1. 989f3c7 Using correct ETCD chart version for VOLTHA-2.7 by Matteo Scandolo · 3 years ago
  2. c4830de Using the global tag instead of the defaults for 2.7 release in order to deploy the correct images by Andrea Campanella · 3 years ago
  3. b189d95 Setting values for voltha-2.7 and releasing kind-voltha by Matteo Scandolo · 3 years, 1 month ago 6.1.0
  4. 7760486 Bumping openonu-go and openolt chart versions for VOLTHA-2.7 by Matteo Scandolo · 3 years, 1 month ago
  5. eb3ec86 Use 2.8.7 chart version of voltha-openolt-adapter for voltha-2.7 release by Girish Gowdra · 3 years, 1 month ago
  6. 2bccc64 Preparing voltha-2.7 release file by Matteo Scandolo · 3 years, 1 month ago