Added test for reproducing pw bug.

Test flows._MplsFwdInterfaceProblem_PW reproduces the bug we discussed
where the dst mac address was set wrongly, even though the client reported the
correct rules.

Change-Id: Iedfd640e3805c40e129317b3cfd31ed3e4a71038
diff --git a/accton/ b/accton/
index 479957c..2c1be4a 100755
--- a/accton/
+++ b/accton/
@@ -1293,7 +1293,6 @@
-"Inserting MPLS flow , label %ld", label)
     if send_barrier:
@@ -1380,6 +1379,7 @@
         # 0x0002nnnn is for UNI interfaces
         apply_actions.append(ofp.action.set_field(ofp.oxm.exp4ByteValue(exp_type=ofp.oxm.OFDPA_EXP_TYPE_MPLS_L2_PORT, value=0x00020000 + of_port)))
         apply_actions.append(ofp.action.set_field(ofp.oxm.exp2ByteValue(exp_type=ofp.oxm.OFDPA_EXP_TYPE_MPLS_TYPE, value=ofp.oxm.VPWS)))
     request = ofp.message.flow_add(
@@ -1845,7 +1845,7 @@
     return index + (10 << OFDPA_GROUP_TYPE_SHIFT)+(subtype<<OFDPA_MPLS_SUBTYPE_SHIFT)
-def add_mpls_intf_group(ctrl, ref_gid, dst_mac, src_mac, vid, index, subtype=0, send_barrier=False):
+def add_mpls_intf_group(ctrl, ref_gid, dst_mac, src_mac, vid, index, subtype=0, send_barrier=False, add=True):
@@ -1855,10 +1855,17 @@
     buckets = [ofp.bucket(actions=action)]
     mpls_group_id =encode_mpls_interface_group_id(subtype, index)
-    request = ofp.message.group_add(group_type=ofp.OFPGT_INDIRECT,
-                                    group_id=mpls_group_id,
-                                    buckets=buckets
-                                   )
+    if add:
+        request = ofp.message.group_add(group_type=ofp.OFPGT_INDIRECT,
+                                        group_id=mpls_group_id,
+                                        buckets=buckets
+                                       )
+    else:
+        request = ofp.message.group_modify(group_type=ofp.OFPGT_INDIRECT,
+                                        group_id=mpls_group_id,
+                                        buckets=buckets
+                                       )
     logging.debug("Adding MPLS interface group %02x, src_mac %s , dst_mac %s , vid %d", mpls_group_id, src_mac, dst_mac, vid)
diff --git a/ofdpa/ b/ofdpa/
index 9f02081..199b429 100755
--- a/ofdpa/
+++ b/ofdpa/
@@ -2651,6 +2651,7 @@
             pkt = str( parsed_pkt )
             self.dataplane.send( src_port, pkt )
             label = (mpls_label, 0, 1, 62)
@@ -3121,9 +3122,10 @@
     def runTest( self ):
         Groups = Queue.LifoQueue()
             if len( config[ "port_map" ] ) < 2:
-       "Port count less than 2, can't run this case" )
+       "port count less than 2, can't run this case" )
             input_src_mac = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc ]
@@ -3211,4 +3213,143 @@
             delete_all_flows( self.controller )
             delete_groups( self.controller, Groups )
-            delete_all_groups( self.controller )
\ No newline at end of file
+            delete_all_groups( self.controller )
+class _MplsFwdInterfaceProblem_PW( base_tests.SimpleDataPlane ):
+    """
+    Reproduces the pseudowire bug with the wrongly set destination mac address.
+    """
+    def runTest( self ):
+        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue( )
+        try:
+            if len( config[ "port_map" ] ) < 1:
+       "Port count less than 1, can't run this case" )
+                assert (False)
+                return
+            macs_to_test = [( [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x22, 0x00 ],  '00:00:00:11:11:00',  '00:00:00:22:22:00'),
+                            ( [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x33, 0x33, 0x00 ],  '00:00:00:11:22:00',  '00:00:00:33:33:00'),
+                            ( [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x33, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x44, 0x44, 0x00 ],  '00:00:00:11:33:00',  '00:00:00:44:44:00'),
+                            ( [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x44, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x55, 0x55, 0x00 ],  '00:00:00:11:44:00',  '00:00:00:55:55:00'),
+                            ( [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x55, 0x00 ], [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x66, 0x66, 0x00 ],  '00:00:00:11:55:00',  '00:00:00:66:66:00')]
+            for dummy_dst_mac, dst_mac, mac_dst_dummy, mac_dst in macs_to_test:
+                dip = 0xc0a80001
+                intf_src_mac = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xcc, 0xcc, 0xcc ]
+                out_port = 12
+                port = 24
+                # Shift MPLS label and VLAN ID by 16 to avoid reserved values
+                vlan_id = port + 16
+                mpls_label = port + 16
+                in_port = 24
+                ip_src = '192.168.%02d.1' % (in_port)
+                # create dummy groups
+                id = port
+                l2_gid, l2_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group( self.controller, out_port, vlan_id, False, False)
+                mpls_gid, mpls_msg = add_mpls_intf_group( self.controller, l2_gid, dummy_dst_mac, intf_src_mac,
+                       vlan_id, id, send_barrier=True)
+                do_barrier( self.controller )
+                # PW Case.
+                raw_input("Press anything to move on with pseudowire rules, after that you should see the updated groups in the switch.")
+      "Installing entries for pseudowire!")
+                switch_mac = ':'.join( [ '%02X' % x for x in intf_src_mac ] )
+                mpls_label      = 100
+                mpls_label_SR2 = 100 + 10
+                mpls_label_PW = 100 + 15
+                print("Install MPLS intf group for dst mac {0}", dst_mac)
+                # add MPLS interface group
+                mpls_intf_gid, mpls_intf_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(
+                    ctrl=self.controller,
+                    ref_gid=l2_gid,
+                    dst_mac=dst_mac,
+                    src_mac=intf_src_mac,
+                    vid=vlan_id,
+                    index=id,
+                    add=False,
+                    send_barrier=True
+                    )
+                # add MPLS flow with BoS=0
+                add_mpls_flow_pw(
+                    ctrl=self.controller,
+                    action_group_id=mpls_intf_gid,
+                    label=mpls_label_SR2,
+                    ethertype=0x8847,
+                    tunnel_index=1,
+                    bos=0
+                    )
+                # add Termination flow
+                add_termination_flow(
+                    ctrl=self.controller,
+                    in_port=in_port,
+                    eth_type=0x8847,
+                    dst_mac=intf_src_mac,
+                    vlanid=vlan_id,
+                    goto_table=23
+                    )
+                # add VLAN flows
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(
+                    ctrl=self.controller,
+                    of_port=in_port,
+                    vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG,
+                    )
+                add_one_vlan_table_flow(
+                    ctrl=self.controller,
+                    of_port=in_port,
+                    vlan_id=vlan_id,
+                    flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_UNTAG
+                    )
+                # Packet generation with sleep
+                time.sleep(2)
+                label_SR2 = (mpls_label_SR2, 0, 0, 32)
+                label_2 = (mpls_label_PW, 0, 1, 32)
+                # set to false to test if routing traffic
+                # comes through
+                raw_input("Press enter to send the packet, inspect the groups in the switch!")
+                print("Sending packet with dst mac {0} and labels {1}".format(switch_mac, [label_SR2, label_2]))
+                parsed_pkt = mpls_packet(
+                    pktlen=104,
+                    ip_ttl=63,
+                    label=[label_SR2, label_2],
+                    encapsulated_ethernet = True,
+                    eth_dst=switch_mac
+                )
+                pkt = str( parsed_pkt )
+                self.dataplane.send( in_port, pkt )
+                expected_label = (mpls_label_PW, 0, 1, 31)
+                print("Expecting packet with dst mac {0} and labels {1}".format(mac_dst, [label_2]))
+                parsed_pkt =  mpls_packet(
+                    pktlen=100,
+                    ip_ttl=63,
+                    eth_dst=mac_dst,
+                    eth_src=switch_mac,
+                    label=[ expected_label ],
+                    encapsulated_ethernet = True
+                )
+                pkt = str( parsed_pkt )
+                verify_packet( self, pkt, out_port )
+                verify_no_packet( self, pkt, in_port )
+                delete_all_flows( self.controller )
+                delete_groups( self.controller, Groups )
+                delete_all_groups( self.controller )
+        finally:
+                delete_all_flows( self.controller )
+                delete_groups( self.controller, Groups )
+                delete_all_groups( self.controller )
diff --git a/ofdpa/ b/ofdpa/
index 5713a94..37a2ad6 100644
--- a/ofdpa/
+++ b/ofdpa/
@@ -1894,7 +1894,6 @@
             verify_no_other_packets( self )
             delete_all_flows( self.controller )
             delete_groups( self.controller, Groups )
             delete_all_groups( self.controller )
@@ -2180,6 +2179,179 @@
     	delete_all_flows( self.controller )
     	delete_all_groups( self.controller )
+class IntermediateTransportBug( base_tests.SimpleDataPlane ):
+    """
+    This test is meant to verify that the alternative approach for handling
+    pseudowires in spine switches. Specifically, in the mpls table we install
+    2 rules , the match(SR1, BoS=1) and match(SR2, BoS=0). The match(SR2, BoS=0)
+    should match and the packet should be forwarded through the port and the label
+    for SR2 should be removed.
+    """
+    def runTest( self ):
+        Groups = Queue.LifoQueue( )
+        try:
+            if len( config[ "port_map" ] ) < 1:
+       "Port count less than 1, can't run this case" )
+                assert (False)
+                return
+            ports           = config[ "port_map" ].keys( )
+            in_port         = ports[0]
+            out_port        = ports[1]
+            out_vlan        = 4094
+            src_mac         = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x01 ]
+            src_mac_str     = ':'.join( [ '%02X' % x for x in src_mac ] )
+            dst_mac         = [ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x11, 0x01 ]
+            dst_mac_str     = ':'.join( [ '%02X' % x for x in dst_mac ] )
+            mpls_label      = 100
+            mpls_label_SR1 = 100 + 5
+            mpls_label_SR2 = 100 + 10
+            mpls_label_PW = 100 + 15
+            # Add l2 interface group, we have to pop the VLAN;
+            l2_intf_gid, l2_intf_msg = add_one_l2_interface_group(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                port=out_port,
+                vlan_id=out_vlan,
+                is_tagged=False,
+                send_barrier=False
+                )
+            Groups._put( l2_intf_gid )
+            # add MPLS interface group
+            mpls_intf_gid, mpls_intf_msg = add_mpls_intf_group(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                ref_gid=l2_intf_gid,
+                dst_mac=dst_mac,
+                src_mac=src_mac,
+                vid=out_vlan,
+                index=in_port
+                )
+            Groups._put( mpls_intf_gid )
+            # Add L3 Unicast  group
+            l3_msg = add_l3_unicast_group(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                port=out_port,
+                vlanid=out_vlan,
+                id=in_port,
+                src_mac=src_mac,
+                dst_mac=dst_mac
+                )
+            Groups._put( l3_msg.group_id )
+            # Add L3 ecmp group
+            ecmp_msg = add_l3_ecmp_group(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                id=in_port,
+                l3_ucast_groups=[ l3_msg.group_id ]
+                )
+            Groups._put( ecmp_msg.group_id )
+            # Add MPLS flow with BoS=1
+            add_mpls_flow(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                action_group_id=ecmp_msg.group_id,
+                label=mpls_label_SR1
+                )
+            # add MPLS flow with BoS=0
+            add_mpls_flow_pw(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                action_group_id=mpls_intf_gid,
+                label=mpls_label_SR2,
+                ethertype=0x8847,
+                tunnel_index=1,
+                bos=0
+                )
+            # add Termination flow
+            add_termination_flow(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                in_port=in_port,
+                eth_type=0x8847,
+                dst_mac=src_mac,
+                vlanid=out_vlan,
+                goto_table=23
+                )
+            # add VLAN flows
+            add_one_vlan_table_flow(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                of_port=in_port,
+                vlan_id=out_vlan,
+                flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_TAG,
+                )
+            add_one_vlan_table_flow(
+                ctrl=self.controller,
+                of_port=in_port,
+                vlan_id=out_vlan,
+                flag=VLAN_TABLE_FLAG_ONLY_UNTAG
+                )
+            # Packet generation with sleep
+            time.sleep(2)
+            label_SR1 = (mpls_label_SR1, 0, 1, 32)
+            label_SR2 = (mpls_label_SR2, 0, 0, 32)
+            label_2 = (mpls_label_PW, 0, 1, 32)
+	    # set to false to test if routing traffic
+	    # comes through
+	    pw = True
+            if pw:
+		    parsed_pkt = mpls_packet(
+			pktlen=104,
+			ip_ttl=63,
+			eth_dst=src_mac_str,
+			label=[label_SR2, label_2],
+			encapsulated_ethernet = True
+		    )
+		    pkt = str( parsed_pkt )
+		    self.dataplane.send( in_port, pkt )
+		    expected_label = (mpls_label_PW, 0, 1, 31)
+		    # we geneate the expected pw packet
+		    parsed_pkt =  mpls_packet(
+			pktlen=100,
+			ip_ttl=63,
+			eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
+			eth_src=src_mac_str,
+			label=[ expected_label ],
+			encapsulated_ethernet = True
+		    )
+		    pkt = str( parsed_pkt )
+		    verify_packet( self, pkt, out_port )
+		    verify_no_packet( self, pkt, in_port )
+	    else:
+		    # packet for routing traffic
+		    parsed_pkt_2 = mpls_packet(
+			pktlen=104,
+			ip_ttl=63,
+			eth_dst=src_mac_str,
+			label=[ label_SR1 ]
+		    )
+		    pkt_2 = str(parsed_pkt_2)
+		    self.dataplane.send( in_port, pkt_2 )
+		    # we geneate the expected routed packet
+		    parsed_pkt_2 = simple_tcp_packet(
+			pktlen=100,
+			ip_ttl=31,
+			eth_dst=dst_mac_str,
+			eth_src=src_mac_str,
+		    )
+		    pkt_2 = str(parsed_pkt_2)
+		    verify_packet( self, pkt_2, out_port)
+		    verify_no_packet( self, pkt_2, in_port )
+            verify_no_other_packets( self )
+        finally:
+            delete_all_flows( self.controller )
+            delete_groups( self.controller, Groups )
+            delete_all_groups( self.controller )