Merge into master from pull request #90:
VPI-based platform support. (
diff --git a/platforms/ b/platforms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f24949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platforms/
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+Platform configuration file
+platform == bpp
+# This platform assumes BPP VPI specifications on the command line. 
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+import dppv
+# The port specification is passed via the "--platform-args" option to OFTest. 
+# Note that we must guard against abbreviations supported by argparse
+if not "--platform-args" in " ".join(sys.argv):
+    raise Exception("--platform-args must be specified")
+ap = argparse.ArgumentParser("bpp")
+(ops, rest) = ap.parse_known_args()
+if not "@" in ops.platform_args:
+    # Assume it is just a device name. Get the ports from the track database. 
+    if "," in ops.platform_args:
+        (type_, d) = ops.platform_args.split(",")
+    else:
+        (type_, d) = ("udp", ops.platform_args)
+    trackScript = "/usr/bin/track"
+    if not os.path.exists(trackScript):
+        raise Exception("Cannot find the track script (looked at %s" % trackScript)
+    ports = eval("[" + subprocess.check_output([trackScript, "getports", d]) + "]")
+    ops.platform_args = type_ + "," + ",".join( "%s@%s:%s" % (p, d, p) for p in ports)
+    print "new platform_args: ", ops.platform_args
+    exit;
+vpi_port_map = {}
+ports = ops.platform_args.split(",")
+bpptype = "udp"
+if ports[0] == "udp" or ports[0] == "tcp":
+    bpptype = ports.pop(0)
+for ps in ports:
+    (p, vpi) = ps.split("@")
+    vpi_port_map[int(p)] = "bpp|%s|%s" % (bpptype, vpi)
+print vpi_port_map; 
+def platform_config_update(config):
+    """
+    Update configuration for the remote platform
+    @param config The configuration dictionary to use/update
+    This routine defines the port map used for this configuration
+    """
+    global vpi_port_map
+    config["port_map"] = vpi_port_map.copy()
+    config["caps_table_idx"] = 0
+    #
+    # The class for DataPlanePorts must be specified here:
+    #
+    config['dataplane'] = { 'portclass': dppv.DataPlanePortVPI }
+    config['allow_user'] = True
diff --git a/platforms/ b/platforms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d72997
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platforms/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# DataPlanePort implementation for VPI platforms. 
+# The VPI-based platforms available here (bpp and vpi) depend upon
+# this module for the implementation of the OFTest DataPlanePort interface. 
+import sys
+import os
+import logging
+import time
+from oftest import config
+# Requires the libvpi and pyvpi packages
+from vpi import vpi
+class DataPlanePortVPI:
+    """
+    Class defining a port monitoring VPI object.
+    """
+    #
+    # OFTest creates and destroys DataPlanePorts for each test. 
+    # We just cache them here. 
+    cachedVPIs = {}
+    def vpiInit(self, interface_name, port_number, pcap_dir="."):
+        self.vpiSpec = interface_name; 
+        if self.vpiSpec in self.cachedVPIs:
+            self.vpi = self.cachedVPIs[self.vpiSpec]
+        else:
+            self.vpi = vpi.Vpi(self.vpiSpec)
+            pcapspec = "pcapdump|%s/oft-port%.2d.pcap|mpls|PORT%d" % (pcap_dir, port_number, port_number)
+            self.vpi.AddSendRecvListener(pcapspec); 
+            self.cachedVPIs[self.vpiSpec] = self.vpi
+        return self.vpi
+    def __init__(self, interface_name, port_number):
+        """
+        Set up a port monitor object
+        @param interface_name The name of the physical interface like eth1
+        @param port_number The port number associated with this port
+        """
+        self.interface_name = interface_name
+        self.port_number = port_number
+        logname = "VPI:" + interface_name
+        self.logger = logging.getLogger(logname)
+        path = "."
+        if config['log_file']:
+            path = config['log_file']
+        if self.vpiInit(interface_name, port_number, 
+                        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(path))) == None:
+            raise Exception("Could not create VPI interface %s" % interface_name)
+"VPI: %s:%d\n" % (interface_name, port_number))
+    def fileno(self):
+        return self.vpi.DescriptorGet()
+    def recv(self):
+        pkt = self.vpi.Recv(False) 
+        return (pkt, time.time())
+    def send(self, packet):
+        """
+        Send a packet to the dataplane port
+        @param packet The packet data to send to the port
+        @retval The number of bytes sent
+        """
+        _len = len(packet); 
+        self.vpi.Send(packet)
+        return _len; 
diff --git a/platforms/ b/platforms/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..518760e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/platforms/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+Platform configuration file
+platform == vpi
+# This platform module allows VPI port specifications on the command line. 
+import sys
+import os
+import argparse
+import dppv
+# The port specification is passed via the "--platform-args" option to OFTest. 
+# Note that we must guard against abbreviations supported by argparse
+if not "--platform-args" in " ".join(sys.argv):
+    raise Exception("--platform-args must be specified")
+ap = argparse.ArgumentParser("vpi")
+(ops, rest) = ap.parse_known_args()
+vpi_port_map = {}
+ports = ops.platform_args.split(",")
+for ps in ports:
+    (p, vpi) = ps.split("@")
+    vpi_port_map[int(p)] = vpi
+print vpi_port_map; 
+def platform_config_update(config):
+    """
+    Update configuration for the remote platform
+    @param config The configuration dictionary to use/update
+    This routine defines the port map used for this configuration
+    """
+    global vpi_port_map
+    config["port_map"] = vpi_port_map.copy()
+    config["caps_table_idx"] = 0
+    #
+    # The class for DataPlanePorts must be specified here:
+    #
+    config['dataplane'] = { 'portclass': dppv.DataPlanePortVPI }
+    config['allow_user'] = True