Adding more conservative group clean-up procedure

Fixing branch

Change-Id: I2e10cce5a71d19aa1575e4e1dc6fa3fdc03f92d3
diff --git a/ofdpa/ b/ofdpa/
index 2f2236e..36db256 100755
--- a/ofdpa/
+++ b/ofdpa/
@@ -19,65 +19,67 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        parsed_vlan_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=104,
-                                            vlan_vid=0x1001,
-                                            dl_vlan_enable=True)
-        vlan_pkt = str(parsed_vlan_pkt)
-        # create match
-        match = ofp.match()
-        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800))
-        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_proto(2))
-        request = ofp.message.flow_add(
-                table_id=60,
-                cookie=42,
-                match=match,
-                instructions=[
-                    ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
-                            actions=[
-                                ofp.action.output(
-                                        port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
-                                        max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]), ],
-                buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
-                priority=1)
-"Inserting packet in flow to controller")
-        self.controller.message_send(request)
+        try:
+            parsed_vlan_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=104,
+                                                vlan_vid=0x1001,
+                                                dl_vlan_enable=True)
+            vlan_pkt = str(parsed_vlan_pkt)
+            # create match
+            match = ofp.match()
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800))
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_proto(2))
+            request = ofp.message.flow_add(
+                    table_id=60,
+                    cookie=42,
+                    match=match,
+                    instructions=[
+                        ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
+                                actions=[
+                                    ofp.action.output(
+                                            port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
+                                            max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]), ],
+                    buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
+                    priority=1)
+  "Inserting packet in flow to controller")
+            self.controller.message_send(request)
-        for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
-  "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
-            self.dataplane.send(of_port, vlan_pkt)
+            for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
+      "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
+                self.dataplane.send(of_port, vlan_pkt)
-            verify_no_packet_in(self, vlan_pkt, of_port)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller) 
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+                verify_no_packet_in(self, vlan_pkt, of_port)
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        match = ofp.match()
-        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800))
-        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_proto(17))
-        request = ofp.message.flow_add(
-                table_id=60,
-                cookie=42,
-                match=match,
-                instructions=[
-                    ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
-                            actions=[
-                                ofp.action.output(
-                                        port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
-                                        max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]), ],
-                buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
-                priority=1)
-"Inserting packet in flow to controller")
-        self.controller.message_send(request)
-        do_barrier(self.controller) 
+            match = ofp.match()
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800))
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_proto(17))
+            request = ofp.message.flow_add(
+                    table_id=60,
+                    cookie=42,
+                    match=match,
+                    instructions=[
+                        ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
+                                actions=[
+                                    ofp.action.output(
+                                            port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
+                                            max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]), ],
+                    buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
+                    priority=1)
+  "Inserting packet in flow to controller")
+            self.controller.message_send(request)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
-  "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
-            self.dataplane.send(of_port, vlan_pkt)
+            for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
+      "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
+                self.dataplane.send(of_port, vlan_pkt)
-            verify_packet_in(self, vlan_pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
+                verify_packet_in(self, vlan_pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
-            verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+                verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
@@ -144,37 +146,40 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        parsed_arp_pkt = simple_arp_packet()
-        arp_pkt = str(parsed_arp_pkt)
-        # create match
-        match = ofp.match()
-        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0806))
-        request = ofp.message.flow_add(
-                table_id=60,
-                cookie=42,
-                match=match,
-                instructions=[
-                    ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
-                            actions=[
-                                ofp.action.output(
-                                        port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
-                                        max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]),
-                ],
-                buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
-                priority=1)
+        try:
+            parsed_arp_pkt = simple_arp_packet()
+            arp_pkt = str(parsed_arp_pkt)
+            # create match
+            match = ofp.match()
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0806))
+            request = ofp.message.flow_add(
+                    table_id=60,
+                    cookie=42,
+                    match=match,
+                    instructions=[
+                        ofp.instruction.apply_actions(
+                                actions=[
+                                    ofp.action.output(
+                                            port=ofp.OFPP_CONTROLLER,
+                                            max_len=ofp.OFPCML_NO_BUFFER)]),
+                    ],
+                    buffer_id=ofp.OFP_NO_BUFFER,
+                    priority=1)
-"Inserting packet in flow to controller")
-        self.controller.message_send(request)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+  "Inserting packet in flow to controller")
+            self.controller.message_send(request)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
-  "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
-            self.dataplane.send(of_port, arp_pkt)
+            for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
+      "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
+                self.dataplane.send(of_port, arp_pkt)
-            verify_packet_in(self, arp_pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
+                verify_packet_in(self, arp_pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
-            verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+                verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class PacketInIPTable(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -186,46 +191,49 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip=0xc0a80001
-        ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+        try:
+            intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip=0xc0a80001
+            ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            #add l2 interface group
-            vlan_id=port
-            add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=True, send_barrier=False)
-            dst_mac[5]=vlan_id
-            l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id, id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=dst_mac)
-            #add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,  flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            #add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vlan_id)
-            #add unicast routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id<<8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0xffffff00, l3_msg.group_id, send_ctrl=True)
-            Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
+            for port in ports:
+                #add l2 interface group
+                vlan_id=port
+                add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=True, send_barrier=False)
+                dst_mac[5]=vlan_id
+                l3_msg=add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id, id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac, dst_mac=dst_mac)
+                #add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,  flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                #add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac, vlan_id)
+                #add unicast routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id<<8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0xffffff00, l3_msg.group_id, send_ctrl=True)
+                Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            mac_src='00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % in_port
-            ip_src='192.168.%02d.1' % in_port
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst='192.168.%02d.1' % out_port
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=in_port,
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac, eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64, ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                verify_packet_in(self, pkt, in_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
-                #verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                mac_src='00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % in_port
+                ip_src='192.168.%02d.1' % in_port
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst='192.168.%02d.1' % out_port
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=in_port,
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac, eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64, ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    verify_packet_in(self, pkt, in_port, ofp.OFPR_ACTION)
+                    #verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class L2FloodQinQ(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -233,45 +241,48 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
-        vlan_id = 1
+        try:
+            ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
+            vlan_id = 1
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            L2gid, l2msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                      vlan_id, True, False)
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            Groups.put(L2gid)
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                L2gid, l2msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                          vlan_id, True, False)
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                Groups.put(L2gid)
-        msg = add_l2_flood_group(self.controller, ports, vlan_id, vlan_id)
-        Groups.put(msg.group_id)
-        add_bridge_flow(self.controller, None, vlan_id, msg.group_id, True)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+            msg = add_l2_flood_group(self.controller, ports, vlan_id, vlan_id)
+            Groups.put(msg.group_id)
+            add_bridge_flow(self.controller, None, vlan_id, msg.group_id, True)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        # verify flood
-        for ofport in ports:
-            # change dest based on port number
-            mac_src = '00:12:34:56:78:%02X' % ofport
-            parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet_two_vlan(pktlen=108,
-                                                    out_dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                                    out_vlan_vid=vlan_id,
-                                                    in_dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                                    in_vlan_vid=10,
-                                                    eth_dst='00:12:34:56:78:9a',
-                                                    eth_src=mac_src)
-            pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-            self.dataplane.send(ofport, pkt)
-            # self won't rx packet
-            verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
-            # others will rx packet
-            tmp_ports = list(ports)
-            tmp_ports.remove(ofport)
-            verify_packets(self, pkt, tmp_ports)
+            # verify flood
+            for ofport in ports:
+                # change dest based on port number
+                mac_src = '00:12:34:56:78:%02X' % ofport
+                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet_two_vlan(pktlen=108,
+                                                        out_dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                        out_vlan_vid=vlan_id,
+                                                        in_dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                        in_vlan_vid=10,
+                                                        eth_dst='00:12:34:56:78:9a',
+                                                        eth_src=mac_src)
+                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                self.dataplane.send(ofport, pkt)
+                # self won't rx packet
+                verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
+                # others will rx packet
+                tmp_ports = list(ports)
+                tmp_ports.remove(ofport)
+                verify_packets(self, pkt, tmp_ports)
-        verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class L2FloodTagged(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -321,74 +332,78 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
-        vlan_id = 1;
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            L2gid, l2msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                      vlan_id, True, False)
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            Groups.put(L2gid)
-            add_bridge_flow(self.controller,
-                            [0x00, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, port], vlan_id,
-                            L2gid, True)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+        try:
+            ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
+            vlan_id = 1;
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                L2gid, l2msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                          vlan_id, True, False)
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                Groups.put(L2gid)
+                add_bridge_flow(self.controller,
+                                [0x00, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, port], vlan_id,
+                                L2gid, True)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        for out_port in ports:
-            # change dest based on port number
-            mac_dst = '00:12:34:56:78:%02X' % out_port
-            for in_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                pkt = str(
-                        simple_tcp_packet(dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=vlan_id,
-                                          eth_dst=mac_dst))
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                for ofport in ports:
-                    if ofport in [out_port]:
-                        verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
-                    else:
-                        verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            for out_port in ports:
+                # change dest based on port number
+                mac_dst = '00:12:34:56:78:%02X' % out_port
+                for in_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    pkt = str(
+                            simple_tcp_packet(dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=vlan_id,
+                                              eth_dst=mac_dst))
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    for ofport in ports:
+                        if ofport in [out_port]:
+                            verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
+                        else:
+                            verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class Mtu1500(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
     def runTest(self):
-        ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
-        vlan_id = 18
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            L2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                    vlan_id, True, False)
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            Groups.put(L2gid)
-            add_bridge_flow(self.controller,
-                            [0x00, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, port], vlan_id,
-                            L2gid, True)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+        try:
+            ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
+            vlan_id = 18
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                L2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                        vlan_id, True, False)
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                Groups.put(L2gid)
+                add_bridge_flow(self.controller,
+                                [0x00, 0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78, port], vlan_id,
+                                L2gid, True)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        for out_port in ports:
-            # change dest based on port number
-            mac_dst = '00:12:34:56:78:%02X' % out_port
-            for in_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                pkt = str(simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=1500, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                            vlan_vid=vlan_id, eth_dst=mac_dst))
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                for ofport in ports:
-                    if ofport in [out_port]:
-                        verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
-                    else:
-                        verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            for out_port in ports:
+                # change dest based on port number
+                mac_dst = '00:12:34:56:78:%02X' % out_port
+                for in_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    pkt = str(simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=1500, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                vlan_vid=vlan_id, eth_dst=mac_dst))
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    for ofport in ports:
+                        if ofport in [out_port]:
+                            verify_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
+                        else:
+                            verify_no_packet(self, pkt, ofport)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _32UcastTagged(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -396,70 +411,72 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        test_id = 26
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            test_id = 26
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            vlan_id = port + test_id
-            l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                    vlan_id=vlan_id,
-                                                    is_tagged=True,
-                                                    send_barrier=False)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
-                                          id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
-                                          dst_mac=dst_mac)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add unicast routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffffff, l3_msg.group_id)
-            Groups.put(l2gid)
-            Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                vlan_id = port + test_id
+                l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                        vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                                                        is_tagged=True,
+                                                        send_barrier=False)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
+                                              id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
+                                              dst_mac=dst_mac)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add unicast routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffffff, l3_msg.group_id)
+                Groups.put(l2gid)
+                Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            mac_src = '00:00:00:22:32:%02X' % (test_id + in_port)
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + out_port)
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=(test_id + in_port),
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac,
-                                               eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expected packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (test_id + out_port)
-                exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                            vlan_vid=(test_id + out_port),
-                                            eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
-                                            ip_ttl=63,
-                                            ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                mac_src = '00:00:00:22:32:%02X' % (test_id + in_port)
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + out_port)
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=(test_id + in_port),
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac,
+                                                   eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expected packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (test_id + out_port)
+                    exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                vlan_vid=(test_id + out_port),
+                                                eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
+                                                ip_ttl=63,
+                                                ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _32VPN(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -468,76 +485,79 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            id = port
-            vlan_id = port
-            l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                        vlan_id, True, True)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            # add MPLS interface group
-            mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
-                                                     dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
-                                                     vlan_id, id)
-            # add MPLS L3 VPN group
-            mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
-                    self.controller,
-                    subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
-                    index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
-                    set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
-            # ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, [mpls_label_gid])
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                id = port
+                vlan_id = port
+                l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                            vlan_id, True, True)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                # add MPLS interface group
+                mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
+                                                         dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
+                                                         vlan_id, id)
+                # add MPLS L3 VPN group
+                mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
+                        self.controller,
+                        subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
+                        index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
+                        set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
+                # ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, [mpls_label_gid])
+                do_barrier(self.controller)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=2,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffffff, mpls_label_gid,vrf=2)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=2,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffffff, mpls_label_gid,vrf=2)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=(in_port),
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expect packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
-                label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
-                exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                      vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
-                                      ip_src=ip_src,
-                                      ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
-                                      eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=(in_port),
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expect packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
+                    label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
+                    exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                          vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
+                                          ip_src=ip_src,
+                                          ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
+                                          eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _32EcmpVpn(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -546,77 +566,80 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            id = port
-            vlan_id = port
-            l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                        vlan_id, True, True)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            # add MPLS interface group
-            mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
-                                                     dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
-                                                     vlan_id, id)
-            # add MPLS L3 VPN group
-            mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
-                    self.controller,
-                    subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
-                    index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
-                    set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
-            ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, [mpls_label_gid])
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                id = port
+                vlan_id = port
+                l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                            vlan_id, True, True)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                # add MPLS interface group
+                mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
+                                                         dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
+                                                         vlan_id, id)
+                # add MPLS L3 VPN group
+                mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
+                        self.controller,
+                        subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
+                        index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
+                        set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
+                ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, [mpls_label_gid])
+                do_barrier(self.controller)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=0,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffffff, ecmp_msg.group_id)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
+                Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=0,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffffff, ecmp_msg.group_id)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
-            Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=(in_port),
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expect packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
-                label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
-                exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                      vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
-                                      ip_src=ip_src,
-                                      ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
-                                      eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=(in_port),
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expect packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
+                    label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
+                    exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                          vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
+                                          ip_src=ip_src,
+                                          ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
+                                          eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _32ECMPL3(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -625,72 +648,75 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        # Hashes Test Name and uses it as id for installing unique groups
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        for port in ports:
-            vlan_id = port
-            id = port
-            # add l2 interface group
-            l2_gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                     vlan_id=vlan_id,
-                                                     is_tagged=True,
-                                                     send_barrier=False)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
-                                          id=id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
-                                          dst_mac=dst_mac)
-            ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [l3_msg.group_id])
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add unicast routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffffff, ecmp_msg.group_id)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(l3_msg.group_id)
-            Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            # Hashes Test Name and uses it as id for installing unique groups
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            for port in ports:
+                vlan_id = port
+                id = port
+                # add l2 interface group
+                l2_gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                         vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                                                         is_tagged=True,
+                                                         send_barrier=False)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
+                                              id=id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
+                                              dst_mac=dst_mac)
+                ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [l3_msg.group_id])
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add unicast routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffffff, ecmp_msg.group_id)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(l3_msg.group_id)
+                Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % in_port
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % in_port
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % out_port
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=in_port,
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac,
-                                               eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expected packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % out_port
-                exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                            vlan_vid=out_port,
-                                            eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
-                                            ip_ttl=63,
-                                            ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % in_port
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % in_port
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % out_port
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=in_port,
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac,
+                                                   eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expected packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % out_port
+                    exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                vlan_vid=out_port,
+                                                eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
+                                                ip_ttl=63,
+                                                ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _24VPN(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -699,73 +725,76 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            id = port
-            vlan_id = port
-            l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id, True, True)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            # add MPLS interface group
-            mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid, dst_mac, intf_src_mac, vlan_id, id)
-            # add MPLS L3 VPN group
-            mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
-                    self.controller,
-                    subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
-                    index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
-                    set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
-            # ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, [mpls_label_gid])
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                id = port
+                vlan_id = port
+                l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id, True, True)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                # add MPLS interface group
+                mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid, dst_mac, intf_src_mac, vlan_id, id)
+                # add MPLS L3 VPN group
+                mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
+                        self.controller,
+                        subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
+                        index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
+                        set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
+                # ecmp_msg=add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, vlan_id, [mpls_label_gid])
+                do_barrier(self.controller)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=0,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffff00, mpls_label_gid)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=0,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffff00, mpls_label_gid)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=(in_port),
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expect packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
-                label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
-                exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                      vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
-                                      ip_src=ip_src,
-                                      ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
-                                      eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=(in_port),
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expect packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
+                    label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
+                    exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                          vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
+                                          ip_src=ip_src,
+                                          ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
+                                          eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _24EcmpVpn(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -774,80 +803,83 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            id = port
-            vlan_id = id
-            l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                        vlan_id, True, True)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            # add MPLS interface group
-            mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
-                                                     dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
-                                                     vlan_id, id)
-            # add MPLS L3 VPN group
-            mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
-                    self.controller,
-                    subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
-                    index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
-                    set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
-            ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [mpls_label_gid])
+        try:
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                id = port
+                vlan_id = id
+                l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                            vlan_id, True, True)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                # add MPLS interface group
+                mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
+                                                         dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
+                                                         vlan_id, id)
+                # add MPLS L3 VPN group
+                mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
+                        self.controller,
+                        subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
+                        index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=True,
+                        set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1, set_ttl=32)
+                ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [mpls_label_gid])
+                do_barrier(self.controller)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=0,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                # add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0, mpls_label_gid, vrf=2)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffff00, ecmp_msg.group_id, vrf=0)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
+                Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, vrf=0,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            # add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0, mpls_label_gid, vrf=2)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffff00, ecmp_msg.group_id, vrf=0)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
-            Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (in_port)
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=(in_port),
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac,
-                                               eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expect packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % out_port
-                label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
-                exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                      vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
-                                      ip_src=ip_src,
-                                      ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
-                                      eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (in_port)
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=(in_port),
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac,
+                                                   eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expect packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % out_port
+                    label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
+                    exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                          vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_ttl=63,
+                                          ip_src=ip_src,
+                                          ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst,
+                                          eth_src=switch_mac, label=[label])
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _24ECMPL3(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -856,72 +888,75 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        # Hashes Test Name and uses it as id for installing unique groups
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        for port in ports:
-            vlan_id = port
-            id = port
-            # add l2 interface group
-            l2_gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                     vlan_id=vlan_id,
-                                                     is_tagged=True,
-                                                     send_barrier=False)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
-                                          id=id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
-                                          dst_mac=dst_mac)
-            ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [l3_msg.group_id])
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add unicast routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffff00, ecmp_msg.group_id)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(l3_msg.group_id)
-            Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            # Hashes Test Name and uses it as id for installing unique groups
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            for port in ports:
+                vlan_id = port
+                id = port
+                # add l2 interface group
+                l2_gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                         vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                                                         is_tagged=True,
+                                                         send_barrier=False)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
+                                              id=id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
+                                              dst_mac=dst_mac)
+                ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [l3_msg.group_id])
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add unicast routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffff00, ecmp_msg.group_id)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(l3_msg.group_id)
+                Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % in_port
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % in_port
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % out_port
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=in_port,
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac,
-                                               eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expected packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % out_port
-                exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                            vlan_vid=out_port,
-                                            eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
-                                            ip_ttl=63,
-                                            ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % in_port
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % in_port
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % out_port
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=in_port,
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac,
+                                                   eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expected packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % out_port
+                    exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                vlan_vid=out_port,
+                                                eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
+                                                ip_ttl=63,
+                                                ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class MPLSBUG(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1021,71 +1056,74 @@
         port1 (vlan 300)-> All Ports (vlan 300)
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 3:
-  "Port count less than 3, can't run this case")
-            assert (False)
-            return
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        vlan_id = 300
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        intf_src_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        dst_mac = [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
-        dst_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
-        port1_mac = [0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
-        port1_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
-        src_ip = 0xc0a80101
-        src_ip_str = ""
-        dst_ip = 0xe0010101
-        dst_ip_str = ""
+        try:
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 3:
+      "Port count less than 3, can't run this case")
+                assert (False)
+                return
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            vlan_id = 300
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            intf_src_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            dst_mac = [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
+            dst_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
+            port1_mac = [0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
+            port1_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
+            src_ip = 0xc0a80101
+            src_ip_str = ""
+            dst_ip = 0xe0010101
+            dst_ip_str = ""
-        port1 = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
-        port2 = config["port_map"].keys()[1]
+            port1 = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
+            port2 = config["port_map"].keys()[1]
-        switch_mac = [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
+            switch_mac = [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00]
-        # add l2 interface group
-        l2_intf_group_list = []
-        for port in config["port_map"].keys():
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            if port == port2:
-                continue
-            l2_intf_gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                          vlan_id=vlan_id,
-                                                          is_tagged=True,
-                                                          send_barrier=False)
-            l2_intf_group_list.append(l2_intf_gid)
-            Groups.put(l2_intf_gid)
+            # add l2 interface group
+            l2_intf_group_list = []
+            for port in config["port_map"].keys():
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                if port == port2:
+                    continue
+                l2_intf_gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                              vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                                                              is_tagged=True,
+                                                              send_barrier=False)
+                l2_intf_group_list.append(l2_intf_gid)
+                Groups.put(l2_intf_gid)
-        # add termination flow
-        add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800, switch_mac,
-                             vlan_id)
+                # add termination flow
+            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800, switch_mac,
+                                 vlan_id)
-        # add l3 interface group
-        mcat_group_msg = add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, vlan_id, 2,
-                                            l2_intf_group_list)
-        add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, vlan_id, src_ip, 0, dst_ip,
-                                mcat_group_msg.group_id)
-        Groups._put(mcat_group_msg.group_id)
+            # add l3 interface group
+            mcat_group_msg = add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, vlan_id, 2,
+                                                l2_intf_group_list)
+            add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, vlan_id, src_ip, 0, dst_ip,
+                                    mcat_group_msg.group_id)
+            Groups._put(mcat_group_msg.group_id)
-        parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100,
-                                       dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                       vlan_vid=vlan_id,
-                                       eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
-                                       eth_src=port1_mac_str,
-                                       ip_ttl=64,
-                                       ip_src=src_ip_str,
-                                       ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
-        pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-        self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
-        for port in config["port_map"].keys():
-            if port == port2 or port == port1:
-                verify_no_packet(self, pkt, port)
-                continue
-            verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
-        verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100,
+                                           dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                           vlan_vid=vlan_id,
+                                           eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
+                                           eth_src=port1_mac_str,
+                                           ip_ttl=64,
+                                           ip_src=src_ip_str,
+                                           ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
+            pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+            self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
+            for port in config["port_map"].keys():
+                if port == port2 or port == port1:
+                    verify_no_packet(self, pkt, port)
+                    continue
+                verify_packet(self, pkt, port)
+            verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class L3McastToL3(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1096,83 +1134,86 @@
         port1 (vlan 1)-> port 2 (vlan 2)
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 3:
-  "Port count less than 3, can't run this case")
-            assert (False)
-            return
+        try:
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 3:
+      "Port count less than 3, can't run this case")
+                assert (False)
+                return
-        vlan_id = 1
-        port2_out_vlan = 2
-        port3_out_vlan = 3
-        in_vlan = 1  # macast group vid shall use input vlan diffe from l3 interface use output vlan
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        intf_src_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        dst_mac = [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
-        dst_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
-        port1_mac = [0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
-        port1_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
-        src_ip = 0xc0a80101
-        src_ip_str = ""
-        dst_ip = 0xe0010101
-        dst_ip_str = ""
+            vlan_id = 1
+            port2_out_vlan = 2
+            port3_out_vlan = 3
+            in_vlan = 1  # macast group vid shall use input vlan diffe from l3 interface use output vlan
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            intf_src_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            dst_mac = [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
+            dst_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
+            port1_mac = [0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
+            port1_mac_str = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
+            src_ip = 0xc0a80101
+            src_ip_str = ""
+            dst_ip = 0xe0010101
+            dst_ip_str = ""
-        port1 = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
-        port2 = config["port_map"].keys()[1]
-        port3 = config["port_map"].keys()[2]
+            port1 = config["port_map"].keys()[0]
+            port2 = config["port_map"].keys()[1]
+            port3 = config["port_map"].keys()[2]
-        # add l2 interface group
-        for port in config["port_map"].keys():
-            l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                    vlan_id=vlan_id,
-                                                    is_tagged=False,
-                                                    send_barrier=False)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            vlan_id += 1
-            Groups._put(l2gid)
+            # add l2 interface group
+            for port in config["port_map"].keys():
+                l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                        vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                                                        is_tagged=False,
+                                                        send_barrier=False)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                vlan_id += 1
+                Groups._put(l2gid)
-        # add termination flow
-        add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800,
-                             [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], vlan_id)
+                # add termination flow
+            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800,
+                                 [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], vlan_id)
-        # add l3 interface group
-        port2_ucast_msg = add_l3_interface_group(self.controller, port2,
-                                                 port2_out_vlan, 2,
-                                                 intf_src_mac)
-        port3_ucast_msg = add_l3_interface_group(self.controller, port3,
-                                                 port3_out_vlan, 3,
-                                                 intf_src_mac)
-        mcat_group_msg = add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, in_vlan, 2,
-                                            [port2_ucast_msg.group_id,
-                                             port3_ucast_msg.group_id])
-        add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, in_vlan, src_ip, 0, dst_ip,
-                                mcat_group_msg.group_id)
-        Groups._put(port2_ucast_msg.group_id)
-        Groups._put(port3_ucast_msg.group_id)
-        Groups._put(mcat_group_msg.group_id)
-        parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                       vlan_vid=1,
-                                       eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
-                                       eth_src=port1_mac_str,
-                                       ip_ttl=64,
-                                       ip_src=src_ip_str,
-                                       ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
-        pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-        self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
-        parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=96,
-                                       eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
-                                       eth_src=intf_src_mac_str,
-                                       ip_ttl=63,
-                                       ip_src=src_ip_str,
-                                       ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
-        pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-        verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
-        verify_packet(self, pkt, port3)
-        verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            # add l3 interface group
+            port2_ucast_msg = add_l3_interface_group(self.controller, port2,
+                                                     port2_out_vlan, 2,
+                                                     intf_src_mac)
+            port3_ucast_msg = add_l3_interface_group(self.controller, port3,
+                                                     port3_out_vlan, 3,
+                                                     intf_src_mac)
+            mcat_group_msg = add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, in_vlan, 2,
+                                                [port2_ucast_msg.group_id,
+                                                 port3_ucast_msg.group_id])
+            add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, in_vlan, src_ip, 0, dst_ip,
+                                    mcat_group_msg.group_id)
+            Groups._put(port2_ucast_msg.group_id)
+            Groups._put(port3_ucast_msg.group_id)
+            Groups._put(mcat_group_msg.group_id)
+            parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                           vlan_vid=1,
+                                           eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
+                                           eth_src=port1_mac_str,
+                                           ip_ttl=64,
+                                           ip_src=src_ip_str,
+                                           ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
+            pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+            self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
+            parsed_pkt = simple_udp_packet(pktlen=96,
+                                           eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
+                                           eth_src=intf_src_mac_str,
+                                           ip_ttl=63,
+                                           ip_src=src_ip_str,
+                                           ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
+            pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+            verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
+            verify_packet(self, pkt, port3)
+            verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _MplsFwd(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1180,71 +1221,74 @@
         Receive MPLS packet
     def runTest(self):
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
-        dip = 0xc0a80001 
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        # Assigns unique hardcoded test_id to make sure tests don't overlap when writing rules
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            id = port
-            vlan_id = id
-            l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                        vlan_id, True, False)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
-                                                     dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
-                                                     vlan_id, id)
-            mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
-                    self.controller,
-                    subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_SWAP_LABEL,
-                    index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=False,
-                    set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x8847, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id, goto_table=24)
-            add_mpls_flow(self.controller, mpls_label_gid, port, goto_table=29)
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_gid)
-            Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+        try:
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            # Assigns unique hardcoded test_id to make sure tests don't overlap when writing rules
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                id = port
+                vlan_id = id
+                l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                            vlan_id, True, False)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid,
+                                                         dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
+                                                         vlan_id, id)
+                mpls_label_gid, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(
+                        self.controller,
+                        subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_SWAP_LABEL,
+                        index=id, ref_gid=mpls_gid, push_mpls_header=False,
+                        set_mpls_label=port, set_bos=1)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x8847, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id, goto_table=24)
+                add_mpls_flow(self.controller, mpls_label_gid, port, goto_table=29)
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_gid)
+                Groups._put(mpls_label_gid)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
-                label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
-                parsed_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                         vlan_vid=(in_port), ip_src=ip_src,
-                                         ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=switch_mac,
-                                         label=[label])
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
+                    parsed_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                             vlan_vid=(in_port), ip_src=ip_src,
+                                             ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=switch_mac,
+                                             label=[label])
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expect packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
-                label = (out_port, 0, 1, 31)     
-                exp_pkt =  mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                         vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_src=ip_src,
-                                         ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
-                                         eth_dst=mac_dst,label=[label])
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+                    # build expect packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
+                    label = (out_port, 0, 1, 31)
+                    exp_pkt =  mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                             vlan_vid=(out_port), ip_src=ip_src,
+                                             ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
+                                             eth_dst=mac_dst,label=[label])
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _MplsTermination(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1252,65 +1296,68 @@
         Receive MPLS packet
     def runTest(self):
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        # Assigns unique hardcoded test_id to make sure tests don't overlap when writing rules
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            vlan_id, id, dst_mac[5] = port, port, port
-            l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                         vlan_id, True, False)
-            # add L3 Unicast  group
-            l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
-                                          id=id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,dst_mac=dst_mac)
-            # add L3 ecmp group
-            ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [l3_msg.group_id])
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x8847, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id, goto_table=24)
-            #add_mpls_flow(self.controller, ecmp_msg.group_id, port)
-            add_mpls_flow(self.controller, label=port)
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0xffffff00,
-                      ecmp_msg.group_id, 1)
-            Groups._put(l2_gid)
-            Groups._put(l3_msg.group_id)
-            Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+        try:
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            # Assigns unique hardcoded test_id to make sure tests don't overlap when writing rules
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                vlan_id, id, dst_mac[5] = port, port, port
+                l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                             vlan_id, True, False)
+                # add L3 Unicast  group
+                l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
+                                              id=id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,dst_mac=dst_mac)
+                # add L3 ecmp group
+                ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(self.controller, id, [l3_msg.group_id])
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x8847, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id, goto_table=24)
+                #add_mpls_flow(self.controller, ecmp_msg.group_id, port)
+                add_mpls_flow(self.controller, label=port)
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0xffffff00,
+                          ecmp_msg.group_id, 1)
+                Groups._put(l2_gid)
+                Groups._put(l3_msg.group_id)
+                Groups._put(ecmp_msg.group_id)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
-                label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
-                parsed_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,vlan_vid=(in_port),
-                     ip_src=ip_src,ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=switch_mac,label=[label])
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expect packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
-                exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                            vlan_vid=(out_port),
-                                            eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
-                                            ip_ttl=31, ip_src=ip_src,
-                                            ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
+                    label = (out_port, 0, 1, 32)
+                    parsed_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=104, dl_vlan_enable=True,vlan_vid=(in_port),
+                         ip_src=ip_src,ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=switch_mac,label=[label])
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expect packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
+                    exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                vlan_vid=(out_port),
+                                                eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
+                                                ip_ttl=31, ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _24UcastTagged(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1318,69 +1365,72 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        test_id = 26
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            test_id = 26
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            vlan_id = port + test_id
-            l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                    vlan_id=vlan_id,
-                                                    is_tagged=True,
-                                                    send_barrier=False)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
-                                          id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
-                                          dst_mac=dst_mac)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add unicast routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffff00, l3_msg.group_id)
-            Groups.put(l2gid)
-            Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                vlan_id = port + test_id
+                l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                        vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                                                        is_tagged=True,
+                                                        send_barrier=False)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
+                                              id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
+                                              dst_mac=dst_mac)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add unicast routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffff00, l3_msg.group_id)
+                Groups.put(l2gid)
+                Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (test_id + in_port)
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + out_port)
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=(test_id + in_port),
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac,
-                                               eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expected packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (test_id + out_port)
-                exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                            vlan_vid=(test_id + out_port),
-                                            eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
-                                            ip_ttl=63,
-                                            ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (test_id + in_port)
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (test_id + out_port)
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=(test_id + in_port),
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac,
+                                                   eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expected packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (test_id + out_port)
+                    exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                vlan_vid=(test_id + out_port),
+                                                eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
+                                                ip_ttl=63,
+                                                ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class _0Ucast(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1388,84 +1438,86 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
-  "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
-            return
+        try:
+            if len(config["port_map"]) < 2:
+      "Port count less than 2, can't run this case")
+                return
-        intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
-        dip = 0xc0a80001
-        ports = config["port_map"].keys()
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            # add l2 interface group
-            vlan_id = port
-            l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
-                                                    vlan_id=vlan_id,
-                                                    is_tagged=True,
-                                                    send_barrier=False)
-            dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
-            l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id,
-                                          id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
-                                          dst_mac=dst_mac)
-            # add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
-                                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            # add termination flow
-            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
-                                 vlan_id)
-            # add unicast routing flow
-            dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
-            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
-                                     0xffffffff, l3_msg.group_id)
-            Groups.put(l2gid)
-            Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
-        l3_gid = encode_l3_unicast_group_id(ports[0])
-        dst_ip = 0x0
-        add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0x0, l3_gid)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
+            intf_src_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            dst_mac = [0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00]
+            dip = 0xc0a80001
+            ports = config["port_map"].keys()
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                # add l2 interface group
+                vlan_id = port
+                l2gid, msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port,
+                                                        vlan_id=vlan_id+1,
+                                                        is_tagged=True,
+                                                        send_barrier=False)
+                dst_mac[5] = vlan_id
+                l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(self.controller, port, vlanid=vlan_id+1,
+                                              id=vlan_id, src_mac=intf_src_mac,
+                                              dst_mac=dst_mac)
+                # add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id,
+                                        flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                # add termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(self.controller, port, 0x0800, intf_src_mac,
+                                     vlan_id)
+                # add unicast routing flow
+                dst_ip = dip + (vlan_id << 8)
+                add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip,
+                                         0xffffffff, l3_msg.group_id)
+                Groups.put(l2gid)
+                Groups.put(l3_msg.group_id)
+            l3_gid = encode_l3_unicast_group_id(ports[0])
+            dst_ip = 0x0
+            add_unicast_routing_flow(self.controller, 0x0800, dst_ip, 0x0, l3_gid)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
-        switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        for in_port in ports:
-            mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (in_port)
-            ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
-            for out_port in ports:
-                if in_port == out_port:
-                    continue
-                ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                               vlan_vid=(in_port),
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac,
-                                               eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
-                                               ip_src=ip_src,
-                                               ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                # build expected packet
-                mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
-                exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
-                                            vlan_vid=(out_port),
-                                            eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
-                                            ip_ttl=63,
-                                            ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt = str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-                ip_dst='1.168.%02d.1' % ports[0]
-                parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=in_port,
-                                               eth_dst=switch_mac, eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64, ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
-                pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
-                self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
-                #build expect packet
-                mac_dst='00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % ports[0]
-                exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=ports[0], ip_ttl=63, ip_src=ip_src,
-                                      ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac)
-                pkt=str(exp_pkt)
-                verify_packet(self, pkt, ports[0])
-                verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            switch_mac = ':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            for in_port in ports:
+                mac_src = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (in_port)
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                for out_port in ports:
+                    if in_port == out_port:
+                        continue
+                    ip_dst = '192.168.%02d.1' % (out_port)
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                   vlan_vid=(in_port),
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac,
+                                                   eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64,
+                                                   ip_src=ip_src,
+                                                   ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    # build expected packet
+                    mac_dst = '00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % (out_port)
+                    exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True,
+                                                vlan_vid=(out_port+1),
+                                                eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac,
+                                                ip_ttl=63,
+                                                ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt = str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, out_port)
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+                    ip_dst='1.168.%02d.1' % ports[0]
+                    parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=in_port,
+                                                   eth_dst=switch_mac, eth_src=mac_src, ip_ttl=64, ip_src=ip_src, ip_dst=ip_dst)
+                    pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
+                    self.dataplane.send(in_port, pkt)
+                    #build expect packet
+                    mac_dst='00:00:00:22:22:%02X' % ports[0]
+                    exp_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=ports[0]+1, ip_ttl=63, ip_src=ip_src,
+                                          ip_dst=ip_dst, eth_dst=mac_dst, eth_src=switch_mac)
+                    pkt=str(exp_pkt)
+                    verify_packet(self, pkt, ports[0])
+                    verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class Unfiltered(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1473,13 +1525,15 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
-        vlan_id = 1;
-        for port in ports:
-            add_l2_unfiltered_group(self.controller, [port], False)
-        do_barrier(self.controller)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_all_groups(self.controller)
+        try:
+            ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
+            vlan_id = 1;
+            for port in ports:
+                add_l2_unfiltered_group(self.controller, [port], False)
+            do_barrier(self.controller)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class L3McastToVPN(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1489,76 +1543,82 @@
         port1 (vlan 1)-> port 2 (vlan 2)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_all_groups(self.controller)
+        try:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
-        if len(config["port_map"]) <3:
-  "Port count less than 3, can't run this case")
-            assert(False)
-            return
+            if len(config["port_map"]) <3:
+      "Port count less than 3, can't run this case")
+                assert(False)
+                return
-        vlan_id =1
-        port2_out_vlan=2
-        port3_out_vlan=3
-        in_vlan=1 #macast group vid shall use input vlan diffe from l3 interface use output vlan
-        intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
-        intf_src_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
-        dst_mac=[0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
-        dst_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
-        port1_mac=[0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
-        port1_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
-        src_ip=0xc0a80101
-        src_ip_str=""
-        dst_ip=0xe0010101
-        dst_ip_str=""
+            vlan_id =1
+            port2_out_vlan=2
+            port3_out_vlan=3
+            in_vlan=1 #macast group vid shall use input vlan diffe from l3 interface use output vlan
+            intf_src_mac=[0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc]
+            intf_src_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac])
+            dst_mac=[0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01]
+            dst_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in dst_mac])
+            port1_mac=[0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11, 0x11]
+            port1_mac_str=':'.join(['%02X' % x for x in port1_mac])
+            src_ip=0xc0a80101
+            src_ip_str=""
+            dst_ip=0xe0010101
+            dst_ip_str=""
-        port1=config["port_map"].keys()[0]
-        port2=config["port_map"].keys()[1]
-        #port3=config["port_map"].keys()[2]
+            port1=config["port_map"].keys()[0]
+            port2=config["port_map"].keys()[1]
+            #port3=config["port_map"].keys()[2]
-        #add l2 interface group
-        for port in config["port_map"].keys():
-            add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
-            #add vlan flow table
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            vlan_id +=1
+            #add l2 interface group
+            for port in config["port_map"].keys():
+                add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, vlan_id=vlan_id, is_tagged=False, send_barrier=False)
+                #add vlan flow table
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, vlan_id, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                vlan_id +=1
-        #add termination flow
-        add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800, [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], vlan_id)
+                #add termination flow
+            add_termination_flow(self.controller, port1, 0x0800, [0x01, 0x00, 0x5e, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00], vlan_id)
-        #add MPLS interface group
-        l2_gid = encode_l2_interface_group_id(port2_out_vlan, port2)
-        mpls_gid2, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid, dst_mac, intf_src_mac, port2_out_vlan, port2)
-        #l2_gid3 = encode_l2_interface_group_id(port3_out_vlan, port3)
-        #mpls_gid3, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid3, dst_mac, intf_src_mac, port3_out_vlan, port3)
-        #add L3VPN groups
-        mpls_label_gid2, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(self.controller, subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
-                                                               index=(0x20000+port2), ref_gid= mpls_gid2, push_mpls_header=True, set_mpls_label=port2, set_bos=1, cpy_ttl_outward=True)
-        #mpls_label_gid3, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(self.controller, subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
-        #                                                       index=(0x10000+port3), ref_gid= mpls_gid3, push_mpls_header=True, set_mpls_label=port3, set_bos=1, cpy_ttl_outward=True)
+            #add MPLS interface group
+            l2_gid = encode_l2_interface_group_id(port2_out_vlan, port2)
+            mpls_gid2, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid, dst_mac, intf_src_mac, port2_out_vlan, port2)
+            #l2_gid3 = encode_l2_interface_group_id(port3_out_vlan, port3)
+            #mpls_gid3, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(self.controller, l2_gid3, dst_mac, intf_src_mac, port3_out_vlan, port3)
+            #add L3VPN groups
+            mpls_label_gid2, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(self.controller, subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
+                                                                   index=(0x20000+port2), ref_gid= mpls_gid2, push_mpls_header=True, set_mpls_label=port2, set_bos=1, cpy_ttl_outward=True)
+            #mpls_label_gid3, mpls_label_msg = add_mpls_label_group(self.controller, subtype=OFDPA_MPLS_GROUP_SUBTYPE_L3_VPN_LABEL,
+            #                                                       index=(0x10000+port3), ref_gid= mpls_gid3, push_mpls_header=True, set_mpls_label=port3, set_bos=1, cpy_ttl_outward=True)
-        mcat_group_msg=add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, in_vlan,  2, [mpls_label_gid2])
-        add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, in_vlan, src_ip, 0, dst_ip, mcat_group_msg.group_id)
+            mcat_group_msg=add_l3_mcast_group(self.controller, in_vlan,  2, [mpls_label_gid2])
+            add_mcast4_routing_flow(self.controller, in_vlan, src_ip, 0, dst_ip, mcat_group_msg.group_id)
-        parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=1,
-                                       eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
-                                       eth_src=port1_mac_str,
-                                       ip_ttl=64,
-                                       ip_src=src_ip_str,
-                                       ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
-        pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
-        self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
-        label = (12, 0, 1, 63)
-        exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=100,
-                              eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
-                              eth_src=intf_src_mac_str,
-                              ip_ttl=64,
-                              ip_src=src_ip_str, label= [label],
-                              ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
-        pkt=str(exp_pkt)
-        verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
-        #verify_packet(self, pkt, port3)
-        verify_no_other_packets(self)
+            parsed_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=100, dl_vlan_enable=True, vlan_vid=1,
+                                           eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
+                                           eth_src=port1_mac_str,
+                                           ip_ttl=64,
+                                           ip_src=src_ip_str,
+                                           ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
+            pkt=str(parsed_pkt)
+            self.dataplane.send(port1, pkt)
+            label = (12, 0, 1, 63)
+            exp_pkt = mpls_packet(pktlen=100,
+                                  eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
+                                  eth_src=intf_src_mac_str,
+                                  ip_ttl=64,
+                                  ip_src=src_ip_str, label= [label],
+                                  ip_dst=dst_ip_str)
+            pkt=str(exp_pkt)
+            verify_packet(self, pkt, port2)
+            #verify_packet(self, pkt, port3)
+            verify_no_other_packets(self)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
 class PacketInSrcMacMiss(base_tests.SimpleDataPlane):
@@ -1569,21 +1629,23 @@
     def runTest(self):
-        ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
+        try:
+            ports = sorted(config["port_map"].keys())
-        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
-        for port in ports:
-            L2gid, l2msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, 1, True, False)
-            add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, 1, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
-            Groups.put(L2gid)
-        parsed_vlan_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=104,
-                                            vlan_vid=0x1001, dl_vlan_enable=True)
-        vlan_pkt = str(parsed_vlan_pkt)
-        for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
-  "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
-            self.dataplane.send(of_port, vlan_pkt)
-            verify_packet_in(self, vlan_pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_NO_MATCH)
-            verify_no_other_packets(self)
-        delete_all_flows(self.controller)
-        delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
\ No newline at end of file
+            Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
+            for port in ports:
+                L2gid, l2msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(self.controller, port, 1, True, False)
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(self.controller, port, 1, flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG)
+                Groups.put(L2gid)
+            parsed_vlan_pkt = simple_tcp_packet(pktlen=104,
+                                                vlan_vid=0x1001, dl_vlan_enable=True)
+            vlan_pkt = str(parsed_vlan_pkt)
+            for of_port in config["port_map"].keys():
+      "PacketInMiss test, port %d", of_port)
+                self.dataplane.send(of_port, vlan_pkt)
+                verify_packet_in(self, vlan_pkt, of_port, ofp.OFPR_NO_MATCH)
+                verify_no_other_packets(self)
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows(self.controller)
+            delete_groups(self.controller, Groups)
+            delete_all_groups(self.controller)
\ No newline at end of file