Added Modify L2, send to ingress and MC (or UC)

egress count defaults to 2 + ingress port
Use egr_count parameter to set to 1 for single other port.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 11f267b..9230afd 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -986,6 +986,22 @@
                         action_list=acts, max_test=2, egr_count=0,
+class ModifyL2DstIngressMC(BaseMatchCase):
+    """
+    Modify the L2 dest and send to the ingress port
+    """
+    def runTest(self):
+        sup_acts = supported_actions_get(self)
+        if not (sup_acts & 1 << ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST):
+            skip_message_emit(self, "ModifyL2dstMC test")
+            return
+        (pkt, exp_pkt, acts) = pkt_action_setup(self, mod_fields=['dl_dst'],
+                                                check_test_params=True)
+        flow_match_test(self, pa_port_map, pkt=pkt, exp_pkt=exp_pkt, 
+                        action_list=acts, max_test=2, egr_count=-1,
+                        ing_port=True)
 class ModifyL2SrcMC(BaseMatchCase):
     Modify the source MAC address (TP1) and send to multiple
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index a5214af..dfdeccc 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -264,16 +264,18 @@
     # Expect a packet from each port on egr port list
     for egr_port in egr_port_list:
+        check_port = egr_port
         if egr_port == ofp.OFPP_IN_PORT:
-            egr_port = ing_port
+            check_port = ing_port
         (rcv_port, rcv_pkt, pkt_time) = parent.dataplane.poll(
-            port_number=egr_port, timeout=1, exp_pkt=exp_pkt_arg)
+            port_number=check_port, timeout=1, exp_pkt=exp_pkt_arg)
         if rcv_pkt is None:
-            parent.logger.error("ERROR: No packet received from " + str(egr_port))
+            parent.logger.error("ERROR: No packet received from " + 
+                                str(check_port))
         parent.assertTrue(rcv_pkt is not None,
-                          "Did not receive packet port " + str(egr_port))
+                          "Did not receive packet port " + str(check_port))
         parent.logger.debug("Packet len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + " in on " + 
@@ -284,7 +286,7 @@
             parent.logger.debug("Received len " + str(len(rcv_pkt)) + ": "
                                 + str(rcv_pkt).encode('hex'))
         parent.assertEqual(str(exp_pkt), str(rcv_pkt),
-                           "Packet match error on port " + str(egr_port))
+                           "Packet match error on port " + str(check_port))
 def match_verify(parent, req_match, res_match):