Initial addition of packet action test module
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
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index 0000000..eb34e7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
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+Test cases for testing actions taken on packets
+See for other info.
+It is recommended that these definitions be kept in their own
+namespace as different groups of tests will likely define
+similar identifiers.
+ The function test_set_init is called with a complete configuration
+dictionary prior to the invocation of any tests from this file.
+ The switch is actively attempting to contact the controller at the address
+indicated oin oft_config
+import logging
+import unittest
+import oftest.controller as controller
+import oftest.cstruct as ofp
+import oftest.message as message
+import oftest.dataplane as dataplane
+import oftest.action as action
+import oftest.parse as parse
+import basic
+from testutils import *
+#@var port_map Local copy of the configuration map from OF port
+# numbers to OS interfaces
+pa_port_map = None
+#@var pa_logger Local logger object
+pa_logger = None
+#@var pa_config Local copy of global configuration data
+pa_config = None
+def test_set_init(config):
+ """
+ Set up function for packet action test classes
+ @param config The configuration dictionary; see oft
+ """
+ global pa_port_map
+ global pa_logger
+ global pa_config
+ pa_logger = logging.getLogger("pkt_act")
+"Initializing test set")
+ pa_port_map = config["port_map"]
+ pa_config = config
+class DirectPacket(basic.SimpleDataPlane):
+ """
+ Test case that checks single port direction action
+ Generate a packet
+ Generate and install a matching flow
+ Add action to direct the packet to an egress port
+ Send the packet to ingress dataplane port
+ Verify the packet is received at the egress port only
+ """
+ def runTest(self):
+ global pa_port_map
+ of_ports = pa_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ self.assertTrue(len(of_ports) > 1, "Not enough ports for test")
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, pa_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+ pkt = simple_tcp_packet()
+ match = parse.packet_to_flow_match(pkt)
+ self.assertTrue(match is not None,
+ "Could not generate flow match from pkt")
+ act = action.action_output()
+ for idx in range(len(of_ports)):
+ ingress_port = of_ports[idx]
+ egress_port = of_ports[(idx + 1) % len(of_ports)]
+"Ingress " + str(ingress_port) +
+ " to egress " + str(egress_port))
+ match.in_port = ingress_port
+ request = message.flow_mod()
+ request.match = match
+ request.buffer_id = 0xffffffff
+ act.port = egress_port
+ self.assertTrue(request.actions.add(act), "Could not add action")
+"Inserting flow")
+ rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
+ self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Error installing flow mod")
+ do_barrier(self.controller)
+"Sending packet to dp port " +
+ str(ingress_port))
+ self.dataplane.send(ingress_port, str(pkt))
+ (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, pkt_time) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=1)
+ self.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None, "Did not receive packet")
+ pa_logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(pkt)) + " in on " +
+ str(rcv_port))
+ self.assertEqual(rcv_port, egress_port, "Unexpected receive port")
+ self.assertEqual(str(pkt), str(rcv_pkt),
+ 'Response packet does not match send packet')