1. 0e094e8 [CORD-3198] by Zack Williams · 6 years ago
  2. acea108 [CORD-3201] by Zack Williams · 6 years ago
  3. 25ae395 CORD-3135 rename container-vnf and remove simpleexampleservice by Scott Baker · 7 years ago[Copied (60%) from xos-profiles/container-vnf/Chart.yaml]
  4. 22e46b7 CORD-3028 deploy SimpleExampleService by Scott Baker · 7 years ago[Copied (82%) from xos-profiles/rcord-lite/templates/rcord-models-configmap.yaml]
  5. 3432b94 [CORD-2909] Flatten and parameterize charts by Zack Williams · 7 years ago
  6. 9d9ee54 Add RCORD service to the profile by Andy Bavier · 7 years ago[Copied (64%) from xos-profiles/rcord-lite/templates/configmap.yaml]
  7. 536e5e1 CORD-2831 Generate TOSCA for rcord-lite profile by Andy Bavier · 7 years ago