Initial oftest skeleton with wrapper generators and pylibopenflow
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/.gitignore b/tools/pylibopenflow/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2f836aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/.gitignore
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4b8a350
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script reads struct from C/C++ header file and output query
+Author ykk
+Date June 2009
+import sys
+import getopt
+import cheader
+import c2py
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> header_files... struct_name\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ "-c/--cstruct\n\tPrint C struct\n"+\
+ "-n/--name\n\tPrint names of struct\n"+\
+ "-s/--size\n\tPrint size of struct\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hcsn",
+ ["help","cstruct","size","names"])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is at least 1 input file and struct name
+if (len(args) < 2):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+##Print C struct
+printc = False
+##Print names
+printname = False
+##Print size
+printsize = False
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-s","--size")):
+ printsize = True
+ elif (opt in ("-c","--cstruct")):
+ printc = True
+ elif (opt in ("-n","--names")):
+ printname = True
+ else:
+ print "Unhandled option :"+opt
+ sys.exit(1)
+headerfile = cheader.cheaderfile(args[:-1])
+cstruct = headerfile.structs[args[-1].strip()]
+cs2p = c2py.cstruct2py()
+pattern = cs2p.get_pattern(cstruct)
+#Print C struct
+if (printc):
+ print cstruct
+#Print pattern
+print "Python pattern = "+pattern
+#Print name
+if (printname):
+ print cstruct.get_names()
+#Print size
+if (printsize):
+ print "Size = "+str(cs2p.get_size(pattern))
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..47cbffb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script reads struct
+Author ykk
+Date Jan 2010
+import sys
+import getopt
+import cpythonize
+import cheader
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> header_files... output_file\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "h",
+ ["help"])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ else:
+ print "Unhandled option :"+opt
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is at least 1 input file with 1 output file
+if (len(args) < 2):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+ch = cheader.cheaderfile(args[:-1])
+py = cpythonize.pythonizer(ch)
+fileRef = open(args[len(args)-1], "w")
+for l in py.pycode():
+ fileRef.write(l+"\n")
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d23ef0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script reads C/C++ header file and output query
+Author ykk
+Date June 2009
+import sys
+import getopt
+import cheader
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> header_file_1 header_file_2 ...\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ "-E/--enums\n\tPrint all enumerations\n"+\
+ "-e/--enum\n\tPrint specified enumeration\n"+\
+ "-M/--macros\n\tPrint all macros\n"+\
+ "-m/--macro\n\tPrint value of macro\n"+\
+ "-S/--structs\n\tPrint all structs\n"+\
+ "-s/--struct\n\tPrint struct\n"+\
+ "-n/--name-only\n\tPrint names only\n"+\
+ "-P/--print-no-comment\n\tPrint with comment removed only\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hMm:Ee:Ss:nP",
+ ["help","macros","macro=","enums","enum=",
+ "structs","struct="
+ "name-only","print-no-comment"])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is at least input file
+if (len(args) < 1):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+##Print names only
+nameOnly = False
+##Print all structs?
+allStructs = False
+##Query specific struct
+##Print all enums?
+allEnums = False
+##Query specific enum
+##Print all macros?
+allMacros = False
+##Query specific macro
+##Print without comment
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-S","--structs")):
+ allStructs = True
+ elif (opt in ("-s","--struct")):
+ struct = arg
+ elif (opt in ("-M","--macros")):
+ allMacros = True
+ elif (opt in ("-m","--macro")):
+ macro=arg
+ elif (opt in ("-E","--enums")):
+ allEnums = True
+ elif (opt in ("-e","--enum")):
+ enum = arg
+ elif (opt in ("-n","--name-only")):
+ nameOnly = True
+ elif (opt in ("-P","--print-no-comment")):
+ printNoComment = True
+ else:
+ assert (False,"Unhandled option :"+opt)
+headerfile = cheader.cheaderfile(args)
+if (printNoComment):
+ for line in headerfile.content:
+ print line
+ sys.exit(0)
+#Print all macros
+if (allMacros):
+ for (macroname, value) in headerfile.macros.items():
+ if (nameOnly):
+ print macroname
+ else:
+ print macroname+"\t=\t"+str(value)
+#Print specified macro
+if (macro != ""):
+ try:
+ print macro+"="+headerfile.macros[macro]
+ except KeyError:
+ print "Macro "+macro+" not found!"
+#Print all structs
+if (allStructs):
+ for (structname, value) in headerfile.structs.items():
+ if (nameOnly):
+ print structname
+ else:
+ print str(value)+"\n"
+#Print specified struct
+if (struct != ""):
+ try:
+ print str(headerfile.structs[struct])
+ except KeyError:
+ print "Struct "+struct+" not found!"
+#Print all enumerations
+if (allEnums):
+ for (enumname, values) in headerfile.enums.items():
+ print enumname
+ if (not nameOnly):
+ for enumval in values:
+ try:
+ print "\t"+enumval+"="+\
+ str(headerfile.enum_values[enumval])
+ except KeyError:
+ print enumval+" not found in enum!";
+#Print specifed enum
+if (enum != ""):
+ try:
+ for enumval in headerfile.enums[enum]:
+ try:
+ print enumval+"="+str(headerfile.enum_values[enumval])
+ except KeyError:
+ print enumval+" not found in enum!";
+ except KeyError:
+ print "Enumeration "+enum+" not found!"
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..78297c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script reads struct from OpenFlow header file and output query
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Author ykk
+Date October 2009
+import sys
+import getopt
+import openflow
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> struct_name\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ "-c/--cstruct\n\tPrint C struct\n"+\
+ "-n/--name\n\tPrint names of struct\n"+\
+ "-s/--size\n\tPrint size of struct\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hcsn",
+ ["help","cstruct","size","names"])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is only struct name
+if not (len(args) == 1):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+##Print C struct
+printc = False
+##Print names
+printname = False
+##Print size
+printsize = False
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-s","--size")):
+ printsize = True
+ elif (opt in ("-c","--cstruct")):
+ printc = True
+ elif (opt in ("-n","--names")):
+ printname = True
+ else:
+ assert (False,"Unhandled option :"+opt)
+pyopenflow = openflow.messages()
+cstruct = pyopenflow.structs[args[0].strip()]
+pattern = pyopenflow.get_pattern(cstruct)
+#Print C struct
+if (printc):
+ print cstruct
+#Print pattern
+print "Python pattern = "+str(pattern)
+#Print name
+if (printname):
+ print cstruct.get_names()
+#Print size
+if (printsize):
+ print "Size = "+str(pyopenflow.get_size(pattern))
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..bb8c180
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script generate class files for messenger and lavi in NOX,
+specifically it creates a Python class for each data structure.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Author ykk
+Date January 2010
+import sys
+import os.path
+import getopt
+import cheader
+import lavi.pythonize
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> nox_dir\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-i/--input-dir\n\tSpecify input directory (nox src directory)\n"+\
+ "-t/--template\n\tSpecify (non-default) template file\n"+\
+ "-n/--no-lavi\n\tSpecify that LAVI's file will not be created\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hm:n",
+ ["help","messenger-template","no-lavi"])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is only NOX directory given
+if not (len(args) == 1):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+##Output LAVI
+##Template file
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-t","--template")):
+ templatefile=arg
+ elif (opt in ("-n","--no-lavi")):
+ outputlavi=False
+ else:
+ print "Unhandled option:"+opt
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check for header file in NOX directory
+if not (os.path.isfile(args[0]+"/src/nox/coreapps/messenger/message.hh")):
+ print "Messenger header file not found!"
+ sys.exit(2)
+if (outputlavi):
+ if not (os.path.isfile(args[0]+"/src/nox/netapps/lavi/lavi-message.hh")):
+ print "LAVI message header file not found!"
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Get headerfile and pythonizer
+msgheader = cheader.cheaderfile(args[0]+"/src/nox/coreapps/messenger/message.hh")
+mpynizer = lavi.pythonize.msgpythonizer(msgheader)
+if (outputlavi):
+ laviheader = cheader.cheaderfile([args[0]+"/src/nox/coreapps/messenger/message.hh",
+ args[0]+"/src/nox/netapps/lavi/lavi-message.hh"])
+ lpynizer = lavi.pythonize.lavipythonizer(laviheader)
+#Generate Python code for messenger
+fileRef = open(args[0]+"/src/nox/coreapps/messenger/", "w")
+for x in mpynizer.pycode(templatefile):
+ fileRef.write(x+"\n")
+if (outputlavi):
+ fileRef = open(args[0]+"/src/nox/netapps/lavi/", "w")
+ for x in lpynizer.pycode(templatefile):
+ fileRef.write(x.replace("def __init__(self,ipAddr,portNo=2603,debug=False):",
+ "def __init__(self,ipAddr,portNo=2503,debug=False):").\
+ replace("def __init__(self, ipAddr, portNo=1304,debug=False):",
+ "def __init__(self, ipAddr, portNo=1305,debug=False):")+\
+ "\n")
+ fileRef.write("\n")
+ fileRef.close()
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..aef34f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script fakes as n OpenFlow switch and
+load the controller with k packets per second.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Author ykk
+Date January 2010
+import sys
+import getopt
+import struct
+import openflow
+import time
+import output
+import of.msg
+import of.simu
+import dpkt.ethernet
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> controller\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-p/--port\n\tSpecify port number\n"+\
+ "-v/--verbose\n\tPrint message exchange\n"+\
+ "-r/--rate\n\tSpecify rate per switch to send packets (default=1)\n"+\
+ "-d/--duration\n\tSpecify duration of load test in seconds (default=5)\n"+\
+ "-s/--switch\n\tSpecify number of switches (default=1)\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvp:s:d:r:",
+ ["help","verbose","port=",
+ "switch=","duration=","rate="])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is only controller
+if not (len(args) == 1):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+duration = 5
+rate = 1.0
+##Switch number
+swno = 1
+##Port to connect to
+port = 6633
+##Set output mode
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-v","--verbose")):
+ output.set_mode("DBG")
+ elif (opt in ("-p","--port")):
+ port=int(arg)
+ elif (opt in ("-s","--switch")):
+ swno=int(arg)
+ elif (opt in ("-d","--duration")):
+ duration=int(arg)
+ elif (opt in ("-r","--rate")):
+ rate=float(arg)
+ else:
+ print "Unhandled option :"+opt
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Form packet
+pkt = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet()
+pkt.type = dpkt.ethernet.ETH_MIN
+pkt.dst = '\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF\xFF'
+#Connect to controller
+ofmsg = openflow.messages()
+parser = of.msg.parser(ofmsg)
+ofnet =
+for i in range(1,swno+1):
+ ofsw = of.simu.switch(ofmsg, args[0], port,
+ dpid=i,
+ parser=parser)
+ ofnet.add_switch(ofsw)
+ ofsw.send_hello()
+"Running "+str(swno)+" switches at "+str(rate)+\
+ " packets per seconds for "+str(duration)+" s")
+starttime = time.time()
+running = True
+interval = 1.0/(rate*swno)
+swindex = 0
+pcount = 0
+rcount = 0
+while running:
+ ctime = time.time()
+ time.sleep(max(0,min(ntime-ctime,interval/10.0)))
+ if ((ctime-starttime) <= duration):
+ #Send packet if time's up
+ if (ctime >= ntime):
+ ntime += interval
+ pkt.src = struct.pack("Q",pcount)[:6]
+ ofnet.switches[swindex].send_packet(1,10,pkt.pack()+'A'*3)
+ pcount += 1
+ swno += 1
+ if (swno >= len(ofnet.switches)):
+ swno=0
+ #Process any received message
+ (ofsw, msg) = ofnet.connections.msgreceive()
+ while (msg != None):
+ dic = ofmsg.peek_from_front("ofp_header", msg)
+ if (dic["type"][0] == ofmsg.get_value("OFPT_FLOW_MOD")):
+ output.dbg("Received flow mod")
+ rcount += 1
+ ofsw.receive_openflow(msg)
+ (ofsw, msg) = ofnet.connections.msgreceive()
+ else:
+ running = False
+"Sent "+str(pcount)+" packets at rate "+\
+ str(float(pcount)/float(duration))+" and received "+\
+ str(rcount)+" back")
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e5aa030
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script fakes as an OpenFlow switch to the controller
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Author ykk
+Date October 2009
+import sys
+import getopt
+import openflow
+import time
+import output
+import of.msg
+import of.simu
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> controller\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-p/--port\n\tSpecify port number\n"+\
+ "-v/--verbose\n\tPrint message exchange\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hvp:",
+ ["help","verbose","port="])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is only controller
+if not (len(args) == 1):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+##Port to connect to
+port = 6633
+##Set output mode
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-v","--verbose")):
+ output.set_mode("DBG")
+ elif (opt in ("-p","--port")):
+ port=int(arg)
+ else:
+ assert (False,"Unhandled option :"+opt)
+#Connect to controller
+ofmsg = openflow.messages()
+parser = of.msg.parser(ofmsg)
+ofsw = of.simu.switch(ofmsg, args[0], port,
+ dpid=int("0xcafecafe",16),
+ parser=parser)
+#Send echo and wait
+xid = 22092009
+running = True
+starttime = time.time()
+while running:
+ msg = ofsw.connection.msgreceive(True, 0.00001)
+ pkttime = time.time()
+ dic = ofmsg.peek_from_front("ofp_header", msg)
+ if (dic["type"][0] == ofmsg.get_value("OFPT_ECHO_REPLY") and
+ dic["xid"][0] == xid):
+ #Check reply for echo request
+"Received echo reply after "+\
+ str((pkttime-starttime)*1000)+" ms", "ping-controller")
+ running = False
+ else:
+ ofsw.receive_openflow(msg)
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new file mode 100755
index 0000000..466c35d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2.5
+"""This script generate which
+creates Python class for each data structure in openflow.h.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Author ykk
+Date December 2009
+import sys
+import getopt
+import openflow
+import time
+import output
+import of.pythonize
+def usage():
+ """Display usage
+ """
+ print "Usage "+sys.argv[0]+" <options> output_file\n"+\
+ "Options:\n"+\
+ "-i/--input\n\tSpecify (non-default) OpenFlow header\n"+\
+ "-t/--template\n\tSpecify (non-default) template file\n"+\
+ "-h/--help\n\tPrint this usage guide\n"+\
+ ""
+#Parse options and arguments
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "hi:t:",
+ ["help","input","template"])
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Check there is only output file
+if not (len(args) == 1):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Parse options
+##Template file
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if (opt in ("-h","--help")):
+ usage()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ elif (opt in ("-i","--input")):
+ headerfile=arg
+ elif (opt in ("-t","--template")):
+ templatefile=arg
+ else:
+ print "Unhandled option:"+opt
+ sys.exit(2)
+#Generate Python code
+ofmsg = openflow.messages(headerfile)
+pynizer = of.pythonize.pythonizer(ofmsg)
+fileRef = open(args[0], "w")
+for x in pynizer.pycode(templatefile):
+ fileRef.write(x+"\n")
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/include/Put C header files here... b/tools/pylibopenflow/include/Put C header files here...
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/include/Put C header files here...
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25e7c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+import socket
+import select
+## This module provides library to send and receive messages to NOX's messenger
+# This is a rewrite of from OpenRoads (OpenFlow Wireless)
+# @author ykk (Stanford University)
+# @date January, 2010
+# @see messenger
+def stringarray(string):
+ """Output array of binary values in string.
+ """
+ arrstr = ""
+ if (len(string) != 0):
+ for i in range(0,len(string)):
+ arrstr += "%x " % struct.unpack("=B",string[i])[0]
+ return arrstr
+def printarray(string):
+ """Print array of binary values
+ """
+ print "Array of length "+str(len(string))
+ print stringarray(string)
+class channel:
+ """TCP channel to communicate to NOX with.
+ """
+ def __init__(self,ipAddr,portNo=2603,debug=False):
+ """Initialize with socket
+ """
+ ##Socket reference for channel
+ self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.sock.connect((ipAddr,portNo))
+ self.debug = debug
+ ##Internal buffer for receiving
+ self.__buffer = ""
+ ##Internal reference to header
+ self.__header = messenger_msg()
+ def baresend(self, msg):
+ """Send bare message"""
+ self.sock.send(msg)
+ def send(self,msg):
+ """Send message
+ """
+ msgh = messenger_msg()
+ remaining = msgh.unpack(msg)
+ if (msgh.length != len(msg)):
+ msgh.length = len(msg)
+ msg = msgh.pack()+remaining
+ self.baresend(msg)
+ if (self.debug):
+ printarray(msg)
+ def receive(self, recvLen=0,timeout=0):
+ """Receive command
+ If length == None, nonblocking receive (return None or message)
+ With nonblocking receive, timeout is used for select statement
+ If length is zero, return single message
+ """
+ if (recvLen==0):
+ #Receive full message
+ msg=""
+ length=len(self.__header)
+ while (len(msg) < length):
+ msg+=self.sock.recv(1)
+ #Get length
+ if (len(msg) == length):
+ self.__header.unpack(msg)
+ length=self.__header.length
+ return msg
+ elif (recvLen==None):
+ #Non-blocking receive
+ ready_to_read =[self.sock],[],[],timeout)[0]
+ if (ready_to_read):
+ self.__buffer += self.sock.recv(1)
+ if (len(self.__buffer) >= len(self.__header)):
+ self.__header.unpack(self.__buffer)
+ if (self.__header.length == len(self.__buffer)):
+ msg = self.__buffer
+ self.__buffer = ""
+ return msg
+ return None
+ else:
+ #Fixed length blocking receive
+ return self.sock.recv(recvLen)
+ def __del__(self):
+ """Terminate connection
+ """
+ emsg = messenger_msg()
+ emsg.type = MSG_DISCONNECT
+ emsg.length = len(emsg)
+ self.send(emsg.pack())
+ self.sock.shutdown(1)
+ self.sock.close()
+class sslChannel(channel):
+ """SSL channel to communicate to NOX with.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ipAddr, portNo=1304,debug=False):
+ """Initialize with SSL sock
+ """
+ NOXChannel.__init__(self, ipAddr, portNo,debug)
+ ##Reference to SSL socket for channel
+ self.sslsock = socket.ssl(self.sock)
+ def baresend(self, msg):
+ """Send bare message"""
+ self.sslsock.write(msg)
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/include/openflow.h b/tools/pylibopenflow/include/openflow.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e662aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/include/openflow.h
@@ -0,0 +1,970 @@
+/* Copyright (c) 2008 The Board of Trustees of The Leland Stanford
+ * Junior University
+ *
+ * We are making the OpenFlow specification and associated documentation
+ * (Software) available for public use and benefit with the expectation
+ * that others will use, modify and enhance the Software and contribute
+ * those enhancements back to the community. However, since we would
+ * like to make the Software available for broadest use, with as few
+ * restrictions as possible permission is hereby granted, free of
+ * charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this Software to deal in
+ * the Software under the copyrights without restriction, including
+ * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+ * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+ * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+ * the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ *
+ * The name and trademarks of copyright holder(s) may NOT be used in
+ * advertising or publicity pertaining to the Software or any
+ * derivatives without specific, written prior permission.
+ */
+/* OpenFlow: protocol between controller and datapath. */
+#ifdef __KERNEL__
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#ifdef SWIG
+#define OFP_ASSERT(EXPR) /* SWIG can't handle OFP_ASSERT. */
+#elif !defined(__cplusplus)
+/* Build-time assertion for use in a declaration context. */
+#define OFP_ASSERT(EXPR) \
+ extern int (*build_assert(void))[ sizeof(struct { \
+ unsigned int build_assert_failed : (EXPR) ? 1 : -1; })]
+#else /* __cplusplus */
+#define OFP_ASSERT(_EXPR) typedef int build_assert_failed[(_EXPR) ? 1 : -1]
+#endif /* __cplusplus */
+#ifndef SWIG
+#define OFP_PACKED __attribute__((packed))
+#define OFP_PACKED /* SWIG doesn't understand __attribute. */
+/* Version number:
+ * Non-experimental versions released: 0x01
+ * Experimental versions released: 0x81 -- 0x99
+ */
+/* The most significant bit being set in the version field indicates an
+ * experimental OpenFlow version.
+ */
+#define OFP_VERSION 0x99
+#define OFP_TCP_PORT 6633
+#define OFP_SSL_PORT 6633
+#define OFP_ETH_ALEN 6 /* Bytes in an Ethernet address. */
+/* Port numbering. Physical ports are numbered starting from 1. */
+enum ofp_port {
+ /* Maximum number of physical switch ports. */
+ OFPP_MAX = 0xff00,
+ /* Fake output "ports". */
+ OFPP_IN_PORT = 0xfff8, /* Send the packet out the input port. This
+ virtual port must be explicitly used
+ in order to send back out of the input
+ port. */
+ OFPP_TABLE = 0xfff9, /* Perform actions in flow table.
+ NB: This can only be the destination
+ port for packet-out messages. */
+ OFPP_NORMAL = 0xfffa, /* Process with normal L2/L3 switching. */
+ OFPP_FLOOD = 0xfffb, /* All physical ports except input port and
+ those disabled by STP. */
+ OFPP_ALL = 0xfffc, /* All physical ports except input port. */
+ OFPP_CONTROLLER = 0xfffd, /* Send to controller. */
+ OFPP_LOCAL = 0xfffe, /* Local openflow "port". */
+ OFPP_NONE = 0xffff /* Not associated with a physical port. */
+enum ofp_type {
+ /* Immutable messages. */
+ OFPT_HELLO, /* Symmetric message */
+ OFPT_ERROR, /* Symmetric message */
+ OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST, /* Symmetric message */
+ OFPT_ECHO_REPLY, /* Symmetric message */
+ OFPT_VENDOR, /* Symmetric message */
+ /* Switch configuration messages. */
+ OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_SET_CONFIG, /* Controller/switch message */
+ /* Asynchronous messages. */
+ OFPT_PACKET_IN, /* Async message */
+ OFPT_FLOW_REMOVED, /* Async message */
+ OFPT_PORT_STATUS, /* Async message */
+ /* Controller command messages. */
+ OFPT_PACKET_OUT, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_FLOW_MOD, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_PORT_MOD, /* Controller/switch message */
+ /* Statistics messages. */
+ OFPT_STATS_REQUEST, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_STATS_REPLY, /* Controller/switch message */
+ /* Barrier messages. */
+ OFPT_BARRIER_REQUEST, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_BARRIER_REPLY, /* Controller/switch message */
+ /* Queue Configuration messages. */
+ OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REQUEST, /* Controller/switch message */
+ OFPT_QUEUE_GET_CONFIG_REPLY /* Controller/switch message */
+/* Header on all OpenFlow packets. */
+struct ofp_header {
+ uint8_t version; /* OFP_VERSION. */
+ uint8_t type; /* One of the OFPT_ constants. */
+ uint16_t length; /* Length including this ofp_header. */
+ uint32_t xid; /* Transaction id associated with this packet.
+ Replies use the same id as was in the request
+ to facilitate pairing. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_header) == 8);
+/* OFPT_HELLO. This message has an empty body, but implementations must
+ * ignore any data included in the body, to allow for future extensions. */
+struct ofp_hello {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+enum ofp_config_flags {
+ /* Handling of IP fragments. */
+ OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL = 0, /* No special handling for fragments. */
+ OFPC_FRAG_DROP = 1, /* Drop fragments. */
+ OFPC_FRAG_REASM = 2, /* Reassemble (only if OFPC_IP_REASM set). */
+/* Switch configuration. */
+struct ofp_switch_config {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint16_t flags; /* OFPC_* flags. */
+ uint16_t miss_send_len; /* Max bytes of new flow that datapath should
+ send to the controller. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_switch_config) == 12);
+/* Capabilities supported by the datapath. */
+enum ofp_capabilities {
+ OFPC_FLOW_STATS = 1 << 0, /* Flow statistics. */
+ OFPC_TABLE_STATS = 1 << 1, /* Table statistics. */
+ OFPC_PORT_STATS = 1 << 2, /* Port statistics. */
+ OFPC_STP = 1 << 3, /* 802.1d spanning tree. */
+ OFPC_RESERVED = 1 << 4, /* Reserved, must be zero. */
+ OFPC_IP_REASM = 1 << 5, /* Can reassemble IP fragments. */
+ OFPC_QUEUE_STATS = 1 << 6, /* Queue statistics. */
+ OFPC_ARP_MATCH_IP = 1 << 7 /* Match IP addresses in ARP pkts. */
+/* Flags to indicate behavior of the physical port. These flags are
+ * used in ofp_phy_port to describe the current configuration. They are
+ * used in the ofp_port_mod message to configure the port's behavior.
+ */
+enum ofp_port_config {
+ OFPPC_PORT_DOWN = 1 << 0, /* Port is administratively down. */
+ OFPPC_NO_STP = 1 << 1, /* Disable 802.1D spanning tree on port. */
+ OFPPC_NO_RECV = 1 << 2, /* Drop all packets except 802.1D spanning
+ tree packets. */
+ OFPPC_NO_RECV_STP = 1 << 3, /* Drop received 802.1D STP packets. */
+ OFPPC_NO_FLOOD = 1 << 4, /* Do not include this port when flooding. */
+ OFPPC_NO_FWD = 1 << 5, /* Drop packets forwarded to port. */
+ OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN = 1 << 6 /* Do not send packet-in msgs for port. */
+/* Current state of the physical port. These are not configurable from
+ * the controller.
+ */
+enum ofp_port_state {
+ OFPPS_LINK_DOWN = 1 << 0, /* No physical link present. */
+ /* The OFPPS_STP_* bits have no effect on switch operation. The
+ * controller must adjust OFPPC_NO_RECV, OFPPC_NO_FWD, and
+ * OFPPC_NO_PACKET_IN appropriately to fully implement an 802.1D spanning
+ * tree. */
+ OFPPS_STP_LISTEN = 0 << 8, /* Not learning or relaying frames. */
+ OFPPS_STP_LEARN = 1 << 8, /* Learning but not relaying frames. */
+ OFPPS_STP_FORWARD = 2 << 8, /* Learning and relaying frames. */
+ OFPPS_STP_BLOCK = 3 << 8, /* Not part of spanning tree. */
+ OFPPS_STP_MASK = 3 << 8 /* Bit mask for OFPPS_STP_* values. */
+/* Features of physical ports available in a datapath. */
+enum ofp_port_features {
+ OFPPF_10MB_HD = 1 << 0, /* 10 Mb half-duplex rate support. */
+ OFPPF_10MB_FD = 1 << 1, /* 10 Mb full-duplex rate support. */
+ OFPPF_100MB_HD = 1 << 2, /* 100 Mb half-duplex rate support. */
+ OFPPF_100MB_FD = 1 << 3, /* 100 Mb full-duplex rate support. */
+ OFPPF_1GB_HD = 1 << 4, /* 1 Gb half-duplex rate support. */
+ OFPPF_1GB_FD = 1 << 5, /* 1 Gb full-duplex rate support. */
+ OFPPF_10GB_FD = 1 << 6, /* 10 Gb full-duplex rate support. */
+ OFPPF_COPPER = 1 << 7, /* Copper medium. */
+ OFPPF_FIBER = 1 << 8, /* Fiber medium. */
+ OFPPF_AUTONEG = 1 << 9, /* Auto-negotiation. */
+ OFPPF_PAUSE = 1 << 10, /* Pause. */
+ OFPPF_PAUSE_ASYM = 1 << 11 /* Asymmetric pause. */
+/* Description of a physical port */
+struct ofp_phy_port {
+ uint16_t port_no;
+ uint8_t hw_addr[OFP_ETH_ALEN];
+ char name[OFP_MAX_PORT_NAME_LEN]; /* Null-terminated */
+ uint32_t config; /* Bitmap of OFPPC_* flags. */
+ uint32_t state; /* Bitmap of OFPPS_* flags. */
+ /* Bitmaps of OFPPF_* that describe features. All bits zeroed if
+ * unsupported or unavailable. */
+ uint32_t curr; /* Current features. */
+ uint32_t advertised; /* Features being advertised by the port. */
+ uint32_t supported; /* Features supported by the port. */
+ uint32_t peer; /* Features advertised by peer. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_phy_port) == 48);
+/* Switch features. */
+struct ofp_switch_features {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint64_t datapath_id; /* Datapath unique ID. The lower 48-bits are for
+ a MAC address, while the upper 16-bits are
+ implementer-defined. */
+ uint32_t n_buffers; /* Max packets buffered at once. */
+ uint8_t n_tables; /* Number of tables supported by datapath. */
+ uint8_t pad[3]; /* Align to 64-bits. */
+ /* Features. */
+ uint32_t capabilities; /* Bitmap of support "ofp_capabilities". */
+ uint32_t actions; /* Bitmap of supported "ofp_action_type"s. */
+ /* Port info.*/
+ struct ofp_phy_port ports[0]; /* Port definitions. The number of ports
+ is inferred from the length field in
+ the header. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_switch_features) == 32);
+/* What changed about the physical port */
+enum ofp_port_reason {
+ OFPPR_ADD, /* The port was added. */
+ OFPPR_DELETE, /* The port was removed. */
+ OFPPR_MODIFY /* Some attribute of the port has changed. */
+/* A physical port has changed in the datapath */
+struct ofp_port_status {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint8_t reason; /* One of OFPPR_*. */
+ uint8_t pad[7]; /* Align to 64-bits. */
+ struct ofp_phy_port desc;
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_port_status) == 64);
+/* Modify behavior of the physical port */
+struct ofp_port_mod {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint16_t port_no;
+ uint8_t hw_addr[OFP_ETH_ALEN]; /* The hardware address is not
+ configurable. This is used to
+ sanity-check the request, so it must
+ be the same as returned in an
+ ofp_phy_port struct. */
+ uint32_t config; /* Bitmap of OFPPC_* flags. */
+ uint32_t mask; /* Bitmap of OFPPC_* flags to be changed. */
+ uint32_t advertise; /* Bitmap of "ofp_port_features"s. Zero all
+ bits to prevent any action taking place. */
+ uint8_t pad[4]; /* Pad to 64-bits. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_port_mod) == 32);
+/* Why is this packet being sent to the controller? */
+enum ofp_packet_in_reason {
+ OFPR_NO_MATCH, /* No matching flow. */
+ OFPR_ACTION /* Action explicitly output to controller. */
+/* Packet received on port (datapath -> controller). */
+struct ofp_packet_in {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint32_t buffer_id; /* ID assigned by datapath. */
+ uint16_t total_len; /* Full length of frame. */
+ uint16_t in_port; /* Port on which frame was received. */
+ uint8_t reason; /* Reason packet is being sent (one of OFPR_*) */
+ uint8_t pad;
+ uint8_t data[0]; /* Ethernet frame, halfway through 32-bit word,
+ so the IP header is 32-bit aligned. The
+ amount of data is inferred from the length
+ field in the header. Because of padding,
+ offsetof(struct ofp_packet_in, data) ==
+ sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) - 2. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_packet_in) == 20);
+enum ofp_action_type {
+ OFPAT_OUTPUT, /* Output to switch port. */
+ OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID, /* Set the 802.1q VLAN id. */
+ OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP, /* Set the 802.1q priority. */
+ OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN, /* Strip the 802.1q header. */
+ OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC, /* Ethernet source address. */
+ OFPAT_SET_DL_DST, /* Ethernet destination address. */
+ OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC, /* IP source address. */
+ OFPAT_SET_NW_DST, /* IP destination address. */
+ OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS, /* IP ToS (DSCP field, 6 bits). */
+ OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC, /* TCP/UDP source port. */
+ OFPAT_SET_TP_DST, /* TCP/UDP destination port. */
+ OFPAT_ENQUEUE, /* Output to queue. */
+ OFPAT_VENDOR = 0xffff
+/* Action structure for OFPAT_OUTPUT, which sends packets out 'port'.
+ * When the 'port' is the OFPP_CONTROLLER, 'max_len' indicates the max
+ * number of bytes to send. A 'max_len' of zero means no bytes of the
+ * packet should be sent.*/
+struct ofp_action_output {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_OUTPUT. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is 8. */
+ uint16_t port; /* Output port. */
+ uint16_t max_len; /* Max length to send to controller. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_output) == 8);
+/* The VLAN id is 12 bits, so we can use the entire 16 bits to indicate
+ * special conditions. All ones is used to match that no VLAN id was
+ * set. */
+#define OFP_VLAN_NONE 0xffff
+/* Action structure for OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID. */
+struct ofp_action_vlan_vid {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is 8. */
+ uint16_t vlan_vid; /* VLAN id. */
+ uint8_t pad[2];
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_vlan_vid) == 8);
+/* Action structure for OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP. */
+struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is 8. */
+ uint8_t vlan_pcp; /* VLAN priority. */
+ uint8_t pad[3];
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_vlan_pcp) == 8);
+/* Action structure for OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC/DST. */
+struct ofp_action_dl_addr {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC/DST. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is 16. */
+ uint8_t dl_addr[OFP_ETH_ALEN]; /* Ethernet address. */
+ uint8_t pad[6];
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_dl_addr) == 16);
+/* Action structure for OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC/DST. */
+struct ofp_action_nw_addr {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_SET_TW_SRC/DST. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is 8. */
+ uint32_t nw_addr; /* IP address. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_nw_addr) == 8);
+/* Action structure for OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC/DST. */
+struct ofp_action_tp_port {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC/DST. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is 8. */
+ uint16_t tp_port; /* TCP/UDP port. */
+ uint8_t pad[2];
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_tp_port) == 8);
+/* Action structure for OFPAT_SET_NW_TOS. */
+struct ofp_action_nw_tos {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_SET_TW_SRC/DST. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is 8. */
+ uint8_t nw_tos; /* IP ToS (DSCP field, 6 bits). */
+ uint8_t pad[3];
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_nw_tos) == 8);
+/* Action header for OFPAT_VENDOR. The rest of the body is vendor-defined. */
+struct ofp_action_vendor_header {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_VENDOR. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length is a multiple of 8. */
+ uint32_t vendor; /* Vendor ID, which takes the same form
+ as in "struct ofp_vendor_header". */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_vendor_header) == 8);
+/* Action header that is common to all actions. The length includes the
+ * header and any padding used to make the action 64-bit aligned.
+ * NB: The length of an action *must* always be a multiple of eight. */
+struct ofp_action_header {
+ uint16_t type; /* One of OFPAT_*. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length of action, including this
+ header. This is the length of action,
+ including any padding to make it
+ 64-bit aligned. */
+ uint8_t pad[4];
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_header) == 8);
+/* Send packet (controller -> datapath). */
+struct ofp_packet_out {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint32_t buffer_id; /* ID assigned by datapath (-1 if none). */
+ uint16_t in_port; /* Packet's input port (OFPP_NONE if none). */
+ uint16_t actions_len; /* Size of action array in bytes. */
+ struct ofp_action_header actions[0]; /* Actions. */
+ /* uint8_t data[0]; */ /* Packet data. The length is inferred
+ from the length field in the header.
+ (Only meaningful if buffer_id == -1.) */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_packet_out) == 16);
+enum ofp_flow_mod_command {
+ OFPFC_ADD, /* New flow. */
+ OFPFC_MODIFY, /* Modify all matching flows. */
+ OFPFC_MODIFY_STRICT, /* Modify entry strictly matching wildcards */
+ OFPFC_DELETE, /* Delete all matching flows. */
+ OFPFC_DELETE_STRICT /* Strictly match wildcards and priority. */
+/* Flow wildcards. */
+enum ofp_flow_wildcards {
+ OFPFW_IN_PORT = 1 << 0, /* Switch input port. */
+ OFPFW_DL_VLAN = 1 << 1, /* VLAN id. */
+ OFPFW_DL_SRC = 1 << 2, /* Ethernet source address. */
+ OFPFW_DL_DST = 1 << 3, /* Ethernet destination address. */
+ OFPFW_DL_TYPE = 1 << 4, /* Ethernet frame type. */
+ OFPFW_NW_PROTO = 1 << 5, /* IP protocol. */
+ OFPFW_TP_SRC = 1 << 6, /* TCP/UDP source port. */
+ OFPFW_TP_DST = 1 << 7, /* TCP/UDP destination port. */
+ /* IP source address wildcard bit count. 0 is exact match, 1 ignores the
+ * LSB, 2 ignores the 2 least-significant bits, ..., 32 and higher wildcard
+ * the entire field. This is the *opposite* of the usual convention where
+ * e.g. /24 indicates that 8 bits (not 24 bits) are wildcarded. */
+ /* IP destination address wildcard bit count. Same format as source. */
+ OFPFW_DL_VLAN_PCP = 1 << 20, /* VLAN priority. */
+ OFPFW_NW_TOS = 1 << 21, /* IP ToS (DSCP field, 6 bits). */
+ /* Wildcard all fields. */
+ OFPFW_ALL = ((1 << 22) - 1)
+/* The wildcards for ICMP type and code fields use the transport source
+ * and destination port fields, respectively. */
+/* Values below this cutoff are 802.3 packets and the two bytes
+ * following MAC addresses are used as a frame length. Otherwise, the
+ * two bytes are used as the Ethernet type.
+ */
+#define OFP_DL_TYPE_ETH2_CUTOFF 0x0600
+/* Value of dl_type to indicate that the frame does not include an
+ * Ethernet type.
+ */
+#define OFP_DL_TYPE_NOT_ETH_TYPE 0x05ff
+/* The VLAN id is 12-bits, so we can use the entire 16 bits to indicate
+ * special conditions. All ones indicates that no VLAN id was set.
+ */
+#define OFP_VLAN_NONE 0xffff
+/* Fields to match against flows */
+struct ofp_match {
+ uint32_t wildcards; /* Wildcard fields. */
+ uint16_t in_port; /* Input switch port. */
+ uint8_t dl_src[OFP_ETH_ALEN]; /* Ethernet source address. */
+ uint8_t dl_dst[OFP_ETH_ALEN]; /* Ethernet destination address. */
+ uint16_t dl_vlan; /* Input VLAN id. */
+ uint8_t dl_vlan_pcp; /* Input VLAN priority. */
+ uint8_t pad1[1]; /* Align to 64-bits */
+ uint16_t dl_type; /* Ethernet frame type. */
+ uint8_t nw_tos; /* IP ToS (actually DSCP field, 6 bits). */
+ uint8_t nw_proto; /* IP protocol or lower 8 bits of
+ * ARP opcode. */
+ uint8_t pad2[2]; /* Align to 64-bits */
+ uint32_t nw_src; /* IP source address. */
+ uint32_t nw_dst; /* IP destination address. */
+ uint16_t tp_src; /* TCP/UDP source port. */
+ uint16_t tp_dst; /* TCP/UDP destination port. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_match) == 40);
+/* The match fields for ICMP type and code use the transport source and
+ * destination port fields, respectively. */
+#define icmp_type tp_src
+#define icmp_code tp_dst
+/* Value used in "idle_timeout" and "hard_timeout" to indicate that the entry
+ * is permanent. */
+/* By default, choose a priority in the middle. */
+#define OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY 0x8000
+enum ofp_flow_mod_flags {
+ OFPFF_SEND_FLOW_REM = 1 << 0, /* Send flow removed message when flow
+ * expires or is deleted. */
+ OFPFF_CHECK_OVERLAP = 1 << 1, /* Check for overlapping entries first. */
+ OFPFF_EMERG = 1 << 2 /* Remark this is for emergency. */
+/* Flow setup and teardown (controller -> datapath). */
+struct ofp_flow_mod {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ struct ofp_match match; /* Fields to match */
+ uint64_t cookie; /* Opaque controller-issued identifier. */
+ /* Flow actions. */
+ uint16_t command; /* One of OFPFC_*. */
+ uint16_t idle_timeout; /* Idle time before discarding (seconds). */
+ uint16_t hard_timeout; /* Max time before discarding (seconds). */
+ uint16_t priority; /* Priority level of flow entry. */
+ uint32_t buffer_id; /* Buffered packet to apply to (or -1).
+ Not meaningful for OFPFC_DELETE*. */
+ uint16_t out_port; /* For OFPFC_DELETE* commands, require
+ matching entries to include this as an
+ output port. A value of OFPP_NONE
+ indicates no restriction. */
+ uint16_t flags; /* One of OFPFF_*. */
+ struct ofp_action_header actions[0]; /* The action length is inferred
+ from the length field in the
+ header. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_flow_mod) == 72);
+/* Why was this flow removed? */
+enum ofp_flow_removed_reason {
+ OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT, /* Flow idle time exceeded idle_timeout. */
+ OFPRR_HARD_TIMEOUT, /* Time exceeded hard_timeout. */
+ OFPRR_DELETE /* Evicted by a DELETE flow mod. */
+/* Flow removed (datapath -> controller). */
+struct ofp_flow_removed {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ struct ofp_match match; /* Description of fields. */
+ uint64_t cookie; /* Opaque controller-issued identifier. */
+ uint16_t priority; /* Priority level of flow entry. */
+ uint8_t reason; /* One of OFPRR_*. */
+ uint8_t pad[1]; /* Align to 32-bits. */
+ uint32_t duration_sec; /* Time flow was alive in seconds. */
+ uint32_t duration_nsec; /* Time flow was alive in nanoseconds beyond
+ duration_sec. */
+ uint16_t idle_timeout; /* Idle timeout from original flow mod. */
+ uint8_t pad2[2]; /* Align to 64-bits. */
+ uint64_t packet_count;
+ uint64_t byte_count;
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_flow_removed) == 88);
+/* Values for 'type' in ofp_error_message. These values are immutable: they
+ * will not change in future versions of the protocol (although new values may
+ * be added). */
+enum ofp_error_type {
+ OFPET_HELLO_FAILED, /* Hello protocol failed. */
+ OFPET_BAD_REQUEST, /* Request was not understood. */
+ OFPET_BAD_ACTION, /* Error in action description. */
+ OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED, /* Problem modifying flow entry. */
+ OFPET_PORT_MOD_FAILED, /* Port mod request failed. */
+ OFPET_QUEUE_OP_FAILED /* Queue operation failed. */
+/* ofp_error_msg 'code' values for OFPET_HELLO_FAILED. 'data' contains an
+ * ASCII text string that may give failure details. */
+enum ofp_hello_failed_code {
+ OFPHFC_INCOMPATIBLE, /* No compatible version. */
+ OFPHFC_EPERM /* Permissions error. */
+/* ofp_error_msg 'code' values for OFPET_BAD_REQUEST. 'data' contains at least
+ * the first 64 bytes of the failed request. */
+enum ofp_bad_request_code {
+ OFPBRC_BAD_VERSION, /* ofp_header.version not supported. */
+ OFPBRC_BAD_TYPE, /* ofp_header.type not supported. */
+ OFPBRC_BAD_STAT, /* ofp_stats_request.type not supported. */
+ OFPBRC_BAD_VENDOR, /* Vendor not supported (in ofp_vendor_header
+ * or ofp_stats_request or ofp_stats_reply). */
+ OFPBRC_BAD_SUBTYPE, /* Vendor subtype not supported. */
+ OFPBRC_EPERM, /* Permissions error. */
+ OFPBRC_BAD_LEN, /* Wrong request length for type. */
+ OFPBRC_BUFFER_EMPTY, /* Specified buffer has already been used. */
+ OFPBRC_BUFFER_UNKNOWN /* Specified buffer does not exist. */
+/* ofp_error_msg 'code' values for OFPET_BAD_ACTION. 'data' contains at least
+ * the first 64 bytes of the failed request. */
+enum ofp_bad_action_code {
+ OFPBAC_BAD_TYPE, /* Unknown action type. */
+ OFPBAC_BAD_LEN, /* Length problem in actions. */
+ OFPBAC_BAD_VENDOR, /* Unknown vendor id specified. */
+ OFPBAC_BAD_VENDOR_TYPE, /* Unknown action type for vendor id. */
+ OFPBAC_BAD_OUT_PORT, /* Problem validating output action. */
+ OFPBAC_BAD_ARGUMENT, /* Bad action argument. */
+ OFPBAC_EPERM, /* Permissions error. */
+ OFPBAC_TOO_MANY, /* Can't handle this many actions. */
+ OFPBAC_BAD_QUEUE /* Problem validating output queue. */
+/* ofp_error_msg 'code' values for OFPET_FLOW_MOD_FAILED. 'data' contains
+ * at least the first 64 bytes of the failed request. */
+enum ofp_flow_mod_failed_code {
+ OFPFMFC_ALL_TABLES_FULL, /* Flow not added because of full tables. */
+ OFPFMFC_OVERLAP, /* Attempted to add overlapping flow with
+ * CHECK_OVERLAP flag set. */
+ OFPFMFC_EPERM, /* Permissions error. */
+ OFPFMFC_BAD_EMERG_TIMEOUT, /* Flow not added because of non-zero idle/hard
+ * timeout. */
+ OFPFMFC_BAD_COMMAND, /* Unknown command. */
+ OFPFMFC_UNSUPPORTED /* Unsupported action list - cannot process in
+ * the order specified. */
+/* ofp_error_msg 'code' values for OFPET_PORT_MOD_FAILED. 'data' contains
+ * at least the first 64 bytes of the failed request. */
+enum ofp_port_mod_failed_code {
+ OFPPMFC_BAD_PORT, /* Specified port does not exist. */
+ OFPPMFC_BAD_HW_ADDR, /* Specified hardware address is wrong. */
+/* ofp_error msg 'code' values for OFPET_QUEUE_OP_FAILED. 'data' contains
+ * at least the first 64 bytes of the failed request */
+enum ofp_queue_op_failed_code {
+ OFPQOFC_BAD_PORT, /* Invalid port (or port does not exist). */
+ OFPQOFC_BAD_QUEUE, /* Queue does not exist. */
+ OFPQOFC_EPERM /* Permissions error. */
+/* OFPT_ERROR: Error message (datapath -> controller). */
+struct ofp_error_msg {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint16_t type;
+ uint16_t code;
+ uint8_t data[0]; /* Variable-length data. Interpreted based
+ on the type and code. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_error_msg) == 12);
+enum ofp_stats_types {
+ /* Description of this OpenFlow switch.
+ * The request body is empty.
+ * The reply body is struct ofp_desc_stats. */
+ /* Individual flow statistics.
+ * The request body is struct ofp_flow_stats_request.
+ * The reply body is an array of struct ofp_flow_stats. */
+ /* Aggregate flow statistics.
+ * The request body is struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request.
+ * The reply body is struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply. */
+ /* Flow table statistics.
+ * The request body is empty.
+ * The reply body is an array of struct ofp_table_stats. */
+ /* Physical port statistics.
+ * The request body is struct ofp_port_stats_request.
+ * The reply body is an array of struct ofp_port_stats. */
+ /* Queue statistics for a port
+ * The request body defines the port
+ * The reply body is an array of struct ofp_queue_stats */
+ /* Vendor extension.
+ * The request and reply bodies begin with a 32-bit vendor ID, which takes
+ * the same form as in "struct ofp_vendor_header". The request and reply
+ * bodies are otherwise vendor-defined. */
+ OFPST_VENDOR = 0xffff
+struct ofp_stats_request {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint16_t type; /* One of the OFPST_* constants. */
+ uint16_t flags; /* OFPSF_REQ_* flags (none yet defined). */
+ uint8_t body[0]; /* Body of the request. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_stats_request) == 12);
+enum ofp_stats_reply_flags {
+ OFPSF_REPLY_MORE = 1 << 0 /* More replies to follow. */
+struct ofp_stats_reply {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint16_t type; /* One of the OFPST_* constants. */
+ uint16_t flags; /* OFPSF_REPLY_* flags. */
+ uint8_t body[0]; /* Body of the reply. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_stats_reply) == 12);
+#define DESC_STR_LEN 256
+#define SERIAL_NUM_LEN 32
+/* Body of reply to OFPST_DESC request. Each entry is a NULL-terminated
+ * ASCII string. */
+struct ofp_desc_stats {
+ char mfr_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /* Manufacturer description. */
+ char hw_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /* Hardware description. */
+ char sw_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /* Software description. */
+ char serial_num[SERIAL_NUM_LEN]; /* Serial number. */
+ char dp_desc[DESC_STR_LEN]; /* Human readable description of datapath. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_desc_stats) == 1056);
+/* Body for ofp_stats_request of type OFPST_FLOW. */
+struct ofp_flow_stats_request {
+ struct ofp_match match; /* Fields to match. */
+ uint8_t table_id; /* ID of table to read (from ofp_table_stats),
+ 0xff for all tables or 0xfe for emergency. */
+ uint8_t pad; /* Align to 32 bits. */
+ uint16_t out_port; /* Require matching entries to include this
+ as an output port. A value of OFPP_NONE
+ indicates no restriction. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_flow_stats_request) == 44);
+/* Body of reply to OFPST_FLOW request. */
+struct ofp_flow_stats {
+ uint16_t length; /* Length of this entry. */
+ uint8_t table_id; /* ID of table flow came from. */
+ uint8_t pad;
+ struct ofp_match match; /* Description of fields. */
+ uint32_t duration_sec; /* Time flow has been alive in seconds. */
+ uint32_t duration_nsec; /* Time flow has been alive in nanoseconds beyond
+ duration_sec. */
+ uint16_t priority; /* Priority of the entry. Only meaningful
+ when this is not an exact-match entry. */
+ uint16_t idle_timeout; /* Number of seconds idle before expiration. */
+ uint16_t hard_timeout; /* Number of seconds before expiration. */
+ uint8_t pad2[6]; /* Align to 64-bits. */
+ uint64_t cookie; /* Opaque controller-issued identifier. */
+ uint64_t packet_count; /* Number of packets in flow. */
+ uint64_t byte_count; /* Number of bytes in flow. */
+ struct ofp_action_header actions[0]; /* Actions. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_flow_stats) == 88);
+/* Body for ofp_stats_request of type OFPST_AGGREGATE. */
+struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request {
+ struct ofp_match match; /* Fields to match. */
+ uint8_t table_id; /* ID of table to read (from ofp_table_stats)
+ 0xff for all tables or 0xfe for emergency. */
+ uint8_t pad; /* Align to 32 bits. */
+ uint16_t out_port; /* Require matching entries to include this
+ as an output port. A value of OFPP_NONE
+ indicates no restriction. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_aggregate_stats_request) == 44);
+/* Body of reply to OFPST_AGGREGATE request. */
+struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply {
+ uint64_t packet_count; /* Number of packets in flows. */
+ uint64_t byte_count; /* Number of bytes in flows. */
+ uint32_t flow_count; /* Number of flows. */
+ uint8_t pad[4]; /* Align to 64 bits. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_aggregate_stats_reply) == 24);
+/* Body of reply to OFPST_TABLE request. */
+struct ofp_table_stats {
+ uint8_t table_id; /* Identifier of table. Lower numbered tables
+ are consulted first. */
+ uint8_t pad[3]; /* Align to 32-bits. */
+ char name[OFP_MAX_TABLE_NAME_LEN];
+ uint32_t wildcards; /* Bitmap of OFPFW_* wildcards that are
+ supported by the table. */
+ uint32_t max_entries; /* Max number of entries supported. */
+ uint32_t active_count; /* Number of active entries. */
+ uint64_t lookup_count; /* Number of packets looked up in table. */
+ uint64_t matched_count; /* Number of packets that hit table. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_table_stats) == 64);
+/* Body for ofp_stats_request of type OFPST_PORT. */
+struct ofp_port_stats_request {
+ uint16_t port_no; /* OFPST_PORT message must request statistics
+ * either for a single port (specified in
+ * port_no) or for all ports (if port_no ==
+ * OFPP_NONE). */
+ uint8_t pad[6];
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_port_stats_request) == 8);
+/* Body of reply to OFPST_PORT request. If a counter is unsupported, set
+ * the field to all ones. */
+struct ofp_port_stats {
+ uint16_t port_no;
+ uint8_t pad[6]; /* Align to 64-bits. */
+ uint64_t rx_packets; /* Number of received packets. */
+ uint64_t tx_packets; /* Number of transmitted packets. */
+ uint64_t rx_bytes; /* Number of received bytes. */
+ uint64_t tx_bytes; /* Number of transmitted bytes. */
+ uint64_t rx_dropped; /* Number of packets dropped by RX. */
+ uint64_t tx_dropped; /* Number of packets dropped by TX. */
+ uint64_t rx_errors; /* Number of receive errors. This is a super-set
+ of more specific receive errors and should be
+ greater than or equal to the sum of all
+ rx_*_err values. */
+ uint64_t tx_errors; /* Number of transmit errors. This is a super-set
+ of more specific transmit errors and should be
+ greater than or equal to the sum of all
+ tx_*_err values (none currently defined.) */
+ uint64_t rx_frame_err; /* Number of frame alignment errors. */
+ uint64_t rx_over_err; /* Number of packets with RX overrun. */
+ uint64_t rx_crc_err; /* Number of CRC errors. */
+ uint64_t collisions; /* Number of collisions. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_port_stats) == 104);
+/* Vendor extension. */
+struct ofp_vendor_header {
+ struct ofp_header header; /* Type OFPT_VENDOR. */
+ uint32_t vendor; /* Vendor ID:
+ * - MSB 0: low-order bytes are IEEE OUI.
+ * - MSB != 0: defined by OpenFlow
+ * consortium. */
+ /* Vendor-defined arbitrary additional data. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_vendor_header) == 12);
+/* All ones is used to indicate all queues in a port (for stats retrieval). */
+#define OFPQ_ALL 0xffffffff
+/* Min rate > 1000 means not configured. */
+#define OFPQ_MIN_RATE_UNCFG 0xffff
+enum ofp_queue_properties {
+ OFPQT_NONE = 0, /* No property defined for queue (default). */
+ OFPQT_MIN_RATE, /* Minimum datarate guaranteed. */
+ /* Other types should be added here
+ * (i.e. max rate, precedence, etc). */
+/* Common description for a queue. */
+struct ofp_queue_prop_header {
+ uint16_t property; /* One of OFPQT_. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length of property, including this header. */
+ uint8_t pad[4]; /* 64-bit alignemnt. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_queue_prop_header) == 8);
+/* Min-Rate queue property description. */
+struct ofp_queue_prop_min_rate {
+ struct ofp_queue_prop_header prop_header; /* prop: OFPQT_MIN, len: 16. */
+ uint16_t rate; /* In 1/10 of a percent; >1000 -> disabled. */
+ uint8_t pad[6]; /* 64-bit alignment */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_queue_prop_min_rate) == 16);
+/* Full description for a queue. */
+struct ofp_packet_queue {
+ uint32_t queue_id; /* id for the specific queue. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Length in bytes of this queue desc. */
+ uint8_t pad[2]; /* 64-bit alignment. */
+ struct ofp_queue_prop_header properties[0]; /* List of properties. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_packet_queue) == 8);
+/* Query for port queue configuration. */
+struct ofp_queue_get_config_request {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint16_t port; /* Port to be queried. Should refer
+ to a valid physical port (i.e. < OFPP_MAX) */
+ uint8_t pad[2]; /* 32-bit alignment. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_queue_get_config_request) == 12);
+/* Queue configuration for a given port. */
+struct ofp_queue_get_config_reply {
+ struct ofp_header header;
+ uint16_t port;
+ uint8_t pad[6];
+ struct ofp_packet_queue queues[0]; /* List of configured queues. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_queue_get_config_reply) == 16);
+/* OFPAT_ENQUEUE action struct: send packets to given queue on port. */
+struct ofp_action_enqueue {
+ uint16_t type; /* OFPAT_ENQUEUE. */
+ uint16_t len; /* Len is 16. */
+ uint16_t port; /* Port that queue belongs. Should
+ refer to a valid physical port
+ (i.e. < OFPP_MAX) or OFPP_IN_PORT. */
+ uint8_t pad[6]; /* Pad for 64-bit alignment. */
+ uint32_t queue_id; /* Where to enqueue the packets. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_action_enqueue) == 16);
+struct ofp_queue_stats_request {
+ uint16_t port_no; /* All ports if OFPT_ALL. */
+ uint8_t pad[2]; /* Align to 32-bits. */
+ uint32_t queue_id; /* All queues if OFPQ_ALL. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_queue_stats_request) == 8);
+struct ofp_queue_stats {
+ uint16_t port_no;
+ uint8_t pad[2]; /* Align to 32-bits. */
+ uint32_t queue_id; /* Queue i.d */
+ uint64_t tx_bytes; /* Number of transmitted bytes. */
+ uint64_t tx_packets; /* Number of transmitted packets. */
+ uint64_t tx_errors; /* Number of packets dropped due to overrun. */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct ofp_queue_stats) == 32);
+#endif /* openflow/openflow.h */
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/include/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/include/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..29b59f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/include/
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+import socket
+class ofsocket:
+ """OpenFlow scoket
+ """
+ def __init__(self, socket):
+ """Initialize with socket
+ """
+ ##Reference to socket
+ self.socket = socket
+ def send(self, msg):
+ """Send message
+ """
+ ofph = ofp_header()
+ remaining = ofph.unpack(msg)
+ if (ofph.length != len(msg)):
+ ofph.length = len(msg)
+ msg = ofph.pack()+remaining
+ self.socket.send(msg)
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b699c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+"""This module converts C types to Python struct pattern string.
+Date June 2009
+Created by ykk
+import cheader
+import struct
+class cstruct2py:
+ """Class converts C struct to Python struct pattern string
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##Mapping
+ self.structmap = {}
+ self.structmap["char"] = "c"
+ self.structmap["signed char"] = "b"
+ self.structmap["uint8_t"]=\
+ self.structmap["unsigned char"] = "B"
+ self.structmap["short"] = "h"
+ self.structmap["uint16_t"] =\
+ self.structmap["unsigned short"] = "H"
+ self.structmap["int"] = "i"
+ self.structmap["unsigned int"] = "I"
+ self.structmap["long"] = "l"
+ self.structmap["uint32_t"] =\
+ self.structmap["unsigned long"] = "L"
+ self.structmap["long long"] = "q"
+ self.structmap["uint64_t"] =\
+ self.structmap["unsigned long long"] = "Q"
+ self.structmap["float"] = "f"
+ self.structmap["double"] = "d"
+ def get_pattern(self,ctype):
+ """Get pattern string for ctype.
+ Return None if ctype is not expanded.
+ """
+ if (ctype.expanded):
+ if (isinstance(ctype, cheader.cprimitive)):
+ return self.structmap[ctype.typename]
+ elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.cstruct)):
+ string=""
+ for member in ctype.members:
+ string += self.get_pattern(member)
+ return string
+ elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.carray)):
+ if (ctype.size == 0):
+ return ""
+ else:
+ string = self.get_pattern(ctype.object)
+ return string * ctype.size
+ return None
+ def get_size(self, ctype, prefix="!"):
+ """Return size of struct or pattern specified
+ """
+ if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+ return struct.calcsize(ctype)
+ elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
+ return struct.calcsize(prefix + self.get_pattern(ctype))
+ else:
+ return 0
+class structpacker:
+ """Pack/unpack packets with ctype.
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, prefix=""):
+ """Initialize with prefix to struct
+ """
+ ##Reference to prefix
+ self.prefix = prefix
+ def pack(self, ctype, *arg):
+ """Pack packet accordingly ctype or pattern provided.
+ Return struct packed.
+ """
+ if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+ return struct.pack(self.prefix+ctype, *arg)
+ elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
+ return struct.pack(self.prefix+cstruct2py.get_pattern(ctype),
+ *arg)
+ else:
+ return None
+ def unpack_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
+ """Unpack packet using front of packet,
+ accordingly ctype or pattern provided.
+ Return (dictionary of values indexed by arg name,
+ remaining binary string) if ctype is cheader.ctype
+ and returnDictionary is True,
+ else return (array of data unpacked, remaining binary string).
+ """
+ pattern = ""
+ if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+ pattern = ctype
+ elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
+ pattern = cstruct2py.get_pattern(ctype)
+ else:
+ return None
+ dsize = struct.calcsize(pattern)
+ if (dsize > len(binaryString)):
+ return None
+ return (structpacker.peek_from_front(self, pattern, binaryString, returnDictionary),
+ binaryString[dsize:])
+ def peek_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
+ """Unpack packet using front of packet,
+ accordingly ctype or pattern provided.
+ Return dictionary of values indexed by arg name,
+ if ctype is cheader.ctype and returnDictionary is True,
+ else return array of data unpacked.
+ """
+ pattern = self.prefix
+ if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+ pattern += ctype
+ elif (isinstance(ctype, cheader.ctype)):
+ pattern += cstruct2py.get_pattern(ctype)
+ else:
+ return None
+ dsize = struct.calcsize(pattern)
+ if (dsize > len(binaryString)):
+ return None
+ data = struct.unpack(pattern, binaryString[0:dsize])
+ #Return values
+ if (isinstance(ctype, str) or
+ (not returnDictionary)):
+ return data
+ else:
+ return self.data2dic(data, ctype)
+ def data2dic(self,ctype,data):
+ """Convert data to dictionary
+ """
+ valDic = {}
+ names = ctype.get_names()
+ for name in names:
+ valDic[name] = []
+ for d in data:
+ name = names.pop(0)
+ valDic[name].append(d)
+ return valDic
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a23e1eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+"""This module parse and store a C/C++ header file.
+Date June 2009
+Created by ykk
+import re
+from config import *
+class textfile:
+ """Class to handle text file.
+ Date June 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ """Initialize filename with no content.
+ """
+ ##Filename
+ if (isinstance(filename, str)):
+ self.filename = []
+ self.filename.append(filename)
+ else:
+ self.filename = filename
+ ##Content
+ self.content = []
+ def read(self):
+ """Read file
+ """
+ for filename in self.filename:
+ fileRef = open(filename, "r")
+ for line in fileRef:
+ self.content.append(line)
+ fileRef.close()
+class ctype:
+ """Class to represent types in C
+ """
+ def __init__(self,typename, name=None, expanded=False):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##Name
+ = name
+ ##Type of primitive
+ self.typename = typename
+ ##Expanded
+ self.expanded = expanded
+ def expand(self, cheader):
+ """Expand type if applicable
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def get_names(self):
+ """Return name of variables
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+class cprimitive(ctype):
+ """Class to represent C primitive
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self,typename, name=None):
+ """Initialize and store primitive
+ """
+ ctype.__init__(self, typename, name, True)
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return string representation
+ """
+ if ( == None):
+ return self.typename
+ else:
+ return self.typename+" "+str(
+ def expand(self, cheader):
+ """Expand type if applicable
+ """
+ pass
+ def get_names(self):
+ """Return name of variables
+ """
+ namelist = []
+ namelist.append(
+ return namelist
+class cstruct(ctype):
+ """Class to represent C struct
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, typename, name=None):
+ """Initialize struct
+ """
+ ctype.__init__(self, typename, name)
+ ##List of members in struct
+ self.members = []
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return string representation
+ """
+ string = "struct "+self.typename
+ if ( != None):
+ string += " "
+ if (len(self.members) == 0):
+ return string
+ #Add members
+ string +=" {\n"
+ for member in self.members:
+ string += "\t"+str(member)
+ if (not isinstance(member, cstruct)):
+ string += ";"
+ string += "\n"
+ string +="};"
+ return string
+ def expand(self, cheader):
+ """Expand struct
+ """
+ self.expanded = True
+ #Expanded each member
+ for member in self.members:
+ if (isinstance(member, cstruct) and
+ (not member.expanded)):
+ try:
+ if (not cheader.structs[member.typename].expanded):
+ cheader.structs[member.typename].expand(cheader)
+ member.members=cheader.structs[member.typename].members[:]
+ member.expanded = True
+ except KeyError:
+ self.expanded=False
+ else:
+ member.expand(cheader)
+ def get_names(self):
+ """Return name of variables
+ """
+ namelist = []
+ for member in self.members:
+ if (isinstance(member, cstruct)):
+ tmplist = member.get_names()
+ for item in tmplist:
+ namelist.append("."+item)
+ else:
+ namelist.extend(member.get_names())
+ return namelist
+class carray(ctype):
+ """Class to represent C array
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, typename, name, isPrimitive, size):
+ """Initialize array of object.
+ """
+ ctype.__init__(self, typename, name,
+ (isinstance(size, int) and isPrimitive))
+ ##Object reference
+ if (isPrimitive):
+ self.object = cprimitive(typename, name)
+ else:
+ self.object = cstruct(typename, name)
+ ##Size of array
+ self.size = size
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Return string representation
+ """
+ return str(self.object)+"["+str(self.size)+"]"
+ def expand(self, cheader):
+ """Expand array
+ """
+ self.expanded = True
+ if (not self.object.expanded):
+ if (isinstance(self.object, cstruct)):
+ cheader.structs[self.object.typename].expand(cheader)
+ self.object.members=cheader.structs[self.object.typename].members[:]
+ else:
+ self.object.expand(cheader)
+ if (not isinstance(self.size, int)):
+ val = cheader.get_value(self.size)
+ if (val == None):
+ self.expanded = False
+ else:
+ try:
+ self.size = int(val)
+ except ValueError:
+ self.size = val
+ self.expanded = False
+ def get_names(self):
+ """Return name of variables
+ """
+ namelist = []
+ for i in range(0,self.size):
+ namelist.append(
+ return namelist
+class ctype_parser:
+ """Class to check c types
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ self.CPrimitives = ["char","signed char","unsigned char",
+ "short","unsigned short",
+ "int","unsigned int",
+ "long","unsigned long",
+ "long long","unsigned long long",
+ "float","double",
+ "uint8_t","uint16_t","uint32_t","uint64_t"]
+ def is_primitive(self,type):
+ """Check type given is primitive.
+ Return true if valid, and false otherwise
+ """
+ if (type in self.CPrimitives):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def is_array(self, string):
+ """Check if string declares an array
+ """
+ parts=string.strip().split()
+ if (len(parts) <= 1):
+ return False
+ else:
+ pattern = re.compile("\[.*?\]", re.MULTILINE)
+ values = pattern.findall(string)
+ if (len(values) == 1):
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def parse_array(self, string):
+ """Parse array from string.
+ Return occurrence and name.
+ """
+ pattern = re.compile("\[.*?\]", re.MULTILINE)
+ namepattern = re.compile(".*?\[", re.MULTILINE)
+ values = pattern.findall(string)
+ if (len(values) != 1):
+ return (1,string)
+ else:
+ val = values[0][1:-1]
+ try:
+ sizeval = int(val)
+ except ValueError:
+ if (val==""):
+ sizeval = 0
+ else:
+ sizeval = val
+ return (sizeval,
+ namepattern.findall(string)[0].strip()[0:-1])
+ def parse_type(self, string):
+ """Parse string and return cstruct or cprimitive.
+ Else return None
+ """
+ parts=string.strip().split()
+ if (len(parts) >= 2):
+ if (parts[0].strip() == "struct"):
+ typename = " ".join(parts[1:-1])
+ else:
+ typename = " ".join(parts[:-1])
+ (size, name) = self.parse_array(parts[-1])
+ if IGNORE_ZERO_ARRAYS and size == 0:
+ return None
+ #Create appropriate type
+ if (size != 1):
+ #Array
+ return carray(typename, name,
+ self.is_primitive(typename),size)
+ else:
+ #Not array
+ if IGNORE_OFP_HEADER and typename == "ofp_header":
+ return None
+ if (self.is_primitive(typename)):
+ return cprimitive(typename, name)
+ else:
+ return cstruct(typename, name)
+ else:
+ return None
+class cheaderfile(textfile):
+ """Class to handle C header file.
+ Date June 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ """Initialize filename and read from file
+ """
+ textfile.__init__(self,filename)
+ self.__remove_comments()
+ ##Dictionary of macros
+ self.macros = {}
+ self.__get_macros()
+ ##Dictionary of enumerations
+ self.enums = {}
+ self.enum_values = {}
+ self.__get_enum()
+ self.__get_enum_values()
+ ##Dictionary of structs
+ self.structs = {}
+ self.__get_struct()
+ def get_enum_name(self, enum, value):
+ """Return name of variable in enum
+ """
+ for e in self.enums[enum]:
+ if (self.enum_values[e] == value):
+ return e
+ def eval_value(self, value):
+ """Evaluate value string
+ """
+ try:
+ return eval(value, self.enum_values)
+ except:
+ return value.strip()
+ def get_value(self, name):
+ """Get value for variable name,
+ searching through enum and macros.
+ Else return None
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.enum_values[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ try:
+ return self.macros[name]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def __remove_comments(self):
+ """Remove all comments
+ """
+ fileStr = "".join(self.content)
+ pattern = re.compile("\\\.*?\n", re.MULTILINE)
+ fileStr = pattern.sub("",fileStr)
+ pattern = re.compile(r"/\*.*?\*/", re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
+ fileStr = pattern.sub("",fileStr)
+ pattern = re.compile("//.*$", re.MULTILINE)
+ fileStr = pattern.sub("",fileStr)
+ self.content = fileStr.split('\n')
+ def __get_struct(self):
+ """Get all structs
+ """
+ typeparser = ctype_parser()
+ fileStr = "".join(self.content)
+ #Remove attribute
+ attrpattern = re.compile("} __attribute__ \(\((.+?)\)\);", re.MULTILINE)
+ attrmatches = attrpattern.findall(fileStr)
+ for amatch in attrmatches:
+ fileStr=fileStr.replace(" __attribute__ (("+amatch+"));",";")
+ #Find all structs
+ pattern = re.compile("struct[\w\s]*?{.*?};", re.MULTILINE)
+ matches = pattern.findall(fileStr)
+ #Process each struct
+ namepattern = re.compile("struct(.+?)[ {]", re.MULTILINE)
+ pattern = re.compile("{(.+?)};", re.MULTILINE)
+ for match in matches:
+ structname = namepattern.findall(match)[0].strip()
+ if (len(structname) != 0):
+ values = pattern.findall(match)[0].strip().split(";")
+ cstru = cstruct(structname)
+ for val in values:
+ presult = typeparser.parse_type(val)
+ if (presult != None):
+ cstru.members.append(presult)
+ self.structs[structname] = cstru
+ #Expand all structs
+ for (structname, struct) in self.structs.items():
+ struct.expand(self)
+ def __get_enum(self):
+ """Get all enumeration
+ """
+ fileStr = "".join(self.content)
+ #Find all enumerations
+ pattern = re.compile("enum[\w\s]*?{.*?}", re.MULTILINE)
+ matches = pattern.findall(fileStr)
+ #Process each enumeration
+ namepattern = re.compile("enum(.+?){", re.MULTILINE)
+ pattern = re.compile("{(.+?)}", re.MULTILINE)
+ for match in matches:
+ values = pattern.findall(match)[0].strip().split(",")
+ #Process each value in enumeration
+ enumList = []
+ value = 0
+ for val in values:
+ if not (val.strip() == ""):
+ valList=val.strip().split("=")
+ enumList.append(valList[0].strip())
+ if (len(valList) == 1):
+ self.enum_values[valList[0].strip()] = value
+ value += 1
+ else:
+ self.enum_values[valList[0].strip()] = self.eval_value(valList[1].strip())
+ self.enums[namepattern.findall(match)[0].strip()] = enumList
+ def __get_enum_values(self):
+ """Patch unresolved enum values
+ """
+ for name,enumval in self.enum_values.items():
+ if isinstance(enumval,str):
+ self.enum_values[name] = self.eval_value(enumval)
+ def __get_macros(self):
+ """Extract macros
+ """
+ for line in self.content:
+ if (line[0:8] == "#define "):
+ lineList = line[8:].split()
+ if (len(lineList) >= 2):
+ self.macros[lineList[0]] = self.eval_value("".join(lineList[1:]))
+ else:
+ self.macros[lineList[0]] = ""
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbf1528
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+# of_message specific controls
+# Do not include any arrays marked [0]
+# Do not include the ofp_header as a member in any structure
+# This allows messages to be consistently generated as:
+# explicit header declaration
+# core member declaration
+# variable length data
+# Generate object equality functions
+# Generate object show functions
+# Generate lists of enum values
+# Generate dictionary of enum strings to values
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a66d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+"""This module generate Python code for C structs.
+Date January 2010
+Created by ykk
+import cheader
+import c2py
+import datetime
+import struct
+import re
+from config import *
+def _space_to(n, str):
+ """
+ Generate a string of spaces to achieve width n given string str
+ If length of str >= n, return one space
+ """
+ spaces = n - len(str)
+ if spaces > 0:
+ return " " * spaces
+ return " "
+class rules:
+ """Class that specify rules for pythonization
+ Date January 2010
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize rules
+ """
+ ##Default values for members
+ self.default_values = {}
+ #Default values for struct
+ self.struct_default = {}
+ ##What is a tab
+ = " "
+ ##Macros to exclude
+ self.excluded_macros = []
+ ##Enforce mapping
+ self.enforced_maps = {}
+ def get_enforced_map(self, structname):
+ """Get code to enforce mapping
+ """
+ code = []
+ try:
+ mapping = self.enforced_maps[structname]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ for (x,xlist) in mapping:
+ code.append("if (not (self."+x+" in "+xlist+")):")
+ code.append("return (False, \""+x+" must have values from "+xlist+"\")")
+ return code
+ def get_struct_default(self, structname, fieldname):
+ """Get code to set defaults for member struct
+ """
+ try:
+ return "."+fieldname+self.struct_default[(structname, fieldname)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return None
+ def get_default_value(self, structname, fieldname):
+ """Get default value for struct's field
+ """
+ try:
+ return self.default_values[(structname, fieldname)]
+ except KeyError:
+ return 0
+ def include_macro(self, name):
+ """Check if macro should be included
+ """
+ return not (name in self.excluded_macros)
+class pythonizer:
+ """Class that pythonize C structures
+ Date January 2010
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, cheaderfile, pyrules = None, tab=" "):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##Rules
+ if (pyrules == None):
+ self.rules = rules()
+ else:
+ self.rules = pyrules
+ ##What is a tab (same as rules)
+ = str(tab)
+ =
+ ##Reference to C header file
+ self.cheader = cheaderfile
+ ##Reference to cstruct2py
+ self.__c2py = c2py.cstruct2py()
+ ##Code for assertion
+ self.__assertcode = []
+ def pycode(self,preamble=None):
+ """Return pythonized code
+ """
+ code = []
+ code.append("import struct")
+ code.append("")
+ if (preamble != None):
+ fileRef = open(preamble,"r")
+ for l in fileRef:
+ code.append(l[:-1])
+ fileRef.close()
+ code.append("# Structure definitions")
+ for name,struct in self.cheader.structs.items():
+ code.extend(self.pycode_struct(struct))
+ code.append("")
+ code.append("# Enumerated type definitions")
+ for name,enum in self.cheader.enums.items():
+ code.extend(self.pycode_enum(name,enum))
+ code.extend(self.pycode_enum_map(name,enum))
+ code.append("")
+ code.append("# Values from macro definitions")
+ for name,macro in self.cheader.macros.items():
+ code.extend(self.pycode_macro(name))
+ code.append("")
+ code.append("# Basic structure size definitions.")
+ code.append("# Does not include ofp_header members.")
+ code.append("# Does not include variable length arrays.")
+ struct_keys = self.cheader.structs.keys()
+ struct_keys.sort()
+ for name in struct_keys:
+ struct = self.cheader.structs[name]
+ code.append(self.pycode_struct_size(name, struct))
+ return code
+ def pycode_enum(self, name, enum):
+ """Return Python array for enum
+ """
+ code=[]
+ code.append(name+" = "+str(enum))
+ ev = []
+ for e in enum:
+ v = self.cheader.get_value(e)
+ ev.append(v)
+ code.append(e+"%s= "%_space_to(36,e)+str(v))
+ code.append(name+"_values = "+str(ev))
+ return code
+ def pycode_enum_map(self, name, enum):
+ """Return Python dictionary for enum
+ """
+ code = []
+ code.append(name+"_map = {")
+ first = 1
+ for e in enum:
+ v = self.cheader.get_value(e)
+ if first:
+ prev_e = e
+ prev_v = v
+ first = 0
+ else:
+ code.append( + "'%s'%s: %s," %
+ (prev_e, _space_to(30, prev_e), prev_v))
+ prev_e = e
+ prev_v = v
+ code.append( + "'%s'%s: %s" %
+ (prev_e, _space_to(30, prev_e), prev_v))
+ code.append("}")
+ return code
+ def pycode_macro(self,name):
+ """Return Python dict for macro
+ """
+ code = []
+ if (self.rules.include_macro(name)):
+ code.append(name+" = "+str(self.cheader.get_value(name)))
+ return code
+ def pycode_struct_size(self, name, struct):
+ """Return one liner giving the structure size in bytes
+ """
+ pattern = '!' + self.__c2py.get_pattern(struct)
+ bytes = self.__c2py.get_size(pattern)
+ code = name.upper() + "_BYTES = " + str(bytes)
+ return code
+ def pycode_struct(self, struct_in):
+ """Return Python class code given C struct.
+ Returns None if struct_in is not cheader.cstruct.
+ Else return list of strings that codes Python class.
+ """
+ if (not isinstance(struct_in, cheader.cstruct)):
+ return None
+ code=[]
+ self.__assertcode = []
+ code.extend(self.codeheader(struct_in))
+ code.extend(self.codeinit(struct_in))
+ code.append("")
+ code.extend(self.codeassert(struct_in))
+ code.append("")
+ code.extend(self.codepack(struct_in))
+ code.append("")
+ code.extend(self.codeunpack(struct_in))
+ code.append("")
+ code.extend(self.codelen(struct_in))
+ code.append("")
+ code.extend(self.codeeq(struct_in))
+ code.append("")
+ code.extend(self.codeshow(struct_in))
+ code.append("")
+ return code
+ def codeheader(self, struct_in):
+ """Return Python code for header
+ """
+ code=[]
+ code.append("class "+struct_in.typename+":")
+ code.append("\"\"\"Automatically generated Python class for "+struct_in.typename)
+ code.append("")
+ code.append("Date "+str(
+ code.append("Created by "+self.__module__+"."+self.__class__.__name__)
+ code.append("Core structure: Messages do not include ofp_header")
+ code.append("Does not include var-length arrays")
+ code.append("\"\"\"")
+ return code
+ def codeinit(self, struct_in):
+ """Return Python code for init function
+ """
+ code = []
+ code.append("def __init__(self):")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"Initialize")
+ code.append(*2+"Declare members and default values")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"")
+ code.extend(self.codemembers(struct_in,*2+"self"))
+ return code
+ def codemembers(self, struct_in, prepend=""):
+ """Return members of class
+ """
+ code = []
+ for member in struct_in.members:
+ if (isinstance(member, cheader.cstruct)):
+ code.append(prepend+"."" = "+member.typename+"()")
+ struct_default = self.rules.get_struct_default(struct_in.typename,
+ if (struct_default != None):
+ code.append(prepend+struct_default)
+ self.__structassert(member, (prepend+"."
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray)):
+ if (member.typename == "char"):
+ initvalue = "\"\""
+ self.__stringassert(member, (prepend+"."
+ else:
+ if (isinstance(member.object, cheader.cprimitive)):
+ initvalue="0"
+ else:
+ initvalue="None"
+ initvalue=(initvalue+",")*member.size
+ initvalue="["+initvalue[:-1]+"]"
+ self.__arrayassert(member, (prepend+"."
+ code.append(prepend+".""= "+initvalue)
+ else:
+ code.append(prepend+"."" = "+
+ str(self.rules.get_default_value(struct_in.typename,
+ return code
+ def __structassert(self, cstruct, cstructname):
+ """Return code to check for C array
+ """
+ self.__assertcode.append(*2+"if(not isinstance("+cstructname+", "+cstruct.typename+")):")
+ self.__assertcode.append(*3+"return (False, \""+cstructname+" is not class "+cstruct.typename+" as expected.\")")
+ def __addassert(self, prefix):
+ code = []
+ code.append(prefix+"if(not self.__assert()[0]):")
+ code.append("return None")
+ return code
+ def __stringassert(self, carray, carrayname):
+ """Return code to check for C array
+ """
+ self.__assertcode.append(*2+"if(not isinstance("+carrayname+", str)):")
+ self.__assertcode.append(*3+"return (False, \""+carrayname+" is not string as expected.\")")
+ self.__assertcode.append(*2+"if(len("+carrayname+") > "+str(carray.size)+"):")
+ self.__assertcode.append(*3+"return (False, \""+carrayname+" is not of size "+str(carray.size)+" as expected.\")")
+ def __arrayassert(self, carray, carrayname):
+ """Return code to check for C array
+ """
+ if (carray.size == 0):
+ return
+ self.__assertcode.append(*2+"if(not isinstance("+carrayname+", list)):")
+ self.__assertcode.append(*3+"return (False, \""+carrayname+" is not list as expected.\")")
+ self.__assertcode.append(*2+"if(len("+carrayname+") != "+str(carray.size)+"):")
+ self.__assertcode.append(*3+"return (False, \""+carrayname+" is not of size "+str(carray.size)+" as expected.\")")
+ def codeassert(self, struct_in):
+ """Return code for sanity checking
+ """
+ code = []
+ code.append("def __assert(self):")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"Sanity check")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"")
+ enforce = self.rules.get_enforced_map(struct_in.typename)
+ if (enforce != None):
+ for line in enforce:
+ code.append(*2+line)
+ code.extend(self.__assertcode)
+ code.append(*2+"return (True, None)")
+ return code
+ def codepack(self, struct_in, prefix="!"):
+ """Return code that pack struct
+ """
+ code = []
+ code.append("def pack(self, assertstruct=True):")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"Pack message")
+ code.append(*2+"Packs empty array used as placeholder")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"")
+ code.append(*2+"if(assertstruct):")
+ code.extend(self.__addassert(*3))
+ code.append(*2+"packed = \"\"")
+ primPattern = ""
+ primMemberNames = []
+ for member in struct_in.members:
+ if (isinstance(member, cheader.cprimitive)):
+ #Primitives
+ primPattern += self.__c2py.structmap[member.typename]
+ primMemberNames.append("self."
+ else:
+ (primPattern, primMemberNames) = \
+ self.__codepackprimitive(code, primPattern,
+ primMemberNames, prefix)
+ if (isinstance(member, cheader.cstruct)):
+ #Struct
+ code.append(*2+"packed += self."".pack()")
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and member.typename == "char"):
+ #String
+ code.append(*2+"packed += self."".ljust("+\
+ str(member.size)+",'\\0')")
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and \
+ isinstance(member.object, cheader.cprimitive)):
+ #Array of Primitives
+ expandedarr = ""
+ if (member.size != 0):
+ for x in range(0, member.size):
+ expandedarr += ", self.""["+\
+ str(x).strip()+"]"
+ code.append(*2+"packed += struct.pack(\""+prefix+\
+ self.__c2py.structmap[member.object.typename]*member.size+\
+ "\""+expandedarr+")")
+ else:
+ code.append(*2+"for i in self."":")
+ code.append(*3+"packed += struct.pack(\""+\
+ prefix+self.__c2py.get_pattern(member.object)+\
+ "\",i)")
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and \
+ isinstance(member.object, cheader.cstruct)):
+ #Array of struct
+ if (member.size != 0):
+ for x in range(0, member.size):
+ code.append(*2+"packed += self.""["+\
+ str(x).strip()+"].pack()")
+ else:
+ code.append(*2+"for i in self."":")
+ code.append(*3+"packed += i.pack(assertstruct)")
+ #Clear remaining fields
+ (primPattern, primMemberNames) = \
+ self.__codepackprimitive(code, primPattern,
+ primMemberNames, prefix)
+ code.append(*2+"return packed")
+ return code
+ def __codepackprimitive(self, code, primPattern, primMemberNames, prefix):
+ """Return code for packing primitives
+ """
+ if (primPattern != ""):
+ #Clear prior primitives
+ code.append(*2+"packed += struct.pack(\""+\
+ prefix+primPattern+"\", "+\
+ str(primMemberNames).replace("'","")[1:-1]+")")
+ return ("",[])
+ def codelen(self, struct_in):
+ """Return code to return length
+ """
+ pattern = "!" + self.__c2py.get_pattern(struct_in)
+ code = []
+ code.append("def __len__(self):")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"Return length of message")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"")
+ code.append(*2+"l = "+str(self.__c2py.get_size(pattern)))
+ for member in struct_in.members:
+ if (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and member.size == 0):
+ if (isinstance(member.object, cheader.cstruct)):
+ code.append(*2+"for i in self."":")
+ code.append(*3+"l += i.length()")
+ else:
+ pattern="!"+self.__c2py.get_pattern(member.object)
+ size=self.__c2py.get_size(pattern)
+ code.append(*2+"l += len(self."")*"+str(size))
+ code.append(*2+"return l")
+ return code
+ def codeeq(self, struct_in):
+ """Return code to return equality comparisons
+ """
+ code = []
+ code.append("def __eq__(self, other):")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"Return True if self and other have same values")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"")
+ code.append(*2+"if type(self) != type(other): return False")
+ for member in struct_in.members:
+ code.append(*2 + "if self." + + " != other." +
+ + ": return False")
+ code.append(*2+"return True")
+ code.append("")
+ code.append("def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)")
+ return code
+ def codeshow(self, struct_in):
+ """Return code to print basic members of structure
+ """
+ code = []
+ code.append("def show(self, prefix=''):")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"" + "Print basic members of structure")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"")
+ for member in struct_in.members:
+ if'pad',
+ continue
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.cstruct)):
+ code.append(*2 + "print prefix + '" +
+ + ": ' ")
+ code.append(*2 + "self." + +
+ ".show(prefix + ' ')")
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and
+ not isinstance(member.object, cheader.cprimitive)):
+ code.append(*2 + "print prefix + '" + +
+ ": ' ")
+ code.append(*2 + "for obj in self." + + ":")
+ code.append(*3 + " + ' ')")
+ else:
+ code.append(*2 + "print prefix + '" + +
+ ": ' + str(self." + + ")")
+ return code
+ def codeunpack(self, struct_in, prefix="!"):
+ """Return code that unpack struct
+ """
+ pattern = self.__c2py.get_pattern(struct_in)
+ structlen = self.__c2py.get_size(prefix + pattern)
+ code = []
+ code.append("def unpack(self, binaryString):")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"Unpack message")
+ code.append(*2+"Do not unpack empty array used as placeholder")
+ code.append(*2+"since they can contain heterogeneous type")
+ code.append(*2+"\"\"\"")
+ code.append(*2+"if (len(binaryString) < "+str(structlen)+"):")
+ code.append(*3+"return binaryString")
+ offset = 0
+ primPattern = ""
+ primMemberNames = []
+ for member in struct_in.members:
+ if (isinstance(member, cheader.cprimitive)):
+ #Primitives
+ primPattern += self.__c2py.structmap[member.typename]
+ primMemberNames.append("self."
+ else:
+ (primPattern, primMemberNames, offset) = \
+ self.__codeunpackprimitive(code, offset, primPattern,
+ primMemberNames, prefix)
+ if (isinstance(member, cheader.cstruct)):
+ #Struct
+ code.append(*2+"self."\
+ ".unpack(binaryString["+str(offset)+":])")
+ pattern = self.__c2py.get_pattern(member)
+ offset += self.__c2py.get_size(prefix+pattern)
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and member.typename == "char"):
+ #String
+ code.append(*2+"self."\
+ " = binaryString["+str(offset)+":"+\
+ str(offset+member.size)+"].replace(\"\\0\",\"\")")
+ offset += member.size
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and \
+ isinstance(member.object, cheader.cprimitive)):
+ #Array of Primitives
+ expandedarr = ""
+ if (member.size != 0):
+ arrpattern = self.__c2py.structmap[member.object.typename]*member.size
+ for x in range(0, member.size):
+ expandedarr += "self.""["+\
+ str(x).strip()+"], "
+ code.append(*2+"("+expandedarr[:-2]+") = struct.unpack_from(\""+\
+ prefix+arrpattern+\
+ "\", binaryString, "+str(offset)+")")
+ offset += struct.calcsize(prefix + arrpattern)
+ elif (isinstance(member, cheader.carray) and \
+ isinstance(member.object, cheader.cstruct)):
+ #Array of struct
+ astructlen = self.__c2py.get_size("!"+self.__c2py.get_pattern(member.object))
+ for x in range(0, member.size):
+ code.append(*2+"self.""["+str(x)+"]"+\
+ ".unpack(binaryString["+str(offset)+":])")
+ offset += astructlen
+ #Clear remaining fields
+ (primPattern, primMemberNames, offset) = \
+ self.__codeunpackprimitive(code, offset, primPattern,
+ primMemberNames, prefix)
+ code.append(*2+"return binaryString["+str(structlen)+":]");
+ return code
+ def __codeunpackprimitive(self, code, offset, primPattern,
+ primMemberNames, prefix):
+ """Return code for unpacking primitives
+ """
+ if (primPattern != ""):
+ #Clear prior primitives
+ code.append(*2+"("+str(primMemberNames).replace("'","")[1:-1]+\
+ ") = struct.unpack_from(\""+\
+ prefix+primPattern+"\", binaryString, "+str(offset)+")")
+ return ("",[], offset+struct.calcsize(prefix+primPattern))
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/lavi/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/lavi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/lavi/
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/lavi/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/lavi/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c150aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/lavi/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+"""This module generate Python code for LAVI and messenger
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Date January 2010
+Created by ykk
+import cpythonize
+class msgrules(cpythonize.rules):
+ """Class that specify rules for pythonization of messenger
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date January 2010
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize rules
+ """
+ cpythonize.rules.__init__(self)
+ ##Default values for members
+ #Default values for struct
+ ##Macros to exclude
+ self.excluded_macros = ['MESSAGE_HH__']
+ ##Enforce mapping
+ self.enforced_maps['messenger_msg'] = [ ('type','msg_type') ]
+class lavirules(msgrules):
+ """Class that specify rules for pythonization of LAVI messages
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date January 2010
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, laviheader):
+ """Initialize rules
+ """
+ msgrules.__init__(self)
+ ##Default values for members
+ #Default values for struct
+ self.struct_default[('lavi_poll_message',
+ 'header')] = ".type = "+str(laviheader.get_value('LAVIT_POLL'))
+ self.struct_default[('lavi_poll_stop_message',
+ 'header')] = ".type = "+str(laviheader.get_value('LAVIT_POLL_STOP'))
+ ##Macros to exclude
+ self.excluded_macros = ['LAVI_MSG_HH']
+ ##Enforce mapping
+ self.enforced_maps['lavi_header'] = [ ('type','lavi_type') ]
+class msgpythonizer(cpythonize.pythonizer):
+ """Class that pythonize C messenger messages
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date January 2010
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msgheader):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ rules = msgrules()
+ cpythonize.pythonizer.__init__(self, msgheader, rules)
+class lavipythonizer(cpythonize.pythonizer):
+ """Class that pythonize C messenger messages
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date December 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, msgheader):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ rules = lavirules(msgheader)
+ cpythonize.pythonizer.__init__(self, msgheader, rules)
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8617f56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+"""This module parses OpenFlow packets.
+Unfortunately, this has to be updated manually for each OpenFlow version
+and packet type. Ugly.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Date October 2009
+Created by ykk
+class parser:
+ """Parser for OpenFlow packets
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, messages):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##Internal reference to OpenFlow messages
+ self.__messages = messages
+ def describe(self, packet):
+ """Parse OpenFlow packet and return string description
+ """
+ dic = self.__messages.peek_from_front("ofp_header", packet)
+ desc = self.header_describe(dic)
+ if (dic["type"][0] == self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_HELLO")):
+ pass
+ elif (dic["type"][0] == self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_SET_CONFIG")):
+ desc += "\n\t"+self.switch_config_describe(packet)
+ elif (dic["type"][0] == self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_FLOW_MOD")):
+ (fmdic, remaining) = self.__messages.unpack_from_front("ofp_flow_mod", packet)
+ desc += self.flow_mod_describe(fmdic, "\n\t")
+ desc += "\n\twith remaining "+str(len(remaining))+" bytes"
+ else:
+ desc += "\n\tUnparsed..."
+ return desc
+ def flow_mod_describe(self, packet, prefix=""):
+ """Parse flow mod and return description
+ """
+ dic = self.__assert_dic(packet, "ofp_flow_mod")
+ if (dic == None):
+ return ""
+ return prefix+\
+ "Flow_mod of command "+self.__messages.get_enum_name("ofp_flow_mod_command", dic["command"][0])+\
+ " idle/hard timeout:"+str(dic["idle_timeout"][0])+"/"+str(dic["hard_timeout"][0])+\
+ self.match_describe(dic, "match.", "\n\t")+\
+ prefix+\
+ "(priority:"+str(dic["priority"][0])+\
+ "/buffer id:"+str(dic["buffer_id"][0])+\
+ "/out port:"+str(dic["out_port"][0])+")"
+ def match_describe(self, dic, nameprefix="", prefix=""):
+ """Return description for ofp match
+ """
+ return prefix+"match wildcards:%x" % dic[nameprefix+"wildcards"][0]+\
+ " inport="+str(dic[nameprefix+"in_port"][0])+\
+ prefix+" "+\
+ " ethertype="+str(dic[nameprefix+"dl_type"][0])+\
+ " vlan="+str(dic[nameprefix+"dl_vlan"][0])+\
+ " "+self.eth_describe(dic[nameprefix+"dl_src"])+"->"+\
+ self.eth_describe(dic[nameprefix+"dl_dst"])+\
+ prefix+" "+\
+ " ipproto="+str(dic[nameprefix+"nw_proto"][0])+\
+ " "+self.ip_describe(dic[nameprefix+"nw_src"][0])+\
+ "->"+self.ip_describe(dic[nameprefix+"nw_src"][0])+\
+ prefix+" "+\
+ " transport "+str(dic[nameprefix+"tp_src"][0])+\
+ "->"+str(dic[nameprefix+"tp_dst"][0])
+ def switch_config_describe(self, packet):
+ """Parse OpenFlow switch config and return description
+ """
+ dic = self.__assert_dic(packet, "ofp_switch_config")
+ if (dic == None):
+ return ""
+ return "with flag "+str(self.__messages.get_enum_name("ofp_config_flags", dic["flags"][0]))+\
+ " and miss send length "+str(dic["miss_send_len"][0])
+ def header_describe(self, packet):
+ """Parse OpenFlow header and return string description
+ """
+ dic = self.__assert_dic(packet, "ofp_header")
+ if (dic == None):
+ return ""
+ return self.__messages.get_enum_name("ofp_type", dic["type"][0])+" packet "+\
+ "(length:"+str(dic["length"][0])+\
+ "/xid:"+str(dic["xid"][0])+")"
+ def ip_describe(self, value):
+ """Return string for ip address
+ """
+ desc = ""
+ for i in range(0,4):
+ (value, cv) = divmod(value, 256)
+ desc = str(cv).strip() +"." + desc
+ return desc
+ def eth_describe(self, etheraddr):
+ """Return string for ethernet address
+ """
+ desc = ""
+ for value in etheraddr:
+ desc += ":"+("%x" % value).zfill(2)
+ return desc[1:]
+ def __assert_dic(self, packet, typename):
+ """Assert and ensure dictionary is given
+ """
+ dic = None
+ if (isinstance(packet, str)):
+ dic = self.__messages.peek_from_front(typename, packet)
+ elif (isinstance(packet, dict)):
+ dic = packet
+ return dic
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6765a12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+"""This module holds the network.
+Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+Date October 2009
+Created by ykk
+import random
+import openflow
+class network:
+ """Class holding information about OpenFlow network
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##List of switches
+ self.switches = []
+ ##Dictionary of links
+ self.links = {}
+ ##Reference to connections
+ self.connections = openflow.connections()
+ def add_switch(self, sw):
+ """Add switch to network
+ """
+ self.switches.append(sw)
+ self.connections.add_connection(sw, sw.connection)
+ def add_link(self, link):
+ """Add link to network
+ """
+ try:
+ self.links[link.switch1,link.switch2].append(link)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.links[link.switch1,link.switch2] = []
+ self.links[link.switch1,link.switch2].append(link)
+class link:
+ """Class to hold information about link
+ Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+ Date November 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, switch1, switch2):
+ """Initialize link between specified switches
+ """
+ ##Reference to first switch
+ self.switch1 = switch1
+ ##Reference to second switch
+ self.switch2 = switch2
+class switch:
+ """Class holding information about OpenFlow switch
+ Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, miss_send_len=128,
+ sock=None, dpid=None, n_buffers=100, n_tables=1,
+ capability=None):
+ """Initialize switch
+ """
+ ##Socket to controller
+ self.sock = sock
+ ##Datapath id of switch
+ if (dpid != None):
+ self.datapath_id = dpid
+ else:
+ self.datapath_id = random.randrange(1, pow(2,64))
+ ##Number of buffers
+ self.n_buffers = n_buffers
+ ##Number of tables
+ self.n_tables= n_tables
+ ##Capabilities
+ if (isinstance(capability, switch_capabilities)):
+ self.capability = capability
+ else:
+ self.capability = switch_capabilities(miss_send_len)
+ ##Valid Actions
+ self.valid_actions = 0
+ ##List of port
+ self.port = []
+class switch_capabilities:
+ """Class to hold switch capabilities
+ """
+ def __init__(self, miss_send_len=128):
+ """Initialize
+ Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ ##Capabilities support by datapath
+ self.flow_stats = True
+ self.table_stats = True
+ self.port_stats = True
+ self.stp = True
+ self.multi_phy_tx = True
+ self.ip_resam = False
+ ##Switch config
+ self.send_exp = None
+ self.ip_frag = 0
+ self.miss_send_len = miss_send_len
+ ##Valid actions
+ self.act_output = True
+ self.act_set_vlan_vid = True
+ self.act_set_vlan_pcp = True
+ self.act_strip_vlan = True
+ self.act_set_dl_src = True
+ self.act_set_dl_dst = True
+ self.act_set_nw_src = True
+ self.act_set_nw_dst = True
+ self.act_set_tp_src = True
+ self.act_set_tp_dst = True
+ self.act_vendor = False
+ def get_capability(self, ofmsg):
+ """Return value for uint32_t capability field
+ """
+ value = 0
+ if (self.flow_stats):
+ value += ofmsg.get_value("OFPC_FLOW_STATS")
+ if (self.table_stats):
+ value += ofmsg.get_value("OFPC_TABLE_STATS")
+ if (self.port_stats):
+ value += ofmsg.get_value("OFPC_PORT_STATS")
+ if (self.stp):
+ value += ofmsg.get_value("OFPC_STP")
+ if (self.multi_phy_tx):
+ value += ofmsg.get_value("OFPC_MULTI_PHY_TX")
+ if (self.ip_resam):
+ value += ofmsg.get_value("OFPC_IP_REASM")
+ return value
+ def get_actions(self, ofmsg):
+ """Return value for uint32_t action field
+ """
+ value = 0
+ if (self.act_output):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_OUTPUT")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_vlan_vid):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_VLAN_VID")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_vlan_pcp):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_VLAN_PCP")+1))
+ if (self.act_strip_vlan):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_STRIP_VLAN")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_dl_src):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_DL_SRC")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_dl_dst):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_DL_DST")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_nw_src):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_NW_SRC")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_nw_dst):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_NW_DST")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_tp_src):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_TP_SRC")+1))
+ if (self.act_set_tp_dst):
+ value += (1 << (ofmsg.get_value("OFPAT_SET_TP_DST")+1))
+ return value
+class port:
+ """Class to hold information about port
+ Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, port_no, stp=(2 << 8), hw_addr=None, name=""):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##Port properties
+ self.port_no = port_no
+ if (hw_addr != None):
+ self.hw_addr = hw_addr
+ else:
+ self.hw_addr = random.randrange(1, pow(2,48))
+ = name
+ ##Port config
+ self.port_down = False
+ self.no_stp = False
+ self.no_recv = False
+ self.no_recv_stp = False
+ self.no_flood = False
+ self.no_fwd = False
+ self.no_packet_in = False
+ #Port state
+ self.link_down = False
+ self.stp = stp
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..687512b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+"""This module generate Python code for OpenFlow structs.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Date December 2009
+Created by ykk
+import cpythonize
+from config import *
+class rules(cpythonize.rules):
+ """Class that specify rules for pythonization of OpenFlow messages
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date December 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ofmsg):
+ """Initialize rules
+ """
+ cpythonize.rules.__init__(self)
+ ##Reference to ofmsg
+ self.__ofmsg = ofmsg
+ ##Default values for members
+ self.default_values[('ofp_header','version')] = self.__ofmsg.get_value('OFP_VERSION')
+ self.default_values[('ofp_switch_config',\
+ 'miss_send_len')] = self.__ofmsg.get_value('OFP_DEFAULT_MISS_SEND_LEN')
+ for x in ['ofp_flow_mod','ofp_flow_expired','ofp_flow_stats']:
+ self.default_values[(x,'priority')] = self.__ofmsg.get_value('OFP_DEFAULT_PRIORITY')
+ #Default values for struct
+ self.struct_default[('ofp_flow_mod',
+ 'header')] = ".type = OFPT_FLOW_MOD"
+# 'header')] = ".type = "+str(self.__ofmsg.get_value('OFPT_FLOW_MOD'))
+ ##Macros to exclude
+ self.excluded_macros = ['OFP_ASSERT(EXPR)','OFP_ASSERT(_EXPR)','OFP_ASSERT',
+ 'icmp_type','icmp_code','OFP_PACKED',
+ ##Enforce mapping
+ self.enforced_maps['ofp_header'] = [ ('type','ofp_type_values') ]
+ self.enforced_maps['ofp_header'] = \
+ [ ('type','ofp_type_map.values()') ]
+class pythonizer(cpythonize.pythonizer):
+ """Class that pythonize C structures of OpenFlow messages
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date December 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, ofmsg):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ofrules = rules(ofmsg)
+ cpythonize.pythonizer.__init__(self, ofmsg, ofrules)
+ ##Reference to OpenFlow message class
+ self.__ofmsg = ofmsg
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..508b076
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/of/
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+"""This module simulates the network.
+Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+Date November 2009
+Created by ykk
+import openflow
+import output
+import of.msg
+class network(
+ """Class to simulate OpenFlow network
+ Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+ Date November 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize network
+ """
+ ##Name of use for output
+ = self.__class__.__name__+str(id(self))
+class link(
+ """Class to simulate link
+ Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+ Date November 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, switch1, switch2, isUp=True):
+ """Initialize link
+ """
+, switch1, switch2)
+ ##Name of use for output
+ = self.__class__.__name__+str(id(self))
+ ##Indicate if link is up
+ self.isUp = isUp
+class switch(
+ """Class to simulate OpenFlow switch
+ Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+ Date November 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, messages, controller, port, miss_send_len=128,
+ dpid=None, n_buffers=100, n_tables=1,
+ capability=None, parser=None, connection=None):
+ """Initialize switch
+ """
+, miss_send_len,
+ None, dpid, n_buffers, n_tables,
+ capability)
+ ##Name of use for output
+ = self.__class__.__name__+str(id(self))
+ ##Reference to OpenFlow messages
+ self.__messages = messages
+ ##Reference to connection
+ self.connection = openflow.tcpsocket(messages, controller, port)
+ self.sock = self.connection.sock
+ ##Reference to Parser
+ self.parser = None
+ if (parser == None):
+ self.parser = of.msg.parser(messages)
+ else:
+ self.parser = parser
+ def receive_openflow(self, packet):
+ """Switch receive OpenFlow packet, and respond accordingly
+ """
+ dic = self.__messages.peek_from_front("ofp_header", packet)
+ if (dic["type"][0] == self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_HELLO")):
+ output.dbg("Receive hello",
+ elif (dic["type"][0] == self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST")):
+ self.reply_echo(dic["xid"][0])
+ elif (dic["type"][0] == self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_FEATURES_REQUEST")):
+ self.reply_features(dic["xid"][0])
+ elif (dic["type"][0] == self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_FLOW_MOD")):
+ self.handle_flow_mod(packet)
+ else:
+ output.dbg("Unprocessed message "+self.parser.header_describe(dic),
+ def send_hello(self):
+ """Send hello
+ """
+ self.connection.structsend("ofp_hello",
+ 0, self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_HELLO"),
+ 0, 0)
+ output.dbg("Send hello",
+ def send_packet(self, inport, bufferid=None, packet="", xid=0, reason=None):
+ """Send packet in
+ Assume no match as reason, bufferid = 0xFFFFFFFF,
+ and empty packet by default
+ """
+ if (reason == None):
+ reason = self.__messages.get_value("OFPR_NO_MATCH")
+ if (bufferid == None):
+ bufferid = int("0xFFFFFFFF",16)
+ pktin = self.__messages.pack("ofp_packet_in",
+ 0, self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_PACKET_IN"),
+ 0, xid, #header
+ bufferid, len(packet),
+ inport, reason, 0)
+ self.connection.structsend_raw(pktin+packet)
+ output.dbg("Send packet ",
+ def send_echo(self, xid=0):
+ """Send echo
+ """
+ self.connection.structsend_xid("ofp_header",
+ 0, self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_ECHO_REQUEST"),
+ 0, xid)
+ output.dbg("Send echo",
+ def reply_echo(self, xid):
+ """Reply to echo request
+ """
+ self.connection.structsend_xid("ofp_header",
+ 0, self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_ECHO_REPLY"),
+ 0, xid)
+ output.dbg("Reply echo of xid:"+str(xid),
+ def reply_features(self, xid):
+ """Reply to feature request
+ """
+ self.connection.structsend_xid("ofp_switch_features",
+ 0, self.__messages.get_value("OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY"),
+ 0, xid,
+ self.datapath_id, self.n_buffers,
+ self.n_tables,0,0,0,
+ self.capability.get_capability(self.__messages),
+ self.capability.get_actions(self.__messages))
+ output.dbg("Replied features request of xid "+str(xid),
+ def handle_flow_mod(self, packet):
+ """Handle flow mod: just print it here
+ """
+ output.dbg(self.parser.flow_mod_describe(packet),
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25945b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+"""This module exports OpenFlow protocol to Python.
+(C) Copyright Stanford University
+Date October 2009
+Created by ykk
+import c2py
+import cheader
+import os
+import socket
+import select
+import struct
+import time
+class messages(cheader.cheaderfile,c2py.cstruct2py,c2py.structpacker):
+ """Class to handle OpenFlow messages
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, openflow_headerfile=None):
+ """Initialize with OpenFlow header file
+ If filename is not provided, check the environment
+ variable PYLIB_OPENFLOW_HEADER and search for openflow.h
+ """
+ if (openflow_headerfile != None):
+ cheader.cheaderfile.__init__(self, openflow_headerfile)
+ else:
+ #Check environment variable
+ path = os.getenv("PYLIB_OPENFLOW_HEADER")
+ if not path:
+ print "PYLIB_OPENFLOW_HEADER is not set in environment"
+ sys.exit(2)
+ cheader.cheaderfile.__init__(self, path+"/openflow.h")
+ #Initialize cstruct2py
+ c2py.cstruct2py.__init__(self)
+ #Initalize packet
+ c2py.structpacker.__init__(self, "!")
+ ##Cached patterns
+ self.patterns={}
+ for (cstructname, cstruct) in self.structs.items():
+ self.patterns[cstructname] = self.get_pattern(cstruct)
+ def get_size(self, ctype):
+ """Get size for ctype or name of type.
+ Return None if ctype is not expanded or
+ type with name is not found.
+ """
+ pattern = self.get_pattern(ctype)
+ if (pattern != None):
+ return c2py.cstruct2py.get_size(self,pattern)
+ def get_pattern(self,ctype):
+ """Get pattern string for ctype or name of type.
+ Return None if ctype is not expanded or
+ type with name is not found.
+ """
+ if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+ #Is name
+ return self.patterns[ctype]
+ else:
+ return c2py.cstruct2py.get_pattern(self, ctype)
+ def pack(self, ctype, *arg):
+ """Pack packet accordingly ctype or name of type provided.
+ Return struct packed.
+ """
+ if (isinstance(ctype, str)):
+ return struct.pack(self.prefix+self.patterns[ctype], *arg)
+ else:
+ return c2py.structpacker.pack(self, ctype, *arg)
+ def peek_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
+ """Unpack packet using front of the packet,
+ accordingly ctype or name of ctype provided.
+ Return dictionary of values indexed by arg name,
+ if ctype is known struct/type and returnDictionary is True,
+ else return array of data unpacked.
+ """
+ if (isinstance(ctype,str)):
+ data = c2py.structpacker.peek_from_front(self,
+ self.patterns[ctype],
+ binaryString,
+ returnDictionary)
+ return self.data2dic(self.structs[ctype], data)
+ else:
+ return c2py.structpacker.peek_from_front(self,
+ ctype,
+ binaryString,
+ returnDictionary)
+ def unpack_from_front(self, ctype, binaryString, returnDictionary=True):
+ """Unpack packet using front of packet,
+ accordingly ctype or name of ctype provided.
+ Return (dictionary of values indexed by arg name,
+ remaining binary string) if ctype is known struct/type
+ and returnDictionary is True,
+ else return (array of data unpacked, remaining binary string).
+ """
+ if (isinstance(ctype,str)):
+ (data, remaining) = c2py.structpacker.unpack_from_front(self,
+ self.patterns[ctype],
+ binaryString,
+ returnDictionary)
+ return (self.data2dic(self.structs[ctype], data), remaining)
+ else:
+ return c2py.structpacker.unpack_from_front(self,
+ ctype,
+ binaryString,
+ returnDictionary)
+class connection:
+ """Class to hold a connection.
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, messages, sock=None):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##Reference to socket
+ self.sock = sock
+ ##Internal reference to OpenFlow messages
+ self._messages = messages
+ ##Buffer
+ self.buffer = ""
+ ##Header length for OpenFlow
+ self.__header_length = self._messages.get_size("ofp_header")
+ def send(self, msg):
+ """Send bare message (given as binary string)
+ """
+ raise NotImplementedError()
+ def structsend(self, ctype, *arg):
+ """Build and send message.
+ """
+ self.send(self._messages.pack(ctype, *arg))
+ def receive(self, maxlength=1024):
+ """Receive raw in non-blocking way.
+ Return buffer
+ """
+ if ([self.sock],[],[],0)[0]):
+ self.buffer += self.sock.recv(maxlength)
+ return self.buffer
+ def buffer_has_msg(self):
+ """Check if buffer has a complete message
+ """
+ #Check at least ofp_header is received
+ if (len(self.buffer) < self.__header_length):
+ return False
+ values = self._messages.peek_from_front("ofp_header", self.buffer)
+ return (len(self.buffer) >= values["length"][0])
+ def get_msg(self):
+ """Get message from current buffer
+ """
+ if (self.buffer_has_msg()):
+ values = self._messages.peek_from_front("ofp_header", self.buffer)
+ msg = self.buffer[:values["length"][0]]
+ self.buffer = self.buffer[values["length"][0]:]
+ return msg
+ else:
+ return None
+ def msgreceive(self, blocking=False, pollInterval=0.001):
+ """Receive OpenFlow message.
+ If non-blocking, can return None.
+ """
+ self.receive()
+ if (self.buffer_has_msg()):
+ return self.get_msg()
+ if (blocking):
+ while (not self.buffer_has_msg()):
+ time.sleep(pollInterval)
+ self.receive()
+ return self.get_msg()
+class safeconnection(connection):
+ """OpenFlow connection with safety checks
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, messages, sock=None, version=None,
+ xidstart = 0, autoxid=True):
+ """Initialize with OpenFlow version.
+ """
+ connection.__init__(self, messages, sock)
+ ##OpenFlow version
+ if (version != None):
+ self.version = version
+ else:
+ self.version = messages.get_value("OFP_VERSION")
+ ##xid Counter
+ self.nextxid = xidstart
+ ##Automatic xid
+ self.autoxid = autoxid
+ ##Miss auto xid
+ self.skipautoxid = 0
+ def skip_auto_xid(self, n):
+ """Miss automatic xid for the next n packets
+ """
+ self.skipautoxid = n
+ def structsend_xid(self, ctype, *arg):
+ """Build and send message, populating header automatically.
+ Type and xid of message is not populated.
+ """
+ self.skipautoxid+=1
+ self.structsend(ctype, *arg)
+ def structsend(self, ctype, *arg):
+ """Build and send message, populating header automatically.
+ Type of message is not populated
+ """
+ msg = self._messages.pack(ctype, *arg)
+ self.structsend_raw(msg)
+ def structsend_raw(self, msg):
+ """Check ofp_header and ensure correctness before sending.
+ """
+ (dic, remaining) = self._messages.unpack_from_front("ofp_header", msg)
+ #Amend header
+ if (self.version != None):
+ dic["version"][0] = self.version
+ if (self.autoxid and (self.skipautoxid == 0)):
+ dic["xid"][0] = self.nextxid
+ self.nextxid+=1
+ if (self.skipautoxid != 0):
+ self.skipautoxid-=1
+ dic["length"][0] = len(remaining)+8
+ #Send message
+ self.send(self._messages.pack("ofp_header",
+ dic["version"][0],
+ dic["type"][0],
+ dic["length"][0],
+ dic["xid"][0])+\
+ remaining)
+class tcpsocket(safeconnection):
+ """Class to hold connection
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date October 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self, messages, host, port):
+ """Initialize TCP socket to host and port
+ """
+ safeconnection.__init__(self, messages)
+ ##Reference to socket
+ self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ self.sock.connect((host, port))
+ self.sock.setblocking(False)
+ self.sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_TCP, socket.TCP_NODELAY, 0)
+ def __del__(self):
+ """Terminate connection
+ """
+ self.sock.shutdown(1)
+ self.sock.close()
+ def send(self, msg):
+ """Send raw message (binary string)
+ """
+ self.sock.sendall(msg)
+class connections:
+ """Class to hold multiple connections
+ (C) Copyright Stanford University
+ Date November 2009
+ Created by ykk
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Initialize
+ """
+ ##List of sockets
+ self.__sockets = []
+ ##Dicionary of sockets to connection
+ self.__connections = {}
+ def add_connection(self, reference, connect):
+ """Add connection with opaque reference object
+ """
+ if (not isinstance(connect,connection)):
+ raise RuntimeError("Connection must be openflow.connection!")
+ self.__sockets.append(connect.sock)
+ self.__connections[connect.sock] = (reference, connect)
+ def receive(self, maxlength=1024):
+ """Receive raw in non-blocking way
+ """
+ read_ready =,[],[],0)[0]
+ for sock in read_ready:
+ self.__connections[sock][1].receive(maxlength)
+ def has_msg(self):
+ """Check if any of the connections has a message
+ Return (reference,connection) with message
+ """
+ for sock, refconnect in self.__connections.items():
+ if (refconnect[1].buffer_has_msg()):
+ return refconnect
+ return None
+ def msgreceive(self, blocking=False, pollInterval=0.001):
+ """Receive OpenFlow message.
+ If non-blocking, can return None.
+ """
+ self.receive()
+ c = self.has_msg()
+ if (c != None):
+ return (c[0],c[1].get_msg())
+ if (blocking):
+ while (c == None):
+ time.sleep(pollInterval)
+ self.receive()
+ c = self.has_msg()
+ else:
+ return (None, None)
+ return (c[0],c[1].get_msg())
diff --git a/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..64df4f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pylibopenflow/pylib/
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+"""This module implements output printing.
+Output are divided into 4 levels and
+can be configured for different verbosity
+Copyright(C) 2009, Stanford University
+Date August 2009
+Created by ykk
+##Various output modes
+MODE = {}
+MODE["ERR"] = 0
+MODE["WARN"] = 1
+MODE["INFO"] = 2
+MODE["DBG"] = 3
+#Global mode
+global output_mode
+output_mode = None
+def set_mode(msg_mode, who=None):
+ """Set the message mode for who
+ If who is None, set global mode
+ """
+ global output_mode
+ if (output_mode == None):
+ output_mode = {}
+ output_mode["global"] = MODE["WARN"]
+ output_mode["DBG"] = []
+ output_mode["INFO"] = []
+ output_mode["WARN"] = []
+ #Set global mode
+ if (who == None):
+ output_mode["global"] = MODE[msg_mode]
+ return
+ #Individual mode
+ if (msg_mode == "ERR"):
+ return
+ for mode in ["WARN","INFO","DBG"]:
+ if (not (who in mode[mode])):
+ mode[mode].append(who)
+ if (msg_mode == mode):
+ return
+def output(msg_mode, msg, who=None):
+ """Print message
+ """
+ global output_mode
+ if (output_mode == None):
+ raise RuntimeException("Output mode is not set")
+ #Indicate who string
+ if (who == None):
+ whostr = ""
+ else:
+ whostr = who+":"
+ #Print output
+ if (MODE[msg_mode] <= output_mode["global"]):
+ print msg_mode.ljust(4, ' ')+"|"+whostr+msg
+ elif (who in output_mode[msg_mode]):
+ print msg_mode.ljust(4, ' ')+"|"+whostr+msg
+def err(msg, who=None):
+ """Print error messages
+ """
+ output("ERR", msg, who)
+def warn(msg, who=None):
+ """Print warning messages
+ """
+ output("WARN", msg, who)
+def info(msg, who=None):
+ """Print informational messages
+ """
+ output("INFO", msg, who)
+def dbg(msg, who=None):
+ """Print debug messages
+ """
+ output("DBG", msg, who)