Merge into master from pull request #79:
add pktin_match test module (
diff --git a/tests-1.3/ b/tests-1.3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..893b5e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests-1.3/
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+# Distributed under the OpenFlow Software License (see LICENSE)
+# Copyright (c) 2012, 2013 Big Switch Networks, Inc.
+Packet-in match test cases
+Checks the match sent in packet-in messages.
+import logging
+from oftest import config
+import oftest.base_tests as base_tests
+import ofp
+from oftest.testutils import *
+class PktinMatchTest(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
+    """
+    Base class for packet-in match tests
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        base_tests.SimpleDataPlane.setUp(self)
+        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+    def verify_pktin_match(self, pkt, expected_oxm, optional=False):
+        """
+        Cause a packet-in and verify that the expected OXM is present
+        (unless optional) and equal
+        """
+        in_port, = openflow_ports(1)
+        pktstr = str(pkt)
+        logging.debug("Inserting match-all flow sending packets to controller")
+        request = ofp.message.flow_add(
+            table_id=0,
+            instructions=[
+                ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
+                    actions=[
+                        ofp.action.output(
+                            port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
+                            max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)])],
+            buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
+            priority=0)
+        self.controller.message_send(request)
+        do_barrier(self.controller)
+        logging.debug("Sending packet")
+        self.dataplane.send(in_port, pktstr)
+        logging.debug("Expecting packet-in")
+        msg = verify_packet_in(self, pktstr, in_port, ofp.OFPR_NO_MATCH)
+        oxms = { type(oxm): oxm for oxm in msg.match.oxm_list }
+        oxm = oxms.get(type(expected_oxm))
+        if oxm:
+            self.assertEquals(oxm, expected_oxm, "Received %s != expected %s" % (,
+        elif optional:
+  "Optional OXM not received")
+        else:
+            raise AssertionError("Required OXM not received")
+class VlanAbsent(PktinMatchTest):
+    """
+    Absent VLAN tag
+    """
+    def runTest(self):
+        self.verify_pktin_match(
+            simple_tcp_packet(),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(0),
+            optional=True)
+class VlanVid(PktinMatchTest):
+    """
+    VLAN tag
+    """
+    def runTest(self):
+        self.verify_pktin_match(
+            simple_tcp_packet(dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=1),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFPVID_PRESENT|1),
+            optional=True)