CORD-654 configure MAAS via ansible module
Change-Id: I9f1b3b83b41d2cf1e87660d4a50fd3267ad1679a
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10cdbe7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+module: maas
+short_description: Manage MAAS server configuration
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ options:
+ description:
+ - list of config options to query, this is only used for query
+ enable_http_proxy: :
+ description:
+ - Enable the use of an APT and HTTP/HTTPS proxy.
+ upstream_dns: :
+ description:
+ - Upstream DNS used to resolve domains not managed by this MAAS (space-separated IP addresses).
+ default_storage_layout: :
+ description:
+ - Default storage layout.
+ choices:
+ - ['lvm', 'flat', 'bcache']
+ default_osystem: :
+ description:
+ - Default operating system used for deployment.
+ ports_archive: :
+ description:
+ - Ports archive.
+ http_proxy: :
+ description:
+ - Proxy for APT and HTTP/HTTPS.
+ boot_images_auto_import: :
+ description:
+ - Automatically import/refresh the boot images every 60 minutes.
+ enable_third_party_drivers: :
+ description:
+ - Enable the installation of proprietary drivers (i.e. HPVSA).
+ kernel_opts: :
+ description:
+ - Boot parameters to pass to the kernel by default.
+ main_archive: :
+ description:
+ - Main archive
+ maas_name: :
+ description:
+ - MAAS name.
+ curtin_verbose: :
+ description:
+ - Run the fast-path installer with higher verbosity. This provides more detail in the installation logs..
+ dnssec_validation: :
+ description:
+ - Enable DNSSEC validation of upstream zones.
+ commissioning_distro_series: :
+ description:
+ - Default Ubuntu release used for commissioning.
+ windows_kms_host: :
+ description:
+ - Windows KMS activation host.
+ enable_disk_erasing_on_release: :
+ description:
+ - Erase nodes' disks prior to releasing..
+ default_distro_series: :
+ description:
+ - Default OS release used for deployment.
+ ntp_server: :
+ description:
+ - Address of NTP server for nodes.
+ default_min_hwe_kernel: :
+ description:
+ - Default Minimum Kernel Version.
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for the module
+ choices: ['present', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ options:
+ - upstream_dns
+ - ntp_servers
+ state: query
+ maas:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ upstream_dns:
+ state: present
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+# Deterine if two dictionaries are different
+def different(have, want):
+ have_keys = have.keys()
+ for key in want.keys():
+ if (key in have_keys and want[key] != have[key]) or key not in have_keys:
+ return True
+ return False
+# Get configuration options from MAAS
+def get_config(maas, desired):
+ config = {}
+ for o in desired.keys():
+ res = maas.get('/maas/', dict(name=o, op='get_config'))
+ if res.ok:
+ val = json.loads(res.text)
+ config[o] = val if val else ""
+ else:
+ config[o] = {'error': string_or_object(res.text)}
+ return config
+# Walk the list of options in the desired state setting those on MAAS
+def update_config(maas, have, want):
+ have_error = False
+ status = {}
+ for o in want.keys():
+ if want[o] != have[o]:
+ res ='/maas/', {'name': o, 'value': want[o], 'op': 'set_config'})
+ if res.ok:
+ status[o] = { 'error': False, 'status': want[o] }
+ else:
+ have_error = True
+ status[o] = { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+ return {'error': have_error, 'status': status}
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ options=dict(required=False, type='list'),
+ enable_http_proxy=dict(required=False),
+ upstream_dns=dict(required=False),
+ default_storage_layout=dict(required=False),
+ default_osystem=dict(required=False),
+ ports_archive=dict(required=False),
+ http_proxy=dict(required=False),
+ boot_images_auto_import=dict(required=False),
+ enable_third_party_drivers=dict(required=False),
+ kernel_opts=dict(required=False),
+ main_archive=dict(required=False),
+ maas_name=dict(required=False),
+ curtin_verbose=dict(required=False),
+ dnssec_validation=dict(required=False),
+ commissioning_distro_series=dict(required=False),
+ windows_kms_host=dict(required=False),
+ enable_disk_erasing_on_release=dict(required=False),
+ default_distro_series=dict(required=False),
+ ntp_server=dict(required=False),
+ default_min_hwe_kernel=dict(required=False),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ options = module.params['options']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ if state == 'query':
+ desired = {x:None for x in options}
+ else:
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'enable_http_proxy': module.params['enable_http_proxy'],
+ 'upstream_dns': module.params['upstream_dns'],
+ 'default_storage_layout': module.params['default_storage_layout'],
+ 'default_osystem': module.params['default_osystem'],
+ 'ports_archive': module.params['ports_archive'],
+ 'http_proxy': module.params['http_proxy'],
+ 'boot_images_auto_import': module.params['boot_images_auto_import'],
+ 'enable_third_party_drivers': module.params['enable_third_party_drivers'],
+ 'kernel_opts': module.params['kernel_opts'],
+ 'main_archive': module.params['main_archive'],
+ 'maas_name': module.params['maas_name'],
+ 'curtin_verbose': module.params['curtin_verbose'],
+ 'dnssec_validation': module.params['dnssec_validation'],
+ 'commissioning_distro_series': module.params['commissioning_distro_series'],
+ 'windows_kms_host': module.params['windows_kms_host'],
+ 'enable_disk_erasing_on_release': module.params['enable_disk_erasing_on_release'],
+ 'default_distro_series': module.params['default_distro_series'],
+ 'ntp_server': module.params['ntp_server'],
+ 'default_min_hwe_kernel': module.params['default_min_hwe_kernel'],
+ })
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to get the configuration from MAAS
+ config = get_config(maas, desired)
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the options
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, maas=config)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ if different(config, desired):
+ res = update_config(maas, config, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, maas=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, maas=config)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f81f3e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+module: maas_boot_resources
+short_description: Manage MAAS boot resources
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this sshkey
+ choices: ['query', 'import']
+ default: query
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_boot_resource:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ state: query
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+def filter(filter_type, d, keys):
+ if filter_type == 'include':
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if k not in keys:
+ d.pop(k, None)
+ else:
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if k in keys:
+ d.pop(k, None)
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ state=dict(default='query', choices=['query', 'import'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ if state == 'query':
+ res = maas.get('/boot-resources/')
+ if res.ok:
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, resources=json.loads(res.text))
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg=string_or_object(res.text))
+ elif state == 'import':
+ res ='/boot-resources/', dict(op='import'))
+ if res.ok:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True)
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg=string_or_object(res.text))
+ else:
+ module.fail_json(msg='unknown state')
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a3f4b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+module: maas_cluster
+short_description: Manage MAAS Clusters Interfaces
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ name:
+ description:
+ - name of the cluster
+ required: yes
+ status:
+ description:
+ - indicates the enabled state of the cluster
+ choices: ['enabled', 'disabled']
+ default: enabled
+ domain:
+ description:
+ - DNS zone name
+ required: no
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this cluster
+ choices: ['present', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_cluster:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyCluster
+ status: enabled
+ domain:
+ state: present
+ maas_cluster:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyDeadCluster
+ state: query
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+# Deterine if two dictionaries are different
+def different(have, want):
+ have_keys = have.keys()
+ for key in want.keys():
+ if (key in have_keys and want[key] != have[key]) or key not in have_keys:
+ return True
+ return False
+# Get an cluster from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_cluster(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/nodegroups/', dict(op='list'))
+ if res.ok:
+ for ng in json.loads(res.text):
+ if ng['cluster_name'] == name:
+ return ng
+ return None
+def update_cluster(maas, have, want):
+ merged = have.copy()
+ merged.update(want)
+ res = put(maas, '/nodegroups/%s/' % merged['uuid'], merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_cluster(maas, merged['cluster_name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ status=dict(default='enabled', choices=['enabled', 'disabled']),
+ domain=dict(required=False),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ status_map = {
+ 'enabled': 1,
+ 'disabled': 2
+ }
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'cluster_name': module.params['name'],
+ 'status': status_map[module.params['status']],
+ 'name' : module.params['domain'],
+ })
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to get the cluster from MAAS
+ cluster = get_cluster(maas, desired['cluster_name'])
+ # Actions if the cluster does not currently exist
+ if not cluster:
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, returne it is not found
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=False)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # Not able to create clusters via the API
+ module.fail_json(msg='Named cluster does not exist and clusters cannot be programatically created')
+ else:
+ # If this should be absent, then we are done and in the desired state
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+ # Done with clusters does not exists actions
+ return
+ # Actions if the cluster does exist
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the cluster
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, cluster=cluster)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ if different(cluster, desired):
+ res = update_cluster(maas, cluster, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, cluster=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, cluster=cluster)
+ else:
+ # Not able to delete clusters via the API
+ module.fail_json(msg='Named cluster exists and clusters cannot be programmatically deleted')
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9998692
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+module: maas_cluster_interface
+short_description: Manage MAAS Clusters Interfaces
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ cluster_name:
+ description:
+ - name of the cluster for the interface
+ required: yes
+ name:
+ description:
+ - name of the cluster interface
+ required: yes
+ management:
+ description:
+ - indicates how or if MAAS manages this interface
+ choices: ['unmanaged', 'dhcp', 'dhcpdns']
+ default: unmanaged
+ interface:
+ description:
+ - the physical NIC for the interface
+ required: no
+ ip:
+ description:
+ - IP address assigned for this interface
+ required: no
+ subnet_mask:
+ description:
+ - network subnet mask for this interface
+ required: no
+ broadcast_ip:
+ description:
+ - broadcast IP for this interfaece's network
+ required: no
+ router_ip:
+ description:
+ - gateway router IP for this interface's network
+ required: no
+ ip_range_low:
+ description:
+ - the low range for dynamic IP address assignement
+ required: no
+ ip_range_high:
+ description:
+ - the high range for dynamic IP address assignment
+ required: no
+ static_ip_range_low:
+ description:
+ - the low range for static IP address assignment
+ required: no
+ static_ip_range_high:
+ description:
+ - the high range for static IP address assignment
+ required: no
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this cluster interface
+ choices: ['present', 'absent', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_cluster_interface:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyClusterInterface
+ interface: eth0
+ cluster_name: MyCluster
+ ip:
+ subnet_mask:
+ broadcast_ip:
+ router_ip:
+ ip_range_low:
+ ip_range_high:
+ static_ip_range_low:
+ static_ip_range_high:
+ management: dhcpdns
+ status: enabled
+ state: present
+ maas_cluster_interface:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyDeadClusterInterface
+ state: absent
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+# Deterine if two dictionaries are different
+def different(have, want, debug):
+ have_keys = have.keys()
+ for key in want.keys():
+ if (key in have_keys and want[key] != have[key]) or key not in have_keys:
+ diff = {"diff": key, "want": want[key]}
+ if key in have_keys:
+ diff['have'] = have[key]
+ else:
+ diff['have'] = False
+ debug.append(diff)
+ return True
+ return False
+# Get an cluster from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_cluster(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/nodegroups/', dict(op='list'))
+ if res.ok:
+ for ng in json.loads(res.text):
+ if ng['cluster_name'] == name:
+ return ng
+ return None
+# Get an cluster interface from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, name):
+ res = maas.get('/nodegroups/%s/interfaces/%s/' % (cluster['uuid'], name))
+ if res.ok:
+ return json.loads(res.text)
+ return None
+# Create an cluster interface based on the value given
+def create_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, cluster_interface):
+ merged = cluster_interface.copy()
+ merged['op'] = 'new'
+ res ='/nodegroups/%s/interfaces/' % cluster['uuid'], merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+# Delete an cluster interface based on the name
+def delete_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, name):
+ res = maas.delete('/nodegroups/%s/interfaces/%s/' % (cluster['uuid'], name))
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def update_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, have, want):
+ merged = have.copy()
+ merged.update(want)
+ res = put(maas, '/nodegroups/%s/interfaces/%s/' % (cluster['uuid'], merged['name']), merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ base=dict(required=False),
+ cluster_name=dict(required=True),
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ interface=dict(required=False),
+ ip=dict(required=False),
+ subnet_mask=dict(required=False),
+ management=dict(default='unmanaged', choices=['unmanaged', 'dhcp', 'dhcpdns']),
+ ip_range_low=dict(required=False),
+ ip_range_high=dict(required=False),
+ static_ip_range_low=dict(required=False),
+ static_ip_range_high=dict(required=False),
+ broadcast_ip=dict(required=False),
+ router_ip=dict(required=False),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ management_map = {
+ 'unmanaged': 0,
+ 'dhcp': 1,
+ 'dhcpdns': 2
+ }
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'name': module.params['name'],
+ 'interface': module.params['interface'],
+ 'ip': module.params['ip'],
+ 'subnet_mask': module.params['subnet_mask'],
+ 'management': management_map[module.params['management']],
+ 'ip_range_low': module.params['ip_range_low'],
+ 'ip_range_high': module.params['ip_range_high'],
+ 'static_ip_range_low': module.params['static_ip_range_low'],
+ 'static_ip_range_high': module.params['static_ip_range_high'],
+ 'broadcast_ip': module.params['broadcast_ip'],
+ 'router_ip': module.params['router_ip'],
+ })
+ debug = []
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to locate the cluster on which we will be working, error out if it can't be found
+ cluster = get_cluster(maas, module.params['cluster_name'])
+ if not cluster:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to find specified cluster "%s", cannot continue' % module.params['cluster_name'])
+ return
+ debug.append({"desired": desired})
+ # Attempt to get the cluster interface from MAAS
+ cluster_interface = get_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, desired['name'])
+ debug.append({"found": cluster_interface})
+ # Actions if the cluster interface does not currently exist
+ if not cluster_interface:
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, returne it is not found
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=False)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If this should be present, then attempt to create it
+ res = create_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, cluster_interface=res['status'], debug=debug)
+ else:
+ # If this should be absent, then we are done and in the desired state
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+ # Done with cluster interfaces does not exists actions
+ return
+ # Actions if the cluster interface does exist
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the cluster interface
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, cluster_interface=cluster_interface)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ if different(cluster_interface, desired, debug):
+ res = update_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, cluster_interface, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, cluster_interface=res['status'], debug=debug)
+ else:
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, cluster_interface=cluster_interface)
+ else:
+ # If we don't want this cluster interface, then delete it
+ res = delete_cluster_interface(maas, cluster, cluster_interface['name'])
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, cluster_interface=cluster_interface)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..429c167
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+module: maas_item
+short_description: Manage MAAS Clusters Interfaces
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ name:
+ description:
+ - name of the item
+ required: yes
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this item
+ choices: ['present', 'absent', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_item:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyItem
+ state: present
+ maas_item:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyDeadItem
+ state: absent
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+# Deterine if two dictionaries are different
+def different(have, want):
+ have_keys = have.keys()
+ for key in want.keys():
+ if (key in have_keys and want[key] != have[key]) or key not in have_keys:
+ return True
+ return False
+# Get an item from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_item(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/items/%s/' % name)
+ if res.ok:
+ return json.loads(res.text)
+ return None
+# Create an item based on the value given
+def create_item(maas, item):
+ merged = item.copy()
+ # merged['op'] = 'new'
+ res ='/items/', merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_item(maas, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+# Delete an item based on the name
+def delete_item(maas, name):
+ res = maas.delete('/items/%s/' % name)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def update_item(maas, have, want):
+ merged = have.copy()
+ merged.update(want)
+ res = put(maas, '/items/%s/' % merged['name'], merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_item(maas, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'name': module.params['name'],
+ })
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to get the item from MAAS
+ item = get_item(maas, desired['name'])
+ # Actions if the item does not currently exist
+ if not item:
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, returne it is not found
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=False)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If this should be present, then attempt to create it
+ res = create_item(maas, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, item=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # If this should be absent, then we are done and in the desired state
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+ # Done with items does not exists actions
+ return
+ # Actions if the item does exist
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the item
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, item=item)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ if different(item, desired):
+ res = update_item(maas, item, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, item=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, item=item)
+ else:
+ # If we don't want this item, then delete it
+ res = delete_item(maas, item['name'])
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, item=item)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b901d4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+module: maas_sshkey
+short_description: Manage MAAS Clusters Interfaces
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ sshkey:
+ description:
+ - sshkey on which to operate
+ required: yes
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this sshkey
+ choices: ['present', 'absent', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_sshkey:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ sshkey: ...
+ state: present
+ maas_sshkeys:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ sshkey: ...
+ state: absent
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+def filter(filter_type, d, keys):
+ if filter_type == 'include':
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if k not in keys:
+ d.pop(k, None)
+ else:
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if k in keys:
+ d.pop(k, None)
+# Get an item from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_sshkey(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/account/prefs/sshkeys/', dict(op='list'))
+ if res.ok:
+ for sshkey in json.loads(res.text):
+ if sshkey['key'] == name:
+ return sshkey
+ return None
+# Create an item based on the value given
+def create_sshkey(maas, sshkey):
+ merged = sshkey.copy()
+ filter('include', merged, ['key'])
+ merged['op'] = 'new'
+ res ='/account/prefs/sshkeys/', merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_sshkey(maas, merged['key']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+# Delete an item based on the name
+def delete_sshkey(maas, id):
+ res = maas.delete('/account/prefs/sshkeys/%s/' % id)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ sshkey=dict(required=True),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'key': module.params['sshkey'],
+ })
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to get the item from MAAS
+ sshkey = get_sshkey(maas, desired['key'])
+ # Actions if the item does not currently exist
+ if not sshkey:
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return it is not found
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=False)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If this should be present, then attempt to create it
+ res = create_sshkey(maas, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, sshkey=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # If this should be absent, then we are done and in the desired state
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+ # Done with items does not exists actions
+ return
+ # Actions if the item does exist
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the sshkey
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, sshkey=sshkey)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, sshkey=sshkey)
+ else:
+ # If we don't want this item, then delete it
+ res = delete_sshkey(maas, item['id'])
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, sshkey=sshkey)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1bc461f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+module: maas_subnet
+short_description: Manage MAAS Clusters Interfaces
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ name:
+ description:
+ - name of the subnet
+ required: yes
+ space:
+ description:
+ - network space of the subnet
+ dns_servers:
+ description:
+ - dns servers for the subnet
+ gateway_ip:
+ description:
+ - gateway IP for the subnet
+ cidr:
+ description:
+ - cidr for the subnet
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this subnet
+ choices: ['present', 'absent', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_subnet:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MySubnet
+ state: present
+ maas_subnet:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyDeadSubnet
+ state: absent
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+import string
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+debug = []
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+# Removes keys from a dictionary either using an include or
+# exclude filter This change happens on given dictionary is
+# modified.
+def filter(filter_type, d, keys):
+ if filter_type == 'include':
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if k not in keys:
+ d.pop(k, None)
+ else:
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if k in keys:
+ d.pop(k, None)
+# Converts a subnet structure with names for the vlan and space to their
+# ID equivalents that can be used in a REST call to MAAS
+def convert(maas, subnet):
+ copy = subnet.copy()
+ copy['space'] = get_space(maas, subnet['space'])['id']
+ fabric_name, vlan_name = string.split(subnet['vlan'], ':', 1)
+ fabric = get_fabric(maas, fabric_name)
+ copy['vlan'] = get_vlan(maas, fabric, vlan_name)['id']
+ return copy
+# replaces the expanded VLAN object with a unique identifier of
+# `fabric`:`name`
+def simplify(subnet):
+ copy = subnet.copy()
+ if 'dns_servers' in copy.keys() and type(copy['dns_servers']) == list:
+ copy['dns_servers'] = ",".join(copy['dns_servers'])
+ if subnet['vlan'] and type(subnet['vlan']) == dict:
+ copy['vlan'] = "%s:%s" % (subnet['vlan']['fabric'], subnet['vlan']['name'])
+ return copy
+# Deterine if two dictionaries are different
+def different(have, want):
+ have_keys = have.keys()
+ for key in want.keys():
+ if (key in have_keys and want[key] != have[key]) or key not in have_keys:
+ debug.append({"have": have, "want": want, "key": key})
+ return True
+ return False
+# Get a space object form MAAS based on its name
+def get_space(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/spaces/')
+ if res.ok:
+ for space in json.loads(res.text):
+ if space['name'] == name:
+ return space
+ return None
+# Get a fabric object from MAAS based on its name
+def get_fabric(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/fabrics/')
+ if res.ok:
+ for fabric in json.loads(res.text):
+ if fabric['name'] == name:
+ return fabric
+ return None
+# Get a VLAN object form MAAS based on its name
+def get_vlan(maas, fabric, name ):
+ res = maas.get('/fabrics/%d/vlans/' % fabric['id'])
+ if res.ok:
+ for vlan in json.loads(res.text):
+ if vlan['name'] == name:
+ return vlan
+ return None
+# Get an subnet from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_subnet(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/subnets/')
+ if res.ok:
+ for subnet in json.loads(res.text):
+ if subnet['name'] == name:
+ return simplify(subnet)
+ return None
+# Create an subnet based on the value given
+def create_subnet(maas, subnet):
+ merged = subnet.copy()
+ # merged['op'] = 'new'
+ res ='/subnets/', convert(maas, merged))
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_subnet(maas, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+# Delete an subnet based on the name
+def delete_subnet(maas, name):
+ res = maas.delete('/subnets/%s/' % name)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def update_subnet(maas, have, want):
+ merged = have.copy()
+ merged.update(want)
+ res = put(maas, '/subnets/%s/' % merged['id'], convert(maas, merged))
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_subnet(maas, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ space=dict(required=False),
+ dns_servers=dict(required=False),
+ gateway_ip=dict(required=False),
+ cidr=dict(required=False),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'name': module.params['name'],
+ 'space': module.params['space'],
+ 'dns_servers': module.params['dns_servers'],
+ 'gateway_ip': module.params['gateway_ip'],
+ 'cidr': module.params['cidr'],
+ })
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to get the subnet from MAAS
+ subnet = get_subnet(maas, desired['name'])
+ # Actions if the subnet does not currently exist
+ if not subnet:
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, returne it is not found
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=False)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If this should be present, then attempt to create it
+ res = create_subnet(maas, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, subnet=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # If this should be absent, then we are done and in the desired state
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+ # Done with subnets does not exists actions
+ return
+ # Actions if the subnet does exist
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the subnet
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, subnet=subnet)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ if different(subnet, desired):
+ res = update_subnet(maas, subnet, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, subnet=res['status'], debug=debug)
+ else:
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, subnet=subnet)
+ else:
+ # If we don't want this subnet, then delete it
+ res = delete_subnet(maas, subnet['name'])
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, subnet=subnet)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..285269f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+module: maas_user
+short_description: Manage MAAS Clusters Interfaces
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ name:
+ description:
+ - name of the user
+ required: yes
+ email:
+ description:
+ - email address of the user
+ required: no
+ password:
+ description:
+ - password for the user
+ required: no
+ is_superuser:
+ description:
+ - does the user have priviledges
+ default: no
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this user
+ choices: ['present', 'absent', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_user:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyUser
+ email:
+ password: donttell
+ is_superuser: no
+ state: present
+ maas_user:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyDeadUser
+ state: absent
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+# Deterine if two dictionaries are different
+def different(have, want):
+ have_keys = have.keys()
+ for key in want.keys():
+ if (key in have_keys and want[key] != have[key]) or key not in have_keys:
+ return True
+ return False
+# Get an user from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_user(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/users/%s/' % name)
+ if res.ok:
+ return json.loads(res.text)
+ return None
+# Create an user based on the value given
+def create_user(maas, user):
+ merged = user.copy()
+ # merged['op'] = 'new'
+ res ='/users/', merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_user(maas, merged['username']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+# Delete an user based on the name
+def delete_user(maas, name):
+ res = maas.delete('/users/%s/' % name)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ email=dict(required=False),
+ password=dict(required=False),
+ is_superuser=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'username': module.params['name'],
+ 'email': module.params['email'],
+ 'password': module.params['password'],
+ 'is_superuser': 0 if not module.params['is_superuser'] else 1
+ })
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to get the user from MAAS
+ user = get_user(maas, desired['username'])
+ # Actions if the user does not currently exist
+ if not user:
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, returne it is not found
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=False)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If this should be present, then attempt to create it
+ res = create_user(maas, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, user=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # If this should be absent, then we are done and in the desired state
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+ # Done with users does not exists actions
+ return
+ # Actions if the user does exist
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the user
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, user=user)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ if different(user, desired):
+ module.fail_json(msg='Specified user, "%s", exists and MAAS does not allow the user to be modified programatically'
+ % user['username'])
+ else:
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user)
+ else:
+ # If we don't want this user, then delete it
+ res = delete_user(maas, user['username'])
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, user=user)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf8d684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+module: maas_zone
+short_description: Manage MAAS Clusters Interfaces
+ maas:
+ description:
+ - URL of MAAS server
+ default: http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/
+ key:
+ description:
+ - MAAS API key
+ required: yes
+ name:
+ description:
+ - name of the zone
+ required: yes
+ description:
+ description:
+ - description text of zone
+ required: no
+ state:
+ description:
+ - possible states for this zone
+ choices: ['present', 'absent', 'query']
+ default: present
+requirements: [ipaddress, requests_oauthlib, maasclient]
+author: David Bainbridge
+ maas_zone:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyZone
+ description: This is my zone
+ state: present
+ maas_zone:
+ maas:
+ key: 'xBvr9dx5k7S52myufC:fqBXV7hJgXegNZDw9c:K8hsmL47XjAppfQy2pDVW7G49p6PELgp'
+ name: MyDeadZone
+ description: This was my zone
+ state: absent
+import sys
+import json
+import ipaddress
+import requests
+from maasclient.auth import MaasAuth
+from maasclient import MaasClient
+# For some reason the maasclient doesn't provide a put method. So
+# we will add it here
+def put(client, url, params=None):
+ return requests.put(url=client.auth.api_url + url,
+ auth=client._oauth(), data=params)
+# Attempt to interpret the given value as a JSON object, if that fails
+# just return it as a string
+def string_or_object(val):
+ try:
+ return json.loads(val)
+ except:
+ return val
+# Return a copy of the given dictionary with any `null` valued entries
+# removed
+def remove_null(d_in):
+ d = d_in.copy()
+ to_remove = []
+ for k in d.keys():
+ if d[k] == None:
+ to_remove.append(k)
+ for k in to_remove:
+ del d[k]
+ return d
+# Deterine if two dictionaries are different
+def different(have, want):
+ have_keys = have.keys()
+ for key in want.keys():
+ if (key in have_keys and want[key] != have[key]) or key not in have_keys:
+ return True
+ return False
+# Get an zone from MAAS using its name, if not found return None
+def get_zone(maas, name):
+ res = maas.get('/zones/%s/' % name)
+ if res.ok:
+ return json.loads(res.text)
+ return None
+# Create an zone based on the value given
+def create_zone(maas, zone):
+ merged = zone.copy()
+ # merged['op'] = 'new'
+ res ='/zones/', merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_zone(maas, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+# Delete an zone based on the name
+def delete_zone(maas, name):
+ res = maas.delete('/zones/%s/' % name)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def update_zone(maas, have, want):
+ merged = have.copy()
+ merged.update(want)
+ res = put(maas, '/zones/%s/' % merged['name'], merged)
+ if res.ok:
+ return { 'error': False, 'status': get_zone(maas, merged['name']) }
+ return { 'error': True, 'status': string_or_object(res.text) }
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec = dict(
+ maas=dict(default='http://localhost/MAAS/api/1.0/'),
+ key=dict(required=True),
+ name=dict(required=True),
+ description=dict(required=False),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent', 'query'])
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode = False
+ )
+ maas = module.params['maas']
+ key = module.params['key']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ # Construct a sparsely populate desired state
+ desired = remove_null({
+ 'name': module.params['name'],
+ 'description': module.params['description'],
+ })
+ # Authenticate into MAAS
+ auth = MaasAuth(maas, key)
+ maas = MaasClient(auth)
+ # Attempt to get the zone from MAAS
+ zone = get_zone(maas, desired['name'])
+ # Actions if the zone does not currently exist
+ if not zone:
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, returne it is not found
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=False)
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If this should be present, then attempt to create it
+ res = create_zone(maas, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, zone=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # If this should be absent, then we are done and in the desired state
+ module.exit_json(changed=False)
+ # Done with zones does not exists actions
+ return
+ # Actions if the zone does exist
+ if state == 'query':
+ # If this is a query, return the zone
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, found=True, zone=zone)
+ return
+ elif state == 'present':
+ # If we want this to exists check to see if this is different and
+ # needs updated
+ if different(zone, desired):
+ res = update_zone(maas, zone, desired)
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, zone=res['status'])
+ else:
+ # No differences, to nothing to change
+ module.exit_json(changed=False, zone=zone)
+ else:
+ # If we don't want this zone, then delete it
+ res = delete_zone(maas, zone['name'])
+ if res['error']:
+ module.fail_json(msg=res['status'])
+ else:
+ module.exit_json(changed=True, zone=zone)
+# this is magic, see lib/ansible/
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/library/ b/library/
index 86868bf..ce0b474 100755
--- a/library/
+++ b/library/
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
if name == "":
result = {
"changed": False,
- "failed": True,
+ "failed": True,
"msg": "Name is a mansitory parameter",
print json.dumps(result)