initial code migration from xos repo

Change-Id: I8c848929ec4583a7a18ba9da44095f8f688f96c0
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/ b/xos/synchronizer/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..448bfb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import argparse
+import imp
+import inspect
+import os
+import sys
+os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "xos.settings")
+from xos.config import Config, DEFAULT_CONFIG_FN, XOS_DIR
+from xos.logger import Logger, logging
+from synchronizers.base.syncstep import SyncStep
+    from django import setup as django_setup # django 1.7
+    django_setup = False
+logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO)
+class XOSConsistencyCheck:
+	def __init__(self):
+                self.sync_steps = []
+		self.load_sync_step_modules()
+	def load_sync_step_modules(self, step_dir=None):
+		if step_dir is None:
+			if hasattr(Config(), "observer_steps_dir"):
+				step_dir = Config().observer_steps_dir
+			else:
+				step_dir = XOS_DIR+"/observer/steps"
+		for fn in os.listdir(step_dir):
+			pathname = os.path.join(step_dir,fn)
+			if os.path.isfile(pathname) and fn.endswith(".py") and (fn!=""):
+				module = imp.load_source(fn[:-3],pathname)
+				for classname in dir(module):
+					c = getattr(module, classname, None)
+					# make sure 'c' is a descendent of SyncStep and has a
+					# provides field (this eliminates the abstract base classes
+					# since they don't have a provides)
+					if inspect.isclass(c) and issubclass(c, SyncStep) and hasattr(c,"provides") and (c not in self.sync_steps):
+						self.sync_steps.append(c)
+'loaded sync steps: %s' % ",".join([x.__name__ for x in self.sync_steps]))
+        def run(self):
+            updated = True
+            while updated:
+                updated = False
+                for step in self.sync_steps:
+                    if hasattr(step, "consistency_check"):
+                        updated = updated or step(driver=None).consistency_check()
+                if updated:
+          're-running consistency checks because something changed')
+def main():
+    if not "-C" in sys.argv:
+        print >> sys.stderr, "You probably wanted to use -C " + XOS_DIR + "/hpc_observer/hpc_observer_config"
+    # Generate command line parser
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage='%(prog)s [options]')
+    # smbaker: util/ parses sys.argv[] directly to get config file name; include the option here to avoid
+    #   throwing unrecognized argument exceptions
+    parser.add_argument('-C', '--config', dest='config_file', action='store', default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FN,
+                        help='Name of config file.')
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if django_setup: # 1.7
+        django_setup()
+    cc = XOSConsistencyCheck()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()