[EDGEPOD-231] Add helm chart for BESS based OMEC user plane
Change-Id: I4321beca6731b261fcb62a7c880318d865e64542
diff --git a/omec/omec-user-plane/files/__init__.py b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e94051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/omec/omec-user-plane/files/route_control.py b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/route_control.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..11621d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/route_control.py
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+import argparse
+import signal
+import sys
+import time
+# for retrieving neighbor info
+from pyroute2 import IPDB, IPRoute
+from scapy.all import *
+ from pybess.bess import *
+except ImportError:
+ print('Cannot import the API module (pybess)')
+ raise
+SLEEP_S = 2
+class NeighborEntry:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.neighbor_ip = None
+ self.iface = None
+ self.iprange = None
+ self.prefix_len = None
+ self.route_count = 0
+ self.gate_idx = 0
+ self.macstr = None
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ('{neigh: %s, iface: %s, ip-range: %s/%s}' %
+ (self.neighbor_ip, self.iface, self.iprange, self.prefix_len))
+def mac2hex(mac):
+ return int(mac.replace(':', ''), 16)
+def send_ping(neighbor_ip):
+ send(IP(dst=neighbor_ip) / ICMP())
+def send_arp(neighbor_ip, src_mac, iface):
+ pkt = Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff") / ARP(pdst=neighbor_ip, hwsrc=src_mac)
+ pkt.show()
+ hexdump(pkt)
+ sendp(pkt, iface=iface)
+def fetch_mac(dip):
+ ip = ''
+ _mac = ''
+ neighbors = ipr.get_neighbours(dst=dip)
+ for i in range(len(neighbors)):
+ for att in neighbors[i]['attrs']:
+ if 'NDA_DST' in att and dip == att[1]:
+ # ('NDA_DST', dip)
+ ip = att[1]
+ if 'NDA_LLADDR' in att:
+ # ('NDA_LLADDR', _mac)
+ _mac = att[1]
+ return _mac
+def link_modules(server, module, next_module, ogate=0, igate=0):
+ print('Linking {} module'.format(next_module))
+ # Pause bess first
+ bess.pause_all()
+ # Connect module to next_module
+ for _ in range(MAX_RETRIES):
+ try:
+ server.connect_modules(module, next_module, ogate, igate)
+ except BESS.Error as e:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ if e.code == errno.EBUSY:
+ break
+ else:
+ return #raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(
+ 'Error connecting module {}:{}->{}:{}: {}. Retrying in {} secs...'
+ .format(module, ogate, igate, next_module, e, SLEEP_S))
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_S)
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ break
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ print('BESS module connection ({}:{}->{}:{}) failure.'.format(
+ module, ogate, igate, next_module))
+ return
+ #raise Exception('BESS module connection ({}:{}->{}:{}) failure.'.
+ # format(module, ogate, igate, next_module))
+def link_route_module(server, gateway_mac, item):
+ iprange = item.iprange
+ prefix_len = item.prefix_len
+ route_module = item.iface + 'Routes'
+ last_module = item.iface + 'FastPO'
+ gateway_mac_str = '{:X}'.format(gateway_mac)
+ print('Adding route entry {}/{} for {}'.format(iprange, prefix_len,
+ route_module))
+ print('Trying to retrieve neighbor entry {} from neighbor cache'.format(
+ item.neighbor_ip))
+ neighbor_exists = neighborcache.get(item.neighbor_ip)
+ # How many gates does this module have?
+ # If entry does not exist, then initialize it
+ if not modgatecnt.get(route_module):
+ modgatecnt[route_module] = 0
+ # Compute likely index
+ if neighbor_exists:
+ # No need to create a new Update module
+ gate_idx = neighbor_exists.gate_idx
+ else:
+ # Need to create a new Update module,
+ # so get gate_idx from gate count
+ gate_idx = modgatecnt[route_module]
+ # Pause bess first
+ bess.pause_all()
+ # Pass routing entry to bessd's route module
+ for _ in range(MAX_RETRIES):
+ try:
+ server.run_module_command(route_module, 'add',
+ 'IPLookupCommandAddArg', {
+ 'prefix': iprange,
+ 'prefix_len': int(prefix_len),
+ 'gate': gate_idx
+ })
+ except:
+ print('Error adding route entry {}/{} in {}. Retrying in {}sec...'.
+ format(iprange, prefix_len, route_module, SLEEP_S))
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_S)
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ break
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ print('BESS route entry ({}/{}) insertion failure in module {}'.format(
+ iprange, prefix_len, route_module))
+ return
+ #raise Exception('BESS route entry ({}/{}) insertion failure in module {}'.
+ # format(iprange, prefix_len, route_module))
+ if not neighbor_exists:
+ print('Neighbor does not exist')
+ # Create Update module
+ update_module = route_module + 'DstMAC' + gateway_mac_str
+ # Pause bess first
+ bess.pause_all()
+ for _ in range(MAX_RETRIES):
+ try:
+ server.create_module('Update', update_module, {
+ 'fields': [{
+ 'offset': 0,
+ 'size': 6,
+ 'value': gateway_mac
+ }]
+ })
+ except BESS.Error as e:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ if e.code == errno.EEXIST:
+ break
+ else:
+ return #raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(
+ 'Error creating update module {}: {}. Retrying in {} secs...'
+ .format(update_module, e, SLEEP_S))
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_S)
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ break
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ print('BESS module {} creation failure.'.format(update_module))
+ return #raise Exception('BESS module {} creation failure.'.
+ # format(update_module))
+ print('Update module created')
+ # Connect Update module to route module
+ link_modules(server, route_module, update_module, gate_idx, 0)
+ # Connect Update module to dpdk_out module
+ link_modules(server, update_module, last_module, 0, 0)
+ # Add a new neighbor in neighbor cache
+ neighborcache[item.neighbor_ip] = item
+ # Add a record of the affliated gate id
+ item.gate_idx = gate_idx
+ # Set the mac str
+ item.macstr = gateway_mac_str
+ # Increment global gate count number
+ modgatecnt[route_module] += 1
+ neighbor_exists = item
+ else:
+ print('Neighbor already exists')
+ # Finally increment route count
+ neighborcache[item.neighbor_ip].route_count += 1
+def del_route_entry(server, item):
+ iprange = item.iprange
+ prefix_len = item.prefix_len
+ route_module = item.iface + 'Routes'
+ last_module = item.iface + 'FastPO'
+ neighbor_exists = neighborcache.get(item.neighbor_ip)
+ if neighbor_exists:
+ # Pause bess first
+ bess.pause_all()
+ # Delete routing entry from bessd's route module
+ for i in range(MAX_RETRIES):
+ try:
+ server.run_module_command(route_module, 'delete',
+ 'IPLookupCommandDeleteArg', {
+ 'prefix': iprange,
+ 'prefix_len': int(prefix_len)
+ })
+ except:
+ print(
+ 'Error while deleting route entry for {}. Retrying in {} sec...'
+ .format(route_module, SLEEP_S))
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_S)
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ break
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ print('Route entry deletion failure.')
+ return
+ #raise Exception('Route entry deletion failure.')
+ print('Route entry {}/{} deleted from {}'.format(
+ iprange, prefix_len, route_module))
+ # Decrementing route count for the registered neighbor
+ neighbor_exists.route_count -= 1
+ # If route count is 0, then delete the whole module
+ if neighbor_exists.route_count == 0:
+ update_module = route_module + 'DstMAC' + neighbor_exists.macstr
+ # Pause bess first
+ bess.pause_all()
+ for i in range(MAX_RETRIES):
+ try:
+ server.destroy_module(update_module)
+ except:
+ print('Error destroying module {}. Retrying in {}sec...'.
+ format(update_module, SLEEP_S))
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_S)
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ break
+ else:
+ bess.resume_all()
+ print('Module {} deletion failure.'.format(update_module))
+ return
+ #raise Exception('Module {} deletion failure.'.
+ # format(update_module))
+ print('Module {} destroyed'.format(update_module))
+ # Delete entry from the neighbor cache
+ del neighborcache[item.neighbor_ip]
+ print('Deleting item from neighborcache')
+ del neighbor_exists
+ else:
+ print('Route count for {} decremented to {}'.format(
+ item.neighbor_ip, neighbor_exists.route_count))
+ neighborcache[item.neighbor_ip] = neighbor_exists
+ else:
+ print('Neighbor {} does not exist'.format(item.neighbor_ip))
+def probe_addr(item, src_mac):
+ # Store entry if entry does not exist in ARP cache
+ arpcache[item.neighbor_ip] = item
+ print('Adding entry {} in arp probe table'.format(item))
+ # Probe ARP request by sending ping
+ send_ping(item.neighbor_ip)
+ # Probe ARP request
+ ##send_arp(neighbor_ip, src_mac, item.iface)
+def parse_new_route(msg):
+ item = NeighborEntry()
+ # Fetch prefix_len
+ item.prefix_len = msg['dst_len']
+ # Default route
+ if item.prefix_len is 0:
+ item.iprange = ''
+ for att in msg['attrs']:
+ if 'RTA_DST' in att:
+ # Fetch IP range
+ # ('RTA_DST', iprange)
+ item.iprange = att[1]
+ if 'RTA_GATEWAY' in att:
+ # Fetch gateway MAC address
+ # ('RTA_GATEWAY', neighbor_ip)
+ item.neighbor_ip = att[1]
+ _mac = fetch_mac(att[1])
+ if not _mac:
+ gateway_mac = 0
+ else:
+ gateway_mac = mac2hex(_mac)
+ if 'RTA_OIF' in att:
+ # Fetch interface name
+ # ('RTA_OIF', iface)
+ item.iface = ipdb.interfaces[int(att[1])].ifname
+ if not item.iface in args.i or not item.iprange or not item.neighbor_ip:
+ # Neighbor info is invalid
+ del item
+ return
+ # Fetch prefix_len
+ item.prefix_len = msg['dst_len']
+ # if mac is 0, send ARP request
+ if gateway_mac == 0:
+ print('Adding entry {} in arp probe table'.format(item.iface))
+ probe_addr(item, ipdb.interfaces[item.iface].address)
+ else: # if gateway_mac is set
+ print('Linking module {}Routes with {}FastPO (Dest MAC: {})'.format(
+ item.iface, item.iface, _mac))
+ link_route_module(bess, gateway_mac, item)
+def parse_new_neighbor(msg):
+ for att in msg['attrs']:
+ if 'NDA_DST' in att:
+ # ('NDA_DST', neighbor_ip)
+ neighbor_ip = att[1]
+ if 'NDA_LLADDR' in att:
+ # ('NDA_LLADDR', neighbor_mac)
+ gateway_mac = att[1]
+ item = arpcache.get(neighbor_ip)
+ if item:
+ print('Linking module {}Routes with {}FastPO (Dest MAC: {})'.format(
+ item.iface, item.iface, gateway_mac))
+ # Add route entry, and add item in the registered neighbor cache
+ link_route_module(bess, mac2hex(gateway_mac), item)
+ # Remove entry from unresolved arp cache
+ del arpcache[neighbor_ip]
+def parse_del_route(msg):
+ item = NeighborEntry()
+ for att in msg['attrs']:
+ if 'RTA_DST' in att:
+ # Fetch IP range
+ # ('RTA_DST', iprange)
+ item.iprange = att[1]
+ if 'RTA_GATEWAY' in att:
+ # Fetch gateway MAC address
+ # ('RTA_GATEWAY', neighbor_ip)
+ item.neighbor_ip = att[1]
+ if 'RTA_OIF' in att:
+ # Fetch interface name
+ # ('RTA_OIF', iface)
+ item.iface = ipdb.interfaces[int(att[1])].ifname
+ if not item.iface in args.i or not item.iprange or not item.neighbor_ip:
+ # Neighbor info is invalid
+ del item
+ return
+ # Fetch prefix_len
+ item.prefix_len = msg['dst_len']
+ del_route_entry(bess, item)
+ # Delete item
+ del item
+def netlink_event_listener(ipdb, netlink_message, action):
+ # If you get a netlink message, parse it
+ msg = netlink_message
+ if action == 'RTM_NEWROUTE':
+ parse_new_route(msg)
+ if action == 'RTM_NEWNEIGH':
+ parse_new_neighbor(msg)
+ if action == 'RTM_DELROUTE':
+ parse_del_route(msg)
+def bootstrap_routes():
+ routes = ipr.get_routes()
+ for i in routes:
+ if i['event'] == 'RTM_NEWROUTE':
+ parse_new_route(i)
+def connect_bessd():
+ print('Connecting to BESS daemon...'),
+ # Connect to BESS (assuming host=localhost, port=10514 (default))
+ for i in range(MAX_RETRIES):
+ try:
+ if not bess.is_connected():
+ bess.connect(grpc_url=args.ip + ':' + args.port)
+ except BESS.RPCError:
+ print(
+ 'Error connecting to BESS daemon. Retrying in {}sec...'.format(
+ time.sleep(SLEEP_S)
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise Exception('BESS connection failure.')
+ print('Done.')
+def reconfigure(number, frame):
+ print('Received: {} Reloading routes'.format(number))
+ # clear arpcache
+ for ip in list(arpcache):
+ item = arpcache.get(ip)
+ del item
+ arpcache.clear()
+ for ip in list(neighborcache):
+ item = neighborcache.get(ip)
+ del item
+ neighborcache.clear()
+ for modname in list(modgatecnt):
+ item = modgatecnt.get(modname)
+ del item
+ modgatecnt.clear()
+ bootstrap_routes()
+ signal.pause()
+def cleanup(number, frame):
+ ipdb.unregister_callback(event_callback)
+ print('Received: {} Exiting'.format(number))
+ sys.exit()
+def main():
+ global arpcache, neighborcache, modgatecnt, ipdb, event_callback, bess, ipr
+ # for holding unresolved ARP queries
+ arpcache = {}
+ # for holding list of registered neighbors
+ neighborcache = {}
+ # for holding gate count per route module
+ modgatecnt = {}
+ # for interacting with kernel
+ ipdb = IPDB()
+ ipr = IPRoute()
+ # for bess client
+ bess = BESS()
+ # connect to bessd
+ connect_bessd()
+ # program current routes
+ #bootstrap_routes()
+ # listen for netlink events
+ print('Registering netlink event listener callback...'),
+ event_callback = ipdb.register_callback(netlink_event_listener)
+ print('Done.')
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, reconfigure)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, cleanup)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, cleanup)
+ signal.pause()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description='Basic IPv4 Routing Controller')
+ parser.add_argument('-i',
+ type=str,
+ nargs='+',
+ help='interface(s) to control')
+ parser.add_argument('--ip',
+ type=str,
+ default='localhost',
+ help='BESSD address')
+ parser.add_argument('--port', type=str, default='10514', help='BESSD port')
+ # for holding command-line arguments
+ global args
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ if args.i:
+ main()
+ # if interface list is empty, print help menu and quit
+ else:
+ print(parser.print_help())
diff --git a/omec/omec-user-plane/files/spgwu.bess b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/spgwu.bess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebb47ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/spgwu.bess
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+# vim: syntax=py
+# -*- mode: python -*-
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+# for errnos
+import errno
+from conf.utils import *
+# ====================================================
+# Parameters
+# ====================================================
+conf_file = get_env('CONF_FILE', 'conf/spgwu.json')
+conf = get_json_conf(conf_file, False)
+# Maximum number of flows to manage ip frags for re-assembly
+max_ip_defrag_flows = None
+ max_ip_defrag_flows = int(conf["max_ip_defrag_flows"])
+except ValueError:
+ print('Invalid value for max_ip_defrag_flows. Not installing IPDefrag module.')
+except KeyError:
+ print('max_ip_defrag_flows value not set. Not installing IPDefrag module.')
+# ====================================================
+# Port Helpers
+# ====================================================
+MAX_GATES = 8192
+dpdk_ports = {}
+def scan_dpdk_ports():
+ idx = 0
+ while True:
+ try:
+ intf = PMDPort(name="Port {}".format(idx), port_id=idx)
+ if intf:
+ # Need to declare mac so that we don't lose key during destroy_port
+ mac = intf.mac_addr
+ dpdk_ports[mac] = idx
+ bess.destroy_port(intf.name)
+ except bess.Error as e:
+ if e.code == errno.ENODEV:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise
+ idx += 1
+ return True if dpdk_ports else False
+class Port:
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ self.name = name
+ self.wid = None
+ self.fpi = None
+ self.fpo = None
+ self.bpf = None
+ self.bpfgate = 0
+ self.routes_table = None
+ def bpf_gate(self):
+ if self.bpfgate < MAX_GATES - 2:
+ self.bpfgate += 1
+ return self.bpfgate
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Port {}: Out of BPF gates to allocate'.format(self.name))
+ def detect_mode(self):
+ # default case
+ mode = "unselected"
+ try:
+ peer_by_interface(self.name)
+ mode = "dpdk"
+ except:
+ mode = "linux"
+ return mode
+ def init_fastpath(self, **kwargs):
+ # Initialize PMDPort and RX/TX modules
+ name = self.name
+ fast = PMDPort(name="{}Fast".format(name), **kwargs)
+ self.fpi = __bess_module__("{}FastPI".format(name), 'PortInc', port=fast.name)
+ self.fpo = __bess_module__("{}FastPO".format(name), 'PortOut', port=fast.name)
+ # Initialize BPF to classify incoming traffic to go to kernel and/or pipeline
+ self.bpf = __bess_module__("{}FastBPF".format(name), 'BPF')
+ self.bpf.clear()
+ # Default drop when no matches
+ if max_ip_defrag_flows is not None:
+ ipdefrag = __bess_module__("{}Defrag".format(name), 'IPDefrag', num_flows=max_ip_defrag_flows, numa=0)
+ self.fpi -> ipdefrag:1 -> self.bpf:0 -> Sink()
+ ipdefrag:0 -> Sink()
+ else:
+ self.fpi -> self.bpf:0 -> Sink()
+ # Initialize route module
+ self.rtr = __bess_module__("{}Routes".format(name), 'IPLookup')
+ # Default route goes to Sink
+ self.rtr.add(prefix='', prefix_len=0, gate=MAX_GATES-1)
+ self.rtr:(MAX_GATES-1) -> Sink()
+ # Attach fastpath to worker's root TC
+ self.fpi.attach_task(wid=self.wid)
+ def setup_port(self, idx, workers):
+ # Pick the worker handling this port
+ self.wid = idx % workers
+ name = self.name
+ wid = self.wid
+ print('Setting up port {} on worker {}'.format(name,wid))
+ # Detect the mode of this interface - DPDK/AF_XDP/AF_PACKET
+ mode = self.detect_mode()
+ if mode == 'linux':
+ try:
+ # Initialize kernel fastpath.
+ # AF_XDP requires that num_rx_qs == num_tx_qs
+ kwargs = {"vdev" : "net_af_xdp{},iface={},start_queue=0,queue_count={}"
+ .format(idx, name, workers), "num_out_q": workers, "num_inc_q": workers}
+ self.init_fastpath(**kwargs)
+ except:
+ print('Failed to create AF_XDP socket for {}. Creating AF_PACKET socket instead.'.format(name))
+ kwargs = {"vdev" : "net_af_packet{},iface={},qpairs={}".format(idx, name, workers), "num_out_q": workers}
+ self.init_fastpath(**kwargs)
+ elif mode == 'dpdk':
+ # if port list is empty, scan for dpdk_ports first
+ if not dpdk_ports and scan_dpdk_ports() == False:
+ print('Registered dpdk ports do not exist.')
+ sys.exit()
+ # Initialize DPDK fastpath
+ fidx = dpdk_ports.get(mac_by_interface(name))
+ if fidx is None:
+ raise Exception('Registered port for {} not detected!'.format(name))
+ kwargs = {"port_id" : fidx, "num_out_q": workers}
+ self.init_fastpath( **kwargs)
+ # Initialize kernel slowpath port and RX/TX modules
+ try:
+ peer = peer_by_interface(name)
+ vdev = "net_af_packet{},iface={}".format(idx, peer)
+ slow = PMDPort(name="{}Slow".format(name), vdev=vdev)
+ spi = __bess_module__("{}SlowPI".format(name), 'PortInc', port=slow.name)
+ spo = __bess_module__("{}SlowPO".format(name), 'PortOut', port=slow.name)
+ qspo = __bess_module__("{}QSlowPO".format(name), 'Queue')
+ # host_ip_filter: tcpdump -i foo 'dst host or' -d
+ # Should always be set to lowest priority
+ HostGate = MAX_GATES - 1
+ ips = ips_by_interface(name)
+ host_ip_filter = {"priority": -HostGate, "filter": "dst host "
+ + " or ".join(str(x) for x in ips), "gate": HostGate}
+ self.bpf.add(filters=[host_ip_filter])
+ # Direct control traffic from DPDK to kernel
+ self.bpf:HostGate -> qspo -> spo
+ # Direct control traffic from kernel to DPDK
+ spi -> self.fpo
+ tc = 'slow{}'.format(wid)
+ try:
+ bess.add_tc(tc, policy='round_robin', wid=wid)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if e.errmsg == "Name '{}' already exists".format(tc):
+ pass
+ else:
+ raise e
+ # Limit scheduling slow path RX/TX to 1000 times/second each
+ for mod in spi, qspo:
+ bess.add_tc(mod.name,
+ parent=tc,
+ policy='rate_limit',
+ resource='count',
+ limit={'count': 1000})
+ mod.attach_task(mod.name)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print('Mirror veth interface: {} misconfigured: {}'.format(name, e))
+ else:
+ raise Exception('Invalid mode selected.')
+# ====================================================
+# Validate
+# ====================================================
+# CIDRs
+enb_cidr = conf["enb_cidr"]
+ue_cidr = conf["ue_cidr"]
+cidrs = [enb_cidr, ue_cidr]
+for cidr in cidrs:
+ if validate_cidr(cidr) is False:
+ exit(1, 'Invalid {}'.format(cidr))
+# ====================================================
+# Core Setup
+# ====================================================
+# Initialize workers
+workers = 1
+ workers = int(conf["workers"])
+except ValueError:
+ print('Invalid workers value! Re-setting # of workers to 1.')
+cores = get_process_affinity()
+for wid in xrange(workers):
+ bess.add_worker(wid=wid, core=int(cores[wid % len(cores)]))
+# ====================================================
+# Port Setup
+# ====================================================
+interfaces = ["s1u", "sgi"]
+ports = {}
+for idx, interface in enumerate(interfaces):
+ port = Port(conf[interface]["ifname"])
+ if port.name in ports:
+ continue
+ port.setup_port(idx, workers)
+ ports[port.name] = port
+s1u_ifname = conf["s1u"]["ifname"]
+sgi_ifname = conf["sgi"]["ifname"]
+# ====================================================
+# Downlink Pipeline
+# ====================================================
+s1uRoutes = ports[s1u_ifname].rtr
+# Maximum number of sessions to manage
+ max_sessions = int(conf["max_sessions"])
+except ValueError:
+ print('Invalid max_sessions value!')
+# Setting filter to detect UE subnet
+sgiFastBPF = ports[sgi_ifname].bpf
+UEGate = ports[sgi_ifname].bpf_gate()
+ue_filter = {"priority": -UEGate,
+ "filter": "ip dst net {}".format(ue_cidr), "gate": UEGate}
+sgiFastBPF:UEGate \
+ -> EtherTrim::GenericDecap(bytes=14) \
+ -> GTPUEncap::GtpuEncap(s1u_sgw_ip=ip2long(ips_by_interface(s1u_ifname)[0]), num_subscribers=max_sessions):1 \
+ -> S1UEtherAdd::GenericEncap(fields=[
+ {'size': 6, 'value': {'value_int': 0x0}},
+ {'size': 6, 'value': {'value_int': mac2hex(mac_by_interface(s1u_ifname))}},
+ {'size': 2, 'value': {'value_int': 0x0800}}]) \
+ -> OuterUDPCsum::L4Checksum() \
+ -> OuterIPCsum::IPChecksum() \
+ -> s1uRoutes
+# Drop unknown packets
+GTPUEncap:0 -> Sink()
+# ====================================================
+# Uplink Pipeline
+# ====================================================
+# Setting filter to detect gtpu traffic
+# src net mask # check eNB subnet
+# and dst host # check S/PGWU IP
+# and udp dst port 2152 # check GTPU port
+# and (udp[28:4] & 0xffffff00) = 0x10000000 # check UE subnet
+s1uFastBPF = ports[s1u_ifname].bpf
+check_enb_subnet = "src net {} ".format(enb_cidr)
+check_spgwu_ip = " and dst host " + \
+ " or ".join(str(x) for x in ips_by_interface(s1u_ifname))
+check_gtpu_port = " and udp dst port 2152"
+check_ue_subnet = " and (udp[28:4] & 0x{}) = 0x{}".format(
+ cidr2mask(ue_cidr), ip2hex(cidr2block(ue_cidr)[0]))
+check_gtpu_msg_echo = " and udp[9] = 0x1"
+GTPUEchoGate = ports[s1u_ifname].bpf_gate()
+uplink_echo_filter = {"priority": -GTPUEchoGate, "filter": check_enb_subnet +
+ check_spgwu_ip + check_gtpu_port +
+ check_gtpu_msg_echo, "gate": GTPUEchoGate}
+GTPUGate = ports[s1u_ifname].bpf_gate()
+uplink_filter = {"priority": -GTPUGate, "filter": check_enb_subnet +
+ check_spgwu_ip + check_gtpu_port, "gate": GTPUGate}
+sgiRoutes = ports[sgi_ifname].rtr
+s1uFastBPF:GTPUGate -> EtherDecapTrim::GenericDecap(bytes=14) -> GTPUDecap::GtpuDecap(ename="GTPUEncap"):1 \
+ -> SGIEtherAdd::GenericEncap(fields=[
+ {'size': 6, 'value': {'value_int': 0x0}},
+ {'size': 6, 'value': {'value_int': mac2hex(mac_by_interface(sgi_ifname))}},
+ {'size': 2, 'value': {'value_int': 0x0800}}]) \
+ -> sgiRoutes
+s1uFastBPF:GTPUEchoGate \
+ -> GTPUEcho::GtpuEcho(s1u_sgw_ip=ip2long(ips_by_interface(s1u_ifname)[0])):1 \
+ -> EthSwap::MACSwap() \
+ -> 1:OuterUDPCsum
+# Drop unknown packets
+GTPUEcho:0 -> Sink()
+GTPUDecap:0 -> Sink()
+# ====================================================
+# ====================================================
+import time
+def sim_start_test():
+ start_teid = 0xf0000000
+ start_ue_ip = 0x10000001
+ start_enb_ip = 0x0b010181
+ NG4T_MAX_UE_RAN = 500000
+ for i in range(max_sessions):
+ # NG4T-based formula to calculate enodeB IP address against a given UE IP address
+ # il_trafficgen also uses the same scheme
+ # See SimuCPEnbv4Teid(...) in ngic code for more details
+ ue_of_ran = i % NG4T_MAX_UE_RAN
+ ran = i / NG4T_MAX_UE_RAN
+ enb_of_ran = ue_of_ran % NG4T_MAX_ENB_RAN
+ enb_idx = ran * NG4T_MAX_ENB_RAN + enb_of_ran
+ GTPUEncap.add(teid=start_teid+i, eteid=i+1, ueaddr=start_ue_ip+i, enodeb_ip=start_enb_ip+enb_idx)
+def sim_end_test():
+ start_ue_ip = 0x10000001
+ for i in range(max_sessions):
+ GTPUEncap.remove(ueaddr=start_ue_ip+i)
+ GTPUEncap.show_records()
+### Uncomment the following lines to test with il_trafficgen ###
+# Start the test
+# Wait for 30 seconds before deleting the session info entries (optional)
+# Finally send SIGHUP to route_control daemon on reload
+# TODO: behavior is unspecified if route_control.py pid is not found
+route_control_pid = getpythonpid('route_control.py')
+if route_control_pid:
+ os.kill(route_control_pid, signal.SIGHUP)
diff --git a/omec/omec-user-plane/files/utils.py b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..860a65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/omec/omec-user-plane/files/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+# Copyright 2020-present Open Networking Foundation
+# Copyright(c) 2019 Intel Corporation
+import os
+import signal
+import socket
+import sys
+import iptools
+import json
+import psutil
+from pyroute2 import IPDB
+def exit(code, msg):
+ print(msg)
+ sys.exit(code)
+def getpid(process_name):
+ for proc in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']):
+ if process_name == proc.info['name']:
+ return proc.info['pid']
+def getpythonpid(process_name):
+ for proc in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'cmdline']):
+ if len(proc.info['cmdline']) < 2:
+ continue
+ if process_name in proc.info['cmdline'][1] and 'python' in proc.info['cmdline'][0]:
+ return proc.info['pid']
+ return
+def get_json_conf(path, dump):
+ conf = json.loads(open(path).read())
+ if dump:
+ print(json.dumps(conf, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
+ return conf
+def get_env(varname, default=None):
+ try:
+ var = os.environ[varname]
+ return var
+ except KeyError:
+ if default is not None:
+ return '{}'.format(default)
+ else:
+ exit(1, 'Empty env var {}'.format(varname))
+def ips_by_interface(name):
+ ipdb = IPDB()
+ return [ipobj[0] for ipobj in ipdb.interfaces[name]['ipaddr'].ipv4]
+def mac_by_interface(name):
+ ipdb = IPDB()
+ return ipdb.interfaces[name]['address']
+def mac2hex(mac):
+ return int(mac.replace(':', ''), 16)
+def peer_by_interface(name):
+ ipdb = IPDB()
+ try:
+ peer_idx = ipdb.interfaces[name]['link']
+ peer_name = ipdb.interfaces[peer_idx]['ifname']
+ except:
+ raise Exception('veth interface {} does not exist'.format(name))
+ else:
+ return peer_name
+def aton(ip):
+ return socket.inet_aton(ip)
+def validate_cidr(cidr):
+ return iptools.ipv4.validate_cidr(cidr)
+def cidr2mask(cidr):
+ _, prefix = cidr.split('/')
+ return format(0xffffffff << (32 - int(prefix)), '08x')
+def cidr2block(cidr):
+ return iptools.ipv4.cidr2block(cidr)
+def ip2hex(ip):
+ return iptools.ipv4.ip2hex(ip)
+def ip2long(ip):
+ return iptools.ipv4.ip2long(ip)
+def get_process_affinity():
+ return psutil.Process().cpu_affinity()