[COMAC-175] CDN-Remote code refactoring

- remove unnecessary values in values.yaml
- use camelcase way
- rename remote-streaming with video-archive
- add dependency on antmedia
- allow CDN-Local to pull all quality videos {360, 480, 720}
- define Roles, RoleBinding, ServicAccount
- Split each POD yaml file into Service, ConfigMap, and StatefulSet
- Remove hard coded values in Service, ConfigMap, and StatefulSet and
locate them to values.yaml

Change-Id: Ifef695d463e77c1208e43be51114181e2b7f6350
diff --git a/cdn-services/cdn-remote/Chart.yaml b/cdn-services/cdn-remote/Chart.yaml
index c6a3084..da88916 100644
--- a/cdn-services/cdn-remote/Chart.yaml
+++ b/cdn-services/cdn-remote/Chart.yaml
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
 appVersion: "1.0"
 description: A Helm chart for M-CORD CDN Services in Remote Edge
 name: cdn-remote
-version: 0.1.2-dev
+version: 0.1.3-dev