rework to work with latest helm charts
diff --git a/full-values.yaml b/full-values.yaml
index dbf23d6..dca70d9 100644
--- a/full-values.yaml
+++ b/full-values.yaml
@@ -12,21 +12,71 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
- image_tag: master
- image_pullPolicy: Always
+# ---------------
+# By default no defaults are set and the image tags specified in the helm
+# charts will be used. If you would like to use the images generated from the
+# HEAD of the "master" git branches, then uncomment this below block and
+# set "<VALUE>" to "master". Similarly, if you want to use the images
+# generated from the HEAD of the "voltha-2.1" git branches, then uncomment
+# this block and replace "<VALUE>" with "voltha-2.1".
+# image_tag: <VALUE>
- adapter_open_olt:
- tag_go: master
- pullPolicy: Always
- tag: master
repository: voltha/voltha-onos
- pullPolicy: Always
- bbsim:
- tag: master
- pullPolicy: Always
+ # ---------------
+ # The helm chart used to deploy ONOS is the public ONOS helm chart so,
+ # there is a need to specify the exact image repository and image tag.
+ # If you would like to use the "master", "voltha-2.1", or other image
+ # just replace the "tag" value below.
+ tag: 2.1.0
+# ---------------
+# Below are a list of all the images utilized by kind-voltha. This list is
+# provided as a conveinence if you would like to override on a per image
+# basis. If you are using the defaults, master, or voltha-2.1 branch there
+# is no need to utilize this list.
+# onos:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-onos
+# tag: 2.1.0
+# adapter_open_olt:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-openolt-adapter
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# adapter_open_onu:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-openonu-adapter
+# tag: 2.1.0
+# adapter_simulated_olt:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-adapter-simulated-olt
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# adapter_simulated_olt:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-adapter-simulated-onu
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# bbsim:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-bbsim
+# tag: 2.1.0
+# afrouter:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-afrouter
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# afrouterd:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-afrouterd
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# cli:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-cli
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# ofagent:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-ofagent
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# ro_core:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-ro-core
+# tag: 2.1.1
+# rw_core:
+# repositry: voltha/voltha-rw-core
+# tag: 2.1.1
- name: POD_IP
@@ -42,4 +92,3 @@
# Customization for BBSIM
kafka_broker: 'voltha-kafka.voltha.svc.cluster.local:9092'