Init commit for standalone enodebd
Change-Id: I88eeef5135dd7ba8551ddd9fb6a0695f5325337b
diff --git a/tr069/ b/tr069/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f850c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tr069/
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+Copyright 2020 The Magma Authors.
+This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
+LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+from spyne.model import ComplexModel
+from spyne.model.complex import XmlAttribute, XmlData
+from spyne.model.primitive import (
+ Boolean,
+ DateTime,
+ Integer,
+ String,
+ UnsignedInteger,
+from spyne.util.odict import odict
+# Namespaces
+XSI_NS = ''
+SOAP_ENV = ''
+SOAP_ENC = ''
+CWMP_NS = 'urn:dslforum-org:cwmp-1-0'
+class Tr069ComplexModel(ComplexModel):
+ """ Base class for TR-069 models, to set common attributes. Does not appear
+ in CWMP XSD file. """
+ __namespace__ = CWMP_NS
+class anySimpleType(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ """ Type used to transfer simple data of various types. Data type is
+ defined in 'type' XML attribute. Data is handled as a string. """
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["type"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=XSI_NS)
+ _type_info["Data"] = XmlData(String)
+ def __repr__(self):
+ """For types we can't resolve only print the datum"""
+ return self.Data
+# SOAP Header Elements
+class ID(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ # Note: for some reason, XmlAttribute/XmlData pairs MUST be ordered, with
+ # XmlAttribute coming first. This appears to be a spyne bug (something to do
+ # with spyne.interface._base.add_class())
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["mustUnderstand"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENV)
+ _type_info["Data"] = XmlData(String)
+class HoldRequests(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["mustUnderstand"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENV)
+ _type_info["Data"] = XmlData(Boolean)
+# SOAP Fault Extensions
+class SetParameterValuesFault(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterName"] = String
+ _type_info["FaultCode"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["FaultString"] = String
+class Fault(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["FaultCode"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["FaultString"] = String
+ _type_info["SetParameterValuesFault"] = SetParameterValuesFault.customize(
+ max_occurs='unbounded',
+ )
+# Type definitions used in messages
+class MethodList(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["string"] = String(max_length=64, max_occurs='unbounded')
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class FaultStruct(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["FaultCode"] = Integer
+ _type_info["FaultString"] = String(max_length=256)
+class DeviceIdStruct(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Manufacturer"] = String(max_length=64)
+ _type_info["OUI"] = String(length=6)
+ _type_info["ProductClass"] = String(max_length=64)
+ _type_info["SerialNumber"] = String(max_length=64)
+class EventStruct(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["EventCode"] = String(max_length=64)
+ _type_info["CommandKey"] = String(max_length=32)
+class EventList(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["EventStruct"] = EventStruct.customize(max_occurs='unbounded')
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class ParameterValueStruct(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Name"] = String
+ _type_info["Value"] = anySimpleType
+class ParameterValueList(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterValueStruct"] = ParameterValueStruct.customize(
+ max_occurs='unbounded',
+ )
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class ParameterInfoStruct(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Name"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["Writable"] = Boolean
+class ParameterInfoList(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterInfoStruct"] = ParameterInfoStruct.customize(max_occurs='unbounded')
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class ParameterNames(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["string"] = String.customize(max_occurs='unbounded', max_length=256)
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class ParameterKeyType(anySimpleType):
+ pass
+class AccessList(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["string"] = String.customize(max_occurs='unbounded', max_length=64)
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class SetParameterAttributesStruct(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Name"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["NotificationChange"] = Boolean
+ _type_info["Notification"] = Integer
+ _type_info["AccessListChange"] = Boolean
+ _type_info["AccessList"] = AccessList
+class SetParameterAttributesList(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["SetParameterAttributesStruct"] = SetParameterAttributesStruct.customize(
+ max_occurs='unbounded',
+ )
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class ParameterAttributeStruct(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Name"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["Notification"] = Integer
+ _type_info["AccessList"] = AccessList
+class ParameterAttributeList(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterValueStruct"] = ParameterAttributeStruct.customize(
+ max_occurs='unbounded',
+ )
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+class CommandKeyType(String.customize(max_length=32)):
+ pass
+class ObjectNameType(String.customize(max_length=256)):
+ pass
+# CPE messages
+class SetParameterValues(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterList"] = ParameterValueList
+ _type_info["ParameterKey"] = ParameterKeyType
+class SetParameterValuesResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Status"] = Integer
+class GetParameterValues(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterNames"] = ParameterNames
+class GetParameterValuesResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterList"] = ParameterValueList
+class GetParameterNames(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterPath"] = String.customize(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["NextLevel"] = Boolean
+class GetParameterNamesResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterList"] = ParameterInfoList
+class SetParameterAttributes(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterList"] = SetParameterAttributesList
+class SetParameterAttributesResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ # Dummy field required because spyne does not allow 'bare' RPC function with
+ # no input parameters. This field is never sent by CPE.
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["DummyField"] = UnsignedInteger
+class GetParameterAttributes(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterNames"] = ParameterNames
+class GetParameterAttributesResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ParameterList"] = ParameterAttributeList
+class AddObject(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ObjectName"] = ObjectNameType
+ _type_info["ParameterKey"] = ParameterKeyType
+class AddObjectResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["InstanceNumber"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["Status"] = Integer
+class DeleteObject(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["ObjectName"] = ObjectNameType
+ _type_info["ParameterKey"] = ParameterKeyType
+class DeleteObjectResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Status"] = Integer
+class Download(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["CommandKey"] = CommandKeyType
+ _type_info["FileType"] = String(max_length=64)
+ _type_info["URL"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["Username"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["Password"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["FileSize"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["TargetFileName"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["DelaySeconds"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["SuccessURL"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["FailureURL"] = String(max_length=256)
+class DownloadResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["Status"] = Integer
+ _type_info["StartTime"] = DateTime
+ _type_info["CompleteTime"] = DateTime
+class Reboot(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["CommandKey"] = CommandKeyType
+class RebootResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ # Dummy field required because spyne does not allow 'bare' RPC function with
+ # no input parameters. This field is never sent by CPE.
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["DummyField"] = UnsignedInteger
+# ACS messages
+class Inform(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["DeviceId"] = DeviceIdStruct
+ _type_info["Event"] = EventList
+ _type_info["MaxEnvelopes"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["CurrentTime"] = DateTime
+ _type_info["RetryCount"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["ParameterList"] = ParameterValueList
+class InformResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["MaxEnvelopes"] = UnsignedInteger
+class TransferComplete(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["CommandKey"] = CommandKeyType
+ _type_info["FaultStruct"] = FaultStruct
+ _type_info["StartTime"] = DateTime
+ _type_info["CompleteTime"] = DateTime
+class TransferCompleteResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ # Dummy field required because spyne does not allow 'bare' RPC function with
+ # no input parameters. This field is never sent by ACS.
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["DummyField"] = UnsignedInteger
+class GetRPCMethods(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["DummyField"] = UnsignedInteger
+class GetRPCMethodsResponse(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["MethodList"] = MethodList
+# Miscellaneous
+class ParameterListUnion(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ """ Union of structures that get instantiated as 'ParameterList' in ACS->CPE
+ messages. This is required because AcsToCpeRequests can only have one
+ parameter named 'ParameterList', so that must also be a union """
+ _type_info = odict()
+ # Fields from ParameterValueList
+ _type_info["ParameterValueStruct"] = ParameterValueStruct.customize(
+ max_occurs='unbounded',
+ )
+ _type_info["arrayType"] = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC)
+ # Fields from SetParameterAttributesList
+ _type_info["SetParameterAttributesStruct"] = \
+ SetParameterAttributesStruct.customize(max_occurs='unbounded')
+ # arrayType = XmlAttribute(String, ns=SOAP_ENC) - Already covered above
+class AcsToCpeRequests(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ """ Union of all ACS->CPE requests. Only fields for one request is populated
+ per message instance """
+ _type_info = odict()
+ # Fields for SetParameterValues
+ _type_info["ParameterList"] = ParameterListUnion # See ParameterListUnion for explanation
+ _type_info["ParameterKey"] = ParameterKeyType
+ # Fields for GetParameterValues
+ # _type_info["ParameterList"] = ParameterValueList - Already covered above
+ # Fields for GetParameterNames
+ _type_info["ParameterPath"] = String.customize(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["NextLevel"] = Boolean
+ # Fields for SetParameterAttributes
+ # _type_info["ParameterList"] = SetParameterAttributesList - Already covered above
+ # Fields for GetParameterAttributes
+ _type_info["ParameterNames"] = ParameterNames
+ # Fields for AddObject
+ _type_info["ObjectName"] = ObjectNameType
+ _type_info["ParameterKey"] = ParameterKeyType
+ # Fields for DeleteObject
+ # _type_info["ObjectName"] = ObjectNameType - Already covered above
+ # _type_info["ParameterKey"] = ParameterKeyType - Already covered above
+ # Fields for Download
+ _type_info["CommandKey"] = CommandKeyType
+ _type_info["FileType"] = String(max_length=64)
+ _type_info["URL"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["Username"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["Password"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["FileSize"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["TargetFileName"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["DelaySeconds"] = UnsignedInteger
+ _type_info["SuccessURL"] = String(max_length=256)
+ _type_info["FailureURL"] = String(max_length=256)
+ # Fields for Reboot
+ # _type_info["CommandKey"] = CommandKeyType - Already covered above
+class DummyInput(Tr069ComplexModel):
+ """ Dummy complex model. Used for 'EmptyHttp' function, because spyne Does
+ not handle 'bare' function with no inputs """
+ _type_info = odict()
+ _type_info["DummyField"] = UnsignedInteger