Conformance Test-Suite 2
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+"""These tests fall under Conformance Test-Suite (OF-SWITCH-1.0.0 TestCases).
+ Refer Documentation -- Detailed testing methodology
+ <Some of test-cases are directly taken from oftest> """
+"Test Suite 2 --> Openflow Protocol messages"
+import logging
+import unittest
+import random
+import oftest.controller as controller
+import oftest.cstruct as ofp
+import oftest.message as message
+import oftest.dataplane as dataplane
+import oftest.action as action
+import oftest.parse as parse
+import basic
+from testutils import *
+from time import sleep
+from FuncUtils import *
+of_port_map = None
+of_logger = None
+of_config = None
+def test_set_init(config):
+ basic.test_set_init(config)
+ global of_port_map
+ global of_logger
+ global of_config
+ of_logger = logging.getLogger("Start Openflow_Protocol_Messages Conformance Test-suite")
+"Initializing test set")
+ of_port_map = config["port_map"]
+ of_config = config
+class Features_Request(basic.SimpleProtocol):
+ """Verify Features_Request-Reply is implemented
+ b) Verify OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY is received without errors"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Features_Request test")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ #Clear switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+"Sending Features_Request")
+"Expecting Features_Reply")
+ request = message.features_request()
+ rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
+ self.assertTrue(rv != -1, "Not able to send features request.")
+ (response, pkt) = self.controller.poll(exp_msg=ofp.OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY,
+ timeout=2)
+ self.assertTrue(response is not None,
+ 'Did not receive Features Reply')
+class Configuration_Request(basic.SimpleProtocol):
+ """Check basic Get Config request is implemented
+ b) Verify OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY is received without errors"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Configuration_Request test ")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ #Clear switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+ request = message.get_config_request()
+ rv = self.controller.message_send(request)
+ self.assertTrue(rv != -1, " Not able to send get_config request.")
+ (response, pkt) = self.controller.poll(exp_msg=ofp.OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY,
+ timeout=2)
+ self.assertTrue(response is not None,
+ 'Did not receive OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY')
+class Modify_State_Add(basic.SimpleProtocol):
+ """Check basic Flow Add request is implemented
+ a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD , command = OFPFC_ADD
+ c) Send ofp_table_stats request , verify active_count=1 in reply"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Modify_State_Add test")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ #Clear switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller,of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+"Inserting a flow entry")
+"Expecting active_count=1 in table_stats_reply")
+ #Insert a flow entry matching on ingress_port
+ (Pkt,match) = Wildcard_All_Except_Ingress(self,of_ports)
+ # Send Table_Stats_Request and verify flow gets inserted.
+ Verify_TableStats(self,active_entries=1)
+class Modify_State_Delete(basic.SimpleProtocol):
+ """Check Basic Flow Delete request is implemented
+ a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_ADD
+ b) Send ofp_table_stats request , verify active_count=1 in reply
+ c) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_DELETE
+ c) Send ofp_table_stats request , verify active_count=0 in reply"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Modify_State_Delete test")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ #Clear switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller,of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+"Inserting a flow entry and then deleting it")
+"Expecting the active_count=0 in table_stats_reply")
+ #Insert a flow matching on ingress_port
+ (Pkt,match) = Wildcard_All_Except_Ingress(self,of_ports)
+ #Verify Flow inserted.
+ Verify_TableStats(self,active_entries=1)
+ #Delete the flow
+ NonStrict_Delete(self,match)
+ # Send Table_Stats_Request and verify flow deleted.
+ Verify_TableStats(self,active_entries=0)
+class Modify_State_Modify(basic.SimpleDataPlane):
+ """Verify basic Flow Modify request is implemented
+ a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_ADD, Action A
+ b) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_MODIFY , with output action A'
+ c) Send a packet matching the flow, verify packet implements action A' """
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Modify_State_modify test")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ #Clear switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+"Inserting a flow entry and then modifying it")
+"Expecting the Test Packet to implement the modified action")
+ # Insert a flow matching on ingress_port with action A (output to of_port[1])
+ (pkt,match) = Wildcard_All_Except_Ingress(self,of_ports)
+ # Modify the flow action (output to of_port[2])
+ Modify_Flow_Action(self,of_ports,match)
+ # Send the Test Packet and verify action implemented is A' (output to of_port[2])
+ SendPacket(self, pkt, of_ports[0],of_ports[2])
+class Read_State(basic.SimpleProtocol):
+ """Test that a basic Read state request (like flow_stats_get request) does not generate an error
+ a) Send OFPT_FLOW_MOD, command = OFPFC_ADD
+ b) Send ofp_flow_stats request
+ b) Verify switch replies without errors"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Read_State test")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ #Clear switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+"Inserting a flow entry and then sending flow_stats request")
+"Expecting the a flow_stats_reply without errors")
+ # Insert a flow with match on ingress_port
+ (pkt,match ) = Wildcard_All_Except_Ingress(self,of_ports)
+ #Verify Flow_Stats request does not generate errors
+ Verify_FlowStats(self,match)
+class Send_Packet(basic.SimpleDataPlane):
+ """Test packet out function
+ a) Send packet out message for each dataplane port.
+ b) Verify the packet appears on the appropriate dataplane port"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Send_Packet test")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ #Clear Switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+"Sending a packet-out for each dataplane port")
+"Expecting the packet on appropriate dataplane port")
+ for dp_port in of_ports:
+ for outpkt, opt in [
+ (simple_tcp_packet(), "simple TCP packet"),
+ (simple_eth_packet(), "simple Ethernet packet"),
+ (simple_eth_packet(pktlen=40), "tiny Ethernet packet")]:
+ msg = message.packet_out()
+ = str(outpkt)
+ act = action.action_output()
+ act.port = dp_port
+ self.assertTrue(msg.actions.add(act), 'Could not add action to msg')
+"PacketOut to: " + str(dp_port))
+ rv = self.controller.message_send(msg)
+ self.assertTrue(rv == 0, "Error sending out message")
+ exp_pkt_arg = None
+ exp_port = None
+ if of_config["relax"]:
+ exp_pkt_arg = outpkt
+ exp_port = dp_port
+ (of_port, pkt, pkt_time) = self.dataplane.poll(timeout=2,
+ port_number=exp_port,
+ exp_pkt=exp_pkt_arg)
+ self.assertTrue(pkt is not None, 'Packet not received')
+"PacketOut: got pkt from " + str(of_port))
+ if of_port is not None:
+ self.assertEqual(of_port, dp_port, "Unexpected receive port")
+ if not dataplane.match_exp_pkt(outpkt, pkt):
+ of_logger.debug("Sent %s" % format_packet(outpkt))
+ of_logger.debug("Resp %s" % format_packet(
+ str(pkt)[:len(str(outpkt))]))
+ self.assertEqual(str(outpkt), str(pkt)[:len(str(outpkt))],
+ 'Response packet does not match send packet')
+class Packet_In(basic.SimpleDataPlane):
+ """Test basic packet_in function
+ a) Send a simple tcp packet to a dataplane port, without any flow-entry
+ b) Verify that a packet_in event is sent to the controller"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Packet_In test")
+ of_ports = of_port_map.keys()
+ of_ports.sort()
+ ingress_port = of_ports[0]
+ #Clear Switch state
+ rc = delete_all_flows(self.controller, of_logger)
+ self.assertEqual(rc, 0, "Failed to delete all flows")
+ self.assertEqual(do_barrier(self.controller), 0, "Barrier failed")
+"Sending a Simple tcp packet a dataplane port")
+"Expecting a packet_in event on the control plane")
+ # Send packet on dataplane port and verify packet_in event gets generated.
+ pkt = simple_tcp_packet()
+ self.dataplane.send(ingress_port, str(pkt))
+"Sending packet to dp port " + str(ingress_port) +
+ ", expecting packet_in on control plane" )
+ (response, pkt) = self.controller.poll(exp_msg=ofp.OFPT_PACKET_IN,
+ timeout=2)
+ self.assertTrue(response is not None,
+ 'Packet in event is not sent to the controller')
+class Hello(basic.SimpleDataPlane):
+ """Test Hello messages are implemented
+ a) Create Hello messages from controller
+ b) Verify switch also exchanges hello message -- (Poll the control plane)
+ d) Verify the version field in the hello messages is openflow 1.0.0 """
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running Hello test")
+"Sending Hello")
+"Expecting a Hello on the control plane with version--1.0.0")
+ #Send Hello message
+ request = message.hello()
+ (response, pkt) = self.controller.poll(exp_msg=ofp.OFPT_HELLO,
+ timeout=1)
+ self.assertTrue(response is not None,
+ 'Switch did not exchange hello message in return')
+ self.assertTrue(response.header.version == 0x01, 'switch openflow-version field is not 1.0.0')
+class EchoWithoutBody(basic.SimpleProtocol):
+ """Test basic echo-reply is implemented
+ a) Send echo-request from the controller side, note echo body is empty here.
+ b) Verify switch responds back with echo-reply with same xid """
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running EchoWithoutBody test")
+"Sending Echo Request")
+"Expecting a Echo Reply with version--1.0.0 and same xid")
+ # Send echo_request
+ request = message.echo_request()
+ (response, pkt) = self.controller.transact(request)
+ self.assertEqual(response.header.type, ofp.OFPT_ECHO_REPLY,'response is not echo_reply')
+ self.assertEqual(request.header.xid, response.header.xid,
+ 'response xid != request xid')
+ self.assertTrue(response.header.version == 0x01, 'switch openflow-version field is not 1.0.1')
+ self.assertEqual(len(, 0, 'response data non-empty')
+class BarrierRequestReply(basic.SimpleProtocol):
+ """ Check basic Barrier request is implemented
+ c) Verify OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY is recieved"""
+ def runTest(self):
+"Running BarrierRequestReply test")
+"Sending Barrier Request")
+"Expecting a Barrier Reply with same xid")
+ #Send Barrier Request
+ request = message.barrier_request()
+ (response, pkt) = self.controller.transact(request)
+ self.assertEqual(response.header.type, ofp.OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY,'response is not barrier_reply')
+ self.assertEqual(request.header.xid, response.header.xid,
+ 'response xid != request xid')