[VOL-5285] - JJB Upgrade toward v5

  o Added a repository makefile with convenience targets (make test)

  o Copyright notice updated to onf v1.1
  o More temp filename filtering added.
  o Improve reporting for a cryptic error source.
  o Version diffs rely on simple string comparison which can be
    confused by composite charts like voltha-infra/ and voltha-stack/
    when multiple chart versions are modified.
  o Yaml parsing needed for a real fix, in the interim identify the
    problem and display strings that contributed to detection.

  o Added helper library filter_files().
  o Given a list of files return the list with garbage removed.

  o Added a bats unit test for filter_files().

Change-Id: I8d724579976adf62d47786fcad16d21d0759a5ab
5 files changed