Merge pull request #14 from teone/feature/readme

Updating docs with ONLY_ONE option
diff --git a/ b/
index e9103ba..e219b4c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -79,6 +79,8 @@
 | `VOLTHA_ADAPTER_SIM_CHART`      | onf/voltha-adapter-simulated | Helm chart to use to install simulated device adapter                               |
 | `VOLTHA_ADAPTER_OPEN_OLT_CHART` | onf/voltha-adapter-openolt   | Helm chart to use to install OpenOlt adapter                                        |
 | `VOLTHA_ADAPTER_OPEN_ONU_CHART` | onf/voltha-adapter-openonu   | Helm chart to use to install OpenOnu adapter                                        |
+| `ONLY_ONE`                      | no                           | Run a single `rw-core` and no `api-server`                                          |
 ## Create Kubernetes Cluster
 Kind provides a command line control tool to easily create Kubernetes clusters