parse: support OF 1.2
diff --git a/src/python/oftest/ b/src/python/oftest/
index d75c7cd..385e21d 100644
--- a/src/python/oftest/
+++ b/src/python/oftest/
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 import sys
-import logging
-import ofp
     import scapy.all as scapy
@@ -13,27 +11,6 @@
         sys.exit("Need to install scapy for packet parsing")
-map_wc_field_to_match_member = {
-    'OFPFW_DL_VLAN'                 : 'vlan_vid',
-    'OFPFW_DL_SRC'                  : 'eth_src',
-    'OFPFW_DL_DST'                  : 'eth_dst',
-    'OFPFW_DL_TYPE'                 : 'eth_type',
-    'OFPFW_NW_PROTO'                : 'ip_proto',
-    'OFPFW_TP_SRC'                  : 'tcp_src',
-    'OFPFW_TP_DST'                  : 'tcp_dst',
-    'OFPFW_NW_SRC_SHIFT'            : 'nw_src_shift',
-    'OFPFW_NW_SRC_BITS'             : 'nw_src_bits',
-    'OFPFW_NW_SRC_MASK'             : 'nw_src_mask',
-    'OFPFW_NW_SRC_ALL'              : 'nw_src_all',
-    'OFPFW_NW_DST_SHIFT'            : 'nw_dst_shift',
-    'OFPFW_NW_DST_BITS'             : 'nw_dst_bits',
-    'OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK'             : 'nw_dst_mask',
-    'OFPFW_NW_DST_ALL'              : 'nw_dst_all',
-    'OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP'             : 'vlan_pcp',
-    'OFPFW_NW_TOS'                  : 'ip_dscp'
 def parse_mac(mac_str):
     Parse a MAC address
@@ -61,6 +38,15 @@
         val += a
     return val
+def parse_ipv6(ip_str):
+    """
+    Parse an IPv6 address
+    Parse a textual IPv6 address and return a 16 byte binary string.
+    """
+    import ipaddr # TODO remove dependency on ipaddr?
+    return str(ipaddr.IPv6Address(ip_str).packed)
 def packet_type_classify(ether):
         dot1q = ether[scapy.Dot1Q]
@@ -93,26 +79,30 @@
         arp = None
     return (dot1q, ip, tcp, udp, icmp, arp)
-def packet_to_flow_match(packet, pkt_format="L2"):
+def packet_to_flow_match(packet):
     Create a flow match that matches packet with the given wildcards
     @param packet The packet to use as a flow template
-    @param pkt_format Currently only L2 is supported.  Will indicate the 
-    overall packet type for parsing
-    @return An ofp_match object if successful.  None if format is not
-    recognized.  The wildcards of the match will be cleared for the
-    values extracted from the packet.
+    @return An loxi.of10.match object
     @todo check min length of packet
-    @todo Check if packet is other than L2 format
-    @todo Implement ICMP and ARP fields
+    import ofp
+    if ofp.OFP_VERSION == 1:
+        return packet_to_flow_match_v1(packet)
+    elif ofp.OFP_VERSION == 3:
+        return packet_to_flow_match_v3(packet)
+    elif ofp.OFP_VERSION == 4:
+        return packet_to_flow_match_v4(packet)
+    else:
+        raise NotImplementedError()
-    #@todo check min length of packet
-    if pkt_format.upper() != "L2":
-        logging.error("Only L2 supported for packet_to_flow")
-        return None
+def packet_to_flow_match_v1(packet):
+    """
+    OpenFlow 1.0 implementation of packet_to_flow_match
+    """
+    import loxi.of10 as ofp
     if type(packet) == type(""):
         ether = scapy.Ether(packet)
@@ -123,8 +113,7 @@
         (dot1q, ip, tcp, udp, icmp, arp) = packet_type_classify(ether)
-        logging.error("packet_to_flow_match: Classify error")
-        return None
+        raise ValueError("could not classify packet")
     match = ofp.match()
     match.wildcards = ofp.OFPFW_ALL
@@ -183,3 +172,111 @@
         match.wildcards &= ~ofp.OFPFW_NW_DST_MASK
     return match
+def packet_to_flow_match_v3(packet):
+    """
+    OpenFlow 1.2 implementation of packet_to_flow_match
+    """
+    import loxi.of12 as ofp
+    return packet_to_flow_match_oxm(packet, ofp)
+def packet_to_flow_match_v4(packet):
+    """
+    OpenFlow 1.3 implementation of packet_to_flow_match
+    """
+    import loxi.of13 as ofp
+    return packet_to_flow_match_oxm(packet, ofp)
+def packet_to_flow_match_oxm(packet, ofp):
+    def parse_ether_layer(layer, match):
+        assert(type(layer) == scapy.Ether)
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_dst(parse_mac(layer.dst)))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_src(parse_mac(layer.src)))
+        if type(layer.payload) == scapy.Dot1Q:
+            layer = layer.payload
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(layer.type))
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(layer.vlan))
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.vlan_pcp(layer.prio))
+        else:
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.eth_type(layer.type))
+            match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE))
+        if type(layer.payload) == scapy.IP:
+            parse_ipv4_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        elif type(layer.payload) == scapy.IPv6:
+            parse_ipv6_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        elif type(layer.payload) == scapy.ARP:
+            parse_arp_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        # TODO MPLS
+    def parse_ipv4_layer(layer, match):
+        assert(type(layer) == scapy.IP)
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_proto(layer.proto))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_dscp(layer.tos >> 2))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_ecn(layer.tos & 3))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ipv4_src(parse_ip(layer.src)))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ipv4_dst(parse_ip(layer.dst)))
+        if type(layer.payload) == scapy.TCP:
+            parse_tcp_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        elif type(layer.payload) == scapy.UDP:
+            parse_udp_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        elif type(layer.payload) == scapy.ICMP:
+            parse_icmpv4_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        # TODO SCTP
+    def parse_tcp_layer(layer, match):
+        assert(type(layer) == scapy.TCP)
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.tcp_src(
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.tcp_dst(layer.dport))
+    def parse_udp_layer(layer, match):
+        assert(type(layer) == scapy.UDP)
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.udp_src(
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.udp_dst(layer.dport))
+    def parse_icmpv4_layer(layer, match):
+        assert(type(layer) == scapy.ICMP)
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.icmpv4_type(layer.type))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.icmpv4_code(layer.code))
+    def parse_arp_layer(layer, match):
+        assert(type(layer) == scapy.ARP)
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.arp_op(layer.op))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.arp_spa(parse_ip(layer.psrc)))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.arp_tpa(parse_ip(layer.pdst)))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.arp_sha(parse_mac(layer.hwsrc)))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.arp_tha(parse_mac(layer.hwdst)))
+    def parse_ipv6_layer(layer, match):
+        assert(type(layer) == scapy.IPv6)
+        # TODO handle chained headers
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_proto(layer.nh))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_dscp( >> 2))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ip_ecn( & 3))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ipv6_src(parse_ipv6(layer.src)))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ipv6_dst(parse_ipv6(layer.dst)))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.ipv6_flabel(layer.fl))
+        if type(layer.payload) == scapy.TCP:
+            parse_tcp_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        elif type(layer.payload) == scapy.UDP:
+            parse_udp_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        elif layer.nh == 0x3a:
+            parse_icmpv6_layer(layer.payload, match)
+        # TODO ND
+        # TODO SCTP
+    def parse_icmpv6_layer(layer, match):
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.icmpv6_type(layer.type))
+        match.oxm_list.append(ofp.oxm.icmpv6_code(layer.code))
+    if type(packet) == type(""):
+        ether = scapy.Ether(packet)
+    else:
+        ether = packet
+    match = ofp.match()
+    parse_ether_layer(packet, match)
+    return match
diff --git a/src/python/oftest/ b/src/python/oftest/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..7143350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/oftest/
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import unittest
+import parse
+import scapy.all as scapy
+class TestPacketToFlowMatchV3(unittest.TestCase):
+    def test_tcp(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a')/ \
+            scapy.IP(src='', dst='', tos=2 | (32 << 2), ttl=64)/ \
+            scapy.TCP(sport=1234, dport=80)
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_proto(6),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_dscp(32),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_ecn(2),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_src(0xc0a80001),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_dst(0xc0a80002),
+            ofp.oxm.tcp_src(1234),
+            ofp.oxm.tcp_dst(80)
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+    def test_udp(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a')/ \
+            scapy.IP(src='', dst='', tos=2 | (32 << 2), ttl=64)/ \
+            scapy.UDP(sport=1234, dport=80)
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_proto(17),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_dscp(32),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_ecn(2),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_src(0xc0a80001),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_dst(0xc0a80002),
+            ofp.oxm.udp_src(1234),
+            ofp.oxm.udp_dst(80)
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+    def test_icmp(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a')/ \
+            scapy.IP(src='', dst='', tos=2 | (32 << 2), ttl=64)/ \
+            scapy.ICMP(type=8, code=1)
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_proto(1),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_dscp(32),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_ecn(2),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_src(0xc0a80001),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_dst(0xc0a80002),
+            ofp.oxm.icmpv4_type(8),
+            ofp.oxm.icmpv4_code(1)
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+    def test_arp(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a')/ \
+            scapy.ARP(hwsrc='00:01:02:03:04:05', hwdst='00:06:07:08:09:0a', \
+                      psrc='', pdst='', op=1)
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0806),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE),
+            ofp.oxm.arp_op(1),
+            ofp.oxm.arp_spa(0xc0a80001),
+            ofp.oxm.arp_tpa(0xc0a80002),
+            ofp.oxm.arp_sha([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.arp_tha([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+    def test_tcpv6(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a')/ \
+            scapy.IPv6(src="::1", dst="::2", nh=6, tc=2 | (32 << 2), fl=7)/ \
+            scapy.TCP(sport=1234, dport=80)
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x86dd),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_proto(6),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_dscp(32),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_ecn(2),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv6_src("\x00" * 15 + "\x01"),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv6_dst("\x00" * 15 + "\x02"),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv6_flabel(7),
+            ofp.oxm.tcp_src(1234),
+            ofp.oxm.tcp_dst(80)
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+    def test_icmpv6(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a')/ \
+            scapy.IPv6(src="::1", dst="::2", tc=2 | (32 << 2), fl=7)/ \
+            scapy.ICMPv6EchoRequest()
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x86dd),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_proto(0x3a),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_dscp(32),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_ecn(2),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv6_src("\x00" * 15 + "\x01"),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv6_dst("\x00" * 15 + "\x02"),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv6_flabel(7),
+            ofp.oxm.icmpv6_type(128),
+            ofp.oxm.icmpv6_code(0)
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+    def test_vlan(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a')/ \
+            scapy.Dot1Q(vlan=50, prio=5)/ \
+            scapy.IP(src='', dst='', tos=2 | (32 << 2), ttl=64)/ \
+            scapy.TCP(sport=1234, dport=80)
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0800),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(50),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_pcp(5),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_proto(6),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_dscp(32),
+            ofp.oxm.ip_ecn(2),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_src(0xc0a80001),
+            ofp.oxm.ipv4_dst(0xc0a80002),
+            ofp.oxm.tcp_src(1234),
+            ofp.oxm.tcp_dst(80)
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+    def test_unknown_ethertype(self):
+        import loxi.of12 as ofp
+        self.maxDiff = None
+        pkt = scapy.Ether(dst='00:01:02:03:04:05', src='00:06:07:08:09:0a', type=0x0801)/ \
+            ('\x11' * 20)
+        expected = [
+            ofp.oxm.eth_dst([0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_src([0x00, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a]),
+            ofp.oxm.eth_type(0x0801),
+            ofp.oxm.vlan_vid(ofp.OFP_VLAN_NONE),
+        ]
+        result = parse.packet_to_flow_match_v3(pkt).oxm_list
+        self.assertEquals([ for x in expected], [ for x in result])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    unittest.main(verbosity=2)
diff --git a/tests-1.2/ b/tests-1.2/
index c871a6b..bd0c120 100644
--- a/tests-1.2/
+++ b/tests-1.2/
@@ -48,12 +48,11 @@
         # Add entry match 
-        request = ofp.message.flow_mod()
-        request.match.type = ofp.OFPMT_OXM
-        port = ofp.match.in_port(of_ports[0])
-        eth_type = ofp.match.eth_type(IPV6_ETHERTYPE)
-        eth_dst = ofp.match.eth_dst(ofp.parse.parse_mac("00:01:02:03:04:05"))
-        ipv6_src = ofp.match.ipv6_src(ipaddr.IPv6Address('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))
+        request = ofp.message.flow_add()
+        port = ofp.oxm.in_port(of_ports[0])
+        eth_type = ofp.oxm.eth_type(IPV6_ETHERTYPE)
+        eth_dst = ofp.oxm.eth_dst(oftest.parse.parse_mac("00:01:02:03:04:05"))
+        ipv6_src = ofp.oxm.ipv6_src(oftest.parse.parse_ipv6('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))
@@ -107,7 +106,7 @@
         request.match.type = ofp.OFPMT_OXM
         port = ofp.match.in_port(of_ports[0])
         eth_type = ofp.match.eth_type(IPV6_ETHERTYPE)
-        ipv6_src = ofp.match.ipv6_src(ipaddr.IPv6Address('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))
+        ipv6_src = ofp.match.ipv6_src(oftest.parse.parse_ipv6('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))
         ip_proto = ofp.match.ip_proto(ICMPV6_PROTOCOL)
         icmpv6_type = ofp.match.icmpv6_type(128)
@@ -163,13 +162,13 @@
         request.match.type = ofp.OFPMT_OXM
         port = ofp.match.in_port(of_ports[0])
         eth_type = ofp.match.eth_type(IPV6_ETHERTYPE)
-        ipv6_src = ofp.match.ipv6_src(ipaddr.IPv6Address('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))
+        ipv6_src = ofp.match.ipv6_src(oftest.parse.parse_ipv6('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))
-        field_2b_set = ofp.match.ipv6_dst(ipaddr.IPv6Address('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:DDDD'))
+        field_2b_set = ofp.match.ipv6_dst(oftest.parse.parse_ipv6('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:DDDD'))
         act_setfield = ofp.action.set_field()
         act_setfield.field = field_2b_set
@@ -228,7 +227,7 @@
         request.match.type = ofp.OFPMT_OXM
         port = ofp.match.in_port(of_ports[0])
         eth_type = ofp.match.eth_type(IPV6_ETHERTYPE)
-        ipv6_src = ofp.match.ipv6_src(ipaddr.IPv6Address('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))        
+        ipv6_src = ofp.match.ipv6_src(oftest.parse.parse_ipv6('fe80::2420:52ff:fe8f:5189'))        
         ip_proto = ofp.match.ip_proto(TCP_PROTOCOL)
         tcp_port = ofp.match.tcp_src(80)