Check that the BigSwitchManager configuration is properly set by typing
+    ```
+    cfg get org.opencord.ce.local.bigswitch.BigSwitchManager
+    ```
+    The output should be:
+    ```
+    org.opencord.ce.local.bigswitch.BigSwitchManager
+    name=domainId, type=string, value=<YOUR_LOCAL_NODE_IP>-fabric-onos, defaultValue=local-domain, description=Domain ID where this ONOS is running
+    ```
+##### ONOS CORD
+Let's now take a look at the ONOS_CORD.
+* Log into ONOS_CORD: `ssh -p 8102 onos@onos-cord`
+* Verify that apps are loaded: `apps -a -s`  
+  The list of applications enabled should include:
+    ```
+    org.onosproject.drivers.microsemi
+    org.onosproject.cfm
+    org.opencord.ce.api
+    org.opencord.ce.local.bigswitch
+    org.opencord.ce.local.vee
+    ```
+* Verify that at least 3 devices, a netconf one and two openflow are presentbyt typing `devices` in the ONOS CLI.  
+    An example is:
+    ```
+    onos> devices
+    id=netconf:, available=true, local-status=connected 34s ago, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=Microsemi, hw=EA1000, sw=2.6.33-arm1-MSEA1000--00392-ge9ee017., serial=SJC162300029    , driver=microsemi-netconf, ipaddress=, locType=geo, name=netconf:, port=830, protocol=NETCONF
+    id=of:0000001e08095936, available=true, local-status=connected 1m53s ago, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=2004-2015 Centec Networks Inc, hw=48T4X, sw=, serial=E101ZB141004, driver=default, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13
+    id=of:00003cfdfe9df039, available=true, local-status=connected 1m53s ago, role=MASTER, type=SWITCH, mfr=Nicira, Inc., hw=Open vSwitch, sw=2.3.2, serial=None, driver=ovs, channelId=, managementAddress=, protocol=OF_13
+    ```
+* Check that the BigswitchManagerConfiguration is properly set by typing
+    ```
+    cfg get org.opencord.ce.local.bigswitch.BigSwitchManager
+    ```
+    The output should be:
+    ```
+    org.opencord.ce.local.bigswitch.BigSwitchManager
+    name=domainId, type=string, value=<YOUR_LOCAL_NODE_IP>-fabric-onos, defaultValue=local-domain, description=Domain ID where this ONOS is running
+    ```
+* Check that the BigswitchManagerConfiguration is properly set by typing
+    ```
+    cfg get org.onosproject.netconf.ctl.impl.NetconfControllerImpl
+    ```
+    The output should be:
+    ```
+    org.onosproject.netconf.ctl.impl.NetconfControllerImpl
+        name=sshLibrary, type=string, value=apache_mina, defaultValue=apache_mina, description=Ssh Llbrary instead of Apache Mina (i.e. ethz-ssh2
+        name=netconfConnectTimeout, type=integer, value=120, defaultValue=5, description=Time (in seconds) to wait for a NETCONF connect.
+        name=netconfReplyTimeout, type=integer, value=120, defaultValue=5, description=Time (in seconds) waiting for a NetConf reply
+    ```
+### UNI Configuration assurance
+Before pushing the UNI  there is one last set of checks to make to be sure the state is properly configured:
+* SSH into the global node
+* Log in the global ONOS: `ssh -p 8102 onos@onos-cord`
+* type `bigswitch-ports`
+* find the port where *mefPortType=UNI* and write down its port number.   
+    An example is
+    ```
+    onos> bigswitch-ports
+    DefaultPortDescription{number=1, isEnabled=true, type=FIBER, portSpeed=1000, annotations={interlinkId=EE-1-to-fabric, portName=eth-0-50, mefPortType=INNI, portMac=00:1e:08:09:59:69, domainId=}}
+    DefaultPortDescription{number=2, isEnabled=true, type=FIBER, portSpeed=1000, annotations={portName=Optics, mefPortType=UNI, domainId=}}
+    ```
+    Where UNI port is number 2
+* log into the XOS UI. 
+    ```
+    http://<YOUR_GLOBAL_NODE_IP>/xos
+    ```
+* Click on the vNaaS tab on the left
+* Click on User Network Interfaces
+* Please make sure the port number (the number after the / in the Cpe id) matches what you wrote down. 
+  If not, press the hour glass at the far right and edit the number after the / making it match yours. Then on the bottom right click the save and you are done.
+## RESET Successful
+At this point you should be again in a clean state with all the configuration properly pushed.
diff --git a/examples/reset-global b/examples/reset-global
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c8ec0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/reset-global
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Resets the E-CORD Global Pod
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+password=`cat /opt/credentials/`
+docker exec -i ecordglobal_xos_db_1 psql <<-EOF
+\connect xos
+DELETE FROM vnaas_eline;
+echo Resetting onos_cord
+cd /opt/onos_cord
+docker-compose down
+sleep 5
+docker-compose up -d
+sleep 20
+echo sending tosca file
+python /opt/cord/build/platform-install/scripts/ 9000 ${password} /opt/cord_profile/carrierethernet-global-app.yaml
+echo sending json config onos_cord
+curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json"  http://${ip}:8182/onos/v1/network/configuration -d @${cord_json} --user onos:rocks
diff --git a/examples/reset-local b/examples/reset-local
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87d5969
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/reset-local
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Resets a E-CORD Local Pod
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+password=`cat /opt/credentials/`
+echo Resetting onos_fabric
+cd /opt/onos_fabric
+docker-compose down
+sleep 5
+docker-compose up -d
+echo Resetting onos_cord
+cd /opt/onos_cord
+docker-compose down
+sleep 5
+docker-compose up -d
+sleep 20
+echo sending tosca file
+python /opt/cord/build/platform-install/scripts/ 9000 ${password} /opt/cord_profile/fabric-service.yaml
+python /opt/cord/build/platform-install/scripts/ 9000 ${password} /opt/cord_profile/vtn-service.yaml
+sleep 2
+python /opt/cord/build/platform-install/scripts/ 9000 ${password} /opt/cord_profile/carrierethernet-local-app.yaml
+sleep 60
+echo sending json config onos_fabric
+curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json"  http://${ip}:8181/onos/v1/network/configuration -d @${fabric_json} --user onos:rocks
+echo sending json config onos_cord
+curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json"  http://${ip}:8182/onos/v1/network/configuration -d @${cord_json} --user onos:rocks
+sleep 45
+curl -X POST -H "content-type:application/json"  http://${ip}:8182/onos/v1/network/configuration -d @${cord_json} --user onos:rocks
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