initial code migration from xos repo

Change-Id: I8c848929ec4583a7a18ba9da44095f8f688f96c0
diff --git a/xos/synchronizer/steps/ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a1d177b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/xos/synchronizer/steps/
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+import os
+import sys
+import base64
+from django.db.models import F, Q
+from xos.config import Config
+from synchronizers.base.syncstep import SyncStep
+from core.models import Service
+from services.hpc.models import ServiceProvider, ContentProvider, CDNPrefix, SiteMap
+from xos.logger import Logger, logging
+# hpclibrary will be in steps/..
+parentdir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),"..")
+from hpclib import HpcLibrary
+logger = Logger(level=logging.INFO)
+class SyncSiteMap(SyncStep, HpcLibrary):
+    provides=[SiteMap]
+    observes=SiteMap
+    requested_interval=0
+    def __init__(self, **args):
+        SyncStep.__init__(self, **args)
+        HpcLibrary.__init__(self)
+    def filter_hpc_service(self, objs):
+        hpcService = self.get_hpc_service()
+        filtered_objs = []
+        for x in objs:
+            if ((x.hpcService == hpcService) or
+               ((x.serviceProvider != None) and (x.serviceProvider.hpcService == hpcService)) or
+               ((x.contentProvider != None) and (x.contentProvider.serviceProvider.hpcService == hpcService)) or
+               ((x.cdnPrefix!= None) and (x.cdnPrefix.contentProvider.serviceProvider.hpcService == hpcService))):
+                filtered_objs.append(x)
+        return filtered_objs
+    def fetch_pending(self, deleted):
+        return self.filter_hpc_service(SyncStep.fetch_pending(self, deleted))
+    def consistency_check(self):
+        # set to true if something changed
+        result=False
+        # sanity check to make sure our PS objects have CMI objects behind them
+        all_map_ids = [x["map_id"] for x in self.client.onev.ListAll("Map")]
+        for map in SiteMap.objects.all():
+            if (map.map_id is not None) and (map.map_id not in all_map_ids):
+      "Map %s was not found on CMI" % map.map_id,extra=map.tologdict())
+                map.map_id=None
+                result = True
+        return result
+    def update_bind(self, map, map_dict, field_name, to_name, ids):
+        for id in ids:
+            if (not id in map_dict.get(field_name, [])):
+                print "Bind Map", map.map_id, "to", to_name, id
+                self.client.onev.Bind("Map", map.map_id, to_name, id)
+        for id in map_dict.get(field_name, []):
+            if (not id in ids):
+                print "Unbind Map", map.map_id, "from", to_name, id
+                self.client.onev.UnBind("map", map.map_id, to_name, id)
+    def sync_record(self, map):
+"sync'ing SiteMap %s" % str(map),extra=map.tologdict())
+        if not
+            # no contents
+            return
+        content =
+        map_dict = {"name":, "type": "site", "content": content}
+        cdn_prefix_ids=[]
+        service_provider_ids=[]
+        content_provider_ids=[]
+        if (map.contentProvider):
+            if not map.contentProvider.content_provider_id:
+                raise Exception("Map %s links to a contentProvider with no id" %
+            conent_provider_ids = [map.contentProvider.content_provider_id]
+        if (map.serviceProvider):
+            if not map.serviceProvider.service_provider_id:
+                raise Exception("Map %s links to a serviceProvider with no id" %
+            service_provider_ids = [map.serviceProvider.service_provider_id]
+        if (map.cdnPrefix):
+            if not map.cdnPrefix.cdn_prefix_id:
+                raise Exception("Map %s links to a cdnPrefix with no id" %
+            cdn_prefix_ids = [map.cdnPrefix.cdn_prefix_id]
+        if not map.map_id:
+            print "Create Map", map_dict
+            id = self.client.onev.Create("Map", map_dict)
+            map.map_id = id
+        else:
+            print "Update Map", map_dict
+            # these things we probably cannot update
+            del map_dict["name"]
+            self.client.onev.Update("Map", map.map_id, map_dict)
+        cmi_map_dict = self.client.onev.Read("Map", map.map_id)
+        self.update_bind(map, cmi_map_dict, "cdn_prefix_ids", "CDNPrefix", cdn_prefix_ids)
+    def delete_record(self, m):
+        if m.map_id is not None:
+            self.client.onev.Delete("Map", m.map_id)