[WIP] Tuning parameters to make end-to-end testing work.

Please don't merge this patch, it's not ready yet.
When it's ready, this message will be gone.

- Disble Hugepage to avoid ngic-dp crash.
- Adding debug parameter in accelleran.

Change-Id: I98edeaef82d2bae9759bd1a4157694a709c3fbe8
diff --git a/mcord/mcord-control-plane/templates/hss.yaml b/mcord/mcord-control-plane/templates/hss.yaml
index dd3fb88..69dd53a 100644
--- a/mcord/mcord-control-plane/templates/hss.yaml
+++ b/mcord/mcord-control-plane/templates/hss.yaml
@@ -51,13 +51,13 @@
         image: {{ .Values.hss.images.init }}
         command: ["bash", "-xc"]
-        - until nslookup {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }}; do echo waiting for cassandra; sleep 2; done;
-          sleep 10;
-          cqlsh --file /scripts/oai_db.cql cassandra;
-          /scripts/data_provisioning_users.sh 302720100000421 1122334456 apn1 6226194254742F2D67145153602F7C8D 1 cassandra {{ .Values.mme_hostname }} {{ .Values.mme_hostname }};
-          cqlsh -e "use vhss; update users_imsi set opc='D6CAF10C337FD65AC31A18EBACBF5BF9' where imsi='302720100000421';" cassandra;
-          /scripts/data_provisioning_mme.sh 1 19136246000 mme-0.{{ .Values.mme_hostname }}.{{ .Values.namespace }}.svc.cluster.local {{ .Values.mme_hostname }}.{{ .Values.namespace }}.svc.cluster.local 1 cassandra;
-          /scripts/data_provisioning_mme.sh 1 19136246000 smsrouter.test3gpp.net test3gpp.net 0  cassandra;
+        - until nslookup {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }}; do echo "waiting for cassandra domain name resolve."; sleep 2; done;
+          until cqlsh -e "show version" {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }}; do echo "waiting for cassandra database ready."; sleep 2; done;
+          until cqlsh --file /scripts/oai_db.cql {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }}; do echo "Writing data into database failed. Retrying ..."; sleep 2; done;
+          /scripts/data_provisioning_users.sh 302720100000421 1122334456 apn1 6226194254742F2D67145153602F7C8D 1 {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }} {{ .Values.mme_hostname }} {{ .Values.mme_hostname }};
+          cqlsh -e "use vhss; update users_imsi set opc='D6CAF10C337FD65AC31A18EBACBF5BF9' where imsi='302720100000421';" {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }};
+          /scripts/data_provisioning_mme.sh 1 19136246000 mme-0.{{ .Values.mme_hostname }}.{{ .Values.namespace }}.svc.cluster.local {{ .Values.mme_hostname }}.{{ .Values.namespace }}.svc.cluster.local 1 {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }};
+          /scripts/data_provisioning_mme.sh 1 19136246000 smsrouter.test3gpp.net test3gpp.net 0 {{ .Values.hssdb_hostname }};
       - name: hss
         image: {{ .Values.hss.images.hss }}