CORD-469 added regex for include, exclude, and ignore for ifaces

Change-Id: I30f63ef222b7e54a131ea476fa68d352d0ee4573
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 4811b3b..7247f3f 100644
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -4,41 +4,150 @@
 import json
 import ethtool
 import shlex
+import re
+def match_list(value, list):
+    if len(list) == 0:
+        return False
+    for exp in list:
+        if re.match(exp, value):
+            return True
+    return False
+def has_match(name, module_type, bus_type, name_list, module_type_list, bus_type_list):
+    return match_list(name, name_list) or \
+                    match_list(module_type, module_type_list) or match_list(bus_type, bus_type_list)
 # read the argument string from the arguments file
 args_file = sys.argv[1]
 args_data = file(args_file).read()
-ignore=["tun", "bridge", "bonding", "veth"]
-bus_ignore=["", "N/A", "tap"]
+ignore_module_types=["tun", "bridge", "bonding", "veth"]
+ignore_bus_types=["^\W*$", "N/A", "tap"]
+debug_out = False
 # parse the task options
 arguments = shlex.split(args_data)
 for arg in arguments:
-    # ignore any arguments without an equals in it
+    # exclude any arguments without an equals in it
     if "=" in arg:
         (key, value) = arg.split("=")
-    # if setting the time, the key 'time'
-    # will contain the value we want to set the time to
-all = {}
+    if key == "exclude-names":
+        exclude_names = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "exclude-module-types":
+        exclude_module_types = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "exclude-bus-types":
+        exclude_bus_types = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "include-names":
+        include_names = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "include-module-types":
+        include_module_types = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "include-bus-types":
+        include_bus_types = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "ignore-names":
+        ignore_names = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "ignore-module-types":
+        ignore_module_types = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "ignore-bus-types":
+        ignore_bus_types = re.split("\W*,\W*", value)
+    elif key == "debug":
+        debug_out = value.lower() in ["true", "yes", "on", "t", "y", "1"]
+    elif key[0] != '_':
+        raise ValueError('Unknown option to task "%s"' % key)
+included = {}
+ignored = {}
+excluded = {}
+debug = []
+if debug_out:
+    debug.append("EXCLUDES: '%s', '%s', '%s'" % (exclude_names, exclude_module_types, exclude_bus_types))
+    debug.append("INCLUDE: '%s', '%s', '%s'" % (include_names, include_module_types, include_bus_types))
+    debug.append("IGNORE: '%s', '%s', '%s'" % (ignore_names, ignore_module_types, ignore_bus_types))
 for i in ethtool.get_devices():
     o = { "name": i }
         module = ethtool.get_module(i)
         businfo = ethtool.get_businfo(i)
-        if module in ignore or businfo in bus_ignore:
+        # If it matches an ignore pattern then just ignore it.
+        if has_match(i, module, businfo, ignore_names, ignore_module_types, ignore_bus_types):
+            if debug_out: debug.append("IGNORE '%s' on ignore match" % i)
+            ignored[i] = {
+                "name": i,
+                "module": module,
+            }
-        all[i] = {
+        # If no include specifications have been set and the interface is not ignored
+        # it needs to be considered for inclusion
+        if len(include_names) + len(include_module_types) + len(include_bus_types) == 0:
+            # If it matches exclude list then exclude it, else include it
+            if has_match(i, module, businfo, exclude_names, exclude_module_types, exclude_bus_types):
+                if debug_out: debug.append("EXCLUDE '%s' with no include specifiers, but with exclude match" %i)
+                excluded[i] = {
+                    "name": i,
+                    "module": module,
+                }
+                continue
+            if debug_out: debug.append("INCLUDE '%s' with no include specifiers, but with no exclude match" % i)
+            included[i] = {
+                "name": i,
+                "module": module,
+            }
+            continue
+        # If any of the include specifications are set then the interface must match at least one
+        # to be added to the mached list.
+        if has_match(i, module, businfo, include_names, include_module_types, include_bus_types):
+            if debug_out: debug.append("MATCH '%s' has include match" % i)
+            # If it matches exclude list then exclude it, else include it
+            if has_match(i, module, businfo, exclude_names, exclude_module_types, exclude_bus_types):
+                if debug_out: debug.append("EXCLUDE '%s' with include match, but also with exclude match" % i)
+                excluded[i] = {
+                    "name": i,
+                    "module": module,
+                }
+                continue
+            if debug_out: debug.append("INCLUDE '%s' with include match and with no exclude match" % i)
+            included[i] = {
+                "name": i,
+                "module" : module,
+            }
+            continue
+        # Implicitly ignore
+        if debug_out: debug.append("IGNORE: '%s' implicitly" %i)
+        ignored[i] = {
             "name": i,
-            "module" : module,
+            "module": module,
-print json.dumps({
+result = {
     "changed" : False,
     "ansible_facts" : {
-        "netinfo" : all,
+        "netinfo" : {
+            "included" : included,
+            "excluded" : excluded,
+            "ignored"  : ignored,
+        },
+if debug_out: result["ansible_facts"]["netinfo"]["debug"] = debug
+print json.dumps(result)