Quick Start

This guide is meant to enable the user to quickly exercise the capabilities provided by the artifacts of this repository. There are three high level tasks that can be exercised:

  • Create development environment
  • Build / Tag / Publish Docker images that support bare metal provisioning
  • Deploy the bare metal provisioning capabilities to a virtual machine (head node) and PXE boot a compute node

Prerequisite: Vagrant is installed and operationally. Note: This quick start guide has only been tested againt Vagrant + VirtualBox, specially on MacOS.

Create Development Environment

The development environment is required for the other tasks in this repository. The other tasks could technically be done outside this Vagrant based development environment, but it would be left to the user to ensure connectivity and required tools are installed. It is far easier to leverage the Vagrant based environment.

Create Development Machine

To create the development machine the following single Vagrant command can be used. This will create an Ubuntu 14.04 LTS based virtual machine and install some basic required packages, such as Docker, Docker Compose, and Oracle Java 8.

vagrant up maasdev

Connect to the Development Machine

To connect to the development machine the following vagrant command can be used.

vagrant ssh maasdev -- -L 8888:

Ignore the extra options at the end of this command after the --. These are used for port forwarding and will be explaned later in the section on Verifing MAAS.


Once you have created and connected to the development environment this task is complete. The maas repository files can be found on the development machine under /maasdev. This directory is mounted from the host machine so changes made to files in this directory will be reflected on the host machine and vis vera.

Build / Tag / Publish Docker Images

Bare metal provisioning leverages three (3) utilities built and packaged as Docker container images. These utilities are:

  • cord-maas-bootstrap - (directory: bootstrap) run at MAAS installation time to customize the MAAS instance via REST interfaces
  • cord-maas-automation - (directory: automation) run on the head node to automate PXE booted servers through the MAAS bare metal deployment work flow
  • cord-maas-dhcp-harvester - (directory: harvester) run on the head node to facilitate CORD / DHCP / DNS integration so that all hosts can be resolved via DNS


Each of the Docker images can be built using a command of the form ./gradlew build<Util>Image, where <Util> can be Bootstrap, Automation, or Harvester. Building is the process of creating a local Docker image for each utility.

NOTE: The first time you run ./gradlew it will download from the Internet the gradle binary and install it locally. This is a one time operation.

./gradlew buildBootstrapImage
./gradlew buildAutomationImage
./gradlew buildHarvester

Additionally, you can build all the images by issuing the following command:

./gradlew buildImages


Each of the Docker images can be tagged using a command of the form ./gradlew tag<Util>Image, where <Util> can be Bootstrap, Automation, or Harvester. Tagging is the process of applying a local name and version to the utility Docker images.

NOTE: The first time you run ./gradlew it will download from the Internet the gradle binary and install it locally. This is a one time operation.

./gradlew tagBootstrapImage
./gradlew tagAutomationImage
./gradlew tagHarvester

Additionally, you can tag all the images by issuing the following command:

./gradlew tagImages


Each of the Docker images can be published using a command of the form ./gradlew publish<Util>Image, where <Util> can be Bootstrap, Automation, or Harvester. Publishing is the process of uploading the locally named and tagged Docker image to a local Docker image registry.

NOTE: The first time you run ./gradlew it will download from the Internet the gradle binary and install it locally. This is a one time operation.

./gradlew publishBootstrapImage
./gradlew publishAutomationImage
./gradlew publishHarvester

Additionally, you can publish all the images by issuing the following command:

./gradlew publishImages


Once you have built, tagged, and published the utility Docker images this task is complete.

Deploy Bare Metal Provisioning Capabilities

There are two parts to deploying bare metal: deploying the head node PXE server (MAAS) and test PXE booting a compute node. These tasks are accomplished utilizing additionally Vagrant machines as well as executing gradle tasks in the Vagrant development machine.

Create and Deploy MAAS into Head Node

The first task is to create the Vagrant base head node. This will create an additional Ubutu virtual machine. This task is executed on your host machine and not in the development virtual machine. To create the head node Vagrant machine issue the following command:

vagrant up headnode

Deploy MAAS

Canonical MAAS provides the PXE and other bare metal provisioning services for CORD and will be deployed on the head node via Ansible. To initiate this deployment issue the following gradle command. This gradle command exexcutes ansible-playbook -i, --skip-tags=switch_support,interface_config. The IP address, is the IP address assigned to the head node on a private network. The skip-tags option excludes Ansible tasks not required when utilizing the Vagrant based head node.

./gradlew deployMaas

This task can take some time so be patient. It should complete without errors, so if an error is encountered something when horrible wrong (tm).

Verifing MAAS

After the Ansible script is complete the MAAS install can be validated by viewing the MAAS UI. When we connected to the maasdev Vagrant machine the flags -- -L 8888: were added to the end of the vagrant ssh command. These flags inform Vagrant to expose port 80 on machine as port 8888 on your local machine. Essentially, expose the MAAS UI on port 8888 on your local machine. To view the MAAS UI simply browser to http://localhost:8888/MAAS.

You can login to MAAS using the username cord and the password cord.

Browse around the UI and get familiar with MAAS via documentation at http://maas.io

** WAIT **

Before moving on MAAS need to download boot images for Ubuntu. These are the files required to PXE boot additional servers. This can take several minutes. To view that status of this operation you can visit the URL http://localhost:8888/MAAS/images/. When the downloading of images is complete it is possible to go to the next step.

What Just Happened?

The preposed configuration for a CORD POD is has the following network configuration on the head node:

  • eth0 / eth1 - 40G interfaces, not relevant for the test environment.
  • eth2 - the interface on which the head node supports PXE boots and is an internally interface to which all the compute nodes connected
  • eth3 - WAN link. the head node will NAT from eth2 to eth3
  • mgmtbr - Not associated with a physical network and used to connect in the VM created by the openstack install that is part of XOS

The Ansible scripts configurate MAAS to support DHCP/DNS/PXE on the eth2 and mgmtbr interfaces.

Create and Boot Compute Node

To create a compute node you use the following vagrant command. This command will create a VM that PXE boots to the interface on which the MAAS server is listenting. This task is executed on your host machine and not in the development virtual machine.

vagrant up computenode

Vagrant will create a UI for this VM which should display so that the boot process of the compute node can be visually monitored.

The compute node Vagrant machine it s bit different that most Vagrant machine because it is not created with a user account to which Vagrant can connect, which is the normal behavior of Vagrant. Instead the Vagrant files is configued with a dummy communicator which will fail causing the following error to be displayed, but the compute node Vagrant machine will still have been created correctly.

The requested communicator 'none' could not be found.
Please verify the name is correct and try again.

The compute node VM will boot, register with MAAS, and then be shut off. After this is complete an entry for the node will be in the MAAS UI at http://localhost:8888/MAAS/#/nodes. It will be given a random hostname made up, in the Canonical way, of a adjective and an noun, such as popular-feast.cord.lab. The name will be different for everyone. The new node will be in the New state.

For real hosts, automation that leverages the MAAS APIs will transition the node fron New through the states of Commissioning and Acquired to Deployed.

Bad News

For hosts that support IPMI, which includes the hosts recommended for the CORD POD, MAAS will automatically discover remote power management information. However, MAAS is not able to detect or manage power for VirtualBox machines.

A work-a-round has been created to support VirtualBox based VMs. This is accomplished by overriding the support script for the Intel AMT power support module; but unfortunately it is not fully autmated at this point.

The work-a-round uses SSH from the MAAS head node to the machine that is running VirtualBox. To enable this, assuming that VirtualBox is running on a Linux based system, you can copy the MAAS ssh public key from /var/lib/maas/.ssh/id_rsa.pub on the head known to your accounts authorized_keys files. You can verify that this is working by issueing the following commands from your host machine:

vagrant ssh headnode
sudo su - maas
ssh yourusername@host_ip_address

If you are able to accomplish these commands the VirtualBox power management should opperate correctly.

To utilize this work-a-round the power management settings must be manual configured on the node. To accomplish this the VirtualBox ID for the compute node must first be discovered. To accomplish this issue the following command on the machine on which VirtualBox is running:

vboxmanage list vms

This will return to a list of all VMs being managed by VirtualBox. In this list will be an entry similar to the following for the compute node:

"maas_computenode_1463279637475_74274" {d18af821-91af-4d20-b3b2-67ed85e23c13}

The importnt part of this entry is the last 12 characters of the VM ID, 67ed85e23c13 in this example. This will be used as a fake MAC address for power management.

To set the power settings for the compute node visit the MAAS UI page for the compute node. From there select the Power type to Intel AMT. This will display the additional fields: MAC Address, Power Password, and Power Address. The values of these fields should be set as follows:

  • MAC Address - the previously discovered last 12 characters of the VM ID, formatted liek a MAC address, 67:ed:85:e2:3c:13 from teh example above.
  • Power Password - the user name to use to ssh from the head node to the host on which VirtualBox is executing.
  • Power Address - the IP address of the host on which VirtualBox is executing.

Once this information is saved the autmation will eventually start the the compute node should transition to Deloyed state. This will include several reboots and shutdowns of the compute node.


Once the compute node is in the Deployed state, this task is complete.