CORD-1750 Upgrade OFDPA to OFDPA 3.0 EA4

Change-Id: Ieb79e766f037d7981fefcde6936b303021488b83
diff --git a/roles/head-node/files/commands/cord-prov b/roles/head-node/files/commands/cord-prov
index a0881fe..f7136cc 100755
--- a/roles/head-node/files/commands/cord-prov
+++ b/roles/head-node/files/commands/cord-prov
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 usage() {
     echo "usage: $PROG <sub-command> [options]"
     echo "    list    display the provisioning status of all nodes"
-    echo "    show    display the provisiniong status of a single node"
+    echo "    show    display the provisioning status of a single node"
     echo "    delete  delete node(s) provisioning state"
     echo "    help    this message"