CORD-1551 - updated maas makefiles and multi-stage dockerfile

Change-Id: I0bab86e0207edb12f553ddcfe040882f04f34f25
diff --git a/roles/ssh-key/tasks/main.yml b/roles/ssh-key/tasks/main.yml
index ee20ce3..44ce66e 100644
--- a/roles/ssh-key/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/roles/ssh-key/tasks/main.yml
@@ -19,3 +19,24 @@
     key: "{{lookup('file', '~/.ssh/')}}"
     - establish_ssh_keys
+- name: Ensure key pair storage
+  become: yes
+  local_action: file path={{pub_ssh_key_file_location}} mode="0755" state=directory
+- name: Validate existing key pair
+  become: yes
+  local_action: stat path={{pub_ssh_key_file_location}}/cord_rsa
+  register: key_pair
+- name: Generate key pair
+  become: yes
+  local_action: command ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -N "" -C cord@cord.lab -f {{pub_ssh_key_file_location}}/cord_rsa
+  when: not key_pair.stat.exists
+- name: Ensure privacy of key pair
+  become: yes
+  local_action: file path="{{pub_ssh_key_file_location}}/{{}}" mode="{{item.mode}}"
+  with_items:
+    - { "name": "cord_rsa", "mode": "0644" }
+    - { "name": "", "mode": "0644" }