Reducing duplicated values on values files for SiaB

Reduced the amount of duplicated values between seba-ponsim values file.
To deploy, for example, the latest of seba-ponsim, now both seba-ponsim.yaml and seba-pomsim-latest.yaml values files need to be used with the specified order.
Makefile for SiaB is modified accordingly in the patch
- removed stratumEnabled value from Mininet chart and added mnStratumSwitchCount
- moved bngAppUrl and bngAppVersion values on root of values file

Change-Id: I26b8e91f868646adc06f2c1feea72b333defd487
diff --git a/configs/seba-ponsim-sdbng.yaml b/configs/seba-ponsim-sdbng.yaml
index 4508fd5..0bf332b 100644
--- a/configs/seba-ponsim-sdbng.yaml
+++ b/configs/seba-ponsim-sdbng.yaml
@@ -14,77 +14,32 @@
 # limitations under the License.
 # Values file for deploying SEBA with Ponsim and Stratum
-# Use this file to deploy the service versions specified in the Helm charts.
+# Use this file together with seba-ponsim.yaml to deploy the service versions
+# specified in the Helm charts.
+# --------------- Values modified or added wrt seba-ponsim.yaml ----------------
-  # Mininet image
     repository: 'opencord/mn-stratum-siab'
     tag: 'master'
-    pullPolicy: Always
-  onos:
-    repository: 'onosproject/onos'
-    tag: '2.2-latest'
-    pullPolicy: Always
-  rg:
-#    TODO: Modify when this docker image is published
-    repository: 'dmoro92/voltha-tester'
-    tag: 'latest'
-    pullPolicy: Always
-# ONOS activate debug
-  - name: JAVA_DEBUG_PORT
-    value: ""
-# voltha
-  clusterSize: 1
-# Set topics for KPI-exporter, adding the bng.stats
 # Select DT-Workflow
 workflow: dt-workflow
-  image:
-#    TODO: modify when DT workflow synchronizer is published
-    repository: "dmoro92/dt-workflow-driver-synchronizer"
-    tag: "1.0.0-dev"
-  # this is mandatory, it's needed to correctly configure the kafka endpoint
-  kafkaService: cord-kafka
-# in mininet chart
-# FIXME: make multicast working
+# In mininet chart
+# FIXME: check if multicast is working
 enableMulticast: false
 topoScript: '/toposcripts/'
-stratumEnabled: true
+mnStratumSwitchCount: 1
-# in ponsim-pod chart
-bandwidthProfiles: true
-legacyPonsim: false
-# fabric
-  enabled: true
-    # BMv2 drivers will activate also stratum drivers
-    driverAppId: 'org.onosproject.drivers.bmv2'
-    # Enable stratum
     enabled: true
-    # Use BMv2 pipeconf (already in ONOS)
-    pipeconfAppExternal: false
-    pipeconfAppId: 'org.onosproject.pipelines.fabric'
+# Activate SD-BNG
     enabled: false
     enabled: true
-    # ONOS app to provide the BNG control plane
-    bngAppId: "org.opencord.bng"
-    bngAppUrl: ""
-    bngAppVersion: "1.0.0.SNAPSHOT"
-# ONOS applications
-kafkaAppUrl: ""
-kafkaAppVersion: "2.0.1.SNAPSHOT"