blob: 7b03fbffaa061842fda976d417d30e73012ffdbf [file] [log] [blame]
OpenFlow instruction list class
import action as action
import instruction as instruction
from action_list import action_list
from base_list import ofp_base_list
from cstruct import ofp_header
import unittest
# Instruction list
instruction_object_map = {
action.OFPIT_GOTO_TABLE : instruction.instruction_goto_table,
action.OFPIT_WRITE_METADATA : instruction.instruction_write_metadata,
action.OFPIT_WRITE_ACTIONS : instruction.instruction_write_actions,
action.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS : instruction.instruction_apply_actions,
action.OFPIT_CLEAR_ACTIONS : instruction.instruction_clear_actions,
class instruction_list(ofp_base_list):
Maintain a list of instructions
Data members:
@arg instructions An array of instructions such as write_actions
@arg pack: Pack the structure into a string
@arg unpack: Unpack a string to objects, with proper typing
@arg add: Add an action to the list; you can directly access
the action member, but add will validate that the added object
is an action.
def __init__(self):
self.instructions = self.items = "instruction"
self.class_list = instruction.instruction_class_list
def unpack(self, binary_string, bytes=None):
Unpack a list of instructions
Unpack instructions from a binary string, creating an array
of objects of the appropriate type
@param binary_string The string to be unpacked
@param bytes The total length of the instruction list in bytes.
Ignored if decode is True. If bytes is None and decode is false, the
list is assumed to extend through the entire string.
@return The remainder of binary_string that was not parsed
if bytes == None:
bytes = len(binary_string)
bytes_done = 0
count = 0
cur_string = binary_string
while bytes_done < bytes:
hdr = instruction.ofp_instruction()
if hdr.len < action.OFP_ACTION_HEADER_BYTES:
print "ERROR: Action too short"
if not hdr.type in instruction_object_map.keys():
print "WARNING: Skipping unknown action ", hdr.type, hdr.len
count += 1
cur_string = cur_string[hdr.len:]
bytes_done += hdr.len
return cur_string
class Instruction_List_Test(unittest.TestCase):
def runTest(self):
# instructions header is 8 bytes
l = instruction_list()
act = action.action_output()
act.port = 7
inst = instruction.instruction_apply_actions()
pkt = l.pack()
# 24 == 8 (list header) + (apply header) 8 + (output action) 8
l = instruction_list()