import OpenFlow 1.2 protocol module and basic test cases from CPqD/oftest12
For now these tests will live in a separate directory. The goal is to merge
them where possible but this has to wait for an OpenFlow protocol module that
supports all versions of OpenFlow.
diff --git a/src/python/of12/ b/src/python/of12/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd60deb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/of12/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# Class to array member map
+class_to_members_map = {
+ 'ofp_aggregate_stats_reply' : [
+ 'packet_count',
+ 'byte_count',
+ 'flow_count'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_role_request' : [
+ 'role',
+ 'generation_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_table_stats' : [
+ 'table_id',
+ 'name',
+ 'match',
+ 'wildcards',
+ 'write_actions',
+ 'apply_actions',
+ 'write_setfields',
+ 'apply_setfields',
+ 'metadata_match',
+ 'metadata_write',
+ 'instructions',
+ 'config',
+ 'max_entries',
+ 'active_count',
+ 'lookup_count',
+ 'matched_count'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_table_mod' : [
+ 'table_id',
+ 'config'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_group_stats' : [
+ 'length',
+ 'group_id',
+ 'ref_count',
+ 'packet_count',
+ 'byte_count'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_instruction_actions' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_stats' : [
+ 'port_no',
+ 'queue_id',
+ 'tx_bytes',
+ 'tx_packets',
+ 'tx_errors'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_packet_in' : [
+ 'buffer_id',
+ 'total_len',
+ 'reason',
+ 'table_id',
+ 'match'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_error_experimenter_msg' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'exp_type',
+ 'experimenter'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_bucket_counter' : [
+ 'packet_count',
+ 'byte_count'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_port_stats_request' : [
+ 'port_no'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_stats_request' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'flags'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_instruction' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_group_stats_request' : [
+ 'group_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_experimenter_header' : [
+ 'experimenter',
+ 'exp_type'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_aggregate_stats_request' : [
+ 'table_id',
+ 'out_port',
+ 'out_group',
+ 'cookie',
+ 'cookie_mask',
+ 'match'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_get_config_request' : [
+ 'port'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_nw_ttl' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'nw_ttl'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_port_status' : [
+ 'reason',
+ 'desc'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_header' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_port_mod' : [
+ 'port_no',
+ 'hw_addr',
+ 'config',
+ 'mask',
+ 'advertise'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_output' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'port',
+ 'max_len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_switch_config' : [
+ 'flags',
+ 'miss_send_len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_prop_experimenter' : [
+ 'prop_header',
+ 'experimenter'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_instruction_write_metadata' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'metadata',
+ 'metadata_mask'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_experimenter_header' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'experimenter'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_get_config_reply' : [
+ 'port'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_oxm_experimenter_header' : [
+ 'oxm_header',
+ 'experimenter'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_set_queue' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'queue_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_set_field' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'field'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_flow_stats' : [
+ 'length',
+ 'table_id',
+ 'duration_sec',
+ 'duration_nsec',
+ 'priority',
+ 'idle_timeout',
+ 'hard_timeout',
+ 'cookie',
+ 'packet_count',
+ 'byte_count',
+ 'match'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_flow_removed' : [
+ 'cookie',
+ 'priority',
+ 'reason',
+ 'table_id',
+ 'duration_sec',
+ 'duration_nsec',
+ 'idle_timeout',
+ 'hard_timeout',
+ 'packet_count',
+ 'byte_count',
+ 'match'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_prop_min_rate' : [
+ 'prop_header',
+ 'rate'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_header' : [
+ 'version',
+ 'type',
+ 'length',
+ 'xid'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_stats_reply' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'flags'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_stats_request' : [
+ 'port_no',
+ 'queue_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_group_features_stats' : [
+ 'types',
+ 'capabilities',
+ 'max_groups',
+ 'actions'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_group_mod' : [
+ 'command',
+ 'type',
+ 'group_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_port_stats' : [
+ 'port_no',
+ 'rx_packets',
+ 'tx_packets',
+ 'rx_bytes',
+ 'tx_bytes',
+ 'rx_dropped',
+ 'tx_dropped',
+ 'rx_errors',
+ 'tx_errors',
+ 'rx_frame_err',
+ 'rx_over_err',
+ 'rx_crc_err',
+ 'collisions'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_packet_queue' : [
+ 'queue_id',
+ 'port',
+ 'len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_port' : [
+ 'port_no',
+ 'hw_addr',
+ 'name',
+ 'config',
+ 'state',
+ 'curr',
+ 'advertised',
+ 'supported',
+ 'peer',
+ 'curr_speed',
+ 'max_speed'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_switch_features' : [
+ 'datapath_id',
+ 'n_buffers',
+ 'n_tables',
+ 'capabilities',
+ 'reserved'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_prop_header' : [
+ 'property',
+ 'len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_flow_stats_request' : [
+ 'table_id',
+ 'out_port',
+ 'out_group',
+ 'cookie',
+ 'cookie_mask',
+ 'match'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_bucket' : [
+ 'len',
+ 'weight',
+ 'watch_port',
+ 'watch_group'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_pop_mpls' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'ethertype'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_match' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'length'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_flow_mod' : [
+ 'cookie',
+ 'cookie_mask',
+ 'table_id',
+ 'command',
+ 'idle_timeout',
+ 'hard_timeout',
+ 'priority',
+ 'buffer_id',
+ 'out_port',
+ 'out_group',
+ 'flags',
+ 'match'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_packet_out' : [
+ 'buffer_id',
+ 'in_port',
+ 'actions_len'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_instruction_goto_table' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'table_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_queue_prop_max_rate' : [
+ 'prop_header',
+ 'rate'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_experimenter_stats_header' : [
+ 'experimenter',
+ 'exp_type'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_group' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'group_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_desc_stats' : [
+ 'mfr_desc',
+ 'hw_desc',
+ 'sw_desc',
+ 'serial_num',
+ 'dp_desc'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_push' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'ethertype'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_group_desc_stats' : [
+ 'length',
+ 'type',
+ 'group_id'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_error_msg' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'code'
+ ],
+ 'ofp_action_mpls_ttl' : [
+ 'type',
+ 'len',
+ 'mpls_ttl'
+ ],
+ '_ignore' : []