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Change-Id: I6a4444e3c193dae437cd7929f4c39aba7b749efa
diff --git a/libfdproto/messages.c b/libfdproto/messages.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3da8d2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libfdproto/messages.c
@@ -0,0 +1,2850 @@
+* Software License Agreement (BSD License) *
+* Author: Sebastien Decugis <> *
+* *
+* Copyright (c) 2015, WIDE Project and NICT *
+* All rights reserved. *
+* *
+* Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are *
+* permitted provided that the following conditions are met: *
+* *
+* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above *
+* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the *
+* following disclaimer. *
+* *
+* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above *
+* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the *
+* following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other *
+* materials provided with the distribution. *
+* *
+* * Neither the name of the WIDE Project or NICT nor the *
+* names of its contributors may be used to endorse or *
+* promote products derived from this software without *
+* specific prior written permission of WIDE Project and *
+* NICT. *
+* *
+/* Messages module.
+ *
+ * This module allows to manipulate the msg and avp structures that represents a Diameter message in memory.
+ */
+#include "fdproto-internal.h"
+#include <sys/param.h>
+/* Type of object */
+enum msg_objtype {
+ MSG_MSG = 1,
+/* Chaining of elements as a free hierarchy */
+struct msg_avp_chain {
+ struct fd_list chaining; /* Chaining information at this level. */
+ struct fd_list children; /* sentinel for the children of this object */
+ enum msg_objtype type; /* Type of this object, _MSG_MSG or _MSG_AVP */
+/* Return the chain information from an AVP or MSG. Since it's the first field, we just cast */
+#define _C(_x) ((struct msg_avp_chain *)(_x))
+/* Some details about chaining:
+ *
+ * A message is made of a header ( msg ) and 0 or more AVPs ( avp ).
+ * The structure is a kind of tree, where some AVPs (grouped AVPs) can contain other AVPs.
+ * Example:
+ * msg
+ * |-avp
+ * |-gavp
+ * | |-avp
+ * | |-avp
+ * | \-avp
+ * |-avp
+ * \-avp
+ *
+ * Each item (msg or avp) structure begins with a msg_avp_chain structure.
+ * The element at the top of the hierarchy (msg in our example) has all the fields of its "chaining" equal to the same value.
+ *
+ * All elements at the same level are linked by their "chaining" list.
+ * The "children" list is the sentinel for the lists of children of this element.
+ */
+/* The following definitions are used to recognize objects in memory. */
+#define MSG_MSG_EYEC (0x11355463)
+#define MSG_AVP_EYEC (0x11355467)
+/* The following structure represents an AVP instance. */
+struct avp {
+ struct msg_avp_chain avp_chain; /* Chaining information of this AVP */
+ int avp_eyec; /* Must be equal to MSG_AVP_EYEC */
+ struct dict_object *avp_model; /* If not NULL, pointer to the dictionary object of this avp */
+ struct {
+ avp_code_t mnf_code;
+ vendor_id_t mnf_vendor;
+ } avp_model_not_found; /* When model resolution has failed, store a copy of the data here to avoid searching again */
+ struct avp_hdr avp_public; /* AVP data that can be managed by other modules */
+ uint8_t *avp_source; /* If the message was parsed from a buffer, pointer to the AVP data start in the buffer. */
+ uint8_t *avp_rawdata; /* when the data can not be interpreted, the raw data is copied here. The header is not part of it. */
+ size_t avp_rawlen; /* The length of the raw buffer. */
+ union avp_value avp_storage; /* To avoid many alloc/free, store the integer values here and set avp_public.avp_data to &storage */
+ int avp_mustfreeos; /* 1 if an octetstring is malloc'd in avp_storage and must be freed. */
+/* Macro to compute the AVP header size */
+/* Macro to cast a msg_avp_t */
+#define _A(_x) ((struct avp *)(_x))
+/* Check the type and eyecatcher */
+#define CHECK_AVP(_x) ((_x) && (_C(_x)->type == MSG_AVP) && (_A(_x)->avp_eyec == MSG_AVP_EYEC))
+/* The following structure represents an instance of a message (command and children AVPs). */
+struct msg {
+ struct msg_avp_chain msg_chain; /* List of the AVPs in the message */
+ int msg_eyec; /* Must be equal to MSG_MSG_EYEC */
+ struct dict_object *msg_model; /* If not NULL, pointer to the dictionary object of this message */
+ struct {
+ command_code_t mnf_code;
+ uint8_t mnf_flags;
+ } msg_model_not_found; /* When model resolution has failed, store a copy of the data here to avoid searching again */
+ struct msg_hdr msg_public; /* Message data that can be managed by extensions. */
+ uint8_t *msg_rawbuffer; /* data buffer that was received, saved during fd_msg_parse_buffer and freed in fd_msg_parse_dict */
+ int msg_routable; /* Is this a routable message? (0: undef, 1: routable, 2: non routable) */
+ struct msg *msg_query; /* the associated query if the message is a received answer */
+ int msg_associated; /* and the counter part information in the query, to avoid double free */
+ struct rt_data *msg_rtdata; /* Routing list for the query */
+ struct session *msg_sess; /* Cached message session if any */
+ struct {
+ void (*anscb)(void *, struct msg **);
+ void (*expirecb)(void *, DiamId_t, size_t, struct msg **);
+ void * data;
+ struct timespec timeout;
+ } msg_cb; /* Callback to be called when an answer is received, or timeout expires, if not NULL */
+ DiamId_t msg_src_id; /* Diameter Id of the peer this message was received from. This string is malloc'd and must be freed */
+ size_t msg_src_id_len; /* cached length of this string */
+ struct fd_msg_pmdl msg_pmdl; /* list of permessagedata structures. */
+/* Macro to compute the message header size */
+#define GETMSGHDRSZ() 20
+/* Macro to cast a msg_avp_t */
+#define _M(_x) ((struct msg *)(_x))
+/* Check the type and eyecatcher */
+#define CHECK_MSG(_x) ((_x) && (_C(_x)->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(_x)->msg_eyec == MSG_MSG_EYEC))
+#define VALIDATE_OBJ(_x) ( (CHECK_MSG(_x)) || (CHECK_AVP(_x)) )
+/* Macro to validate a MSGFL_ value */
+#define CHECK_AVPFL(_fl) ( ((_fl) & (- (AVPFL_MAX << 1) )) == 0 )
+#define CHECK_MSGFL(_fl) ( ((_fl) & (- (MSGFL_MAX << 1) )) == 0 )
+/* initial sizes of AVP from their types, in bytes. */
+static int avp_value_sizes[] = {
+ 0, /* AVP_TYPE_GROUPED: size is dynamic */
+ 0, /* AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING: size is dynamic */
+ 4, /* AVP_TYPE_INTEGER32: size is 32 bits */
+ 8, /* AVP_TYPE_INTEGER64: size is 64 bits */
+ 4, /* AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED32: size is 32 bits */
+ 8, /* AVP_TYPE_UNSIGNED64: size is 64 bits */
+ 4, /* AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32: size is 32 bits */
+ 8 /* AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64: size is 64 bits */
+#define CHECK_BASETYPE( _type ) ( ((_type) <= AVP_TYPE_MAX) && ((_type) >= 0) )
+#define GETINITIALSIZE( _type, _vend ) (avp_value_sizes[ CHECK_BASETYPE(_type) ? (_type) : 0] + GETAVPHDRSZ(_vend))
+/* Forward declaration */
+static int parsedict_do_msg(struct dictionary * dict, struct msg * msg, int only_hdr, struct fd_pei *error_info);
+/* Creating objects */
+/* Initialize a msg_avp_chain structure */
+static void init_chain(struct msg_avp_chain * chain, int type)
+ fd_list_init( &chain->chaining, (void *)chain);
+ fd_list_init( &chain->children, (void *)chain);
+ chain->type = type;
+/* Initialize a new AVP object */
+static void init_avp ( struct avp * avp )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", avp);
+ memset(avp, 0, sizeof(struct avp));
+ init_chain( &avp->avp_chain, MSG_AVP);
+ avp->avp_eyec = MSG_AVP_EYEC;
+/* Initialize a new MSG object */
+static void init_msg ( struct msg * msg )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", msg);
+ memset(msg, 0, sizeof(struct msg));
+ init_chain( &msg->msg_chain, MSG_MSG);
+ msg->msg_eyec = MSG_MSG_EYEC;
+ fd_list_init(&msg->msg_pmdl.sentinel, NULL);
+ CHECK_POSIX_DO( pthread_mutex_init(&msg->msg_pmdl.lock, NULL), );
+/* Create a new AVP instance */
+int fd_msg_avp_new ( struct dict_object * model, int flags, struct avp ** avp )
+ struct avp *new = NULL;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %x %p", model, flags, avp);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( avp && CHECK_AVPFL(flags) );
+ if (model) {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
+ }
+ /* Create a new object */
+ CHECK_MALLOC( new = malloc (sizeof(struct avp)) );
+ /* Initialize the fields */
+ init_avp(new);
+ if (model) {
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata), { free(new); return __ret__; } );
+ new->avp_model = model;
+ new->avp_public.avp_code = dictdata.avp_code;
+ new->avp_public.avp_flags = dictdata.avp_flag_val;
+ new->avp_public.avp_len = GETINITIALSIZE(dictdata.avp_basetype, dictdata.avp_flag_val );
+ new->avp_public.avp_vendor = dictdata.avp_vendor;
+ }
+ if (flags & AVPFL_SET_BLANK_VALUE) {
+ new->avp_public.avp_value = &new->avp_storage;
+ }
+ new->avp_rawlen = (*avp)->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( (*avp)->avp_public.avp_flags );
+ if (new->avp_rawlen) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( new->avp_rawdata = malloc(new->avp_rawlen), { free(new); return __ret__; } );
+ memset(new->avp_rawdata, 0x00, new->avp_rawlen);
+ }
+ }
+ /* The new object is ready, return */
+ *avp = new;
+ return 0;
+int fd_msg_new ( struct dict_object * model, int flags, struct msg ** msg )
+ return fd_msg_new_appl( model, NULL, flags, msg );
+/* Create a new message instance */
+int fd_msg_new_appl ( struct dict_object * model, struct dict_object * appl, int flags, struct msg ** msg )
+ struct msg * new = NULL;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %x %p", model, flags, msg);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( msg && CHECK_MSGFL(flags) );
+ if (model) {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_COMMAND) );
+ }
+ /* Create a new object */
+ CHECK_MALLOC( new = malloc (sizeof(struct msg)) );
+ /* Initialize the fields */
+ init_msg(new);
+ new->msg_public.msg_version = DIAMETER_VERSION;
+ new->msg_public.msg_length = GETMSGHDRSZ(); /* This will be updated later */
+ if (model) {
+ struct dictionary *dict;
+ struct dict_cmd_data dictdata;
+ struct dict_object *dictappl;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getdict(model, &dict), { free(new); return __ret__; } );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata), { free(new); return __ret__; } );
+ new->msg_model = model;
+ new->msg_public.msg_flags = dictdata.cmd_flag_val;
+ new->msg_public.msg_code = dictdata.cmd_code;
+ /* Initialize application from the parent, if any */
+ if (appl)
+ dictappl = appl;
+ else
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_OF_COMMAND, model, &dictappl, 0), { free(new); return __ret__; } );
+ if (dictappl != NULL) {
+ struct dict_application_data appdata;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getval(dictappl, &appdata), { free(new); return __ret__; } );
+ new->msg_public.msg_appl = appdata.application_id;
+ }
+ }
+ if (flags & MSGFL_ALLOC_ETEID) {
+ new->msg_public.msg_eteid = fd_msg_eteid_get();
+ }
+ /* The new object is ready, return */
+ *msg = new;
+ return 0;
+static int bufferize_avp(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct avp * avp);
+static int parsebuf_list(unsigned char * buf, size_t buflen, struct fd_list * head);
+static int parsedict_do_chain(struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_list * head, int mandatory, struct fd_pei *error_info);
+/* Create answer from a request */
+int fd_msg_new_answer_from_req ( struct dictionary * dict, struct msg ** msg, int flags )
+ struct dict_object * model = NULL;
+ struct msg *qry, *ans;
+ struct session * sess = NULL;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %x", msg, flags);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( msg );
+ qry = *msg;
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(qry) && (qry->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST) );
+ if (! (flags & MSGFL_ANSW_NOSID)) {
+ /* Get the session of the message */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_sess_get(dict, qry, &sess, NULL), /* ignore an error */ );
+ }
+ /* Find the model for the answer */
+ if (flags & MSGFL_ANSW_ERROR) {
+ /* The model is the generic error format */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_get_error_cmd(dict, &model) );
+ } else {
+ /* The model is the answer corresponding to the query. It supposes that these are defined in the dictionary */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( parsedict_do_msg( dict, qry, 1, NULL), /* continue */ );
+ if (qry->msg_model) {
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_COMMAND, CMD_ANSWER, qry->msg_model, &model, EINVAL ) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Create the answer */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_new( model, flags, &ans ) );
+ /* Set informations in the answer as in the query */
+ ans->msg_public.msg_code = qry->msg_public.msg_code; /* useful for MSGFL_ANSW_ERROR */
+ ans->msg_public.msg_appl = qry->msg_public.msg_appl;
+ ans->msg_public.msg_eteid = qry->msg_public.msg_eteid;
+ ans->msg_public.msg_hbhid = qry->msg_public.msg_hbhid;
+ /* Add the Session-Id AVP if session is known */
+ if (sess && dict) {
+ static struct dict_object * sess_id_avp = NULL;
+ os0_t sid;
+ size_t sidlen;
+ struct avp * avp;
+ union avp_value val;
+ if (!sess_id_avp) {
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_NAME, "Session-Id", &sess_id_avp, ENOENT), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ }
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_getsid ( sess, &sid, &sidlen ), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new ( sess_id_avp, 0, &avp ), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ = sid;
+ val.os.len = sidlen;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ), { free(avp); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_add( ans, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, avp ), { free(avp); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ ans->msg_sess = sess;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_ref_msg(sess), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ }
+ /* Add all Proxy-Info AVPs from the query if any */
+ if (! (flags & MSGFL_ANSW_NOPROXYINFO)) {
+ struct avp * avp;
+ struct fd_pei pei;
+ struct fd_list avpcpylist = FD_LIST_INITIALIZER(avpcpylist);
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse(qry, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL) , { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ while (avp) {
+ if ( (avp->avp_public.avp_code == AC_PROXY_INFO)
+ && (avp->avp_public.avp_vendor == 0) ) {
+ /* We found a Proxy-Info, need to duplicate it in the answer */
+ /* In order to avoid dealing with all different possibilities of states, we just create a buffer then parse it */
+ unsigned char * buf = NULL;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ /* Create a buffer with the content of the AVP. This is easier than going through the list */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_update_length(avp), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( buf = malloc(avp->avp_public.avp_len), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( bufferize_avp(buf, avp->avp_public.avp_len, &offset, avp), { free(buf); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ /* Now we parse this buffer to create a copy AVP */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( parsebuf_list(buf, avp->avp_public.avp_len, &avpcpylist), { free(buf); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ /* Parse dictionary objects now to remove the dependency on the buffer */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( parsedict_do_chain(dict, &avpcpylist, 0, &pei), { /* leaking the avpcpylist -- this should never happen anyway */ free(buf); free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ /* Done for this AVP */
+ free(buf);
+ /* We move this AVP now so that we do not parse again in next loop */
+ fd_list_move_end(&ans->msg_chain.children, &avpcpylist);
+ }
+ /* move to next AVP in the message, we can have several Proxy-Info instances */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse(avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL), { free(ans); return __ret__; } );
+ }
+ }
+ /* associate with query */
+ ans->msg_query = qry;
+ qry->msg_associated = 1;
+ /* Done */
+ *msg = ans;
+ return 0;
+/* Explore a message */
+int fd_msg_browse_internal ( msg_or_avp * reference, enum msg_brw_dir dir, msg_or_avp ** found, int * depth )
+ struct msg_avp_chain *result = NULL;
+ int diff = 0;
+ struct fd_list *li = NULL;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %d %p %p", reference, dir, found, depth);
+ /* Initialize the "found" result if any */
+ if (found)
+ *found = NULL;
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ TRACE_DEBUG(FCTS, "chaining(%p): nxt:%p prv:%p hea:%p top:%p",
+ &_C(reference)->chaining,
+ _C(reference)->,
+ _C(reference)->chaining.prev,
+ _C(reference)->chaining.head,
+ _C(reference)->chaining.o);
+ TRACE_DEBUG(FCTS, "children(%p): nxt:%p prv:%p hea:%p top:%p",
+ &_C(reference)->children,
+ _C(reference)->,
+ _C(reference)->children.prev,
+ _C(reference)->children.head,
+ _C(reference)->children.o);
+ /* Now search */
+ switch (dir) {
+ case MSG_BRW_NEXT:
+ /* Check the reference is an AVP */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP );
+ li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
+ /* Check if the next element is not the sentinel ( ==> the parent) */
+ if (li->next != li->head)
+ result = _C(li->next->o);
+ break;
+ case MSG_BRW_PREV:
+ /* Check the reference is an AVP */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP );
+ li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
+ /* Check if the prev element is not the sentinel ( ==> the parent) */
+ if (li->prev != li->head)
+ result = _C(li->prev->o);
+ break;
+ li = &_C(reference)->children;
+ if (! FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(li)) {
+ result = _C(li->next->o);
+ diff = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ li = &_C(reference)->children;
+ if (! FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(li)) {
+ result = _C(li->prev->o);
+ diff = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* If the object is not chained, it has no parent */
+ li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
+ if (li != li->head) {
+ /* The sentinel is the parent's children list */
+ result = _C(li->head->o);
+ diff = -1;
+ }
+ break;
+ case MSG_BRW_WALK:
+ /* First, try to find a child */
+ li = &_C(reference)->children;
+ if ( ! FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(li) ) {
+ result = _C(li->next->o);
+ diff = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Then try to find a "next" at this level or one of the parent's */
+ li = &_C(reference)->chaining;
+ do {
+ /* If this element has a "next" element, return it */
+ if (li->next != li->head) {
+ result = _C(li->next->o);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* otherwise, check if we have a parent */
+ if (li == li->head) {
+ /* no parent */
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Go to the parent's chaining information and loop */
+ diff -= 1;
+ li = &_C(li->head->o)->chaining;
+ } while (1);
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Other directions are invalid */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( dir = 0 );
+ }
+ /* Save the found object, if any */
+ if (found && result)
+ *found = (void *)result;
+ /* Modify the depth according to the walk direction */
+ if (depth && diff)
+ (*depth) += diff;
+ /* Return ENOENT if found was NULL */
+ if ((!found) && (!result))
+ return ENOENT;
+ else
+ return 0;
+/* Add an AVP into a tree */
+int fd_msg_avp_add ( msg_or_avp * reference, enum msg_brw_dir dir, struct avp *avp)
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %d %p", reference, dir, avp);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( VALIDATE_OBJ(reference) && CHECK_AVP(avp) && FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(&avp->avp_chain.chaining) );
+ /* Now insert */
+ switch (dir) {
+ case MSG_BRW_NEXT:
+ /* Check the reference is an AVP -- we do not chain AVPs at same level as msgs. */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP );
+ /* Insert the new avp after the reference */
+ fd_list_insert_after( &_A(reference)->avp_chain.chaining, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );
+ break;
+ case MSG_BRW_PREV:
+ /* Check the reference is an AVP */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( _C(reference)->type == MSG_AVP );
+ /* Insert the new avp before the reference */
+ fd_list_insert_before( &_A(reference)->avp_chain.chaining, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );
+ break;
+ /* Insert the new avp after the children sentinel */
+ fd_list_insert_after( &_C(reference)->children, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );
+ break;
+ /* Insert the new avp before the children sentinel */
+ fd_list_insert_before( &_C(reference)->children, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Other directions are invalid */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( dir = 0 );
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Search a given AVP model in a message */
+int fd_msg_search_avp ( struct msg * msg, struct dict_object * what, struct avp ** avp )
+ struct avp * nextavp;
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", msg, what, avp);
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(msg) && what );
+ CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(what, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(what, &dictdata) );
+ /* Loop on all top AVPs */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_browse(msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, (void *)&nextavp, NULL) );
+ while (nextavp) {
+ if ( (nextavp->avp_public.avp_code == dictdata.avp_code)
+ && (nextavp->avp_public.avp_vendor == dictdata.avp_vendor) ) /* always 0 if no V flag */
+ break;
+ /* Otherwise move to next AVP in the message */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_browse(nextavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, (void *)&nextavp, NULL) );
+ }
+ if (avp)
+ *avp = nextavp;
+ if (avp && nextavp) {
+ struct dictionary * dict;
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getdict( what, &dict) );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_parse_dict( nextavp, dict, NULL ), /* nothing */ );
+ }
+ if (avp || nextavp)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return ENOENT;
+/* Deleting objects */
+/* Destroy and free an AVP or message */
+static int destroy_obj (struct msg_avp_chain * obj )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", obj);
+ /* Check the parameter is a valid object */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( VALIDATE_OBJ(obj) && FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY( &obj->children ) );
+ /* Unlink this object if needed */
+ fd_list_unlink( &obj->chaining );
+ /* Free the octetstring if needed */
+ if ((obj->type == MSG_AVP) && (_A(obj)->avp_mustfreeos == 1)) {
+ free(_A(obj)->;
+ }
+ /* Free the rawdata if needed */
+ if ((obj->type == MSG_AVP) && (_A(obj)->avp_rawdata != NULL)) {
+ free(_A(obj)->avp_rawdata);
+ }
+ if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_rawbuffer != NULL)) {
+ free(_M(obj)->msg_rawbuffer);
+ }
+ if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_src_id != NULL)) {
+ free(_M(obj)->msg_src_id);
+ }
+ if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_rtdata != NULL)) {
+ fd_rtd_free(&_M(obj)->msg_rtdata);
+ }
+ if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_sess != NULL)) {
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_sess_reclaim_msg ( &_M(obj)->msg_sess ), /* continue */);
+ }
+ if ((obj->type == MSG_MSG) && (_M(obj)->msg_pmdl.sentinel.o != NULL)) {
+ ((void (*)(struct fd_msg_pmdl *))_M(obj)->msg_pmdl.sentinel.o)(&_M(obj)->msg_pmdl);
+ }
+ /* free the object */
+ free(obj);
+ return 0;
+/* Destroy an object and all its children */
+static void destroy_tree(struct msg_avp_chain * obj)
+ struct fd_list *rem;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", obj);
+ /* Destroy any subtree */
+ while ( (rem = obj-> != &obj->children)
+ destroy_tree(_C(rem->o));
+ /* Then unlink and destroy the object */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( destroy_obj(obj), /* nothing */ );
+/* Free an object and its tree */
+int fd_msg_free ( msg_or_avp * object )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", object);
+ if (object == NULL)
+ return 0;
+ if (CHECK_MSG(object)) {
+ if (_M(object)->msg_query) {
+ _M(_M(object)->msg_query)->msg_associated = 0;
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_free( _M(object)->msg_query ) );
+ _M(object)->msg_query = NULL;
+ } else {
+ if (_M(object)->msg_associated) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Not freeing query %p referenced in an answer (will be freed along the answer).", object);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ destroy_tree(_C(object));
+ return 0;
+/* Debug functions: dumping */
+/* messages and AVP formatters */
+typedef DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( (*msg_dump_formatter_msg), struct msg * msg );
+typedef DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( (*msg_dump_formatter_avp), struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last );
+/* Core function to process the dumping */
+static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_dump_process, msg_dump_formatter_msg msg_format, msg_dump_formatter_avp avp_format, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
+ if (!VALIDATE_OBJ(obj)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID MESSAGE OR AVP @%p", obj), return NULL);
+ return *buf;
+ }
+ if (force_parsing) {
+ (void) fd_msg_parse_dict(obj, dict, NULL);
+ }
+ switch (_C(obj)->type) {
+ case MSG_AVP:
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( (*avp_format)(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, (struct avp *)obj, 0, 1, 1), return NULL);
+ break;
+ case MSG_MSG:
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( (*msg_format)(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, (struct msg *)obj), return NULL);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ free(*buf);
+ *buf = NULL;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (recurse) {
+ struct avp * avp = NULL;
+ int first = 1;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse ( obj, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL ), avp = NULL );
+ while (avp) {
+ struct avp * nextavp = NULL;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &nextavp, NULL ), nextavp = NULL );
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( (*avp_format)(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp, 1, first, nextavp ? 0 : 1), return NULL);
+ avp = nextavp;
+ first = 0;
+ };
+ }
+ return *buf;
+ * Tree View message dump
+ */
+static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_format_treeview, struct msg * msg )
+ if (!CHECK_MSG(msg)) {
+ return *buf;
+ }
+ if (!msg->msg_model) {
+ if (msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not found in dictionary)\n"), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not searched in dictionary)\n"), return NULL);
+ }
+ } else {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ struct dict_cmd_data dictdata;
+ if (fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_COMMAND)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(invalid model information)\n"), return NULL);
+ } else if (fd_dict_getval(msg->msg_model, &dictdata)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(error getting model information)\n"), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'\n", dictdata.cmd_name), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " Version: 0x%02hhX\n", msg->msg_public.msg_version), return NULL);
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " Length: %d\n", msg->msg_public.msg_length), return NULL);
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " Flags: 0x%02hhX (" DUMP_CMDFL_str ")\n", msg->msg_public.msg_flags, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags)), return NULL);
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " Command Code: %u\n", msg->msg_public.msg_code), return NULL);
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " ApplicationId: %d\n", msg->msg_public.msg_appl), return NULL);
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " Hop-by-Hop Identifier: 0x%08X\n", msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid), return NULL);
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " End-to-End Identifier: 0x%08X\n", msg->msg_public.msg_eteid), return NULL);
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " {internal data}: src:%s(%zd) rwb:%p rt:%d cb:%p,%p(%p) qry:%p asso:%d sess:%p", msg->msg_src_id?:"(nil)", msg->msg_src_id_len, msg->msg_rawbuffer, msg->msg_routable, msg->msg_cb.anscb, msg->msg_cb.expirecb, msg->, msg->msg_query, msg->msg_associated, msg->msg_sess), return NULL);
+ return *buf;
+static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( avp_format_treeview, struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last )
+ char * name;
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ struct dict_avp_data *dictinfo = NULL;
+ struct dict_vendor_data vendordata;
+ struct dict_vendor_data *vendorinfo = NULL;
+ if (level) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "\n"), return NULL);
+ }
+ if (!CHECK_AVP(avp)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID AVP"), return NULL);
+ return *buf;
+ }
+ if (level) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%*sAVP: ", level * 3, ""), return NULL);
+ }
+ if (!avp->avp_model) {
+ if (avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_code) {
+ name = "(not found in dictionary)";
+ } else {
+ name = "(not searched in dictionary)";
+ }
+ } else {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ if (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_AVP)) {
+ name = "(invalid model information)";
+ } else if (fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)) {
+ name = "(error getting model information)";
+ } else {
+ name = dictdata.avp_name;
+ dictinfo = &dictdata;
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ struct dictionary * dict;
+ struct dict_object * vendor;
+ if ((!fd_dict_getdict(avp->avp_model, &dict))
+ && (!fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_VENDOR, VENDOR_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &vendor, ENOENT))
+ && (!fd_dict_getval(vendor, &vendordata))) {
+ vendorinfo = &vendordata;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dictinfo) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'(%u)", name, avp->avp_public.avp_code), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%u%s", avp->avp_public.avp_code, name), return NULL);
+ }
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ if (vendorinfo) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " vend='%s'(%u)", vendorinfo->vendor_name, avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " vend=%u", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " l=%d f=" DUMP_AVPFL_str " val=", avp->avp_public.avp_len, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);
+ if (dictinfo && (dictinfo->avp_basetype == AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(grouped)"), return NULL);
+ if (level) {
+ struct avp * inavp = NULL;
+ int first = 1;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &inavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL );
+ while (inavp) {
+ struct avp * nextavp = NULL;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse ( inavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &nextavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL );
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( avp_format_treeview(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, inavp, level + 1, first, nextavp ? 0 : 1), return NULL);
+ inavp = nextavp;
+ first = 0;
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_value) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dict_dump_avp_value(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_public.avp_value, avp->avp_model, 0, 0), return NULL);
+ } else if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend_hexdump(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen, 0, 0), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not set)"), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ return *buf;
+/* multi-line human-readable dump similar to wireshark output */
+DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( fd_msg_dump_treeview, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
+ return msg_dump_process(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, msg_format_treeview, avp_format_treeview, obj, dict, force_parsing, recurse);
+ * One-line dumper for compact but complete traces
+ */
+static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_format_full, struct msg * msg )
+ int success = 0;
+ struct dict_cmd_data dictdata;
+ if (!CHECK_MSG(msg)) {
+ return *buf;
+ }
+ if (!msg->msg_model) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(no model) "), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype=0;
+ if (fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_COMMAND)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(invalid model %d) ", dicttype), return NULL);
+ } else if (fd_dict_getval(msg->msg_model, &dictdata)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(error getting model data) "), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ success = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (msg->msg_public.msg_appl) {
+ "%s(%u/%u)[" DUMP_CMDFL_str "], Length=%u, Hop-By-Hop-Id=0x%08x, End-to-End=0x%08x",
+ success ? dictdata.cmd_name : "unknown", msg->msg_public.msg_appl, msg->msg_public.msg_code, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags),
+ msg->msg_public.msg_length, msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid, msg->msg_public.msg_eteid), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ "%s(%u)[" DUMP_CMDFL_str "], Length=%u, Hop-By-Hop-Id=0x%08x, End-to-End=0x%08x",
+ success ? dictdata.cmd_name : "unknown", msg->msg_public.msg_code, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags),
+ msg->msg_public.msg_length, msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid, msg->msg_public.msg_eteid), return NULL);
+ }
+ return *buf;
+static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( avp_format_full, struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last )
+ int success = 0;
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ if (level) {
+ if ((first) && ((*buf)[*offset - 1] == '=')) {
+ /* We are first AVP of a grouped AVP */
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "{ "), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ /* We follow another AVP, or a message header */
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, ", { "), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!CHECK_AVP(avp)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID AVP"), return NULL);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (avp->avp_model) {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ if (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_AVP)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(invalid model: %d) ", dicttype), return NULL);
+ } else if (fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(error getting model data) "), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ success = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%s(%u/%u)[" DUMP_AVPFL_str "]=",
+ success ? dictdata.avp_name : "unknown", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor, avp->avp_public.avp_code, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%s(%u)[" DUMP_AVPFL_str "]=",
+ success ? dictdata.avp_name : "unknown", avp->avp_public.avp_code, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);
+ }
+ if (success && (dictdata.avp_basetype == AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
+ if (level) {
+ struct avp * inavp = NULL;
+ int first = 1;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse ( avp, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &inavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL );
+ while (inavp) {
+ struct avp * nextavp = NULL;
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_browse ( inavp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &nextavp, NULL ), inavp = NULL );
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( avp_format_full(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, inavp, level + 1, first, nextavp ? 0 : 1), return NULL);
+ inavp = nextavp;
+ first = 0;
+ };
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_value) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dict_dump_avp_value(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_public.avp_value, avp->avp_model, 0, 0), return NULL);
+ } else if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend_hexdump(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen, 0, 0), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not set)"), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (level) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " }"), return NULL);
+ }
+ return *buf;
+/* one-line dump with all the contents of the message */
+DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( fd_msg_dump_full, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
+ return msg_dump_process(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, msg_format_full, avp_format_full, obj, dict, force_parsing, recurse);
+ * One-line dumper for compact but complete traces
+ */
+static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( msg_format_summary, struct msg * msg )
+ if (!CHECK_MSG(msg)) {
+ return *buf;
+ }
+ if (!msg->msg_model) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(no model)"), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ struct dict_cmd_data dictdata;
+ if (fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_COMMAND) || (fd_dict_getval(msg->msg_model, &dictdata))) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(model error)"), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'", dictdata.cmd_name), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%u/%u f:" DUMP_CMDFL_str " src:'%s' len:%d",
+ msg->msg_public.msg_appl, msg->msg_public.msg_code, DUMP_CMDFL_val(msg->msg_public.msg_flags), msg->msg_src_id?:"(nil)", msg->msg_public.msg_length), return NULL);
+ return *buf;
+static DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( avp_format_summary, struct avp * avp, int level, int first, int last )
+ char * name;
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ struct dict_avp_data *dictinfo = NULL;
+ struct dict_vendor_data vendordata;
+ struct dict_vendor_data *vendorinfo = NULL;
+ if (level) {
+ if (first) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " {"), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, ","), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!CHECK_AVP(avp)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "INVALID AVP"), return NULL);
+ goto end;
+ }
+ if (!level) {
+ /* We have been called to explicitely dump this AVP, so we parse its name if available */
+ if (!avp->avp_model) {
+ name = "(no model)";
+ } else {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ if (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) || (dicttype != DICT_AVP) || (fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata))) {
+ name = "(model error)";
+ } else {
+ name = dictdata.avp_name;
+ dictinfo = &dictdata;
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ struct dictionary * dict;
+ struct dict_object * vendor;
+ if ((!fd_dict_getdict(avp->avp_model, &dict))
+ && (!fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_VENDOR, VENDOR_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &vendor, ENOENT))
+ && (!fd_dict_getval(vendor, &vendordata))) {
+ vendorinfo = &vendordata;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dictinfo) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "'%s'(%u)", name, avp->avp_public.avp_code), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "%u%s", avp->avp_public.avp_code, name), return NULL);
+ }
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ if (vendorinfo) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " V='%s'(%u)", vendorinfo->vendor_name, avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " V=%u", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, " L=%d F=" DUMP_AVPFL_str " V=", avp->avp_public.avp_len, DUMP_AVPFL_val(avp->avp_public.avp_flags)), return NULL);
+ if ((!dictinfo) || (dictinfo->avp_basetype != AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_value) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dict_dump_avp_value(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_public.avp_value, avp->avp_model, 0, 0), return NULL);
+ } else if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend_hexdump(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen, 0, 0), return NULL);
+ } else {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "(not set)"), return NULL);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* For embedded AVPs, we only display (vendor,) code & length */
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "V:%u/", avp->avp_public.avp_vendor), return NULL);
+ }
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "C:%u/l:%d", avp->avp_public.avp_code, avp->avp_public.avp_len), return NULL);
+ }
+ if ((level) && (last)) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC_DO( fd_dump_extend( FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, "}"), return NULL);
+ }
+ return *buf;
+/* This one only prints a short display, does not go into the complete tree */
+DECLARE_FD_DUMP_PROTOTYPE( fd_msg_dump_summary, msg_or_avp *obj, struct dictionary *dict, int force_parsing, int recurse )
+ return msg_dump_process(FD_DUMP_STD_PARAMS, msg_format_summary, avp_format_summary, obj, dict, force_parsing, recurse);
+/* Simple meta-data management */
+/* Retrieve the model of an object */
+int fd_msg_model ( msg_or_avp * reference, struct dict_object ** model )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", reference, model);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( model && VALIDATE_OBJ(reference) );
+ /* copy the model reference */
+ switch (_C(reference)->type) {
+ case MSG_AVP:
+ *model = _A(reference)->avp_model;
+ break;
+ case MSG_MSG:
+ *model = _M(reference)->msg_model;
+ break;
+ default:
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Retrieve the address of the msg_public field of a message */
+int fd_msg_hdr ( struct msg *msg, struct msg_hdr **pdata )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", msg, pdata);
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(msg) && pdata );
+ *pdata = &msg->msg_public;
+ return 0;
+/* Retrieve the address of the avp_public field of an avp */
+int fd_msg_avp_hdr ( struct avp *avp, struct avp_hdr **pdata )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", avp, pdata);
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_AVP(avp) && pdata );
+ *pdata = &avp->avp_public;
+ return 0;
+/* Associate answers and queries */
+int fd_msg_answ_associate( struct msg * answer, struct msg * query )
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", answer, query );
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(answer) && CHECK_MSG(query) && (answer->msg_query == NULL ) );
+ answer->msg_query = query;
+ query->msg_associated = 1;
+ return 0;
+int fd_msg_answ_getq( struct msg * answer, struct msg ** query )
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", answer, query );
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(answer) && query );
+ *query = answer->msg_query;
+ return 0;
+int fd_msg_answ_detach( struct msg * answer )
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p", answer );
+ answer->msg_query->msg_associated = 0;
+ answer->msg_query = NULL;
+ return 0;
+/* Associate / get answer callbacks */
+int fd_msg_anscb_associate( struct msg * msg, void ( *anscb)(void *, struct msg **), void * data, void (*expirecb)(void *, DiamId_t, size_t, struct msg **), const struct timespec *timeout )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, anscb, expirecb, data);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ if (! (msg->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST ))
+ return anscb ? EINVAL : 0; /* we associate with requests only */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( (anscb == NULL) || (msg->msg_cb.anscb == NULL) ); /* We are not overwriting a cb */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( (expirecb == NULL) || (msg->msg_cb.expirecb == NULL) ); /* We are not overwriting a cb */
+ /* Associate callback and data with the message, if any */
+ if (anscb) {
+ msg->msg_cb.anscb = anscb;
+ msg-> = data;
+ }
+ if (expirecb) {
+ msg->msg_cb.expirecb = expirecb;
+ if (timeout) {
+ memcpy(&msg->msg_cb.timeout, timeout, sizeof(struct timespec));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Remove a callback */
+int fd_msg_anscb_reset(struct msg * msg, int clear_anscb, int clear_expirecb)
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %d %d", msg, clear_anscb, clear_expirecb);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ if (clear_anscb) {
+ msg->msg_cb.anscb = NULL;
+ msg-> = NULL;
+ }
+ if (clear_expirecb) {
+ msg->msg_cb.expirecb = NULL;
+ memset(&msg->msg_cb.timeout, 0, sizeof(struct timespec));
+ }
+ return 0;
+int fd_msg_anscb_get( struct msg * msg, void (**anscb)(void *, struct msg **), void (**expirecb)(void *, DiamId_t, size_t, struct msg **), void ** data )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, anscb, expirecb, data);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ /* Copy the result */
+ if (anscb)
+ *anscb = msg->msg_cb.anscb;
+ if (data)
+ *data = msg->;
+ if (expirecb)
+ *expirecb = msg->msg_cb.expirecb;
+ return 0;
+struct timespec *fd_msg_anscb_gettimeout( struct msg * msg )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", msg);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ if (!msg->msg_cb.timeout.tv_sec) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return &msg->msg_cb.timeout;
+/* Associate routing lists */
+int fd_msg_rt_associate( struct msg * msg, struct rt_data * rtd )
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", msg, rtd );
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(msg) && rtd );
+ msg->msg_rtdata = rtd;
+ return 0;
+int fd_msg_rt_get( struct msg * msg, struct rt_data ** rtd )
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p", msg, rtd );
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(msg) && rtd );
+ *rtd = msg->msg_rtdata;
+ return 0;
+/* Find if a message is routable */
+int fd_msg_is_routable ( struct msg * msg )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", msg);
+ CHECK_PARAMS_DO( CHECK_MSG(msg), return 0 /* pretend the message is not routable */ );
+ if ( ! msg->msg_routable ) {
+ /* To define if a message is routable, we rely on the "PXY" flag (for application 0). */
+ msg->msg_routable = ((msg->msg_public.msg_appl != 0) || (msg->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_PROXIABLE)) ? 1 : 2;
+ /* Note : the 'real' criteria according to the Diameter I-D is that the message is
+ routable if and only if the "Destination-Realm" AVP is required by the command ABNF.
+ We could make a test for this here, but it's more computational work and our test
+ seems accurate (until proven otherwise...) */
+ }
+ return (msg->msg_routable == 1) ? 1 : 0;
+/* cache the dictionary model for next function to avoid re-searching at every incoming message */
+static struct dict_object *cached_avp_rr_model = NULL;
+static struct dictionary *cached_avp_rr_dict = NULL;
+static pthread_mutex_t cached_avp_rr_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+/* Associate source peer */
+int fd_msg_source_set( struct msg * msg, DiamId_t diamid, size_t diamidlen )
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p %zd", msg, diamid, diamidlen);
+ /* Check we received a valid message */
+ /* Cleanup any previous source */
+ free(msg->msg_src_id); msg->msg_src_id = NULL; msg->msg_src_id_len = 0;
+ /* If the request is to cleanup the source, we are done */
+ if (diamid == NULL) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Otherwise save the new informations */
+ CHECK_MALLOC( msg->msg_src_id = os0dup(diamid, diamidlen) );
+ msg->msg_src_id_len = diamidlen;
+ /* done */
+ return 0;
+/* Associate source peer */
+int fd_msg_source_setrr( struct msg * msg, DiamId_t diamid, size_t diamidlen, struct dictionary * dict )
+ struct dict_object *avp_rr_model = NULL;
+ avp_code_t code = AC_ROUTE_RECORD;
+ struct avp *avp;
+ union avp_value val;
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p %zd %p", msg, diamid, diamidlen, dict);
+ /* Check we received a valid message */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_MSG(msg) && dict );
+ /* Lock the cached values */
+ CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_lock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );
+ if (cached_avp_rr_dict == dict) {
+ avp_rr_model = cached_avp_rr_model;
+ }
+ CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_unlock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );
+ /* If it was not cached */
+ if (!avp_rr_model) {
+ /* Find the model for Route-Record in the dictionary */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_CODE, &code, &avp_rr_model, ENOENT) );
+ /* Now cache this result */
+ CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_lock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );
+ cached_avp_rr_dict = dict;
+ cached_avp_rr_model = avp_rr_model;
+ CHECK_POSIX( pthread_mutex_unlock(&cached_avp_rr_lock) );
+ }
+ /* Create the AVP with this model */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_new ( avp_rr_model, 0, &avp ) );
+ /* Set the AVP value with the diameter id */
+ memset(&val, 0, sizeof(val));
+ = (uint8_t *)diamid;
+ val.os.len = diamidlen;
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_setvalue( avp, &val ) );
+ /* Add the AVP in the message */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_avp_add( msg, MSG_BRW_LAST_CHILD, avp ) );
+ /* done */
+ return 0;
+int fd_msg_source_get( struct msg * msg, DiamId_t* diamid, size_t * diamidlen )
+ TRACE_ENTRY( "%p %p %p", msg, diamid, diamidlen);
+ /* Check we received valid parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( diamid );
+ /* Copy the informations */
+ *diamid = msg->msg_src_id;
+ if (diamidlen)
+ *diamidlen = msg->msg_src_id_len;
+ /* done */
+ return 0;
+/* Associate a session with a message, use only when the session was just created */
+int fd_msg_sess_set(struct msg * msg, struct session * session)
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", msg, session);
+ /* Check we received valid parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( session );
+ CHECK_PARAMS( msg->msg_sess == NULL );
+ msg->msg_sess = session;
+ return 0;
+/* Retrieve the session of the message */
+int fd_msg_sess_get(struct dictionary * dict, struct msg * msg, struct session ** session, int * new)
+ struct avp * avp;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", msg, session, new);
+ /* Check we received valid parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( session );
+ /* If we already resolved the session, just send it back */
+ if (msg->msg_sess) {
+ *session = msg->msg_sess;
+ if (new)
+ *new = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* OK, we have to search for Session-Id AVP -- it is usually the first AVP, but let's be permissive here */
+ /* -- note: we accept messages that have not yet been dictionary parsed... */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_browse(msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL) );
+ while (avp) {
+ if ( (avp->avp_public.avp_code == AC_SESSION_ID)
+ && (avp->avp_public.avp_vendor == 0) )
+ break;
+ /* Otherwise move to next AVP in the message */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_browse(avp, MSG_BRW_NEXT, &avp, NULL) );
+ }
+ if (!avp) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "No Session-Id AVP found in message %p", msg);
+ *session = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (!avp->avp_model) {
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_parse_dict ( avp, dict, NULL ) );
+ }
+ ASSERT( avp->avp_public.avp_value );
+ /* Resolve the session and we are done */
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len > 0) {
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_sess_fromsid_msg ( avp->avp_public.avp_value->, avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len, &msg->msg_sess, new) );
+ *session = msg->msg_sess;
+ } else {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Session-Id AVP with 0-byte length found in message %p", msg);
+ *session = NULL;
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Retrieve the location of the pmd list for the message; return NULL if failed */
+struct fd_msg_pmdl * fd_msg_pmdl_get(struct msg * msg)
+ return &msg->msg_pmdl;
+/******************* End-to-end counter *********************/
+static uint32_t fd_eteid;
+static pthread_mutex_t fd_eteid_lck = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
+void fd_msg_eteid_init(void)
+ uint32_t t = (uint32_t)time(NULL);
+ srand48(t);
+ fd_eteid = (t << 20) | ((uint32_t)lrand48() & ( (1 << 20) - 1 ));
+uint32_t fd_msg_eteid_get ( void )
+ uint32_t ret;
+ CHECK_POSIX_DO( pthread_mutex_lock(&fd_eteid_lck), /* continue */ );
+ ret = fd_eteid ++;
+ CHECK_POSIX_DO( pthread_mutex_unlock(&fd_eteid_lck), /* continue */ );
+ return ret;
+/* Manage AVPs values */
+/* Set the value of an AVP */
+int fd_msg_avp_setvalue ( struct avp *avp, union avp_value *value )
+ enum dict_avp_basetype type = -1;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", avp, value);
+ /* Check parameter */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_AVP(avp) && avp->avp_model );
+ /* Retrieve information from the AVP model */
+ {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata) );
+ type = dictdata.avp_basetype;
+ }
+ /* First, clean any previous value */
+ if (avp->avp_mustfreeos != 0) {
+ free(avp->;
+ avp->avp_mustfreeos = 0;
+ }
+ memset(&avp->avp_storage, 0, sizeof(union avp_value));
+ /* If the request was to delete a value: */
+ if (!value) {
+ avp->avp_public.avp_value = NULL;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Now we have to set the value */
+ memcpy(&avp->avp_storage, value, sizeof(union avp_value));
+ /* Duplicate an octetstring if needed. */
+ if (type == AVP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC( avp-> = os0dup(value->, value->os.len) );
+ avp->avp_mustfreeos = 1;
+ }
+ /* Set the data pointer of the public part */
+ avp->avp_public.avp_value = &avp->avp_storage;
+ return 0;
+/* Set the value of an AVP, using formatted data */
+int fd_msg_avp_value_encode ( void *data, struct avp *avp )
+ enum dict_avp_basetype type = -1;
+ struct dict_type_data type_data;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", data, avp);
+ /* Check parameter */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_AVP(avp) && avp->avp_model );
+ /* Retrieve information from the AVP model and it's parent type */
+ {
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ struct dictionary * dict;
+ struct dict_object * parenttype = NULL;
+ /* First check the base type of the AVP */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( (fd_dict_gettype(avp->avp_model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_AVP) );
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata) );
+ type = dictdata.avp_basetype;
+ /* Then retrieve information about the parent's type (= derived type) */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getdict( avp->avp_model, &dict ) );
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &parenttype, EINVAL) );
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(parenttype, &type_data) );
+ if (type_data.type_encode == NULL) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "This AVP type does not provide a callback to encode formatted data. ENOTSUP.");
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Ok, now we can encode the value */
+ /* First, clean any previous value */
+ if (avp->avp_mustfreeos != 0) {
+ free(avp->;
+ avp->avp_mustfreeos = 0;
+ }
+ avp->avp_public.avp_value = NULL;
+ memset(&avp->avp_storage, 0, sizeof(union avp_value));
+ /* Now call the type's callback to encode the data */
+ CHECK_FCT( (*type_data.type_encode)(data, &avp->avp_storage) );
+ /* If an octetstring has been allocated, let's mark it to be freed */
+ avp->avp_mustfreeos = 1;
+ /* Set the data pointer of the public part */
+ avp->avp_public.avp_value = &avp->avp_storage;
+ return 0;
+/* Interpret the value of an AVP into formatted data */
+int fd_msg_avp_value_interpret ( struct avp *avp, void *data )
+ struct dict_type_data type_data;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", avp, data);
+ /* Check parameter */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( CHECK_AVP(avp) && avp->avp_model && avp->avp_public.avp_value );
+ /* Retrieve information about the AVP parent type */
+ {
+ struct dictionary * dict;
+ struct dict_object * parenttype = NULL;
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getdict( avp->avp_model, &dict ) );
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &parenttype, EINVAL) );
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(parenttype, &type_data) );
+ if (type_data.type_interpret == NULL) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "This AVP type does not provide a callback to interpret value in formatted data. ENOTSUP.");
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Ok, now we can interpret the value */
+ CHECK_FCT( (*type_data.type_interpret)(avp->avp_public.avp_value, data) );
+ return 0;
+/* Creating a buffer from memory objects (bufferize a struct msg) */
+/* Following macros are used to store 32 and 64 bit fields into a buffer in network byte order */
+#define PUT_in_buf_32( _u32data, _bufptr ) { \
+ *(uint32_t *)(_bufptr) = htonl((uint32_t)(_u32data)); \
+/* The location is not on 64b boundary, so we split the writing in two operations to avoid sigbus */
+#define PUT_in_buf_64( _u64data, _bufptr ) { \
+ uint64_t __v = htonll((uint64_t)(_u64data)); \
+ memcpy(_bufptr, &__v, sizeof(__v)); \
+/* Write a message header in the buffer */
+static int bufferize_msg(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct msg * msg)
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p %p", buffer, buflen, offset, msg);
+ if ((buflen - *offset) < GETMSGHDRSZ())
+ return ENOSPC;
+ if (*offset & 0x3)
+ return EFAULT; /* We are supposed to start on 32 bit boundaries */
+ PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_length, buffer + *offset);
+ buffer[*offset] = msg->msg_public.msg_version;
+ *offset += 4;
+ PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_code, buffer + *offset);
+ buffer[*offset] = msg->msg_public.msg_flags;
+ *offset += 4;
+ PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_appl, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_hbhid, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ PUT_in_buf_32(msg->msg_public.msg_eteid, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ return 0;
+static int bufferize_chain(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct fd_list * list);
+/* Write an AVP in the buffer */
+static int bufferize_avp(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct avp * avp)
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p %p", buffer, buflen, offset, avp);
+ if ((buflen - *offset) < avp->avp_public.avp_len)
+ return ENOSPC;
+ /* Write the header */
+ PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_code, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_len, buffer + *offset);
+ buffer[*offset] = avp->avp_public.avp_flags;
+ *offset += 4;
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_vendor, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ }
+ /* Then we must write the AVP value */
+ if (avp->avp_model == NULL) {
+ /* In the case where we don't know the type of AVP, just copy the raw data or source */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( avp->avp_source || avp->avp_rawdata );
+ if ( avp->avp_rawdata != NULL ) {
+ /* the content was stored in rawdata */
+ memcpy(&buffer[*offset], avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_rawlen);
+ *offset += PAD4(avp->avp_rawlen);
+ } else {
+ /* the message was not parsed completely */
+ size_t datalen = avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags);
+ memcpy(&buffer[*offset], avp->avp_source, datalen);
+ *offset += PAD4(datalen);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* The AVP is defined in the dictionary */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata) );
+ CHECK_PARAMS( ( dictdata.avp_basetype == AVP_TYPE_GROUPED ) || avp->avp_public.avp_value );
+ switch (dictdata.avp_basetype) {
+ return bufferize_chain(buffer, buflen, offset, &avp->avp_chain.children);
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len)
+ memcpy(&buffer[*offset], avp->avp_public.avp_value->, avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len);
+ *offset += PAD4(avp->avp_public.avp_value->os.len);
+ break;
+ PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_value->i32, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ break;
+ PUT_in_buf_64(avp->avp_public.avp_value->i64, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 8;
+ break;
+ PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u32, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ break;
+ PUT_in_buf_64(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u64, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 8;
+ break;
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32:
+ /* We read the f32 as "u32" here to avoid casting to uint make decimals go away.
+ The alternative would be something like "*(uint32_t *)(& f32)" but
+ then the compiler complains about strict-aliasing rules. */
+ PUT_in_buf_32(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u32, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 4;
+ break;
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64:
+ /* Same remark as previously */
+ PUT_in_buf_64(avp->avp_public.avp_value->u64, buffer + *offset);
+ *offset += 8;
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Write a chain of AVPs in the buffer */
+static int bufferize_chain(unsigned char * buffer, size_t buflen, size_t * offset, struct fd_list * list)
+ struct fd_list * avpch;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p %p", buffer, buflen, offset, list);
+ for (avpch = list->next; avpch != list; avpch = avpch->next) {
+ /* Bufferize the AVP */
+ CHECK_FCT( bufferize_avp(buffer, buflen, offset, _A(avpch->o)) );
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Create the message buffer, in network-byte order. We browse the tree twice, this could be probably improved if needed */
+int fd_msg_bufferize ( struct msg * msg, unsigned char ** buffer, size_t * len )
+ int ret = 0;
+ unsigned char * buf = NULL;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", msg, buffer, len);
+ /* Check the parameters */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( buffer && CHECK_MSG(msg) );
+ /* Update the length. This also checks that all AVP have their values set */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_update_length(msg) );
+ /* Now allocate a buffer to store the message */
+ CHECK_MALLOC( buf = malloc(msg->msg_public.msg_length) );
+ /* Clear the memory, so that the padding is always 0 (should not matter) */
+ memset(buf, 0, msg->msg_public.msg_length);
+ /* Write the message header in the buffer */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = bufferize_msg(buf, msg->msg_public.msg_length, &offset, msg),
+ {
+ free(buf);
+ return ret;
+ } );
+ /* Write the list of AVPs */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = bufferize_chain(buf, msg->msg_public.msg_length, &offset, &msg->msg_chain.children),
+ {
+ free(buf);
+ return ret;
+ } );
+ ASSERT(offset == msg->msg_public.msg_length); /* or the msg_update_length is buggy */
+ if (len) {
+ *len = offset;
+ }
+ *buffer = buf;
+ return 0;
+/* Parsing buffers and building AVP objects lists (not parsing the AVP values which requires dictionary knowledge) */
+/* Parse a buffer containing a supposed list of AVPs */
+static int parsebuf_list(unsigned char * buf, size_t buflen, struct fd_list * head)
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p", buf, buflen, head);
+ while (offset < buflen) {
+ struct avp * avp;
+ if (buflen - offset < AVPHDRSZ_NOVEND) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "truncated buffer: remaining only %zd bytes", buflen - offset);
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ /* Create a new AVP object */
+ CHECK_MALLOC( avp = malloc (sizeof(struct avp)) );
+ init_avp(avp);
+ /* Initialize the header */
+ avp->avp_public.avp_code = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf + offset));
+ avp->avp_public.avp_flags = buf[offset + 4];
+ avp->avp_public.avp_len = ((uint32_t)buf[offset+5]) << 16 | ((uint32_t)buf[offset+6]) << 8 | ((uint32_t)buf[offset+7]) ;
+ offset += 8;
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ if (buflen - offset < 4) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "truncated buffer: remaining only %zd bytes for vendor and data", buflen - offset);
+ free(avp);
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ avp->avp_public.avp_vendor = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf + offset));
+ offset += 4;
+ }
+ /* Check there is enough remaining data in the buffer */
+ if ( (avp->avp_public.avp_len > GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags))
+ && (buflen - offset < avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags))) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "truncated buffer: remaining only %zd bytes for data, and avp data size is %d",
+ buflen - offset,
+ avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags));
+ free(avp);
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ /* buf[offset] is now the beginning of the data */
+ avp->avp_source = &buf[offset];
+ /* Now eat the data and eventual padding */
+ offset += PAD4(avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ(avp->avp_public.avp_flags));
+ /* And insert this avp in the list, at the end */
+ fd_list_insert_before( head, &avp->avp_chain.chaining );
+ }
+ return 0;
+/* Create a message object from a buffer. Dictionary objects are not resolved, AVP contents are not interpreted, buffer is saved in msg */
+int fd_msg_parse_buffer ( unsigned char ** buffer, size_t buflen, struct msg ** msg )
+ struct msg * new = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ uint32_t msglen = 0;
+ unsigned char * buf;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %zd %p", buffer, buflen, msg);
+ CHECK_PARAMS( buffer && *buffer && msg && (buflen >= GETMSGHDRSZ()) );
+ buf = *buffer;
+ if ( buf[0] != DIAMETER_VERSION) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Invalid version in message: %d (supported: %d)", buf[0], DIAMETER_VERSION);
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ msglen = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)buf) & 0x00ffffff;
+ if ( buflen < msglen ) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Truncated message (%zd / %d)", buflen, msglen );
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ /* Create a new object */
+ CHECK_MALLOC( new = malloc (sizeof(struct msg)) );
+ /* Initialize the fields */
+ init_msg(new);
+ /* Now read from the buffer */
+ new->msg_public.msg_version = buf[0];
+ new->msg_public.msg_length = msglen;
+ new->msg_public.msg_flags = buf[4];
+ new->msg_public.msg_code = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+4)) & 0x00ffffff;
+ new->msg_public.msg_appl = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+8));
+ new->msg_public.msg_hbhid = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+12));
+ new->msg_public.msg_eteid = ntohl(*(uint32_t *)(buf+16));
+ /* Parse the AVP list */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = parsebuf_list(buf + GETMSGHDRSZ(), buflen - GETMSGHDRSZ(), &new->msg_chain.children), { destroy_tree(_C(new)); return ret; } );
+ /* Parsing successful */
+ new->msg_rawbuffer = buf;
+ *buffer = NULL;
+ *msg = new;
+ return 0;
+/* Parsing messages and AVP with dictionary information */
+/* Resolve dictionary objects of the cmd and avp instances, from their headers.
+ * When the model is found, the data is interpreted from the avp_source buffer and copied to avp_storage.
+ * When the model is not found, the data is copied as rawdata and saved (in case we FW the message).
+ * Therefore, after this function has been called, the source buffer can be freed.
+ * For command, if the dictionary model is not found, an error is returned.
+ */
+static char error_message[256];
+/* Process an AVP. If we are not in recheck, the avp_source must be set. */
+static int parsedict_do_avp(struct dictionary * dict, struct avp * avp, int mandatory, struct fd_pei *error_info)
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ struct dict_type_data derivedtypedata;
+ struct dict_object * avp_derived_type = NULL;
+ uint8_t * source;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %d %p", dict, avp, mandatory, error_info);
+ /* First check we received an AVP as input */
+ if (avp->avp_model != NULL) {
+ /* the model has already been resolved. we do check it is still valid */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata) );
+ if ( avp->avp_public.avp_code == dictdata.avp_code ) {
+ /* Ok then just process the children if any */
+ return parsedict_do_chain(dict, &avp->avp_chain.children, mandatory && (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY), error_info);
+ } else {
+ /* We just erase the old model */
+ avp->avp_model = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if we already searched for this model without success */
+ if ((avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_code != avp->avp_public.avp_code)
+ || (avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_vendor != avp->avp_public.avp_vendor)) {
+ /* Now try and resolve the model from the avp code and vendor */
+ if (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_VENDOR) {
+ struct dict_avp_request_ex avpreq;
+ memset(&avpreq, 0, sizeof(avpreq));
+ avpreq.avp_vendor.vendor_id = avp->avp_public.avp_vendor;
+ avpreq.avp_data.avp_code = avp->avp_public.avp_code;
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_STRUCT, &avpreq, &avp->avp_model, 0));
+ } else {
+ /* no vendor */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_AVP, AVP_BY_CODE, &avp->avp_public.avp_code, &avp->avp_model, 0));
+ }
+ if (!avp->avp_model) {
+ avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_code = avp->avp_public.avp_code;
+ avp->avp_model_not_found.mnf_vendor = avp->avp_public.avp_vendor;
+ }
+ }
+ /* First handle the case where we have not found this AVP in the dictionary */
+ if (!avp->avp_model) {
+ if (mandatory && (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY)) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Unsupported mandatory AVP found");
+ if (error_info) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED";
+ error_info->pei_avp = avp;
+ } else {
+ char * buf = NULL;
+ size_t buflen;
+ CHECK_MALLOC(fd_msg_dump_treeview(&buf, &buflen, NULL, avp, NULL, 0, 0));
+ LOG_E("Unsupported AVP: %s", buf);
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ if (avp->avp_source) {
+ /* we must copy the data from the source to the internal buffer area */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( !avp->avp_rawdata );
+ avp->avp_rawlen = avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags );
+ if (avp->avp_rawlen) {
+ CHECK_MALLOC( avp->avp_rawdata = malloc(avp->avp_rawlen) );
+ memcpy(avp->avp_rawdata, avp->avp_source, avp->avp_rawlen);
+ }
+ avp->avp_source = NULL;
+ TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Unsupported optional AVP found, raw source data saved in avp_rawdata.");
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Ok we have resolved the object. Now we need to interpret its content. */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(avp->avp_model, &dictdata) );
+ if (avp->avp_rawdata) {
+ /* This happens if the dictionary object was defined after the first check */
+ avp->avp_source = avp->avp_rawdata;
+ }
+ /* A bit of sanity here... */
+ ASSERT(CHECK_BASETYPE(dictdata.avp_basetype));
+ /* Check the size is valid */
+ if ((avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avp_basetype] != 0) &&
+ (avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ) != avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avp_basetype])) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "The AVP size is not suitable for the type");
+ if (error_info) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_LENGTH";
+ error_info->pei_avp = avp;
+ snprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), "I expected a size of %d for this AVP according to my dictionary", avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avp_basetype]);
+ error_info->pei_message = error_message;
+ } else {
+ char * buf = NULL;
+ size_t buflen;
+ CHECK_MALLOC(fd_msg_dump_treeview(&buf, &buflen, NULL, avp, NULL, 0, 0));
+ LOG_E("Invalid length AVP: %s", buf);
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ avp->avp_model = NULL;
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ source = avp->avp_source;
+ avp->avp_source = NULL;
+ /* Now get the value inside */
+ switch (dictdata.avp_basetype) {
+ int ret;
+ /* This is a grouped AVP, so let's parse the list of AVPs inside */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = parsebuf_list(source, avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ), &avp->avp_chain.children),
+ {
+ if ((ret == EBADMSG) && (error_info)) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE";
+ error_info->pei_avp = avp;
+ snprintf(error_message, sizeof(error_message), "I cannot parse this AVP as a Grouped AVP");
+ error_info->pei_message = error_message;
+ }
+ avp->avp_source = source;
+ return ret;
+ } );
+ return parsedict_do_chain(dict, &avp->avp_chain.children, mandatory && (avp->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY), error_info);
+ }
+ /* We just have to copy the string into the storage area */
+ CHECK_PARAMS_DO( avp->avp_public.avp_len >= GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ),
+ {
+ if (error_info) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_LENGTH";
+ error_info->pei_avp = avp;
+ }
+ avp->avp_source = source;
+ return EBADMSG;
+ } );
+ avp->avp_storage.os.len = avp->avp_public.avp_len - GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags );
+ CHECK_MALLOC( avp-> = os0dup(source, avp->avp_storage.os.len) );
+ avp->avp_mustfreeos = 1;
+ break;
+ avp->avp_storage.i32 = (int32_t)ntohl(*(uint32_t *)source);
+ break;
+ /* the storage might not be aligned on 64b boundary, so no direct indirection here is possible */
+ {
+ uint64_t __stor;
+ memcpy(&__stor, source, sizeof(__stor));
+ avp->avp_storage.i64 = (int64_t)ntohll(__stor);
+ }
+ break;
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32: /* For float, we must not cast, or the value is changed. Instead we use implicit cast by changing the member of the union */
+ avp->avp_storage.u32 = (uint32_t)ntohl(*(uint32_t *)source);
+ break;
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64: /* same as 32 bits */
+ {
+ uint64_t __stor;
+ memcpy(&__stor, source, sizeof(__stor));
+ avp->avp_storage.u64 = (uint64_t)ntohll(__stor);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* Is there a derived type check function ? */
+ CHECK_FCT ( fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &avp_derived_type, 0) );
+ if (avp_derived_type) {
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(avp_derived_type, &derivedtypedata) );
+ if (derivedtypedata.type_check != NULL) {
+ char * err;
+ int ret = (*derivedtypedata.type_check)( derivedtypedata.type_check_param, &avp->avp_storage, &err );
+ if (ret != 0) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "The AVP failed to pass the dictionary validation");
+ if (error_info) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_INVALID_AVP_VALUE";
+ error_info->pei_avp = avp;
+ strncpy(error_message, err, sizeof(error_message));
+ error_info->pei_message = error_message;
+ } else {
+ char * buf = NULL;
+ size_t buflen;
+ CHECK_MALLOC(fd_msg_dump_treeview(&buf, &buflen, NULL, avp, NULL, 0, 0));
+ LOG_E("Invalid AVP: %s", buf);
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ return ret; /* should we just return EBADMSG? */
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* The value is now set, so set the data pointer and return 0 */
+ avp->avp_public.avp_value = &avp->avp_storage;
+ return 0;
+/* Process a list of AVPs */
+static int parsedict_do_chain(struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_list * head, int mandatory, struct fd_pei *error_info)
+ struct fd_list * avpch;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %d %p", dict, head, mandatory, error_info);
+ /* Sanity check */
+ ASSERT ( head == head->head );
+ /* Now process the list */
+ for (avpch=head->next; avpch != head; avpch = avpch->next) {
+ CHECK_FCT( parsedict_do_avp(dict, _A(avpch->o), mandatory, error_info) );
+ }
+ /* Done */
+ return 0;
+/* Process a msg header. */
+static int parsedict_do_msg(struct dictionary * dict, struct msg * msg, int only_hdr, struct fd_pei *error_info)
+ int ret = 0;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %d %p", dict, msg, only_hdr, error_info);
+ /* First, check if we already have a model. */
+ if (msg->msg_model != NULL) {
+ /* Check if this model is still valid for the message data */
+ enum dict_object_type dicttype;
+ struct dict_cmd_data data;
+ ASSERT(((fd_dict_gettype(msg->msg_model, &dicttype) == 0) && (dicttype == DICT_COMMAND)));
+ (void)fd_dict_getval( msg->msg_model, &data);
+ if ((data.cmd_code != msg->msg_public.msg_code)
+ || ((data.cmd_flag_val & data.cmd_flag_mask) != (msg->msg_public.msg_flags && data.cmd_flag_mask))) {
+ msg->msg_model = NULL;
+ } else {
+ goto chain;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Check if we already searched for this model without success */
+ if ((msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code == msg->msg_public.msg_code)
+ && (msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_flags == msg->msg_public.msg_flags)) {
+ goto no_model;
+ } else {
+ msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code = 0;
+ }
+ /* Look for the model from the header */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search ( dict, DICT_COMMAND,
+ (msg->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST) ? CMD_BY_CODE_R : CMD_BY_CODE_A,
+ &msg->msg_public.msg_code,
+ &msg->msg_model, ENOTSUP),
+ {
+ if (ret == ENOTSUP) {
+ /* update the model not found info */
+ msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_code = msg->msg_public.msg_code;
+ msg->msg_model_not_found.mnf_flags = msg->msg_public.msg_flags;
+ goto no_model;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ } );
+ if (!only_hdr) {
+ /* Then process the children */
+ ret = parsedict_do_chain(dict, &msg->msg_chain.children, 1, error_info);
+ /* Free the raw buffer if any */
+ if ((ret == 0) && (msg->msg_rawbuffer != NULL)) {
+ free(msg->msg_rawbuffer);
+ msg->msg_rawbuffer=NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ return ret;
+ if (error_info) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED";
+ error_info->pei_protoerr = 1;
+ }
+ return ENOTSUP;
+int fd_msg_parse_dict ( msg_or_avp * object, struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_pei *error_info )
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", dict, object, error_info);
+ if (error_info)
+ memset(error_info, 0, sizeof(struct fd_pei));
+ switch (_C(object)->type) {
+ case MSG_MSG:
+ return parsedict_do_msg(dict, _M(object), 0, error_info);
+ case MSG_AVP:
+ return parsedict_do_avp(dict, _A(object), 0, error_info);
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ return EINVAL;
+/* Parsing messages and AVP for rules (ABNF) compliance */
+/* This function is used to get stats (first occurence position, last occurence position, number of occurences)
+ of AVP instances of a given model in a chain of AVP */
+static void parserules_stat_avps( struct dict_object * model_avp, struct fd_list *list, int * count, int * firstpos, int * lastpos)
+ struct fd_list * li;
+ int curpos = 0; /* The current position in the list */
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p %p", model_avp, list, count, firstpos, lastpos);
+ *count = 0; /* number of instances found */
+ *firstpos = 0; /* position of the first instance */
+ *lastpos = 0; /* position of the last instance, starting from the end */
+ for (li = list->next; li != list; li = li->next) {
+ /* Increment the current position counter */
+ curpos++;
+ /* If we previously saved a "lastpos" information, increment it */
+ if (*lastpos != 0)
+ (*lastpos)++;
+ /* Check the type of the next AVP. We can compare the references directly, it is safe. */
+ if (_A(li->o)->avp_model == model_avp) {
+ /* This AVP is of the type we are searching */
+ (*count)++;
+ /* If we don't have yet a "firstpos", save it */
+ if (*firstpos == 0)
+ *firstpos = curpos;
+ /* Reset the lastpos */
+ (*lastpos) = 1;
+ }
+ }
+/* We use this structure as parameter for the next function */
+struct parserules_data {
+ struct fd_list * sentinel; /* Sentinel of the list of children AVP */
+ struct fd_pei * pei; /* If the rule conflicts, save the error here */
+/* Create an empty AVP of a given model (to use in Failed-AVP) */
+static struct avp * empty_avp(struct dict_object * model_avp)
+ struct avp * avp = NULL;
+ struct dict_avp_data avp_info;
+ union avp_value val;
+ unsigned char os[1] = { '\0' };
+ /* Create an instance */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_new(model_avp, 0, &avp ), return NULL );
+ /* Type of the AVP */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_dict_getval(model_avp, &avp_info), return NULL );
+ /* Set an initial size */
+ avp->avp_public.avp_len = GETAVPHDRSZ( avp->avp_public.avp_flags ) + avp_value_sizes[avp_info.avp_basetype];
+ /* Prepare the empty value */
+ memset(&val, 0, sizeof(val));
+ switch (avp_info.avp_basetype) {
+ = os;
+ val.os.len = sizeof(os);
+ avp->avp_public.avp_len += val.os.len;
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32:
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64:
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( fd_msg_avp_setvalue(avp, &val), return NULL );
+ /* For AVP_TYPE_GROUPED we don't do anything */
+ break;
+ default:
+ ASSERT(0); /* not handled */
+ }
+ return avp;
+/* Check that a list of AVPs is compliant with a given rule -- will be iterated on the list of rules */
+static int parserules_check_one_rule(void * data, struct dict_rule_data *rule)
+ int count, first, last, min;
+ struct parserules_data * pr_data = data;
+ char * avp_name = "<unresolved name>";
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p", data, rule);
+ /* Get statistics of the AVP concerned by this rule in the parent instance */
+ parserules_stat_avps( rule->rule_avp, pr_data->sentinel, &count, &first, &last);
+ {
+ struct dict_avp_data avpdata;
+ int ret;
+ ret = fd_dict_getval(rule->rule_avp, &avpdata);
+ if (ret == 0)
+ avp_name = avpdata.avp_name;
+ TRACE_DEBUG(ANNOYING, "Checking rule: p:%d(%d) m/M:%2d/%2d. Counted %d (first: %d, last:%d) of AVP '%s'",
+ rule->rule_position,
+ rule->rule_order,
+ rule->rule_min,
+ rule->rule_max,
+ count,
+ first,
+ last,
+ avp_name
+ );
+ }
+ /* Now check the rule is not conflicting */
+ /* Check the "min" value */
+ if ((min = rule->rule_min) == -1) {
+ if (rule->rule_position == RULE_OPTIONAL)
+ min = 0;
+ else
+ min = 1;
+ }
+ if (count < min) {
+ fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the number of occurences (%d) is < the rule min (%d) for '%s'.", count, min, avp_name);
+ if (pr_data->pei) {
+ pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP";
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp);
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
+ }
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ /* Check the "max" value */
+ if ((rule->rule_max != -1) && (count > rule->rule_max)) {
+ fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the number of occurences (%d) is > the rule max (%d) for '%s'.", count, rule->rule_max, avp_name);
+ if (pr_data->pei) {
+ if (rule->rule_max == 0)
+ pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_NOT_ALLOWED";
+ else
+ pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_OCCURS_TOO_MANY_TIMES";
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp); /* Well we are supposed to return the (max + 1)th instance of the AVP instead... Pfff... */ TODO("Improve...");
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
+ }
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ /* Check the position and order (if relevant) */
+ switch (rule->rule_position) {
+ /* No special position constraints */
+ break;
+ /* Since "0*1<fixed>" is a valid rule specifier, we only reject cases where the AVP appears *after* its fixed position */
+ if (first > rule->rule_order) {
+ fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the FIXED_HEAD AVP appears first in (%d) position, the rule requires (%d) for '%s'.", first, rule->rule_order, avp_name);
+ if (pr_data->pei) {
+ pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP";
+ pr_data->pei->pei_message = "AVP was not in its fixed position";
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp);
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
+ }
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ break;
+ /* Since "0*1<fixed>" is a valid rule specifier, we only reject cases where the AVP appears *before* its fixed position */
+ if (last > rule->rule_order) { /* We have a ">" here because we count in reverse order (i.e. from the end) */
+ fd_log_error("Conflicting rule: the FIXED_TAIL AVP appears last in (%d) position, the rule requires (%d) for '%s'.", last, rule->rule_order, avp_name);
+ if (pr_data->pei) {
+ pr_data->pei->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_MISSING_AVP";
+ pr_data->pei->pei_message = "AVP was not in its fixed position";
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp = empty_avp(rule->rule_avp);
+ pr_data->pei->pei_avp_free = 1;
+ }
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* What is this position ??? */
+ ASSERT(0);
+ return ENOTSUP;
+ }
+ /* We've checked all the parameters */
+ return 0;
+/* Check the rules recursively */
+static int parserules_do ( struct dictionary * dict, msg_or_avp * object, struct fd_pei *error_info, int mandatory)
+ struct parserules_data data;
+ struct dict_object * model = NULL;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %d", dict, object, error_info, mandatory);
+ /* object has already been checked and dict-parsed when we are called. */
+ /* First, handle the cases where there is no model */
+ {
+ if (CHECK_MSG(object)) {
+ if ( _M(object)->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_ERROR ) {
+ /* The case of error messages: the ABNF is different */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_get_error_cmd(dict, &model) );
+ } else {
+ model = _M(object)->msg_model;
+ }
+ /* Commands MUST be supported in the dictionary */
+ if (model == NULL) {
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Message with no dictionary model. EBADMSG");
+ if (error_info) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_COMMAND_UNSUPPORTED";
+ error_info->pei_protoerr = 1;
+ }
+ return EBADMSG;
+ }
+ }
+ /* AVP with the 'M' flag must also be recognized in the dictionary -- except inside an optional grouped AVP */
+ if (CHECK_AVP(object) && ((model = _A(object)->avp_model) == NULL)) {
+ if ( mandatory && (_A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY)) {
+ /* Return an error in this case */
+ TRACE_DEBUG(INFO, "Mandatory AVP with no dictionary model. EBADMSG");
+ if (error_info) {
+ error_info->pei_errcode = "DIAMETER_AVP_UNSUPPORTED";
+ error_info->pei_avp = object;
+ }
+ return EBADMSG;
+ } else {
+ /* We don't know any rule for this object, so assume OK */
+ TRACE_DEBUG(FULL, "Unknown informational AVP, ignoring...");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* At this point we know "model" is set and points to the object's model */
+ /* If we are an AVP with no children, just return OK */
+ if (CHECK_AVP(object)) {
+ struct dict_avp_data dictdata;
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata) );
+ if (dictdata.avp_basetype != AVP_TYPE_GROUPED) {
+ /* This object has no children and no rules */
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* If this object has children, first check the rules for all its children */
+ {
+ int is_child_mand = 0;
+ struct fd_list * ch = NULL;
+ if ( CHECK_MSG(object)
+ || (mandatory && (_A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags & AVP_FLAG_MANDATORY)) )
+ is_child_mand = 1;
+ for (ch = _C(object)->; ch != &_C(object)->children; ch = ch->next) {
+ CHECK_FCT( parserules_do ( dict, _C(ch->o), error_info, is_child_mand ) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now check all rules of this object */
+ data.sentinel = &_C(object)->children;
+ data.pei = error_info;
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_iterate_rules ( model, &data, parserules_check_one_rule ) );
+ return 0;
+int fd_msg_parse_rules ( msg_or_avp * object, struct dictionary * dict, struct fd_pei *error_info)
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p", object, dict, error_info);
+ if (error_info)
+ memset(error_info, 0, sizeof(struct fd_pei));
+ /* Resolve the dictionary objects when missing. This also validates the object. */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_parse_dict ( object, dict, error_info ) );
+ /* Call the recursive function */
+ return parserules_do ( dict, object, error_info, 1 ) ;
+/* Compute the lengh of an object and its subtree. */
+int fd_msg_update_length ( msg_or_avp * object )
+ size_t sz = 0;
+ struct dict_object * model;
+ union {
+ struct dict_cmd_data cmddata;
+ struct dict_avp_data avpdata;
+ } dictdata;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p", object);
+ /* Get the model of the object. This also validates the object */
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_model ( object, &model ) );
+ /* Get the information of the model */
+ if (model) {
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_dict_getval(model, &dictdata) );
+ } else {
+ /* For unknown AVP, just don't change the size */
+ if (_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP)
+ return 0;
+ }
+ /* Deal with easy cases: AVPs without children */
+ if ((_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP) && (dictdata.avpdata.avp_basetype != AVP_TYPE_GROUPED)) {
+ /* Sanity check */
+ ASSERT(FD_IS_LIST_EMPTY(&_A(object)->avp_chain.children));
+ /* Now check that the data is set in the AVP */
+ CHECK_PARAMS( _A(object)->avp_public.avp_value );
+ sz = GETAVPHDRSZ( _A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags );
+ switch (dictdata.avpdata.avp_basetype) {
+ sz += _A(object)->avp_public.avp_value->os.len;
+ break;
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT32:
+ case AVP_TYPE_FLOAT64:
+ sz += avp_value_sizes[dictdata.avpdata.avp_basetype];
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* Something went wrong... */
+ ASSERT(0);
+ }
+ }
+ else /* message or grouped AVP */
+ {
+ struct fd_list * ch = NULL;
+ /* First, compute the header size */
+ if (_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP) {
+ sz = GETAVPHDRSZ( _A(object)->avp_public.avp_flags );
+ } else {
+ sz = GETMSGHDRSZ( );
+ }
+ /* Recurse in all children and update the sz information */
+ for (ch = _C(object)->; ch != &_C(object)->children; ch = ch->next) {
+ CHECK_FCT( fd_msg_update_length ( ch->o ) );
+ /* Add the padded size to the parent */
+ sz += PAD4( _A(ch->o)->avp_public.avp_len );
+ }
+ }
+ /* When we arrive here, the "sz" variable contains the size to write in the object */
+ if (_C(object)->type == MSG_AVP)
+ _A(object)->avp_public.avp_len = sz;
+ else
+ _M(object)->msg_public.msg_length = sz;
+ return 0;
+/* Macro to check if further callbacks must be called */
+#define TEST_ACTION_STOP() \
+ if ((*msg == NULL) || (*action != DISP_ACT_CONT)) \
+ goto out;
+/* Call all dispatch callbacks for a given message */
+int fd_msg_dispatch ( struct msg ** msg, struct session * session, enum disp_action *action, char ** error_code, char ** drop_reason, struct msg ** drop_msg)
+ struct dictionary * dict;
+ struct dict_object * app;
+ struct dict_object * cmd;
+ struct avp * avp;
+ struct fd_list * cb_list;
+ int ret = 0, r2;
+ TRACE_ENTRY("%p %p %p %p", msg, session, action, error_code);
+ CHECK_PARAMS( msg && CHECK_MSG(*msg) && action);
+ if (error_code)
+ *error_code = NULL;
+ if (drop_reason)
+ *drop_reason = NULL;
+ *action = DISP_ACT_CONT;
+ /* Take the dispatch lock */
+ CHECK_FCT( pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&fd_disp_lock) );
+ pthread_cleanup_push( fd_cleanup_rwlock, &fd_disp_lock );
+ /* First, call the DISP_HOW_ANY callbacks */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( NULL, msg, NULL, session, action, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );
+ /* If we don't know the model at this point, we stop cause we cannot get the dictionary. It's invalid: an error should already have been trigged by ANY callbacks */
+ CHECK_PARAMS_DO(cmd = (*msg)->msg_model, { ret = EINVAL; goto out; } );
+ /* Now resolve message application */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_getdict( cmd, &dict ), goto out );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search( dict, DICT_APPLICATION, APPLICATION_BY_ID, &(*msg)->msg_public.msg_appl, &app, 0 ), goto out );
+ if (app == NULL) {
+ if ((*msg)->msg_public.msg_flags & CMD_FLAG_REQUEST) {
+ if (error_code)
+ *action = DISP_ACT_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ *drop_reason = "Internal error: Received this answer to a local query with an unsupported application";
+ *drop_msg = *msg;
+ *msg = NULL;
+ }
+ goto out;
+ }
+ /* So start browsing the message */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_msg_browse( *msg, MSG_BRW_FIRST_CHILD, &avp, NULL ), goto out );
+ while (avp != NULL) {
+ /* For unknown AVP, we don't have a callback registered, so just skip */
+ if (avp->avp_model) {
+ struct dict_object * enumval = NULL;
+ /* Get the list of callback for this AVP */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_disp_cb(DICT_AVP, avp->avp_model, &cb_list), goto out );
+ /* We search enumerated values only in case of non-grouped AVP */
+ if ( avp->avp_public.avp_value ) {
+ struct dict_object * type;
+ /* Check if the AVP has a constant value */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_TYPE, TYPE_OF_AVP, avp->avp_model, &type, 0), goto out );
+ if (type) {
+ struct dict_enumval_request req;
+ memset(&req, 0, sizeof(struct dict_enumval_request));
+ req.type_obj = type;
+ memcpy( &, avp->avp_public.avp_value, sizeof(union avp_value) );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_search(dict, DICT_ENUMVAL, ENUMVAL_BY_STRUCT, &req, &enumval, 0), goto out );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Call the callbacks */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( cb_list, msg, avp, session, action, app, cmd, avp->avp_model, enumval, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );
+ }
+ /* Go to next AVP */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_msg_browse( avp, MSG_BRW_WALK, &avp, NULL ), goto out );
+ }
+ /* Now call command and application callbacks */
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_disp_cb(DICT_COMMAND, cmd, &cb_list), goto out );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( cb_list, msg, NULL, session, action, app, cmd, NULL, NULL, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );
+ if (app) {
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_dict_disp_cb(DICT_APPLICATION, app, &cb_list), goto out );
+ CHECK_FCT_DO( ret = fd_disp_call_cb_int( cb_list, msg, NULL, session, action, app, cmd, NULL, NULL, drop_reason, drop_msg ), goto out );
+ }
+ ; /* some systems would complain without this */
+ pthread_cleanup_pop(0);
+ CHECK_POSIX_DO(r2 = pthread_rwlock_unlock(&fd_disp_lock), /* ignore */ );
+ return ret ?: r2;