Init commit for standalone enodebd
Change-Id: I88eeef5135dd7ba8551ddd9fb6a0695f5325337b
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3d865c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
+Copyright 2020 The Magma Authors.
+This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
+LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+import asyncio
+from xml.etree import ElementTree
+from aiohttp import web
+from common.misc_utils import get_ip_from_if
+from configuration.service_configs import load_service_config
+from enodeb_status import get_enb_status, update_status_metrics
+from logger import EnodebdLogger as logger
+from state_machines.enb_acs import EnodebAcsStateMachine
+from state_machines.enb_acs_manager import StateMachineManager
+import metrics
+class StatsManager:
+ """ HTTP server to receive performance management uploads from eNodeB and
+ translate to metrics """
+ # Dict to map performance counter names (from eNodeB) to metrics
+ # For eNodeB sub-counters, the counter name is shown as
+ # '<counter>:<sub-counter>'
+ 'RRC.AttConnEstab': metrics.STAT_RRC_ESTAB_ATT,
+ 'RRC.SuccConnEstab': metrics.STAT_RRC_ESTAB_SUCC,
+ 'RRC.AttConnReestab': metrics.STAT_RRC_REESTAB_ATT,
+ 'RRC.AttConnReestab._Cause:RRC.AttConnReestab.RECONF_FAIL':
+ 'RRC.AttConnReestab._Cause:RRC.AttConnReestab.HO_FAIL':
+ 'RRC.AttConnReestab._Cause:RRC.AttConnReestab.OTHER':
+ 'RRC.SuccConnReestab': metrics.STAT_RRC_REESTAB_SUCC,
+ 'ERAB.NbrAttEstab': metrics.STAT_ERAB_ESTAB_ATT,
+ 'ERAB.NbrSuccEstab': metrics.STAT_ERAB_ESTAB_SUCC,
+ 'ERAB.NbrFailEstab': metrics.STAT_ERAB_ESTAB_FAIL,
+ 'ERAB.NbrReqRelEnb': metrics.STAT_ERAB_REL_REQ,
+ 'ERAB.NbrReqRelEnb.CauseUserInactivity':
+ 'ERAB.NbrReqRelEnb.Normal': metrics.STAT_ERAB_REL_REQ_NORMAL,
+ 'ERAB.NbrReqRelEnb._Cause:ERAB.NbrReqRelEnb.CauseOAMINTERVENTION':
+ }
+ # Check if radio transmit is turned on every 10 seconds.
+ def __init__(self, enb_acs_manager: StateMachineManager):
+ self.enb_manager = enb_acs_manager
+ self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
+ self._prev_rf_tx = False
+ self.mme_timeout_handler = None
+ def run(self) -> None:
+ """ Create and start HTTP server """
+ svc_config = load_service_config("enodebd")
+ app = web.Application()
+ app.router.add_route(
+ 'POST', "/{something}",
+ self._post_and_put_handler,
+ )
+ app.router.add_route(
+ 'PUT', "/{something}",
+ self._post_and_put_handler,
+ )
+ handler = app.make_handler()
+ create_server_func = self.loop.create_server(
+ handler,
+ host=get_ip_from_if(svc_config['tr069']['interface']),
+ port=svc_config['tr069']['perf_mgmt_port'],
+ )
+ self._periodic_check_rf_tx()
+ self.loop.run_until_complete(create_server_func)
+ def _periodic_check_rf_tx(self) -> None:
+ self._check_rf_tx()
+ self.mme_timeout_handler = self.loop.call_later(
+ self._periodic_check_rf_tx,
+ )
+ def _check_rf_tx(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Check if eNodeB should be connected to MME but isn't, and maybe reboot.
+ If the eNB doesn't report connection to MME within a timeout period,
+ get it to reboot in the hope that it will fix things.
+ Usually, enodebd polls the eNodeB for whether it is connected to MME.
+ This method checks the last polled MME connection status, and if
+ eNodeB should be connected to MME but it isn't.
+ """
+ # Clear stats when eNodeB stops radiating. This is
+ # because eNodeB stops sending performance metrics at this point.
+ serial_list = self.enb_manager.get_connected_serial_id_list()
+ for enb_serial in serial_list:
+ handler = self.enb_manager.get_handler_by_serial(enb_serial)
+ if handler:
+ self._check_rf_tx_for_handler(handler)
+ def _check_rf_tx_for_handler(self, handler: EnodebAcsStateMachine) -> None:
+ status = get_enb_status(handler)
+ if self._prev_rf_tx and not status.rf_tx_on:
+ self._clear_stats()
+ self._prev_rf_tx = status.rf_tx_on
+ # Update status metrics
+ update_status_metrics(status)
+ def _get_enb_label_from_request(self, request) -> str:
+ label = 'default'
+ ip = request.headers.get('X-Forwarded-For')
+ if ip is None:
+ peername = request.transport.get_extra_info('peername')
+ if peername is not None:
+ ip, _ = peername
+ if ip is None:
+ return label
+ label = self.enb_manager.get_serial_of_ip(ip)
+ if label:
+ logger.debug('Found serial %s for ip %s', label, ip)
+ else:
+ logger.error("Couldn't find serial for ip", ip)
+ return label
+ @asyncio.coroutine
+ def _post_and_put_handler(self, request) -> web.Response:
+ """ HTTP POST handler """
+ # Read request body and convert to XML tree
+ body = yield from
+ root = ElementTree.fromstring(body)
+ label = self._get_enb_label_from_request(request)
+ if label:
+ self._parse_pm_xml(label, root)
+ # Return success response
+ return web.Response()
+ def _parse_pm_xml(self, enb_label, xml_root) -> None:
+ """
+ Parse performance management XML from eNodeB and populate metrics.
+ The schema for this XML document, along with an example, is shown in
+ tests/
+ """
+ for measurement in xml_root.findall('Measurements'):
+ object_type = measurement.findtext('ObjectType')
+ names = measurement.find('PmName')
+ data = measurement.find('PmData')
+ if object_type == 'EutranCellTdd':
+ self._parse_tdd_counters(enb_label, names, data)
+ elif object_type == 'ManagedElement':
+ # Currently no counters to parse
+ pass
+ elif object_type == 'SctpAssoc':
+ # Currently no counters to parse
+ pass
+ def _parse_tdd_counters(self, enb_label, names, data):
+ """
+ Parse eNodeB performance management counters from TDD structure.
+ Most of the logic is just to extract the correct counter based on the
+ name of the statistic. Each counter is either of type 'V', which is a
+ single integer value, or 'CV', which contains multiple integer
+ sub-elements, named 'SV', which we add together. E.g:
+ <V i="9">0</V>
+ <CV i="10">
+ <SN>RRC.AttConnReestab.RECONF_FAIL</SN>
+ <SV>0</SV>
+ <SN>RRC.AttConnReestab.HO_FAIL</SN>
+ <SV>0</SV>
+ <SN>RRC.AttConnReestab.OTHER</SN>
+ <SV>0</SV>
+ </CV>
+ See tests/ for a more complete example.
+ """
+ index_data_map = self._build_index_to_data_map(data)
+ name_index_map = self._build_name_to_index_map(names)
+ # For each performance metric, extract value from XML document and set
+ # internal metric to that value.
+ for pm_name, metric in self.PM_FILE_TO_METRIC_MAP.items():
+ elements = pm_name.split(':')
+ counter = elements.pop(0)
+ if len(elements) == 0:
+ subcounter = None
+ else:
+ subcounter = elements.pop(0)
+ index = name_index_map.get(counter)
+ if index is None:
+ logger.warning('PM counter %s not found in PmNames', counter)
+ continue
+ data_el = index_data_map.get(index)
+ if data_el is None:
+ logger.warning('PM counter %s not found in PmData', counter)
+ continue
+ if data_el.tag == 'V':
+ if subcounter is not None:
+ logger.warning('No subcounter in PM counter %s', counter)
+ continue
+ # Data is singular value
+ try:
+ value = int(data_el.text)
+ except ValueError:
+ 'PM value (%s) of counter %s not integer',
+ data_el.text, counter,
+ )
+ continue
+ elif data_el.tag == 'CV':
+ # Check whether we want just one subcounter, or sum them all
+ subcounter_index = None
+ if subcounter is not None:
+ index = 0
+ for sub_name_el in data_el.findall('SN'):
+ if sub_name_el.text == subcounter:
+ subcounter_index = index
+ index = index + 1
+ if subcounter is not None and subcounter_index is None:
+ logger.warning('PM subcounter (%s) not found', subcounter)
+ continue
+ # Data is multiple sub-elements. Sum them, or select the one
+ # of interest
+ value = 0
+ try:
+ index = 0
+ for sub_data_el in data_el.findall('SV'):
+ if subcounter_index is None or \
+ subcounter_index == index:
+ value = value + int(sub_data_el.text)
+ index = index + 1
+ except ValueError:
+ logger.error(
+ 'PM value (%s) of counter %s not integer',
+ sub_data_el.text, pm_name,
+ )
+ continue
+ else:
+ logger.warning(
+ 'Unknown PM data type (%s) of counter %s',
+ data_el.tag, pm_name,
+ )
+ continue
+ # Apply new value to metric
+ if pm_name == 'PDCP.UpOctUl' or pm_name == 'PDCP.UpOctDl':
+ metric.labels(enb_label).set(value)
+ else:
+ metric.set(value)
+ def _build_index_to_data_map(self, data_etree):
+ """
+ Parse XML ElementTree and build a dict mapping index to data XML
+ element. The relevant part of XML schema being parsed is:
+ <xs:element name="PmData">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="Pm">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="V">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute name="i" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ <xs:element name="CV">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="SN" type="xs:string"/>
+ <xs:element name="SV" type="xs:string"/>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ <xs:attribute name="i" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ </xs:choice>
+ <xs:attribute name="Dn" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+ <xs:attribute name="UserLabel" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ Inputs:
+ - XML elementree element corresponding to 'PmData' in above schema
+ Outputs:
+ - Dict mapping index ('i' in above schema) to data elementree
+ elements ('V' and 'CV' in above schema)
+ """
+ # Construct map of index to pm_data XML element
+ index_data_map = {}
+ for pm_el in data_etree.findall('Pm'):
+ for data_el in pm_el.findall('V'):
+ index = data_el.get('i')
+ if index is not None:
+ index_data_map[index] = data_el
+ for data_el in pm_el.findall('CV'):
+ index = data_el.get('i')
+ if index is not None:
+ index_data_map[index] = data_el
+ return index_data_map
+ def _build_name_to_index_map(self, name_etree):
+ """
+ Parse XML ElementTree and build a dict mapping name to index. The
+ relevant part of XML schema being parsed is:
+ <xs:element name="PmName">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:sequence minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
+ <xs:element name="N">
+ <xs:complexType>
+ <xs:simpleContent>
+ <xs:extension base="xs:string">
+ <xs:attribute name="i" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>
+ </xs:extension>
+ </xs:simpleContent>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ </xs:sequence>
+ </xs:complexType>
+ </xs:element>
+ Inputs:
+ - XML elementree element corresponding to 'PmName' in above schema
+ Outputs:
+ - Dict mapping name ('N' in above schema) to index ('i' in above
+ schema)
+ """
+ # Construct map of pm_name to index
+ name_index_map = {}
+ for name_el in name_etree.findall('N'):
+ name_index_map[name_el.text] = name_el.get('i')
+ return name_index_map
+ def _clear_stats(self) -> None:
+ """
+ Clear statistics. Called when eNodeB management plane disconnects
+ """
+'Clearing performance counter statistics')
+ # Set all metrics to 0 if eNodeB not connected
+ for pm_name, metric in self.PM_FILE_TO_METRIC_MAP.items():
+ # eNB data usage metrics will not be cleared
+ if pm_name not in ('PDCP.UpOctUl', 'PDCP.UpOctDl'):
+ metric.set(0)