Init commit for standalone enodebd

Change-Id: I88eeef5135dd7ba8551ddd9fb6a0695f5325337b
diff --git a/state_machines/ b/state_machines/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0e32cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/state_machines/
@@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
+Copyright 2020 The Magma Authors.
+This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
+LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
+from data_models.data_model import DataModel
+from data_models.data_model_parameters import ParameterName
+from device_config.enodeb_configuration import EnodebConfiguration
+from devices.device_utils import EnodebDeviceName, get_device_name
+from exceptions import ConfigurationError
+from logger import EnodebdLogger as logger
+from tr069 import models
+def process_inform_message(
+    inform: Any,
+    data_model: DataModel,
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+) -> None:
+    """
+    Modifies the device configuration based on what is received in the Inform
+    message. Will raise an error if it turns out that the data model we are
+    using is incorrect. This is decided based on the device OUI and
+    software-version that is reported in the Inform message.
+    Args:
+        inform: Inform Tr069 message
+        device_handler: The state machine we are using for our device
+    """
+    param_values_by_path = _get_param_values_by_path(inform)
+    param_name_list = data_model.get_parameter_names()
+    name_to_val = {}
+    for name in param_name_list:
+        path = data_model.get_parameter(name).path
+        if path in param_values_by_path:
+            value = param_values_by_path[path]
+            name_to_val[name] = value
+    for name, val in name_to_val.items():
+        device_cfg.set_parameter(name, val)
+def get_device_name_from_inform(
+    inform: models.Inform,
+) -> EnodebDeviceName:
+    def _get_param_value_from_path_suffix(
+        suffix: str,
+        path_list: List[str],
+        param_values_by_path: Dict[str, Any],
+    ) -> Any:
+        for path in path_list:
+            if path.endswith(suffix):
+                return param_values_by_path[path]
+        raise ConfigurationError('Did not receive expected info in Inform')
+    param_values_by_path = _get_param_values_by_path(inform)
+    # Check the OUI and version number to see if the data model matches
+    path_list = list(param_values_by_path.keys())
+    if hasattr(inform, 'DeviceId') and \
+            hasattr(inform.DeviceId, 'OUI'):
+        device_oui = inform.DeviceId.OUI
+    else:
+        device_oui = _get_param_value_from_path_suffix(
+            'DeviceInfo.ManufacturerOUI',
+            path_list,
+            param_values_by_path,
+        )
+    sw_version = _get_param_value_from_path_suffix(
+        'DeviceInfo.SoftwareVersion',
+        path_list,
+        param_values_by_path,
+    )
+    return get_device_name(device_oui, sw_version)
+def does_inform_have_event(
+    inform: models.Inform,
+    event_code: str,
+) -> bool:
+    """ True if the Inform message contains the specified event code """
+    for event in inform.Event.EventStruct:
+        if event.EventCode == event_code:
+            return True
+    return False
+def _get_param_values_by_path(
+    inform: models.Inform,
+) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+    if not hasattr(inform, 'ParameterList') or \
+            not hasattr(inform.ParameterList, 'ParameterValueStruct'):
+        raise ConfigurationError('Did not receive ParamterList in Inform')
+    param_values_by_path = {}
+    for param_value in inform.ParameterList.ParameterValueStruct:
+        path = param_value.Name
+        value = param_value.Value.Data
+        logger.debug(
+            '(Inform msg) Received parameter: %s = %s', path,
+            value,
+        )
+        param_values_by_path[path] = value
+    return param_values_by_path
+def are_tr069_params_equal(param_a: Any, param_b: Any, type_: str) -> bool:
+    """
+    Compare two parameters in TR-069 format.
+    The following differences are ignored:
+    - Leading and trailing whitespace, commas and quotes
+    - Capitalization, for booleans (true, false)
+    Returns:
+        True if params are the same
+    """
+    # Cast booleans to integers
+    cmp_a, cmp_b = param_a, param_b
+    if type_ == 'boolean' and cmp_b in ('0', '1') or cmp_a in ('0', '1'):
+        cmp_a, cmp_b = map(int, (cmp_a, cmp_b))
+    cmp_a, cmp_b = map(str, (cmp_a, cmp_b))
+    cmp_a, cmp_b = map(lambda s: s.strip(', \'"'), (cmp_a, cmp_b))
+    if cmp_a.lower() in ['true', 'false']:
+        cmp_a, cmp_b = map(lambda s: s.lower(), (cmp_a, cmp_b))
+    return cmp_a == cmp_b
+def get_all_objects_to_add(
+    desired_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+) -> List[ParameterName]:
+    """
+    Find a ParameterName that needs to be added to the eNB configuration,
+    if any
+    Note: This is the expected name of the parameter once it is added
+          but this is different than how to add it. For example,
+          enumerated objects of the form XX.YY.N. should be added
+          by calling AddObject to XX.YY. and having the CPE assign
+          the index.
+    """
+    desired = desired_cfg.get_object_names()
+    current = device_cfg.get_object_names()
+    return list(set(desired).difference(set(current)))
+def get_all_objects_to_delete(
+    desired_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+) -> List[ParameterName]:
+    """
+    Find a ParameterName that needs to be deleted from the eNB configuration,
+    if any
+    """
+    desired = desired_cfg.get_object_names()
+    current = device_cfg.get_object_names()
+    return list(set(current).difference(set(desired)))
+def get_params_to_get(
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    data_model: DataModel,
+    request_all_params: bool = False,
+) -> List[ParameterName]:
+    """
+    Returns the names of params not belonging to objects that are added/removed
+    """
+    desired_names = data_model.get_present_params()
+    if request_all_params:
+        return desired_names
+    known_names = device_cfg.get_parameter_names()
+    names = list(set(desired_names) - set(known_names))
+    return names
+def get_object_params_to_get(
+    desired_cfg: Optional[EnodebConfiguration],
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    data_model: DataModel,
+) -> List[ParameterName]:
+    """
+    Returns a list of parameter names for object parameters we don't know the
+    current value of
+    """
+    names = []
+    # TODO: This might a string for some strange reason, investigate why
+    num_plmns = \
+        int(device_cfg.get_parameter(ParameterName.NUM_PLMNS))
+    for i in range(1, num_plmns + 1):
+        obj_name = ParameterName.PLMN_N % i
+        if not device_cfg.has_object(obj_name):
+            device_cfg.add_object(obj_name)
+        obj_to_params = data_model.get_numbered_param_names()
+        desired = obj_to_params[obj_name]
+        current = []
+        if desired_cfg is not None:
+            current = desired_cfg.get_parameter_names_for_object(obj_name)
+        names_to_add = list(set(desired) - set(current))
+        names = names + names_to_add
+    return names
+# We don't attempt to set these parameters on the eNB configuration
+    ParameterName.OP_STATE,
+    ParameterName.RF_TX_STATUS,
+    ParameterName.GPS_STATUS,
+    ParameterName.PTP_STATUS,
+    ParameterName.MME_STATUS,
+    ParameterName.GPS_LAT,
+    ParameterName.GPS_LONG,
+def get_param_values_to_set(
+    desired_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    data_model: DataModel,
+    exclude_admin: bool = False,
+) -> Dict[ParameterName, Any]:
+    """
+    Get a map of param names to values for parameters that we will
+    set on the eNB's configuration, excluding parameters for objects that can
+    be added/removed.
+    Also exclude special parameters like admin state, since it may be set at
+    a different time in the provisioning process than most parameters.
+    """
+    param_values = {}
+    # Get the parameters we might set
+    params = set(desired_cfg.get_parameter_names()) - set(READ_ONLY_PARAMETERS)
+    if exclude_admin:
+        params = set(params) - {ParameterName.ADMIN_STATE}
+    # Values of parameters
+    for name in params:
+        new = desired_cfg.get_parameter(name)
+        old = device_cfg.get_parameter(name)
+        _type = data_model.get_parameter(name).type
+        if not are_tr069_params_equal(new, old, _type):
+            param_values[name] = new
+    return param_values
+def get_obj_param_values_to_set(
+    desired_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    data_model: DataModel,
+) -> Dict[ParameterName, Dict[ParameterName, Any]]:
+    """ Returns a map from object name to (a map of param name to value) """
+    param_values = {}
+    objs = desired_cfg.get_object_names()
+    for obj_name in objs:
+        param_values[obj_name] = {}
+        params = desired_cfg.get_parameter_names_for_object(obj_name)
+        for name in params:
+            new = desired_cfg.get_parameter_for_object(name, obj_name)
+            old = device_cfg.get_parameter_for_object(name, obj_name)
+            _type = data_model.get_parameter(name).type
+            if not are_tr069_params_equal(new, old, _type):
+                param_values[obj_name][name] = new
+    return param_values
+def get_all_param_values_to_set(
+    desired_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    device_cfg: EnodebConfiguration,
+    data_model: DataModel,
+    exclude_admin: bool = False,
+) -> Dict[ParameterName, Any]:
+    """ Returns a map of param names to values that we need to set """
+    param_values = get_param_values_to_set(
+        desired_cfg, device_cfg,
+        data_model, exclude_admin,
+    )
+    obj_param_values = get_obj_param_values_to_set(
+        desired_cfg, device_cfg,
+        data_model,
+    )
+    for _obj_name, param_map in obj_param_values.items():
+        for name, val in param_map.items():
+            param_values[name] = val
+    return param_values
+def parse_get_parameter_values_response(
+    data_model: DataModel,
+    message: models.GetParameterValuesResponse,
+) -> Dict[ParameterName, Any]:
+    """ Returns a map of ParameterName to the value read from the response """
+    param_values_by_path = {}
+    for param_value_struct in message.ParameterList.ParameterValueStruct:
+        param_values_by_path[param_value_struct.Name] = \
+            param_value_struct.Value.Data
+    param_name_list = data_model.get_parameter_names()
+    name_to_val = {}
+    for name in param_name_list:
+        path = data_model.get_parameter(name).path
+        if path in param_values_by_path:
+            value = param_values_by_path[path]
+            name_to_val[name] = value
+    return name_to_val
+def get_optional_param_to_check(
+    data_model: DataModel,
+) -> Optional[ParameterName]:
+    """
+    If there is a parameter which is optional in the data model, and we do not
+    know if it exists or not, then return it so we can check for its presence.
+    """
+    params = data_model.get_names_of_optional_params()
+    for param in params:
+        try:
+            data_model.is_parameter_present(param)
+        except KeyError:
+            return param
+    return None