initial code migration from xos repo

Change-Id: I8c848929ec4583a7a18ba9da44095f8f688f96c0
diff --git a/xos/api/service/hpc/ b/xos/api/service/hpc/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5592c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/api/service/hpc/
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+import os
+import json
+import socket
+import sys
+import time
+import traceback
+import xmlrpclib
+from core.models import Slice, Instance, ServiceClass, Reservation, Tag, Network, User, Node, Image, Deployment, Site, NetworkTemplate, NetworkSlice
+from django.http import HttpResponse
+from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt
+def ps_id_to_pl_id(x):
+    # Since we don't want the XOS object IDs to conflict with existing
+    # PlanetLab object IDs in the CMI, just add 100000 to the XOS object
+    # IDs.
+    return 100000 + x
+def pl_id_to_ps_id(x):
+    return x - 100000
+# slice_remap is a dict of ps_slice_name -> (pl_slice_name, pl_slice_id)
+def pl_slice_id(slice, slice_remap={}):
+    if in slice_remap:
+        return int(slice_remap[][1])
+    else:
+        return ps_id_to_pl_id(
+def pl_slicename(slice, slice_remap={}):
+    if in slice_remap:
+        return slice_remap[][0]
+    else:
+        return
+def filter_fields(src, fields):
+    dest = {}
+    for (key,value) in src.items():
+        if (not fields) or (key in fields):
+            dest[key] = value
+    return dest
+def GetSlices(filter={}, slice_remap={}):
+    #ps_slices = Slice.objects.filter(**filter)
+    ps_slices = Slice.objects.all()
+    slices = []
+    for ps_slice in ps_slices:
+        if (filter) and ("name" in filter):
+            remapped_name = slice_remap.get(, (,))[0]
+            if (remapped_name != filter["name"]):
+                continue
+        node_ids=[]
+        for ps_instance in ps_slice.instances.all():
+            node_ids.append(ps_id_to_pl_id(
+        slice = {"instantiation": "plc-instantiated",
+                 "description": "XOS slice",
+                 "slice_id": pl_slice_id(ps_slice, slice_remap),
+                 "node_ids": node_ids,
+                 "url": "xos",
+                 "max_nodes": 1000,
+                 "peer_slice_id": None,
+                 "slice_tag_ids": [],
+                 "peer_id": None,
+                 "site_id": ps_id_to_pl_id(ps_slice.site_id),
+                 "name": pl_slicename(ps_slice, slice_remap),
+                 "planetstack_name":}     # keeping planetstack_name for now, to match the modified
+                 # creator_person_id, person_ids, expires, created
+        slices.append(slice)
+    return slices
+def GetNodes(node_ids=None, fields=None, slice_remap={}):
+    if node_ids:
+        ps_nodes = Node.objects.filter(id__in=[pl_id_to_ps_id(nid) for nid in node_ids])
+    else:
+        ps_nodes = Node.objects.all()
+    nodes = []
+    for ps_node in ps_nodes:
+        slice_ids=[]
+        for ps_instance in ps_node.instances.all():
+            slice_ids.append(pl_slice_id(ps_instance.slice, slice_remap))
+        node = {"node_id": ps_id_to_pl_id(,
+                "site_id": ps_id_to_pl_id(ps_node.site_id),
+                "node_type": "regular",
+                "peer_node_id": None,
+                "hostname":,
+                "conf_file_ids": [],
+                "slice_ids": slice_ids,
+                "model": "xos",
+                "peer_id": None,
+                "node_tag_ids": []}
+                # last_updated, key, boot_state, pcu_ids, node_type, session, last_boot,
+                # interface_ids, slice_ids_whitelist, run_level, ssh_rsa_key, last_pcu_reboot,
+                # nodegroup_ids, verified, last_contact, boot_nonce, version,
+                # last_pcu_configuration, last_download, date_created, ports
+        nodes.append(node)
+    nodes = [filter_fields(node, fields) for node in nodes]
+    return nodes
+def GetTags(slicename,node_id):
+    return {}
+def GetSites(slice_remap={}):
+    ps_sites = Site.objects.all()
+    sites = []
+    for ps_site in ps_sites:
+        slice_ids=[]
+        for ps_slice in ps_site.slices.all():
+            slice_ids.append(pl_slice_id(ps_slice, slice_remap))
+        node_ids=[]
+        for ps_node in ps_site.nodes.all():
+            node_ids.append(ps_id_to_pl_id(
+        if ps_site.location:
+            longitude = ps_site.location.longitude
+            latitude = ps_site.location.latitude
+        else:
+            longitude = 0
+            latitude = 0
+        site = {"site_id": ps_id_to_pl_id(,
+                "node_ids": node_ids,
+                "pcu_ids": [],
+                "max_slices": 100,
+                "max_instances": 1000,
+                "is_public": False,
+                "peer_site_id": None,
+                "abbrebiated_name": ps_site.abbreviated_name,
+                "address_ids": [],
+                "name":,
+                "url": None,
+                "site_tag_ids": [],
+                "enabled": True,
+                "longitude": float(longitude),
+                "latitude": float(latitude),
+                "slice_ids": slice_ids,
+                "login_base": ps_site.login_base,
+                "peer_id": None}
+                # last_updated, ext_consortium_id, person_ids, date_created
+        sites.append(site)
+    return sites
+def GetInterfaces(slicename, node_ids, return_nat=False, return_private=False):
+    interfaces = []
+    ps_slices = Slice.objects.filter(name=slicename)
+    for ps_slice in ps_slices:
+        for ps_instance in ps_slice.instances.all():
+            node_id = ps_id_to_pl_id(ps_instance.node_id)
+            if node_id in node_ids:
+                ps_node = ps_instance.node
+                ip = socket.gethostbyname(
+                # If the slice has a network that's labeled for hpc_client, then
+                # return that network.
+                found_labeled_network = False
+                for port in ps_instance.ports.all():
+                    if (not port.ip):
+                        continue
+                    if ( != ps_slice):
+                        continue
+                    if and ("hpc_client" in
+                        ip=port.ip
+                        found_labeled_network = True
+                if not found_labeled_network:
+                    # search for a dedicated public IP address
+                    for port in ps_instance.ports.all():
+                        if (not port.ip):
+                            continue
+                        template =
+                        if (template.visibility=="public") and (template.translation=="none"):
+                            ip=port.ip
+                if return_nat:
+                    ip = None
+                    for port in ps_instance.ports.all():
+                        if (not port.ip):
+                            continue
+                        template =
+                        if (template.visibility=="private") and (template.translation=="NAT"):
+                            ip=port.ip
+                    if not ip:
+                        continue
+                if return_private:
+                    ip = None
+                    for port in ps_instance.ports.all():
+                        if (not port.ip):
+                            continue
+                        template =
+                        if (template.visibility=="private") and (template.translation=="none"):
+                            ip=port.ip
+                    if not ip:
+                        continue
+                interface = {"node_id": node_id,
+                             "ip": ip,
+                             "broadcast": None,
+                             "mac": "11:22:33:44:55:66",
+                             "bwlimit": None,
+                             "network": None,
+                             "is_primary": True,
+                             "dns1": None,
+                             "hostname": None,
+                             "netmask": None,
+                             "interface_tag_ids": [],
+                             "interface_id": node_id,     # assume each node has only one interface
+                             "gateway": None,
+                             "dns2": None,
+                             "type": "ipv4",
+                             "method": "dhcp"}
+                interfaces.append(interface)
+    return interfaces
+def GetConfiguration(name, slice_remap={}):
+    slicename = name["name"]
+    if "node_id" in name:
+        node_id = name["node_id"]
+    else:
+        node_id = 0
+    node_instance_tags = GetTags(slicename, node_id)
+    slices = GetSlices({"name": slicename}, slice_remap=slice_remap)
+    perhost = {}
+    allinterfaces = {}
+    hostprivmap = {}
+    hostipmap = {}
+    hostnatmap = {}
+    nodes = []
+    if len(slices)==1:
+        slice = slices[0]
+        node_ids = slice['node_ids']
+        nodes = GetNodes(node_ids, ['hostname', 'node_id', 'site_id'], slice_remap=slice_remap)
+        nodemap = {}
+        for node in nodes:
+            nodemap[node['node_id']]=node['hostname']
+        interfaces = GetInterfaces(slice["planetstack_name"], node_ids)
+        hostipmap = {}
+        for interface in interfaces:
+            if nodemap[interface['node_id']] not in allinterfaces:
+                allinterfaces[nodemap[interface['node_id']]] = []
+            interface['interface_tags'] = []
+            allinterfaces[nodemap[interface['node_id']]].append(interface)
+            if interface['is_primary']:
+                hostipmap[nodemap[interface['node_id']]] = interface['ip']
+        hostnatmap = {}
+        interfaces = GetInterfaces(slice["planetstack_name"], node_ids, return_nat=True)
+        for interface in interfaces:
+            interface['interface_tags'] = []
+            hostnatmap[nodemap[interface['node_id']]] = interface['ip']
+        hostprivmap = {}
+        interfaces = GetInterfaces(slice["planetstack_name"], node_ids, return_private=True)
+        for interface in interfaces:
+            interface['interface_tags'] = []
+            hostprivmap[nodemap[interface['node_id']]] = interface['ip']
+        for nid in node_ids:
+            instance_tags = GetTags(slicename,nid)
+            perhost[nodemap[nid]] = instance_tags
+    instances = GetSlices(slice_remap=slice_remap)
+    if node_id != 0:
+        instances = [slice for slice in instances if (node_id in slice.node_ids)]
+    sites = GetSites(slice_remap=slice_remap)
+    for site in sites:
+        site["site_tags"] = []
+    timestamp = int(time.time())
+    return {'version': 3,
+            'timestamp': timestamp,
+            'configuration': node_instance_tags,
+            'allconfigurations':perhost,
+            'hostipmap':hostipmap,
+            'hostnatmap':hostnatmap,
+            'hostprivmap':hostprivmap,
+            'slivers': instances,
+            'interfaces': allinterfaces,
+            'sites': sites,
+            'nodes': nodes}
+DEFAULT_REMAP = {"princeton_vcoblitz2": ["princeton_vcoblitz", 70]}
+def HandleGetConfiguration1():
+    configs={}
+    for slicename in ["princeton_vcoblitz"]:
+        configs[slicename] = GetConfiguration({"name": slicename}, DEFAULT_REMAP)
+    return configs
+def HandleGetNodes1():
+    return GetNodes(slice_remap=DEFAULT_REMAP)
+def HandleGetSlices1():
+    return GetSlices(slice_remap=DEFAULT_REMAP)
+def HandleGetConfiguration2(name, slice_remap):
+    return GetConfiguration(name, slice_remap=slice_remap)
+def HandleGetNodes2(slice_remap):
+    return GetNodes(slice_remap=slice_remap)
+def HandleGetSlices2(slice_remap):
+    return GetSlices(slice_remap=slice_remap)
+FUNCS = {"GetConfiguration": HandleGetConfiguration1,
+         "GetNodes": HandleGetNodes1,
+         "GetSlices": HandleGetSlices1,
+         "GetConfiguration2": HandleGetConfiguration2,
+         "GetNodes2": HandleGetNodes2,
+         "GetSlices2": HandleGetSlices2}
+def LegacyXMLRPC(request):
+    if request.method == "POST":
+        try:
+            (args, method) = xmlrpclib.loads(request.body)
+            result = None
+            if method in FUNCS:
+                result = FUNCS[method](*args)
+            return HttpResponse(xmlrpclib.dumps((result,), methodresponse=True, allow_none=1))
+        except:
+            traceback.print_exc()
+            return HttpResponseServerError()
+    else:
+        return HttpResponse("Not Implemented")
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    slices = GetSlices(slice_remap = DEFAULT_REMAP)
+    nodes = GetNodes(slice_remap = DEFAULT_REMAP)
+    config = GetConfiguration({"name": "princeton_vcoblitz"}, slice_remap = DEFAULT_REMAP)
+    print config
+    print slices
+    print nodes