wait for tiller to start before mucking with it
diff --git a/voltha b/voltha
index b1da2ed..2880bb7 100755
--- a/voltha
+++ b/voltha
@@ -366,10 +366,19 @@
     bspin "Verify Kubernetes/Kind Cluster"
     if [ $HAVE -eq 0 ]; then
-      espin $NOT_VERIFIED
-      kind create cluster --name voltha-$TYPE --config $TYPE-cluster.cfg
-    else
-      espin $VERIFIED
+        espin $NOT_VERIFIED
+        bspin - "Verify cluster configuration"
+        if [ ! -r ./$TYPE-cluster.cfg ]; then
+            espin - $NOT_VERIFIED
+	    bspin - "Download cluster configuration: $TYPE-cluster.cfg $DOWNLOAD"
+            (set -x; curl -o ./$TYPE-cluster.cfg -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ciena/kind-voltha/master/$TYPE-cluster.cfg >>$LOG 2>&1) >>$LOG 2>&1
+	    espin - $VERIFIED
+	else
+	    espin - $VERFIED
+	fi
+        kind create cluster --name voltha-$TYPE --config $TYPE-cluster.cfg
+     else
+        espin $VERIFIED
     export KUBECONFIG="$(kind get kubeconfig-path --name="voltha-$TYPE")"
@@ -393,6 +402,7 @@
     bspin - "Initialize Helm"
     (set -x; helm init --upgrade >>$LOG 2>&1) >>$LOG 2>&1
     espin - $VERIFIED
+    wait_for_pods - "kube-system" 1 -1 "Waiting for Tiller POD to start" "tiller-deploy-.*"
     bspin - "Add Google Incubator repository to Helm"
     (set -x; helm repo add incubator https://kubernetes-charts-incubator.storage.googleapis.com >>$LOG 2>&1) >>$LOG 2>&1
     espin - $VERIFIED