VOL-4846 - copyrights vs linthelm.sh

NOP Copyright notice update job failed due to peripheral chart problems.
Problem: reactionary failure, no local helm linting.
Jenkins performs late checks unavailable to local devs.

  o String based detection converted to array operations
      - Greatly simplified script logic.
  o Use readarray to capture command out:
      - Safer I/O and array manipulation supported.
  o Construct and test @modified_files early to simplify logic:
      - Sonarqube exclusions removed.
      - External sed calls formatting lists of display strings.
  o Version string check moved into a named function.
  o Replace "echo val |" with <<< (here string) and builtins:
      - Avoid external process overhead (dirname, sed).
      - Avoid potential failure sources.

Replace global var use with "pushd ${WORKSPACE}":
  o Simplify: String path ops are normalized on dot.
  o Global var references and use reduced.

Format report output:
  o Insert whitespace for readability.
  o More context for errors reported.
  o Display a summary of errors at the end.
  o Library function added to format report lines.
  o A sample of genreated log output appended at the end.

Bump copyright notice on all scripts.

Change-Id: Iec939fdd8f6e0fe4ff3af381aa5d31785cc6b912
6 files changed