cord-776 create build / runtime containers for autmation uservices

Change-Id: I246973192adef56a250ffe93a5f65fff488840c1
diff --git a/automation/vendor/ b/automation/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5438669
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+// Copyright 2012-2016 Canonical Ltd.
+// Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+package gomaasapi
+import (
+	"encoding/json"
+	"fmt"
+	"io"
+	"net"
+	"net/http"
+	"net/url"
+	"regexp"
+	"sort"
+	"strings"
+func getSubnetsEndpoint(version string) string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("/api/%s/subnets/", version)
+// CreateSubnet is used to receive new subnets via the MAAS API
+type CreateSubnet struct {
+	DNSServers []string `json:"dns_servers"`
+	Name       string   `json:"name"`
+	Space      string   `json:"space"`
+	GatewayIP  string   `json:"gateway_ip"`
+	CIDR       string   `json:"cidr"`
+	// VLAN this subnet belongs to. Currently ignored.
+	// TODO: Defaults to the default VLAN
+	// for the provided fabric or defaults to the default VLAN
+	// in the default fabric.
+	VLAN *uint `json:"vlan"`
+	// Fabric for the subnet. Currently ignored.
+	// TODO: Defaults to the fabric the provided
+	// VLAN belongs to or defaults to the default fabric.
+	Fabric *uint `json:"fabric"`
+	// VID of the VLAN this subnet belongs to. Currently ignored.
+	// TODO: Only used when vlan
+	// is not provided. Picks the VLAN with this VID in the provided
+	// fabric or the default fabric if one is not given.
+	VID *uint `json:"vid"`
+	// This is used for updates (PUT) and is ignored by create (POST)
+	ID uint `json:"id"`
+// TestSubnet is the MAAS API subnet representation
+type TestSubnet struct {
+	DNSServers []string `json:"dns_servers"`
+	Name       string   `json:"name"`
+	Space      string   `json:"space"`
+	VLAN       TestVLAN `json:"vlan"`
+	GatewayIP  string   `json:"gateway_ip"`
+	CIDR       string   `json:"cidr"`
+	ResourceURI        string         `json:"resource_uri"`
+	ID                 uint           `json:"id"`
+	InUseIPAddresses   []IP           `json:"-"`
+	FixedAddressRanges []AddressRange `json:"-"`
+// AddFixedAddressRange adds an AddressRange to the list of fixed address ranges
+// that subnet stores.
+func (server *TestServer) AddFixedAddressRange(subnetID uint, ar AddressRange) {
+	subnet := server.subnets[subnetID]
+	ar.startUint = IPFromString(ar.Start).UInt64()
+	ar.endUint = IPFromString(ar.End).UInt64()
+	subnet.FixedAddressRanges = append(subnet.FixedAddressRanges, ar)
+	server.subnets[subnetID] = subnet
+// subnetsHandler handles requests for '/api/<version>/subnets/'.
+func subnetsHandler(server *TestServer, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+	var err error
+	values, err := url.ParseQuery(r.URL.RawQuery)
+	checkError(err)
+	op := values.Get("op")
+	includeRangesString := strings.ToLower(values.Get("include_ranges"))
+	subnetsURLRE := regexp.MustCompile(`/subnets/(.+?)/`)
+	subnetsURLMatch := subnetsURLRE.FindStringSubmatch(r.URL.Path)
+	subnetsURL := getSubnetsEndpoint(server.version)
+	var ID uint
+	var gotID bool
+	if subnetsURLMatch != nil {
+		ID, err = NameOrIDToID(subnetsURLMatch[1], server.subnetNameToID, 1, uint(len(server.subnets)))
+		if err != nil {
+			http.NotFoundHandler().ServeHTTP(w, r)
+			return
+		}
+		gotID = true
+	}
+	var includeRanges bool
+	switch includeRangesString {
+	case "true", "yes", "1":
+		includeRanges = true
+	}
+	switch r.Method {
+	case "GET":
+		w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/vnd.api+json")
+		if len(server.subnets) == 0 {
+			// Until a subnet is registered, behave as if the endpoint
+			// does not exist. This way we can simulate older MAAS
+			// servers that do not support subnets.
+			http.NotFoundHandler().ServeHTTP(w, r)
+			return
+		}
+		if r.URL.Path == subnetsURL {
+			var subnets []TestSubnet
+			for i := uint(1); i < server.nextSubnet; i++ {
+				s, ok := server.subnets[i]
+				if ok {
+					subnets = append(subnets, s)
+				}
+			}
+			PrettyJsonWriter(subnets, w)
+		} else if gotID == false {
+			w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest)
+		} else {
+			switch op {
+			case "unreserved_ip_ranges":
+				PrettyJsonWriter(server.subnetUnreservedIPRanges(server.subnets[ID]), w)
+			case "reserved_ip_ranges":
+				PrettyJsonWriter(server.subnetReservedIPRanges(server.subnets[ID]), w)
+			case "statistics":
+				PrettyJsonWriter(server.subnetStatistics(server.subnets[ID], includeRanges), w)
+			default:
+				PrettyJsonWriter(server.subnets[ID], w)
+			}
+		}
+		checkError(err)
+	case "POST":
+		server.NewSubnet(r.Body)
+	case "PUT":
+		server.UpdateSubnet(r.Body)
+	case "DELETE":
+		delete(server.subnets, ID)
+		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK)
+	default:
+		w.WriteHeader(http.StatusBadRequest)
+	}
+type addressList []IP
+func (a addressList) Len() int           { return len(a) }
+func (a addressList) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
+func (a addressList) Less(i, j int) bool { return a[i].UInt64() < a[j].UInt64() }
+// AddressRange is used to generate reserved IP address range lists
+type AddressRange struct {
+	Start        string `json:"start"`
+	startUint    uint64
+	End          string `json:"end"`
+	endUint      uint64
+	Purpose      []string `json:"purpose,omitempty"`
+	NumAddresses uint     `json:"num_addresses"`
+// AddressRangeList is a list of AddressRange
+type AddressRangeList struct {
+	ar []AddressRange
+// Append appends a new AddressRange to an AddressRangeList
+func (ranges *AddressRangeList) Append(startIP, endIP IP) {
+	var i AddressRange
+	i.Start, i.End = startIP.String(), endIP.String()
+	i.startUint, i.endUint = startIP.UInt64(), endIP.UInt64()
+	i.NumAddresses = uint(1 + endIP.UInt64() - startIP.UInt64())
+	i.Purpose = startIP.Purpose
+ = append(, i)
+func appendRangesToIPList(subnet TestSubnet, ipAddresses *[]IP) {
+	for _, r := range subnet.FixedAddressRanges {
+		for v := r.startUint; v <= r.endUint; v++ {
+			ip := IPFromInt64(v)
+			ip.Purpose = r.Purpose
+			*ipAddresses = append(*ipAddresses, ip)
+		}
+	}
+func (server *TestServer) subnetUnreservedIPRanges(subnet TestSubnet) []AddressRange {
+	// Make a sorted copy of subnet.InUseIPAddresses
+	ipAddresses := make([]IP, len(subnet.InUseIPAddresses))
+	copy(ipAddresses, subnet.InUseIPAddresses)
+	appendRangesToIPList(subnet, &ipAddresses)
+	sort.Sort(addressList(ipAddresses))
+	// We need the first and last address in the subnet
+	var ranges AddressRangeList
+	var startIP, endIP, lastUsableIP IP
+	_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(subnet.CIDR)
+	checkError(err)
+	startIP = IPFromNetIP(ipNet.IP)
+	// Start with the lowest usable address in the range, which is 1 above
+	// what net.ParseCIDR will give back.
+	startIP.SetUInt64(startIP.UInt64() + 1)
+	ones, bits := ipNet.Mask.Size()
+	set := ^((^uint64(0)) << uint(bits-ones))
+	// The last usable address is one below the broadcast address, which is
+	// what you get by bitwise ORing 'set' with any IP address in the subnet.
+	lastUsableIP.SetUInt64((startIP.UInt64() | set) - 1)
+	for _, endIP = range ipAddresses {
+		end := endIP.UInt64()
+		if endIP.UInt64() == startIP.UInt64() {
+			if endIP.UInt64() != lastUsableIP.UInt64() {
+				startIP.SetUInt64(end + 1)
+			}
+			continue
+		}
+		if end == lastUsableIP.UInt64() {
+			continue
+		}
+		ranges.Append(startIP, IPFromInt64(end-1))
+		startIP.SetUInt64(end + 1)
+	}
+	if startIP.UInt64() != lastUsableIP.UInt64() {
+		ranges.Append(startIP, lastUsableIP)
+	}
+	return
+func (server *TestServer) subnetReservedIPRanges(subnet TestSubnet) []AddressRange {
+	var ranges AddressRangeList
+	var startIP, thisIP IP
+	// Make a sorted copy of subnet.InUseIPAddresses
+	ipAddresses := make([]IP, len(subnet.InUseIPAddresses))
+	copy(ipAddresses, subnet.InUseIPAddresses)
+	appendRangesToIPList(subnet, &ipAddresses)
+	sort.Sort(addressList(ipAddresses))
+	if len(ipAddresses) == 0 {
+		ar :=
+		if ar == nil {
+			ar = []AddressRange{}
+		}
+		return ar
+	}
+	startIP = ipAddresses[0]
+	lastIP := ipAddresses[0]
+	for _, thisIP = range ipAddresses {
+		var purposeMissmatch bool
+		for i, p := range thisIP.Purpose {
+			if startIP.Purpose[i] != p {
+				purposeMissmatch = true
+			}
+		}
+		if (thisIP.UInt64() != lastIP.UInt64() && thisIP.UInt64() != lastIP.UInt64()+1) || purposeMissmatch {
+			ranges.Append(startIP, lastIP)
+			startIP = thisIP
+		}
+		lastIP = thisIP
+	}
+	if len( == 0 ||[len(].endUint != lastIP.UInt64() {
+		ranges.Append(startIP, lastIP)
+	}
+	return
+// SubnetStats holds statistics about a subnet
+type SubnetStats struct {
+	NumAvailable     uint           `json:"num_available"`
+	LargestAvailable uint           `json:"largest_available"`
+	NumUnavailable   uint           `json:"num_unavailable"`
+	TotalAddresses   uint           `json:"total_addresses"`
+	Usage            float32        `json:"usage"`
+	UsageString      string         `json:"usage_string"`
+	Ranges           []AddressRange `json:"ranges"`
+func (server *TestServer) subnetStatistics(subnet TestSubnet, includeRanges bool) SubnetStats {
+	var stats SubnetStats
+	_, ipNet, err := net.ParseCIDR(subnet.CIDR)
+	checkError(err)
+	ones, bits := ipNet.Mask.Size()
+	stats.TotalAddresses = (1 << uint(bits-ones)) - 2
+	stats.NumUnavailable = uint(len(subnet.InUseIPAddresses))
+	stats.NumAvailable = stats.TotalAddresses - stats.NumUnavailable
+	stats.Usage = float32(stats.NumUnavailable) / float32(stats.TotalAddresses)
+	stats.UsageString = fmt.Sprintf("%0.1f%%", stats.Usage*100)
+	// Calculate stats.LargestAvailable - the largest contiguous block of IP addresses available
+	reserved := server.subnetUnreservedIPRanges(subnet)
+	for _, addressRange := range reserved {
+		if addressRange.NumAddresses > stats.LargestAvailable {
+			stats.LargestAvailable = addressRange.NumAddresses
+		}
+	}
+	if includeRanges {
+		stats.Ranges = reserved
+	}
+	return stats
+func decodePostedSubnet(subnetJSON io.Reader) CreateSubnet {
+	var postedSubnet CreateSubnet
+	decoder := json.NewDecoder(subnetJSON)
+	err := decoder.Decode(&postedSubnet)
+	checkError(err)
+	if postedSubnet.DNSServers == nil {
+		postedSubnet.DNSServers = []string{}
+	}
+	return postedSubnet
+// UpdateSubnet creates a subnet in the test server
+func (server *TestServer) UpdateSubnet(subnetJSON io.Reader) TestSubnet {
+	postedSubnet := decodePostedSubnet(subnetJSON)
+	updatedSubnet := subnetFromCreateSubnet(postedSubnet)
+	server.subnets[updatedSubnet.ID] = updatedSubnet
+	return updatedSubnet
+// NewSubnet creates a subnet in the test server
+func (server *TestServer) NewSubnet(subnetJSON io.Reader) *TestSubnet {
+	postedSubnet := decodePostedSubnet(subnetJSON)
+	newSubnet := subnetFromCreateSubnet(postedSubnet)
+	newSubnet.ID = server.nextSubnet
+	server.subnets[server.nextSubnet] = newSubnet
+	server.subnetNameToID[newSubnet.Name] = newSubnet.ID
+	server.nextSubnet++
+	return &newSubnet
+// NodeNetworkInterface represents a network interface attached to a node
+type NodeNetworkInterface struct {
+	Name  string        `json:"name"`
+	Links []NetworkLink `json:"links"`
+// Node represents a node
+type Node struct {
+	SystemID   string                 `json:"system_id"`
+	Interfaces []NodeNetworkInterface `json:"interface_set"`
+// NetworkLink represents a MAAS network link
+type NetworkLink struct {
+	ID     uint        `json:"id"`
+	Mode   string      `json:"mode"`
+	Subnet *TestSubnet `json:"subnet"`
+// SetNodeNetworkLink records that the given node + interface are in subnet
+func (server *TestServer) SetNodeNetworkLink(SystemID string, nodeNetworkInterface NodeNetworkInterface) {
+	for i, ni := range server.nodeMetadata[SystemID].Interfaces {
+		if ni.Name == nodeNetworkInterface.Name {
+			server.nodeMetadata[SystemID].Interfaces[i] = nodeNetworkInterface
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	n := server.nodeMetadata[SystemID]
+	n.Interfaces = append(n.Interfaces, nodeNetworkInterface)
+	server.nodeMetadata[SystemID] = n
+// subnetFromCreateSubnet creates a subnet in the test server
+func subnetFromCreateSubnet(postedSubnet CreateSubnet) TestSubnet {
+	var newSubnet TestSubnet
+	newSubnet.DNSServers = postedSubnet.DNSServers
+	newSubnet.Name = postedSubnet.Name
+	newSubnet.Space = postedSubnet.Space
+	//TODO: newSubnet.VLAN = server.postedSubnetVLAN
+	newSubnet.GatewayIP = postedSubnet.GatewayIP
+	newSubnet.CIDR = postedSubnet.CIDR
+	newSubnet.ID = postedSubnet.ID
+	return newSubnet