Init commit for standalone enodebd

Change-Id: I88eeef5135dd7ba8551ddd9fb6a0695f5325337b
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a96d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+Copyright 2020 The Magma Authors.
+This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
+LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from enum import Enum
+from typing import Optional
+class DuplexMode(Enum):
+    FDD = 1
+    TDD = 2
+class LTEBandInfo:
+    """ Class for holding information related to LTE band.
+        Takes advantage of the following properties of LTE EARFCN assignment:
+            - EARFCN spacing within a band is always 0.1MHz
+            - 1:1 mapping between EARFCNDL and EARFCNUL (for FDD)
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self, duplex_mode, earfcndl, start_freq_dl_mhz,
+        start_earfcnul=None, start_freq_ul_mhz=None,
+    ):
+        """
+        Inputs:
+        - Duplex mode - type = DuplexMode
+        - earfcndl - List/generator of integer EARFCNDLs in band, from lowest to
+                     highest
+        - start_freq_dl_mhz - Frequency of lowest numbered EARFCNDL in band
+                            (MHz)
+        - start_earfcnul - Lowest numbered EARFCNUL in band
+                            (or None if band is TDD)
+        - start_freq_ul_mhz - Frequency of lowest numbered EARFCNUL in band
+                              (MHz) (or None if band is TDD)
+        """
+        # Validate inputs
+        assert type(earfcndl) == list or type(earfcndl) == range
+        assert type(start_freq_dl_mhz) == int
+        assert type(duplex_mode) == DuplexMode
+        if duplex_mode == DuplexMode.FDD:
+            assert type(start_earfcnul) == int
+            assert type(start_freq_ul_mhz) == int
+        else:
+            assert start_earfcnul is None
+            assert start_freq_ul_mhz is None
+        # DuplexMode.TDD or DuplexMode.FDD
+        self.duplex_mode = duplex_mode
+        # Array of EARFCNDL values
+        self.earfcndl = earfcndl
+        # Array of DL frequencies in MHz, one per EARFCNDL
+        self.freq_mhz_dl = [
+            start_freq_dl_mhz + 0.1 * (earfcn - earfcndl[0])
+            for earfcn in earfcndl
+        ]
+        if duplex_mode == DuplexMode.FDD:
+            # Array of EARFCNUL values that map to EARFCNDL
+            self.earfcnul = range(
+                start_earfcnul,
+                start_earfcnul + len(earfcndl),
+            )
+            # Array of UL frequencies in MHz, one per EARFCNUL
+            self.freq_mhz_ul = [
+                start_freq_ul_mhz + 0.1 * (
+                    earfcn -
+                    self.earfcnul[0]
+                ) for earfcn in self.earfcnul
+            ]
+        else:
+            self.earfcnul = None
+            self.freq_mhz_ul = None
+# See, for example, for LTE band info
+    # FDD bands
+    # duplex_mode, EARFCNDL, start_freq_dl, start_EARCNUL, start_freq_ul
+    1: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.FDD, range(0, 600), 2110, 18000, 1920),
+    2: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.FDD, range(600, 1200), 1930, 18600, 1850),
+    3: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.FDD, range(1200, 1950), 1805, 19200, 1710),
+    4: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.FDD, range(1950, 2400), 2110, 19950, 1710),
+    5: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.FDD, range(2400, 2649), 869, 20400, 824),
+    28: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.FDD, range(9210, 9660), 758, 27210, 703),
+    # TDD bands
+    # duplex_mode, EARFCNDL, start_freq_dl
+    33: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(36000, 36199), 1900),
+    34: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(36200, 36349), 2010),
+    35: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(36350, 36949), 1850),
+    36: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(36950, 37549), 1930),
+    37: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(37550, 37750), 1910),
+    38: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(37750, 38250), 2570),
+    39: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(38250, 38650), 1880),
+    40: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(38650, 39650), 2300),
+    41: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(39650, 41590), 2496),
+    42: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(41590, 43590), 3400),
+    43: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(43590, 45590), 3600),
+    44: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(45590, 46589), 703),
+    45: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(46590, 46789), 1447),
+    46: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(46790, 54539), 5150),
+    47: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(54540, 55239), 5855),
+    48: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(55240, 56740), 3550),
+    49: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(56740, 58239), 3550),
+    50: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(58240, 59089), 1432),
+    51: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(59090, 59139), 1427),
+    52: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(59140, 60139), 3300),
+    # For the band #53 start_freq_dl is float value which require some changes
+    # in the code
+    # 53: LTEBandInfo(DuplexMode.TDD, range(60140, 60254), 2483.5),
+# TODO - add remaining FDD LTE bands
+def map_earfcndl_to_duplex_mode(earfcndl: int) -> Optional[DuplexMode]:
+    """
+    Returns None if we do not support the EARFCNDL
+    """
+    for band in LTE_BAND_INFO.keys():
+        if earfcndl in LTE_BAND_INFO[band].earfcndl:
+            return LTE_BAND_INFO[band].duplex_mode
+    return None
+def map_earfcndl_to_band_earfcnul_mode(earfcndl):
+    """ Inputs:
+            - EARFCNDL (integer)
+        Outputs:
+            - Band (integer)
+            - Mode (DuplexMode)
+            - EARFCNUL (integer - or None if TDD)
+    """
+    for band in LTE_BAND_INFO.keys():
+        if earfcndl in LTE_BAND_INFO[band].earfcndl:
+            if LTE_BAND_INFO[band].duplex_mode == DuplexMode.FDD:
+                index = LTE_BAND_INFO[band].earfcndl.index(earfcndl)
+                earfcnul = LTE_BAND_INFO[band].earfcnul[index]
+            else:
+                earfcnul = None
+            return band, LTE_BAND_INFO[band].duplex_mode, earfcnul
+    raise ValueError('EARFCNDL %d not found in LTE band info' % earfcndl)