- Initial version
diff --git a/tools/ovs-ctl/ovs-ctl-default.example.conf b/tools/ovs-ctl/ovs-ctl-default.example.conf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2996dce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ovs-ctl/ovs-ctl-default.example.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# This is the example/default ovs-ctl config file.
+# ovs-ctl config files will be searched and read, by default, int he following
+# order:
+# /opt/ovs/ovs-ctl-default.conf
+# ~/.ovs-ctl
+# This behavior can be modified and change specifically on the command line:
+# Change the location of the default config file:
+# > ovs-ctl --default-config-file=/path/to/file
+# Disable the default config file:
+# > ovs-ctl --no-default
+# Read these specific config files:
+# > ovs-ctl --config-file file1 file2 file3
+# Note: The default config file reading behavior is equivalent to:
+# > ovs-ctl --default /opt/ovs/ovs-ctl-default.conf --config-file ~/.ovs-ctl
+# This is also equivalent to:
+# > ovs-ctl --no-default --config-file /opt/ovs/ovs-ctl-default.conf ~/.ovs-ctl
+# Default options can be specified here
+# Default all configurations to 1.4.0
+# Specific OVS configurations go here
+# ovs-1.4.0, configured and built into /opt/ovs/1.4.0
+# Can be selected with 'ovs-ctl.py --config 1.4.0'
+# ovs-1.3.0, configured and built into /opt/ovs/1.3.0
+# Can be selected with 'ovsctl.py --config 1.3.0'
+# ovs-1.2.2, configured and built into /opt/ovs/1.2.2
+# Can be selected with 'ovsctl.py --config 1.2.2'
+# In the above configurations, the locations of the tools
+# are derived by ovs-ctl relative to 'ovs_src_dir' and 'ovs_base_dir'
+# Individual tools and locations can be specified directly in
+# the configuration (as well as the command line):
+# Try:
+# 'ovs-ctl.py --no-default --config-file ovs-ctl-default.example.conf --config MyExample'
+# In general, every command line option can be specified in a config file section.
+# The precedence of options is:
+# 1. Command Line Options
+# 2. [The Config You Specified]
+# 3. [The Defaults sections]
diff --git a/tools/ovs-ctl/ovs-ctl.py b/tools/ovs-ctl/ovs-ctl.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5df57d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/ovs-ctl/ovs-ctl.py
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+import os
+import subprocess
+import argparse
+import sys
+import signal
+import time
+import ConfigParser
+import pprint
+# Arguments
+# Arguments can be specified directly, or via config file.
+# TODO -- Make this a separate reusable class
+gBasename = "ovs-ctl"
+gConfigParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=gBasename, add_help=False)
+gConfigParser.add_argument('-cf', '--config-file',
+ help="Load settings from the given config file",
+ nargs='+', metavar="FILE",
+ default=os.path.expanduser("~/."+gBasename))
+gConfigParser.add_argument('-c', '--config',
+ help="Use the specified configuration section",
+ default=None)
+gConfigParser.add_argument('-d', '--default-config-file',
+ help="Location of the local default config file",
+ metavar="FILE",
+ default="/opt/ovs/%s-default.conf" % (gBasename))
+gConfigParser.add_argument('-nd', '--no-default',
+ help="Do not load the default config file",
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ help="Dump the loaded configuration settings",
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+# Parse the config files first, then parse remaining command line arguments
+gConfig = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
+configArgs, remainingArgs = gConfigParser.parse_known_args()
+if not configArgs.no_default:
+ gConfig.read([configArgs.default_config_file])
+if isinstance(configArgs.config_file, str):
+ configFiles = [ configArgs.config_file]
+ configFiles = configArgs.config_file
+configFiles = [ os.path.expanduser(x) if x.startswith('~') else x
+ for x in configFiles ]
+# Dump loaded config if requested
+if configArgs.dump_config:
+ for section in gConfig.sections():
+ print section
+ for option in gConfig.options(section):
+ print " ", option, "=", gConfig.get(section, option)
+ sys.exit()
+# Functional arguments go here
+# OVS target binaries -- these can all be specified individually.
+# If not specified, they are determined by the base directory settings
+gParser = argparse.ArgumentParser(parents=[gConfigParser])
+ help="""Path to the vswitchd.ovsschema file""")
+ help="""Path to the vswitchd log file""")
+ help="""Path to the target ovs-vswitchd binary""")
+ help="""Path to the target ovs-vsctl binary""")
+ help="""Path to the target ovs-ofctl binary""")
+ help="""Path to the target ovsdb-tool binary""")
+ help="""Path to the target ovsdb-server binary""")
+ help="""Path to the OVS kernel module""")
+ help="""Directory for the OVS Source Files""")
+ help="""Directory for the OVS Runtime Log Files""")
+gParser.add_argument("--ovs-base-dir", help="OVS Base Installation Directory")
+ help="OVS Runtime Directory",
+ default="/var/run/ovs")
+ help="Domain Socket Location")
+ help="Location for the OVS database file")
+# Logging/Debugging/Testing options
+ help="""Dry run only. Don't actually do anything""",
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ help='Enable logging',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+ help='Enable verbose output information',
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+gParser.add_argument("--kill", help="Kill running OVS",
+ default=False, action='store_true')
+ help="""By default, all existing veths will be destroyed and
+the veth module removed before initializing. If you don't want the veth module
+removed, specify this argument. Your mileage may vary if you use this.""",
+ default=False, action='store_true')
+ help="""Do not attempt to insert or remove the OVS kernel module.
+Your mileage may vary.""",
+ default=False, action='store_true')
+ help="""Tail the running vswitch.log file in a new xterm""",
+ default=False, action='store_true')
+# Runtime and setup arguments
+gParser.add_argument('-p', '--port-count', type=int,
+ help="Number of veth ports to connect.",
+ default='4')
+gParser.add_argument("--bridge", help="Name of OF OVS Bridge",
+ default="ofbr0")
+gParser.add_argument("--cip", help="Controller Connection",
+ default="")
+gParser.add_argument("--cport", type=int, help="Controller Port",
+ default=6633)
+gParser.add_argument("--max_backoff", help="VSwitchD max backoff value",
+ default=1000, type=int)
+ help="""By default, a new database is initialized at each
+execution. If you want to keep and use the old database (if it exists),
+use this option""",
+ action='store_true', default=False)
+# Reset defaults based on config files and override
+# Anything in the "Defaults" section gets slurped first:
+defaults = {}
+if gConfig.has_section('Defaults'):
+ defaults = dict(gConfig.items('Defaults'))
+ gParser.set_defaults(**defaults)
+# The configuration to execute might be specified in on the command line, or in the Defaults section(s)
+# of the config files.
+# If its specified on the command line, it will be present in configArgs.config
+# If its specified in the section, it will only be present in the defaults dict.
+# Need to check both. Command line takes precedence.
+gConfigSection = None
+if configArgs.config != None:
+ gConfigSection = configArgs.config
+elif defaults.has_key('config'):
+ gConfigSection = defaults['config']
+if gConfigSection != None:
+ if gConfig.has_section(gConfigSection):
+ section = dict(gConfig.items(gConfigSection))
+ gParser.set_defaults(**section)
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Requestion configuration '%s' does not exist" % (configArgs.config)
+ sys.exit()
+# Done with argument setup. Parser remaining arguments
+gArgs = gParser.parse_args(remainingArgs)
+# At the end of all of this, we need the following things to be defined
+# or derived:
+gRequiredOptions = [
+ [ 'ovs_vswitchd_schema', 'ovs_src_dir', '/vswitchd/vswitch.ovsschema', True, True ],
+ [ 'ovs_vswitchd', 'ovs_base_dir', '/sbin/ovs-vswitchd', True, True ],
+ [ 'ovs_vsctl', 'ovs_base_dir', '/bin/ovs-vsctl', True, True ],
+ [ 'ovs_ofctl', 'ovs_base_dir', '/bin/ovs-ofctl', True, True ],
+ [ 'ovsdb_tool', 'ovs_base_dir', '/bin/ovsdb-tool', True, True, ],
+ [ 'ovsdb_server', 'ovs_base_dir', '/sbin/ovsdb-server', True, True, ],
+ [ 'ovs_db_file', 'ovs_base_dir', '/ovs.db', False, True, ],
+ [ 'ovs_db_sock', 'ovs_runtime_dir', '/db.sock', False, True, ],
+ [ 'ovs_kmod', 'ovs_base_dir', '/sbin/openvswitch_mod.ko', True, not gArgs.no_kmod ],
+def __require_option(key, basedir, path, exists=True):
+ value = getattr(gArgs, key)
+ if value is None:
+ # Unspecified -- try to default based on given path
+ value = getattr(gArgs, basedir)
+ if value is None:
+ return False
+ value += path
+ if exists and not os.path.exists(value):
+ return False
+ if gArgs.verbose:
+ print '--v-- option: %s @ %s' % (key, value)
+ setattr(gArgs, key, value)
+Validated = True
+# Try to validate as many things as we can
+for option in gRequiredOptions:
+ if option[4]:
+ if __require_option(option[0], option[1], option[2], option[3]) == False:
+ Validated = False
+# If any of them failed, try to be as helpful as possible
+if Validated == False:
+ print >>sys.stdout, "\nConfiguration problem. One or more required settings are missing or could not be derived:\n"
+ for option in gRequiredOptions:
+ if option[4] is False:
+ continue
+ value = getattr(gArgs, option[0])
+ if value:
+ print >>sys.stdout, " %s: %s" % (option[0], value),
+ if option[3] and not os.path.exists(value):
+ print >>sys.stdout, "-- does not exist"
+ else:
+ print "(OK)"
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stdout, " %s: Unknown. " % (option[0]),
+ base = getattr(gArgs, option[1])
+ if base:
+ print >>sys.stdout, "Search path was '%s'." % (base + option[2])
+ else:
+ print >>sys.stdout, "Could not derive path because '%s' was also unspecified." % (option[1])
+ print >>sys.stdout
+ sys.exit()
+# If we aren't in a dry run, you must execute as root to accompish anything
+if not os.geteuid() == 0 and gArgs.dry == False:
+ print >>sys.stderr, "Must run as root to accomplish any of this."
+ sys.exit()
+# Helpers
+def createVeths(count):
+ for idx in range(0, count):
+ lcall(["/sbin/ip", "link", "add", "type", "veth"])
+def vethsUp(count):
+ for idx in range(0, count*2):
+ lcall(["/sbin/ifconfig", 'veth%s' % (idx), "up"])
+def lcall(cmd, log=gArgs.log, dry=gArgs.dry, popen=False,
+ pidFile=None):
+ if log or gArgs.verbose:
+ print "%s: %s" % ('popen' if popen else 'call', cmd)
+ if not dry:
+ if not popen:
+ subprocess.call(cmd)
+ else:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
+ if pidFile != None:
+ pidf = open(pidFile, "w");
+ print >>pidf, p.pid
+ pidf.close()
+def vsctl(argsList):
+ argsList.insert(0, "--db=unix:%s" % (gArgs.ovs_db_sock))
+ argsList.insert(0, gArgs.ovs_vsctl)
+ lcall(argsList)
+def ofctl(argsList):
+ argsList.insert(0, gArgs.ovs_ofctl)
+ lcall(argsList)
+def killpid(pid):
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
+ return False
+ except OSError, e:
+ return True
+def killp(pidfile):
+ if os.path.exists(pidfile):
+ pid=int(open(pidfile).read())
+ print "Killing %s, pid=%s..." % (pidfile, pid),
+ if not gArgs.dry:
+ while not killpid(pid):
+ time.sleep(1)
+ pass
+ print "dead"
+# main
+gServerPid = gArgs.ovs_runtime_dir + "/ovsdb-server.pid"
+gSwitchPid = gArgs.ovs_runtime_dir + "/ovs-vswitchd.pid"
+gLogPid= gArgs.ovs_runtime_dir + "/ovs-vswitchd-tail.pid"
+# Kill previous execution based on contents of the runtime dir
+if os.path.exists(gServerPid):
+ print gServerPid
+ vsctl(["del-br", gArgs.bridge])
+# Kill existing DB/vswitchd
+# Remove old logpid file, since this does not happen automagically
+if os.path.exists(gLogPid):
+ os.remove(gLogPid)
+if gArgs.keep_veths == False:
+ lcall(['/sbin/rmmod', 'veth'])
+ lcall(['/sbin/modprobe', 'veth'])
+# Remove kmod
+lcall(['/sbin/rmmod', gArgs.ovs_kmod])
+if gArgs.kill == True:
+ # Don't do anything else
+ sys.exit()
+# Remove bridge module
+lcall(['/sbin/rmmod', 'bridge'])
+# Insert openvswitch module
+lcall(['/sbin/insmod', gArgs.ovs_kmod])
+if not os.path.exists(gArgs.ovs_db_file) or gArgs.keep_db == False:
+ print "Initializing DB @ %s" % (gArgs.ovs_db_file)
+ if os.path.exists(gArgs.ovs_db_file) and not gArgs.dry:
+ os.remove(gArgs.ovs_db_file)
+ lcall([gArgs.ovsdb_tool, "create", gArgs.ovs_db_file,
+ gArgs.ovs_vswitchd_schema])
+ print "Keeping existing DB @ %s" % (gArgs.ovs_db_file)
+if not os.path.exists(gArgs.ovs_runtime_dir):
+ os.makedirs(gArgs.ovs_runtime_dir)
+# Start dbserver
+lcall([gArgs.ovsdb_server, gArgs.ovs_db_file,
+ "--remote=punix:%s" % (gArgs.ovs_db_sock),
+ "--detach", "--pidfile=%s" % (gServerPid)])
+# Init db
+vsctl(["--no-wait", "init"])
+# Start vswitchd
+startV = [ gArgs.ovs_vswitchd,
+ "unix:%s" % (gArgs.ovs_db_sock),
+ "--verbose", "--detach",
+ "--pidfile=%s" % (gSwitchPid) ]
+if gArgs.ovs_vswitchd_log:
+ startV.append("--log-file=%s" % (gArgs.ovs_vswitchd_log))
+if gArgs.vlog:
+ lcall(["xterm", "-T", "vswitchd-log", "-e", "tail", "-f",
+ gArgs.ovs_vswitchd_log],
+ popen=True, pidFile=gLogPid)
+# Add a bridge
+vsctl(["add-br", gArgs.bridge])
+ofctl(["show", gArgs.bridge])
+# Add Veths to bridge
+for idx in range(0, gArgs.port_count):
+ vsctl(["add-port", gArgs.bridge, "veth%s" % (idx*2)])
+# Set controller
+vsctl(["set-controller", gArgs.bridge, "tcp:%s:%s" % (
+ gArgs.cip, gArgs.cport)])
+# Minimize default backoff for controller connections
+vsctl(["set", "Controller", gArgs.bridge,
+ "max_backoff=%s" % (gArgs.max_backoff)])
+ofctl(["show", gArgs.bridge])