add bsn_in_ports test
This tests the BSN extension OXM that enables the controller to specify a
bitmap of allowed input ports. See the loxigen bsn_in_ports input file for more
diff --git a/tests-1.3/ b/tests-1.3/
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+# Distributed under the OpenFlow Software License (see LICENSE)
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+Test the bsn_in_ports_128 OXM, which enables the controller to specify a bitmap
+of allowed input ports.
+import logging
+from oftest import config
+import oftest.base_tests as base_tests
+import ofp
+import oftest.packet as scapy
+from oftest.testutils import *
+class MatchInPorts128(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
+ """
+ Match on ingress port bitmap
+ """
+ def runTest(self):
+ in_port1, in_port2, out_port, bad_port = openflow_ports(4)
+ # See the loxigen bsn_in_ports input file for encoding details
+ match = ofp.match([
+ ofp.oxm.bsn_in_ports_128_masked(set(), set(range(0,128)) - set((in_port1,in_port2)))
+ ])
+ pkt = simple_tcp_packet()
+"Running match test for %s",
+ delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+"Inserting flow sending matching packets to port %d", out_port)
+ request = ofp.message.flow_add(
+ table_id=0,
+ match=match,
+ instructions=[
+ ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
+ actions=[
+ ofp.action.output(
+ port=out_port,
+ max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)])],
+ buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
+ priority=1000)
+ self.controller.message_send(request)
+"Inserting match-all flow sending packets to controller")
+ request = ofp.message.flow_add(
+ table_id=0,
+ instructions=[
+ ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
+ actions=[
+ ofp.action.output(
+ max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)])],
+ buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
+ priority=1)
+ self.controller.message_send(request)
+ do_barrier(self.controller)
+ pktstr = str(pkt)
+"Sending packet on matching ingress port, expecting output to port %d", out_port)
+ self.dataplane.send(in_port1, pktstr)
+ verify_packets(self, pktstr, [out_port])
+"Sending packet on other matching ingress port, expecting output to port %d", out_port)
+ self.dataplane.send(in_port2, pktstr)
+ verify_packets(self, pktstr, [out_port])
+"Sending packet on non-matching ingress port, expecting packet-in")
+ self.dataplane.send(bad_port, pktstr)
+ verify_packet_in(self, pktstr, bad_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)