cord-776 create build / runtime containers for autmation uservices

Change-Id: I246973192adef56a250ffe93a5f65fff488840c1
diff --git a/automation/vendor/ b/automation/vendor/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f5739d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automation/vendor/
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+// Copyright 2016 Canonical Ltd.
+// Licensed under the LGPLv3, see LICENCE file for details.
+package loggo
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"strings"
+	"sync"
+// Context produces loggers for a hierarchy of modules. The context holds
+// a collection of hierarchical loggers and their writers.
+type Context struct {
+	root *module
+	// Perhaps have one mutex?
+	modulesMutex sync.Mutex
+	modules      map[string]*module
+	writersMutex sync.Mutex
+	writers      map[string]Writer
+	// writeMuxtex is used to serialise write operations.
+	writeMutex sync.Mutex
+// NewLoggers returns a new Context with no writers set.
+// If the root level is UNSPECIFIED, WARNING is used.
+func NewContext(rootLevel Level) *Context {
+	if rootLevel < TRACE || rootLevel > CRITICAL {
+		rootLevel = WARNING
+	}
+	context := &Context{
+		modules: make(map[string]*module),
+		writers: make(map[string]Writer),
+	}
+	context.root = &module{
+		level:   rootLevel,
+		context: context,
+	}
+	context.modules[""] = context.root
+	return context
+// GetLogger returns a Logger for the given module name, creating it and
+// its parents if necessary.
+func (c *Context) GetLogger(name string) Logger {
+	name = strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(name))
+	c.modulesMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.modulesMutex.Unlock()
+	return Logger{c.getLoggerModule(name)}
+func (c *Context) getLoggerModule(name string) *module {
+	if name == rootString {
+		name = ""
+	}
+	impl, found := c.modules[name]
+	if found {
+		return impl
+	}
+	parentName := ""
+	if i := strings.LastIndex(name, "."); i >= 0 {
+		parentName = name[0:i]
+	}
+	parent := c.getLoggerModule(parentName)
+	impl = &module{name, UNSPECIFIED, parent, c}
+	c.modules[name] = impl
+	return impl
+// Config returns the current configuration of the Loggers. Loggers
+// with UNSPECIFIED level will not be included.
+func (c *Context) Config() Config {
+	result := make(Config)
+	c.modulesMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.modulesMutex.Unlock()
+	for name, module := range c.modules {
+		if module.level != UNSPECIFIED {
+			result[name] = module.level
+		}
+	}
+	return result
+// CompleteConfig returns all the loggers and their defined levels,
+// even if that level is UNSPECIFIED.
+func (c *Context) CompleteConfig() Config {
+	result := make(Config)
+	c.modulesMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.modulesMutex.Unlock()
+	for name, module := range c.modules {
+		result[name] = module.level
+	}
+	return result
+// ApplyConfig configures the logging modules according to the provided config.
+func (c *Context) ApplyConfig(config Config) {
+	c.modulesMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.modulesMutex.Unlock()
+	for name, level := range config {
+		module := c.getLoggerModule(name)
+		module.setLevel(level)
+	}
+// ResetLoggerLevels iterates through the known logging modules and sets the
+// levels of all to UNSPECIFIED, except for <root> which is set to WARNING.
+func (c *Context) ResetLoggerLevels() {
+	c.modulesMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.modulesMutex.Unlock()
+	// Setting the root module to UNSPECIFIED will set it to WARNING.
+	for _, module := range c.modules {
+		module.setLevel(UNSPECIFIED)
+	}
+func (c *Context) write(entry Entry) {
+	c.writeMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.writeMutex.Unlock()
+	for _, writer := range c.getWriters() {
+		writer.Write(entry)
+	}
+func (c *Context) getWriters() []Writer {
+	c.writersMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.writersMutex.Unlock()
+	var result []Writer
+	for _, writer := range c.writers {
+		result = append(result, writer)
+	}
+	return result
+// AddWriter adds a writer to the list to be called for each logging call.
+// The name cannot be empty, and the writer cannot be nil. If an existing
+// writer exists with the specified name, an error is returned.
+func (c *Context) AddWriter(name string, writer Writer) error {
+	if name == "" {
+		return fmt.Errorf("name cannot be empty")
+	}
+	if writer == nil {
+		return fmt.Errorf("writer cannot be nil")
+	}
+	c.writersMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.writersMutex.Unlock()
+	if _, found := c.writers[name]; found {
+		return fmt.Errorf("context already has a writer named %q", name)
+	}
+	c.writers[name] = writer
+	return nil
+// RemoveWriter remotes the specified writer. If a writer is not found with
+// the specified name an error is returned. The writer that was removed is also
+// returned.
+func (c *Context) RemoveWriter(name string) (Writer, error) {
+	c.writersMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.writersMutex.Unlock()
+	reg, found := c.writers[name]
+	if !found {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("context has no writer named %q", name)
+	}
+	delete(c.writers, name)
+	return reg, nil
+// ReplaceWriter is a convenience method that does the equivalent of RemoveWriter
+// followed by AddWriter with the same name. The replaced writer is returned.
+func (c *Context) ReplaceWriter(name string, writer Writer) (Writer, error) {
+	if name == "" {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("name cannot be empty")
+	}
+	if writer == nil {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("writer cannot be nil")
+	}
+	c.writersMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.writersMutex.Unlock()
+	reg, found := c.writers[name]
+	if !found {
+		return nil, fmt.Errorf("context has no writer named %q", name)
+	}
+	oldWriter := reg
+	c.writers[name] = writer
+	return oldWriter, nil
+// ResetWriters is generally only used in testing and removes all the writers.
+func (c *Context) ResetWriters() {
+	c.writersMutex.Lock()
+	defer c.writersMutex.Unlock()
+	c.writers = make(map[string]Writer)