blob: a09b88682aa062240e846068fa19631aa4930ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
Flow query test case.
Attempts to fill switch to capacity with randomized flows, and ensure that they all are read back correctly.
import math
import logging
import unittest
import random
import oftest.controller as controller
import oftest.cstruct as ofp
import oftest.message as message
import oftest.dataplane as dataplane
import oftest.action as action
import oftest.action_list as action_list
import oftest.parse as parse
import pktact
import basic
from testutils import *
from time import sleep
#@var port_map Local copy of the configuration map from OF port
# numbers to OS interfaces
pa_port_map = None
#@var pa_logger Local logger object
pa_logger = None
#@var pa_config Local copy of global configuration data
pa_config = None
def test_set_init(config):
Set up function for packet action test classes
@param config The configuration dictionary; see oft
global pa_port_map
global pa_logger
global pa_config
pa_logger = logging.getLogger("pkt_act")"Initializing test set")
pa_port_map = config["port_map"]
pa_config = config
def shuffle(list):
n = len(list)
lim = n * n
i = 0
while i < lim:
a = random.randint(0, n - 1)
b = random.randint(0, n - 1)
temp = list[a]
list[a] = list[b]
list[b] = temp
i = i + 1
return list
def rand_pick(list):
return list[random.randint(0, len(list) - 1)]
def rand_dl_addr():
return [random.randint(0, 255) & ~1,
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255),
random.randint(0, 255)
def rand_nw_addr():
return random.randint(0, (1 << 32) - 1)
class flow_info:
# Members:
# priorities - list of flow priorities
# dl_addrs - list of MAC addresses
# vlans - list of VLAN ids
# ethertypes - list of Ethertypes
# ip_addrs - list of IP addresses
# ip_tos - list of IP TOS values
# ip_protos - list of IP protocols
# l4_ports - list of L4 ports
def __init__(self):
priorities = []
dl_addrs = []
vlans = []
ethertypes = []
ip_addrs = []
ip_tos = []
ip_protos = []
l4_ports = []
def rand(self, n):
self.priorities = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.priorities.append(random.randint(1, 65534))
i = i + 1
self.dl_addrs = []
i = 0
while i < n:
i = i + 1
self.vlans = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.vlans.append(random.randint(1, 4094))
i = i + 1
self.ethertypes = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.ethertypes.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 16) - 1))
i = i + 1
self.ip_addrs = []
i = 0
while i < n:
i = i + 1
self.ip_tos = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.ip_tos.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 8) - 1) & ~3)
i = i + 1
self.ip_protos = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.ip_protos.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 8) - 1))
i = i + 1
self.l4_ports = []
i = 0
while i < n:
self.l4_ports.append(random.randint(0, (1 << 16) - 1))
i = i + 1
def rand_priority(self):
return rand_pick(self.priorities)
def rand_dl_addr(self):
return rand_pick(self.dl_addrs)
def rand_vlan(self):
return rand_pick(self.vlans)
def rand_ethertype(self):
return rand_pick(self.ethertypes)
def rand_ip_addr(self):
return rand_pick(self.ip_addrs)
def rand_ip_tos(self):
return rand_pick(self.ip_tos)
def rand_ip_proto(self):
return rand_pick(self.ip_protos)
def rand_l4_port(self):
return rand_pick(self.l4_ports)
# TBD - These don't belong here
all_wildcards_list = [ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT,
all_actions_list = [ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT,
def dl_addr_to_str(a):
return "%x:%x:%x:%x:%x:%x" % tuple(a)
def ip_addr_to_str(a, n):
result = "%d.%d.%d.%d" % (a >> 24, \
(a >> 16) & 0xff, \
(a >> 8) & 0xff, \
a & 0xff \
if n is not None:
result = result + ("/%d" % (n))
return result
class flow_cfg:
# Members:
# - match
# - idle_timeout
# - hard_timeout
# - priority
# - action_list
def __init__(self):
self.priority = 0
self.match = parse.ofp_match()
self.match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
self.idle_timeout = 0
self.hard_timeout = 0
self.actions = action_list.action_list()
def __eq__(self, x):
if self.priority != x.priority:
return False
# TBD - Should this logic be moved to ofp_match.__eq__()?
if self.match.wildcards != x.match.wildcards:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0 \
and self.match.in_port != x.match.in_port:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_src != x.match.dl_src:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_dst != x.match.dl_dst:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_vlan != x.match.dl_vlan:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_vlan_pcp != x.match.dl_vlan_pcp:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0 \
and self.match.dl_type != x.match.dl_type:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0 \
and self.match.nw_tos != x.match.nw_tos:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0 \
and self.match.nw_proto != x.match.nw_proto:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) \
m = ~((1 << ((self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) \
>> ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT)) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_src & m) != (x.match.nw_src & m):
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) \
m = ~((1 << ((self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) \
>> ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT)) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_dst & m) != (x.match.nw_dst & m):
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0 \
and self.match.tp_src != x.match.tp_src:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0 \
and self.match.tp_dst != x.match.tp_dst:
return False
if self.idle_timeout != x.idle_timeout:
return False
if self.hard_timeout != x.hard_timeout:
return False
return self.actions == x.actions # N.B. Action lists are ordered
def __str__(self):
result = "priority=%d" % self.priority
# TBD - Would be nice if was better behaved
# (no newlines), and more intuitive (things in hex where approprate), etc.
result = result + ", wildcards={"
sep = ""
for w in ofp.ofp_flow_wildcards_map:
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT \
or w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_BITS \
or w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL \
or w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT \
or w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_BITS \
or w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL \
or w == ofp.OFPFW_ALL \
or self.match.wildcards & w == 0:
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK:
result = result + sep + "OFPFW_NW_SRC"
elif w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
result = result + sep + "OFPFW_NW_DST"
result = result + sep + ofp.ofp_flow_wildcards_map[w]
sep = ", "
result = result +"}"
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0:
result = result + (", in_port=%d" % (self.match.in_port))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_src=%s" % (dl_addr_to_str(self.match.dl_src)))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_dst=%s" % (dl_addr_to_str(self.match.dl_dst)))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_vlan=%d" % (self.match.dl_vlan))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_vlan_pcp=%d" % (self.match.dl_vlan_pcp))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0:
result = result + (", dl_type=0x%x" % (self.match.dl_type))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0:
result = result + (", nw_tos=0x%x" % (self.match.nw_tos))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0:
result = result + (", nw_proto=%d" % (self.match.nw_proto))
n = (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) >> ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT
if n < 32:
result = result + (", nw_src=%s" % (ip_addr_to_str(self.match.nw_src, n)))
n = (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) >> ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT
if n < 32:
result = result + (", nw_dst=%s" % (ip_addr_to_str(self.match.nw_dst, n)))
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0:
result = result + (", tp_src=%d" % self.match.tp_src)
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0:
result = result + (", tp_dst=%d" % self.match.tp_dst)
result = result + (", idle_timeout=%d" % self.idle_timeout)
result = result + (", hard_timeout=%d" % self.hard_timeout)
result = result + (", hard_timeout=%d" % self.hard_timeout)
for a in self.actions.actions:
result = result + (", action=%s" % ofp.ofp_action_type_map[a.type])
if a.type == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.port))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.vlan_vid))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.vlan_pcp))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC or a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST:
result = result + ("(%s)" % (dl_addr_to_str(a.dl_addr)))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC or a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_DST:
result = result + ("(%s)" % (ip_addr_to_str(a.nw_addr, None)))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS:
result = result + ("(0x%x)" % (a.nw_tos))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC or a.type == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_DST:
result = result + ("(%d)" % (a.tp_port))
elif a.type == ofp.OFPAT_ENQUEUE:
result = result + ("(port=%d,queue=%d)" % (a.port, a.queue_id))
return result
def rand(self, fi, valid_wildcards, valid_actions, valid_ports):
# Start with no wildcards, i.e. everything specified
self.match.wildcards = 0
# Make approx. 1% of flows exact
exact = True if random.randint(1, 100) == 1 else False
# For each qualifier Q,
# if (wildcarding is not supported for Q,
# or an exact flow is specified
# or a coin toss comes up heads),
# specify Q
# else
# wildcard Q
if (ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.in_port = rand_pick(valid_ports)
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT
if (ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.dl_dst = fi.rand_dl_addr()
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST
if (ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.dl_src = fi.rand_dl_addr()
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC
if (ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.dl_vlan_pcp = random.randint(0, (1 << 3) - 1)
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP
if (ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.dl_vlan = fi.rand_vlan()
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN
if (ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.dl_type = fi.rand_ethertype()
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
if exact:
n = 0
n = (valid_wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) \
if n > 32:
n = 32
n = random.randint(0, n)
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards \
| (n << ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT)
if n < 32:
self.match.nw_src = fi.rand_ip_addr() & ~((1 << n) - 1)
# Specifying any IP address match other than all bits
# don't care requires that Ethertype is one of {IP, ARP}
self.match.dl_type = rand_pick([0x0800, 0x0806])
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
if exact:
n = 0
n = (valid_wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) \
if n > 32:
n = 32
n = random.randint(0, n)
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards \
| (n << ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT)
if n < 32:
self.match.nw_dst = fi.rand_ip_addr() & ~((1 << n) - 1)
# Specifying any IP address match other than all bits
# don't care requires that Ethertype is one of {IP, ARP}
self.match.dl_type = rand_pick([0x0800, 0x0806])
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
if (ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.nw_tos = fi.rand_ip_tos()
# Specifying a TOS value requires that Ethertype is IP
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS
if (ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.nw_proto = fi.rand_ip_proto()
# Specifying an IP protocol requires that Ethertype is IP
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO
if (ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact\
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.tp_src = fi.rand_l4_port()
# Specifying a L4 port requires that IP protcol is
# one of {ICMP, TCP, UDP}
self.match.nw_proto = rand_pick([1, 6, 17])
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO
# Specifying a L4 port requirues that Ethertype is IP
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC
if (ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST & valid_wildcards) == 0 \
or exact \
or random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
self.match.tp_dst = fi.rand_l4_port()
# Specifying a L4 port requires that IP protcol is
# one of {ICMP, TCP, UDP}
self.match.nw_proto = rand_pick([1, 6, 17])
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO
# Specifying a L4 port requirues that Ethertype is IP
self.match.dl_type = 0x0800
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards & ~ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE
self.match.wildcards = self.match.wildcards | ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST
# N.B. Don't make the timeout too short, else the flow might
# disappear before we get a chance to check for it.
t = random.randint(0, 65535)
self.idle_timeout = 0 if t < 60 else t
t = random.randint(0, 65535)
self.hard_timeout = 0 if t < 60 else t
# If nothing is wildcarded, it is an exact flow spec -- some switches
# (Open vSwitch, for one) *require* that exact flow specs have priority 65535.
self.priority = 65535 if self.match.wildcards == 0 else fi.rand_priority()
# Action lists are ordered, so pick an ordered random subset of
# supported actions
supported_actions = []
for a in all_actions_list:
if ((1 << a) & valid_actions) != 0:
supported_actions = shuffle(supported_actions)
supported_actions \
= supported_actions[0 : random.randint(1, len(supported_actions))]
self.actions = action_list.action_list()
for a in supported_actions:
if a == ofp.OFPAT_OUTPUT:
# TBD - Output actions are clustered in list, spread them out?
port_idxs = shuffle(range(len(valid_ports)))
port_idxs = port_idxs[0 : random.randint(1, len(valid_ports))]
for pi in port_idxs:
act = action.action_output()
act.port = valid_ports[pi]
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID:
act = action.action_set_vlan_vid()
act.vlan_vid = fi.rand_vlan()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP:
# TBD - Temporaily removed, broken in Indigo
#act = action.action_set_vlan_pcp()
#act.vlan_pcp = random.randint(0, (1 << 3) - 1)
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN:
act = action.action_strip_vlan()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC:
act = action.action_set_dl_src()
act.dl_addr = fi.rand_dl_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST:
act = action.action_set_dl_dst()
act.dl_addr = fi.rand_dl_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC:
act = action.action_set_nw_src()
act.nw_addr = fi.rand_ip_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_DST:
act = action.action_set_nw_dst()
act.nw_addr = fi.rand_ip_addr()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS:
act = action.action_set_nw_tos()
act.nw_tos = fi.rand_ip_tos()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC:
act = action.action_set_tp_src()
act.tp_port = fi.rand_l4_port()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_SET_TP_DST:
act = action.action_set_tp_dst()
act.tp_port = fi.rand_l4_port()
elif a == ofp.OFPAT_ENQUEUE:
# TBD - Enqueue actions are clustered in list, spread them out?
port_idxs = shuffle(range(len(valid_ports)))
port_idxs = port_idxs[0 : random.randint(1, len(valid_ports))]
for pi in port_idxs:
act = action.action_enqueue()
act.port = valid_ports[pi]
# TBD - Limits for queue number?
act.queue_id = random.randint(0, 7)
return self
# Overlap check
# delf == True <=> Check for delete overlap, else add overlap
# "Add overlap" is defined as there exists a packet that could match both the
# receiver and argument flowspecs
# "Delete overlap" is defined as the specificity of the argument flowspec
# is greater than or equal to the specificity of the receiver flowspec
def overlaps(self, x, delf):
if self.priority != x.priority:
return False
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_IN_PORT) == 0:
if self.match.in_port != x.match.in_port:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN) == 0:
if self.match.dl_vlan != x.match.dl_vlan:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_SRC) == 0:
if self.match.dl_src != x.match.dl_src:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_DST) == 0:
if self.match.dl_dst != x.match.dl_dst:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_TYPE) == 0:
if self.match.dl_type != x.match.dl_type:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Recevier more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_PROTO) == 0:
if self.match.nw_proto != x.match.nw_proto:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_SRC) == 0:
if self.match.tp_src != x.match.tp_src:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_TP_DST) == 0:
if self.match.tp_dst != x.match.tp_dst:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
na = (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) \
nb = (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK) \
if delf and na < nb:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (na < 32 and nb < 32):
m = ~((1 << na) - 1) & ~((1 << nb) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_src & m) != (x.match.nw_src & m):
return False # Overlapping bits not equal
na = (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) \
nb = (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK) \
if delf and na < nb:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (na < 32 and nb < 32):
m = ~((1 << na) - 1) & ~((1 << nb) - 1)
if (self.match.nw_dst & m) != (x.match.nw_dst & m):
return False # Overlapping bit not equal
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP) == 0:
if self.match.dl_vlan_pcp != x.match.dl_vlan_pcp:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
if (self.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0:
if (x.match.wildcards & ofp.OFPFW_NW_TOS) == 0:
if self.match.nw_tos != x.match.nw_tos:
return False # Both specified, and not equal
elif delf:
return False # Receiver more specific
return True # Flows overlap
def to_flow_mod_msg(self, msg):
msg.match = self.match
msg.idle_timeout = self.idle_timeout
msg.hard_timeout = self.hard_timeout
msg.priority = self.priority
msg.actions = self.actions
return msg
def from_flow_stat(self, msg):
self.match = msg.match
self.idle_timeout = msg.idle_timeout
self.hard_timeout = msg.hard_timeout
self.priority = msg.priority
self.actions = msg.actions
class FlowQuery(basic.SimpleProtocol):
def do_barrier(self):
barrier = message.barrier_request()
(resp, pkt) = self.controller.transact(barrier, 5)
self.assertTrue(resp is not None,
"Did not receive response to barrier request"
def verify_flows(self,
result = True
# Check number of flows reported in table stats
self.logger.debug("Verifying table stats reports correct number of")
self.logger.debug(" active flows")
request = message.table_stats_request()
(tbl_stats_after, pkt) = self.controller.transact(request, timeout=2)
self.assertTrue(tbl_stats_after is not None,
"No reply to table_stats_request"
num_flows_reported = 0
for ts in tbl_stats_after.stats:
num_flows_reported = num_flows_reported + ts.active_count
num_flows_expected = num_flows
if overlapf:
num_flows_expected = num_flows_expected - num_overlaps
self.logger.debug("Number of flows reported = "
+ str(num_flows_reported)
self.logger.debug("Numer of flows expected = "
+ str(num_flows_expected)
if num_flows_reported != num_flows_expected:
self.logger.error("Incorrect number of flows returned by table stats")
result = False
# Retrieve all flows from switch
self.logger.debug("Retrieving all flows from switch")
stat_req = message.flow_stats_request()
query_match = ofp.ofp_match()
query_match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
stat_req.match = query_match
stat_req.table_id = 0xff
stat_req.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE;
flow_stats, pkt = self.controller.transact(stat_req, timeout=2)
self.assertTrue(flow_stats is not None, "Get all flow stats failed")
# Verify retrieved flows
self.logger.debug("Verifying retrieved flows")
"Unexpected type of response message"
num_flows_reported = len(flow_stats.stats)
self.logger.debug("Number of flows reported = "
+ str(num_flows_reported)
self.logger.debug("Numer of flows expected = "
+ str(num_flows_expected)
if num_flows_reported != num_flows_expected:
self.logger.error("Incorrect number of flows returned by table stats")
result = False
for f in tbl_flows:
f.resp_matched = False
num_resp_flows_matched = 0
for flow_stat in flow_stats.stats:
flow_in = flow_cfg()
matched = False
for f in tbl_flows:
if f.deleted:
if not f.resp_matched \
and (not overlapf or not f.overlap) \
and f == flow_in:
f.resp_matched = True
num_resp_flows_matched = num_resp_flows_matched + 1
matched = True
if not matched:
self.logger.error("Response flow")
self.logger.error("does not match any configured flow")
result = False
self.logger.debug("Number of flows matched in response = "
+ str(num_resp_flows_matched)
self.logger.debug("Number of flows expected = "
+ str(num_flows_expected)
if num_resp_flows_matched != num_flows_expected:
for f in tbl_flows:
if not f.resp_matched:
self.logger.error("Configured flow")
self.logger.error("tbl_idx=%d, flow_idx=%d, %s" % (f.tbl_idx, f.flow_idx, str(f)))
self.logger.error("missing in flow response")
result = False
self.assertTrue(result, "Flow verification failed")
def flow_add(self, flow, overlapf):
flow_mod_msg = message.flow_mod()
flow_mod_msg.command = ofp.OFPFC_ADD
flow_mod_msg.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
flow_mod_msg.cookie = random.randint(0, (1 << 53) - 1)
if overlapf:
flow_mod_msg.flags = flow_mod_msg.flags | ofp.OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP
self.logger.debug("Sending flow_mod(add) request to switch")
rv = self.controller.message_send(flow_mod_msg)
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")
# TBD - Don't poll for each error message
if flow.overlap:
self.logger.debug("Flow overlaps with tbl_idx=%d flow_idx=%d"
% (flow.overlaps_with[0], flow.overlaps_with[1])
self.logger.debug("Flow does not overlap")
self.logger.debug("Checking for error response from switch")
(errmsg, pkt) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_ERROR, 1)
if errmsg is not None:
# Got ERROR message
self.logger.debug("Got ERROR message, type = "
+ str(errmsg.type)
+ ", code = "
+ str(errmsg.code)
if errmsg.type == ofp.OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED \
and errmsg.code == ofp.OFPFMFC_OVERLAP:
# Got "overlap" ERROR message
self.logger.debug("ERROR is overlap")
self.assertTrue(overlapf and flow.overlap,
"Overlap not expected"
self.logger.debug("ERROR is not overlap")
"Unexpected error message")
# Did not get ERROR message
self.logger.debug("No ERROR message received")
self.assertTrue(not (overlapf and flow.overlap),
"Did not get expected OVERLAP"
def flow_del(self, flow, strictf):
flow_mod_msg = message.flow_mod()
flow_mod_msg.command = ofp.OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT \
if strictf else ofp.OFPFC_DELETE
flow_mod_msg.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
flow_mod_msg.cookie = random.randint(0, (1 << 53) - 1)
# TBD - Needs to be a test variable
flow_mod_msg.out_port = ofp.OFPP_NONE
rv = self.controller.message_send(flow_mod_msg)
self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")
# TBD - Don't poll for each error message
(errmsg, pkt) = self.controller.poll(ofp.OFPT_ERROR, 1)
if errmsg is not None:
# Got ERROR message
self.logger.debug("Got ERROR message, type = "
+ str(errmsg.type)
+ ", code = "
+ str(errmsg.code)
"Unexpected error message"
# Add flows to capacity, make sure they can be read back, and delete them
def test1(self,
overlapf, # True <=> When sending flow adds to
# switch, include the "check for
# overlap" flag, and verify that an
# error message is received
# if an overlapping flow is defined
strictf # True <=> When deleting flows, delete
# them strictly
# Clear all flows from switch
self.logger.debug("Deleting all flows from switch")
rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, pa_logger)
self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
# Get valid port numbers
# Get number of tables supported
# Get actions supported by switch
self.logger.debug("Retrieving features from switch")
request = message.features_request()
(sw_features, pkt) = self.controller.transact(request, timeout=2)
self.assertTrue(sw_features is not None, "No reply to features_request")
self.logger.debug("Switch features -")
self.logger.debug("Number of tables: " + str(sw_features.n_tables))
self.logger.debug("Supported actions: " + hex(sw_features.actions))
self.logger.debug("Ports: "
+ str(map(lambda x: x.port_no, sw_features.ports))
# For each table, get wildcards supported maximum number of flows
self.logger.debug("Retrieving table stats from switch")
request = message.table_stats_request()
(tbl_stats, pkt) = self.controller.transact(request, timeout=2)
self.assertTrue(tbl_stats is not None,
"No reply to table_stats_request"
active_count = 0
max_entries = 0
tbl_idx = 0
while tbl_idx < sw_features.n_tables:
self.logger.debug("Table " + str(tbl_idx) + " - ")
self.logger.debug("Supported wildcards: "
+ hex(tbl_stats.stats[tbl_idx].wildcards)
self.logger.debug("Max entries: "
+ str(tbl_stats.stats[tbl_idx].max_entries)
self.logger.debug("Active count: "
+ str(tbl_stats.stats[tbl_idx].active_count)
max_entries = max_entries + tbl_stats.stats[tbl_idx].max_entries
active_count = active_count + tbl_stats.stats[tbl_idx].active_count
tbl_idx = tbl_idx + 1
self.logger.debug("Total active entries = "
+ str(active_count)
"Delete all flows failed"
# TBD - For testing only, since Open vSWitch reports
# ridiculously large capacity; remove
sw_features.n_tables = 1
tbl_stats.stats[0].max_entries = 10
max_entries = tbl_stats.stats[0].max_entries
# Dream up some flow information, i.e. space to chose from for
# random flow parameter generation
fi = flow_info()
n = int(math.log(max_entries))
if not overlapf:
# Generated space smaller when testing overlaps,
# to increase likelihood of some
n = 2 * n
# For each table, think up flows to fill it
self.logger.debug("Creating flows")
num_flows = 0
num_overlaps = 0
tbl_flows = []
tbl_idx = 0
while tbl_idx < sw_features.n_tables:
flow_idx = 0
while flow_idx < tbl_stats.stats[tbl_idx].max_entries:
flow_out = flow_cfg()
if overlapf and num_flows == 1:
# Make 2nd flow a copy of the first,
# to guarantee at least 1 overlap
flow_out = copy.deepcopy(tbl_flows[0])
flow_out.overlap = True
flow_out.overlaps_with = [0, 0]
num_overlaps = num_overlaps + 1
map(lambda x: x.port_no, sw_features.ports)
flow_out.overlap = False
for f in tbl_flows:
if (not overlapf or not f.overlap) \
and flow_out.overlaps(f, False):
flow_out.overlap = True
flow_out.overlaps_with = [f.tbl_idx, f.flow_idx]
num_overlaps = num_overlaps + 1
flow_out.tbl_idx = tbl_idx
flow_out.flow_idx = flow_idx
self.logger.debug("tbl_idx=%d, flow_idx=%d, %s" % (tbl_idx, flow_idx, str(flow_out)))
num_flows = num_flows + 1
flow_idx = flow_idx + 1
tbl_idx = tbl_idx + 1
self.logger.debug("Created " + str(num_flows)
+ " flows, with " + str(num_overlaps)
+ " overlaps"
# Send all flows to switch
self.logger.debug("Sending flows to switch")
for f in tbl_flows:
self.flow_add(f, overlapf)
f.deleted = False
# Send barrier, to make sure all flows are in
# Red back all flows from switch, and verify
# Delete a flows from switch
if strictf:
# Strict delete
# Delete a few flows, in random order, individually (i.e. strictly)
del_flow_idxs = shuffle(range(len(tbl_flows)))
# TBD - Limited, for testing only; remove
del_flow_idxs = del_flow_idxs[0 : random.randint(3, 3)]
for di in del_flow_idxs:
f = tbl_flows[di]
tbl_idx = f.tbl_idx
flow_idx = f.flow_idx
if (overlapf and f.overlap):
self.logger.debug("Flow tbl_idx = " + str(tbl_idx)
+ ", flow_idx = " + str(flow_idx)
+ " was an overlap, skipping delete"
self.logger.debug("Deleting flow, tbl_idx = "
+ str(tbl_idx) + ", flow_idx = "
+ str(flow_idx)
self.flow_del(f, True)
f.deleted = True
num_flows = num_flows - 1
# Send barrier, to make sure all flows are deleted
# Red back all flows from switch, and verify
# Delete all remaining flows, in random order,
# individually (i.e. strictly)
del_flow_idxs = shuffle(range(len(tbl_flows)))
for di in del_flow_idxs:
f = tbl_flows[di]
if f.deleted:
tbl_idx = f.tbl_idx
flow_idx = f.flow_idx
if (overlapf and f.overlap):
self.logger.debug("Flow tbl_idx = "
+ str(tbl_idx)
+ ", flow_idx = "
+ str(flow_idx)
+ " was an overlap, skipping delete"
self.logger.debug("Deleting flow, tbl_idx = "
+ str(tbl_idx)
+ ", flow_idx = "
+ str(flow_idx)
self.flow_del(f, True)
f.deleted = True
num_flows = num_flows - 1
# Send barrier, to make sure all flows are deleted
# Red back all flows from switch (i.e. none), and verify
# Non-strict delete
# Pick a flow at random that had at least 1 qualifier specified,
# wildcard a qualifier that was specified,
# and do a non-strict delete
# Keep wildcarding specified qualifiers, one by one, and deleteing,
# until everything is wildcarded,
# and hence all flows should be deleted
while True:
f = tbl_flows[random.randint(0, len(tbl_flows) - 1)]
if f.match.wildcards != tbl_stats.stats[f.tbl_idx].wildcards:
self.logger.debug("Choosing flow for basis of non-strict delete")
self.logger.debug(" tbl_idx=%d flow_idx=%d" % (f.tbl_idx, f.flow_idx))
self.logger.debug(" " + str(f))
# For each qualifier, in random order, if it was specified,
# wildcard it, do a delete, and check the results
wildcard_idxs = shuffle(range(len(all_wildcards_list)))
for wi in wildcard_idxs:
w = all_wildcards_list[wi]
if (f.match.wildcards & w) != 0:
if w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK:
f.match.wildcards = (f.match.wildcards
) \
elif w == ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK:
f.match.wildcards = (f.match.wildcards
) \
f.match.wildcards = f.match.wildcards | w
wn = ofp.ofp_flow_wildcards_map[w]
self.logger.debug("Adding wildcard %s" % (wn))
# Mark all flows which would be deleted by this
# non-strict delete
for ff in tbl_flows:
if not ff.deleted and f.overlaps(ff, True):
self.logger.debug("Deleting flow, tbl_idx = "
+ str(ff.tbl_idx) + ", flow_idx = "
+ str(ff.flow_idx)
ff.deleted = True
num_flows = num_flows - 1
self.flow_del(f, False)
# Send barrier, to make sure all flows are deleted
# Red back all flows from switch, and verify
def runTest(self):
Run all tests
self.test1(False, True) # Test with no overlaps, strict delete
self.test1(True, True) # Test with overlaps, strict delete
# self.test1(False, False) # Test with no overlaps, non-strict delete
# self.test1(True, False) # Test with overlaps, non-strict delete