Added L2 modify + MC tests and support

Added support to flow_match_test (and flow_match_test_port_pair)
to send generate flows/packets for multiple output port actions.

Added test cases for L2SrcModMC, L2DstModMC, L2SrcDstModMC which
modify and send to multiple output ports

Use egr_count to modify the number of output ports via test params.

Added warning to comments that test params need to be proper
Python identifiers.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 1861c89..86fc44e 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -955,6 +955,62 @@
         flow_match_test(self, pa_port_map, pkt=pkt, exp_pkt=exp_pkt, 
                         action_list=acts, max_test=2)
+class ModifyL2DstMC(BaseMatchCase):
+    """
+    Modify the L2 dest and send to 2 ports
+    Uses egr_count test parameter; defaults to 2
+    """
+    def runTest(self):
+        sup_acts = supported_actions_get(self)
+        if not (sup_acts & 1 << ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST):
+            skip_message_emit(self, "ModifyL2dst test")
+            return
+        egr_count = test_param_get(self.config, 'egr_count', default=2)
+        (pkt, exp_pkt, acts) = pkt_action_setup(self, mod_fields=['dl_dst'],
+                                                check_test_params=True)
+        flow_match_test(self, pa_port_map, pkt=pkt, exp_pkt=exp_pkt, 
+                        action_list=acts, max_test=2, egr_count=egr_count)
+class ModifyL2SrcMC(BaseMatchCase):
+    """
+    Modify the source MAC address (TP1) and send to multiple
+    Uses egr_count test parameter; defaults to 2
+    """
+    def runTest(self):
+        sup_acts = supported_actions_get(self)
+        if not (sup_acts & 1 << ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC):
+            skip_message_emit(self, "ModifyL2Src test")
+            return
+        egr_count = test_param_get(self.config, 'egr_count', default=2)
+        (pkt, exp_pkt, acts) = pkt_action_setup(self, mod_fields=['dl_src'],
+                                                check_test_params=True)
+        flow_match_test(self, pa_port_map, pkt=pkt, exp_pkt=exp_pkt, 
+                        action_list=acts, max_test=2, egr_count=egr_count)
+class ModifyL2SrcDstMC(BaseMatchCase):
+    """
+    Modify the L2 source and dest and send to 2 ports
+    Uses egr_count test parameter; defaults to 2
+    """
+    def runTest(self):
+        sup_acts = supported_actions_get(self)
+        if not (sup_acts & 1 << ofp.OFPAT_SET_DL_DST):
+            skip_message_emit(self, "ModifyL2dst test")
+            return
+        egr_count = test_param_get(self.config, 'egr_count', default=2)
+        mod_fields = ['dl_dst', 'dl_src']
+        (pkt, exp_pkt, acts) = pkt_action_setup(self, mod_fields=mod_fields,
+                                                check_test_params=True)
+        flow_match_test(self, pa_port_map, pkt=pkt, exp_pkt=exp_pkt, 
+                        action_list=acts, max_test=2, egr_count=egr_count)
 #@todo Need to implement tagged versions of the above tests
 #@todo Implement a test case that strips tag 2, adds tag 3